static t_block *split_block(t_block *block, size_t size) { t_block *next_block; ft_printf("split_block\tblock_size: %d\trequest_size: %d\n", block->size, size); if (block->size == size) { block->free = false; ft_printf(C_RED"\tReturned splitless ptr: %p\tsize of block = %8d\n"C_RESET, block, block->size); return (block); } next_block = (void *)(block + 1) + size; *next_block = (t_block){DLST_HEAD_NULL, block->size - (size + META_SIZE), true}; dlst_add_head(&next_block->block_node, &block->block_node); block->size = size; block->free = false; ft_printf(C_CYAN"\tNext block adress: %p is_free: %d size of block = %8d\n"C_RESET, next_block, next_block->free, next_block->size); ft_printf(C_RED"\tReturned ptr: %p\tsize of block = %8d\n"C_RESET, block, block->size); return (block); }
int get_path(t_rooms *end, t_rooms *start) { t_open *open_list; t_close *close_list; open_list = init_open(end); close_list = NULL; algo_path(start, open_list, close_list); if (start->weight == INT_MAX) { ft_printf("ERROR\n"); exit(0); } return (1); }
void lst_print_b(t_list *list) { t_list *current; if (!list) return ; current = list; while (current) current = current->next; while (current) { ft_printf("%s\n", current->content); current = current->prev; } }
int main(void) { int nb; char ca; char *str; nb = 2; (void)ca; (void)str; ft_putnbr(ft_printf("%10s is a string\n", "")); ft_putchar('\n'); ft_putnbr(printf("%10s is a string\n", "")); ft_putchar('\n'); /* ft_printf("%.0s is a string\n", "this"); printf("%.0s is a string\n", "this"); ft_printf("%5.2s is a string\n", "this"); printf("%5.2s is a string\n", "this"); ft_printf("%10s is a string\n", ""); printf("%10s is a string\n", ""); //d ft_putnbr(printf("%1.2zd|%9.7jd|% 8hhd|% 9.7hd|%-+14.5ld|%-14.5lld\n", (size_t)nb, (intmax_t)nb, (signed char)nb, (short)nb, (long)nb, (long long)nb)); ft_putnbr(ft_printf("%1.2zd|%9.7jd|% 8hhd|% 9.7hd|%-+14.5ld|%-14.5lld\n\n", (size_t)nb, (intmax_t)nb, (signed char)nb, (short)nb, (long)nb, (long long)nb)); //o ft_putnbr(printf("%#1.2zo|%9.7jo|%#8hho|%09.7ho|%-4.5lo|%-14.5llo\n", (size_t)nb, (intmax_t)nb, (signed char)nb, (short)nb, (long)nb, (long long)nb)); ft_putnbr(ft_printf("%#1.2zo|%9.7jo|%#8hho|%09.7ho|%-4.5lo|%-14.5llo\n\n", (size_t)nb, (intmax_t)nb, (signed char)nb, (short)nb, (long)nb, (long long)nb)); //x printf("%#4.3zx|%0#20.7jx|%#8hhx|%09.7hx|%-4.5lx|%-14.5llx\n", (size_t)nb, (intmax_t)nb, (signed char)nb, (short)nb, (long)nb, (long long)nb); ft_printf("%#4.3zx|%0#20.7jx|%#8hhx|%09.7hx|%-4.5lx|%-14.5llx\n\n", (size_t)nb, (intmax_t)nb, (signed char)nb, (short)nb, (long)nb, (long long)nb); //X printf("%2.1zX|%#-20.7jX|%#8hhX|%#9.7hX|%-4.5lX|%-14.5llX\n", (size_t)nb, (intmax_t)nb, (signed char)nb, (short)nb, (long)nb, (long long)nb); ft_printf("%2.1zX|%#-20.7jX|%#8hhX|%#9.7hX|%-4.5lX|%-14.5llX\n\n", (size_t)nb, (intmax_t)nb, (signed char)nb, (short)nb, (long)nb, (long long)nb); //u ft_putnbr(printf("%2.1zu|%-20.7ju|%8hhu|%9.7hu|%-4.5lu|%-14.5llu\n", (size_t)nb, (intmax_t)nb, (signed char)nb, (short)nb, (long)nb, (long long)nb)); ft_putnbr(ft_printf("%2.1zu|%-20.7ju|%8hhu|%9.7hu|%-4.5lu|%-14.5llu\n\n", (size_t)nb, (intmax_t)nb, (signed char)nb, (short)nb, (long)nb, (long long)nb)); //O ft_putnbr(printf("%2.1zO|%-20.7jO|%8hhO|%9.7hO|%-4.5lO|%-14.5llO\n", (size_t)nb, (intmax_t)nb, (signed char)nb, (short)nb, (long)nb, (long long)nb)); ft_putnbr(ft_printf("%2.1zO|%-20.7jO|%8hhO|%9.7hO|%-4.5lO|%-14.5llO\n\n", (size_t)nb, (intmax_t)nb, (signed char)nb, (short)nb, (long)nb, (long long)nb)); */ return (0); }
