void retr_msg(int msgnum) { char *p, *q, temp[PATH_MAX], *base; int Header; unsigned int crc = -1; snprintf(temp, 81, "RETR %d\r\n", msgnum); if (pop3_cmd(temp) == 0) { Msg_New(); Header = TRUE; snprintf(temp, PATH_MAX, "%s/%s/mailbox", CFG.bbs_usersdir, exitinfo.Name); base = xstrcpy(temp); Open_Msgbase(base, 'w'); Msg.Arrived = time(NULL) - (gmt_offset((time_t)0) * 60); Msg.Private = TRUE; while (TRUE) { p = pop3_receive(); if ((p[0] == '.') && (strlen(p) == 1)) { break; } else { if (Header) { /* * Check the primary message header lines. */ if (strncmp(p, "To: ", 4) == 0) { if (strlen(p) > 104) p[104] = '\0'; snprintf(Msg.To, 101, "%s", p+4); } if (strncmp(p, "From: ", 6) == 0) { if (strlen(p) > 106) p[106] = '\0'; snprintf(Msg.From, 101, "%s", p+6); } if (strncmp(p, "Subject: ", 9) == 0) { if (strlen(p) > 109) p[109] = '\0'; snprintf(Msg.Subject, 101, "%s", p+9); ftnd_CleanSubject(Msg.Subject); } if (strncmp(p, "Date: ", 6) == 0) Msg.Written = parsedate(p+6, NULL) - (gmt_offset((time_t)0) * 60); if (strncmp(p, "Message-Id: ", 12) == 0) { q = xstrcpy(p+12); Msg.MsgIdCRC = upd_crc32(q, crc, strlen(q)); free(q); } Msg.ReplyCRC = 0xffffffff; if (strlen(p) == 0) { Header = FALSE; } else { snprintf(temp, PATH_MAX, "\001%s", p); MsgText_Add2(temp); } } else { MsgText_Add2(p