int main(int arg_c, char **arg_v, char **env_p) { t_hook_input hook; char *input; if (hook_open(&hook)) exit(EXIT_FAILURE); input = hook_input(&hook); ft_printf("[%s]\n", input); if (hook_close(&hook)) exit(EXIT_FAILURE); return (0); (void)arg_c; (void)arg_v; (void)env_p; }
void ft_error_msg(int error, char *str, int i, int arg_size) { if (error == 0) { ft_putstr("Exit: Malloc failed"); exit(1); } else if (error == 1) ft_conversion_error(str, i, arg_size); else if (error == -1) { ft_printf("%d error", i); (i > 1) ? ft_putchar('s') : 0; ft_putendl(" generated."); } }
void lem_in(t_data *data, t_env *env) { t_data rooms[env->room_count + 1]; int room[env->room_count + 1]; ant_hill(data, rooms, env->room_count); env->room_count++; env->room = room; env->maze = rooms; if (is_end(*env) == 0) { ft_printf("error: no path found"); exit(0); } algo(env); }
int sh_help(t_info *info) { int i; (void)info; ft_putendl("Gwoodwar Minishell"); ft_putendl("Type program names and arguments, press enter."); ft_putendl("Here are the built in:"); i = 0; while (i < sh_nb_builtin()) { ft_printf(" %s,\n", g_builtin_str[i]); i++; } return (1); }
void *malloc_reg(size_t size, t_zone *zone) { t_chunk *chunk; t_block *block; block = available_block_in_zone(zone, size); if (block == NULL) { ft_printf("no_block_available\tcreating chunk...\n"); chunk = create_chunk(zone); if (chunk == NULL) return (NULL); block = available_block_in_chunk(chunk, size); } return (split_block(block, size) + 1); }
int ft_option_bigd(unsigned int nbr, unsigned int count) { while (nbr < count) { ft_printf("===================================================\n"); ft_printf("==================== Option D =====================\n"); printf(C_GREEN"[ PRINTF ]\t: %D"C_NONE"\n", nbr); ft_printf("[ ft_printf ]\t: %D\n", nbr); ft_printf("===================================================\n"); ft_printf("==================== Option u =====================\n"); printf(C_GREEN"[ PRINTF ]\t: %u"C_NONE"\n", nbr); ft_printf("[ ft_printf ]\t: %u\n", nbr); ft_printf("===================================================\n"); ft_printf("===================================================\n"); nbr++; } return (0); }
double ft_dot_inf(t_vect3 *v1, t_vect3 *v2, char axe) { double dot; if (axe == 'x') dot = v1->y * v2->y + v1->z * v2->z; else if (axe == 'y') dot = v1->x * v2->x + v1->z * v2->z; else if (axe == 'z') dot = v1->x * v2->x + v1->y * v2->y; else { ft_printf("ERROR !\n"); exit(0); } return (dot); }
static int loop_get_st_rd(int sockfd, int size, int *pos, char *buff) { int ask_size; int ret; ask_size = size - *pos; if (ask_size > NET_BUFF_SIZE) ask_size = NET_BUFF_SIZE; ret = read(sockfd, buff, ask_size); if (ret < 0) { ft_printf("%rError #1\n"); return (-1); } *pos += ret; return (ret); }
static void print_winner(t_arena *arena) { t_player *p; t_player *best; best = arena->players; p = arena->players; while (p != NULL) { if (p->last_live >= best->last_live) best = p; p = p->next; } ft_printf("The fight has ended with the last survivor dying at cycle %d.\n" "The winner is %s ! Its last words : \"%s\".\n", best->last_live, best->name, best->comment); }
void print_finish(t_vm *vm) { t_bin *win; int tmp; win = who_win(vm); if (win->num_plyr < 0) tmp = (-1 * win->num_plyr); else tmp = win->num_plyr; ft_printf("Contestant %d (%s), has won !\n", tmp, win->prog_name); // merde si on a fait un -n if (vm->verbose & 32 || vm->dump > 0) { //print_t_cpu(vm); print_core(vm); } }
static t_block *available_block_in_zone(t_zone *zone, size_t size) { t_dlst *it; t_chunk *chunk; t_block *block; it = zone->; while (it != &zone->chunks_head) { ft_printf(C_GREEN"\tChunk adress: %p\n"C_RESET, it); chunk = CONTAINEROF(it, t_chunk, chunk_node); if ((block = available_block_in_chunk(chunk, size))) return (block); it = it->next; } return (NULL); }
int ft_listen(int port) { int sockfd; socklen_t lg; sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (sockfd < 0) { ft_printf("%rServer could not init socket\n"); return (-1); } if (init_socket(sockfd, port) < 0) return (-1); lg = (socklen_t)sizeof(struct sockaddr_in); loop_listen(lg, sockfd); return (0); }
void get_hosts_addr() { struct hostent *host; struct in_addr ip; for (t_addr *ptr = globals.addresses; ptr != NULL; ptr = ptr->next) { host = gethostbyname(ptr->name); ip.s_addr = (host) ? *((uint32_t *)host->h_addr_list[0]) : inet_addr(ptr->name); if (ip.s_addr != INADDR_NONE) ft_memcpy(ptr->hostaddr, inet_ntoa(ip), sizeof(ptr->hostaddr)); else { ptr->error = hstrerror(h_errno); ft_printf("Failed to resolve \"%s\": %s\n", ptr->name, ptr->error); globals.addresses_nb--; } } }
int ft_put_part_ia(t_tray *tray, int nb) { int i; i = 0; while (tray->tab[i] != NULL) { if (tray->tab[i][nb] != '.') break ; i++; } if (i == 0) return (0); tray->tab[i - 1][nb] = 'O'; ft_printf("-> HAL put on %d\n\n", nb); return (1); }
static int command_absolute(char **argv, t_sh *datas) { pid_t pid; int ret; pid = fork(); if (pid > 0) { wait(&ret); datas->ret_err = ret & 0xFF; datas->ret_val = (ret & 0xFF00) >> 8; if (datas->ret_err) error_process(datas->ret_err); else ft_printf("%{F}(%d)%{!F} ", (datas->ret_val) ? 1 : 2, (int)datas->ret_val); }
int delete_in_env(t_cmd *cmd, char ***envp) { int i; if (cmd->arg[1] == NULL) { ft_printf("%rError: Too few arguments\n"); return (1); } i = 1; while ((cmd->arg)[i] != NULL) { env_match((cmd->arg)[i], envp); i = i + 1; } return (0); }
int ft_option_d(int nbr, int b) { printf("option_d = %d et %d\n", nbr, b); while (nbr < b) { ft_printf("===================================================\n"); ft_printf("==================== Option d ====================\n"); printf(C_GREEN"[ PRINTF ]\t: %d"C_NONE"\n", nbr); ft_printf("[ ft_printf ]\t: %d\n", nbr); ft_printf("===================================================\n"); ft_printf("==================== Option i =====================\n"); printf(C_GREEN"[ PRINTF ]\t: %i"C_NONE"\n", nbr); ft_printf("[ ft_printf ]\t: %i\n", nbr); ft_printf("===================================================\n"); ft_printf("===================================================\n"); nbr++; } return (0); }
void aff_tab_e(char **tab) { int i; i = 0; if (!tab) return ; while (tab[i]) { if (!ft_strchr(tab[i], '=')) ft_printf("%s=''\n", tab[i]); else if (ft_strncmp(tab[i], "_=", 2)) ft_putendl(tab[i]); else if (!ft_strcmp(tab[i], THE_CREED)) ft_putendl("_=export"); i++; } }
t_value json_get(t_json *x, char *str) { t_value value; char *split; while (x != NULL) { split = ft_strchr(str,'.'); if (split == NULL && ft_strcmp(str, x->key) == 0) return (x->value); else if (split != NULL && ft_strncmp(str, x->key, split - str) == 0) return json_get(x->, split + 1); x = x->next; } ft_printf("error in the json scene\n"); exit(0); return (value); }
void print_t_plr(t_list_player *lplr) { t_list_player *tmp; tmp = lplr; char *buff; buff= NULL; while (tmp) { ft_printf("__dans BIN __\nnumplr:%u\n", tmp->plr->num_plyr); print_magic(*tmp->plr, buff); print_prog_name(*tmp->plr); print_prog_size(*tmp->plr, buff); print_comment(*tmp->plr); print_prog(*tmp->plr); tmp = tmp->next; } }
static void all_forward(t_path *begin, t_path *end_room) { t_path *ptr; ptr = end_room->prev; while (!(ptr->cur_ant)) ptr = ptr->prev; while (ptr != begin && ptr->cur_ant) { ft_printf("L%i-%s ", ptr->cur_ant, ptr->next->room->name); if (ptr->next == end_room) (end_room->gone_ant)++; else ptr->next->cur_ant = ptr->cur_ant; ptr->cur_ant = 0; ptr = ptr->prev; } }
int nm_macho(char *f, char *ptr, uint8_t mask) { t_sym **sym_lst; t_sect **sect_lst; sym_lst = malloc(sizeof(t_sym *)); sect_lst = malloc(sizeof(t_sect *)); *sym_lst = NULL; *sect_lst = NULL; if (f) ft_printf("\n%s:\n", f); if (parse_lc(sym_lst, sect_lst, ptr, mask) == -1) return (EXIT_FAILURE); sort_sym_lst(sym_lst); disp_sym_lst(*sym_lst, *sect_lst); free_lists(sym_lst, sect_lst); return (EXIT_SUCCESS); }
int li_get_ants(char *line, t_lem *lst) { int nb; get_next_line(0, &line); ft_printf("%s\n", line); nb = ft_atoi(line); if (nb <= 0) { lst->error = 1; lst->ants = nb; free(line); return (0); } lst->ants = nb; free(line); return (1); }
static int ft_is_option(char *opt) { if (*opt != '-') return (0); opt++; while (*opt) { if (*opt != 'i') { ft_printf("%$%s%$", ERROR_CLR\ , "usage: env [-i] [name=value ...] [utility [argument ...]]" , TEXT_CLR); return (0); } opt++; } return (1); }
void dirs(t_list **list, t_frmt *frmt) { t_list *files; t_file *file; files = *list; while (files && frmt->is_upper_r) { file = (t_file *)files->data; if (file->permissions[0] == 'd' && file->sub_dirs) { ft_printf("\n%s\n", file->path); display_files(&file->sub_dirs, frmt); } file = NULL; files = files->next; } }
void color(t_dircont *dc) { if (dc->type[0] == '-') ft_printf("%-s", dc->name); else if (dc->type[0] == 'd') ft_printf("\033[36m%-s\033[0m", dc->name); else if (dc->type[0] == 'l') ft_printf("\033[35m%-s\033[0m", dc->name); else if (dc->type[0] == 'p') ft_printf("%-s", dc->name); else if (dc->type[0] == 'b') ft_printf("\033[7;34;36m%-s\033[0m", dc->name); else if (dc->type[0] == 'l') ft_printf("%-s", dc->name); else if (dc->type[0] == 'c') ft_printf("\033[27;34;43m%-s\033[0m", dc->name); }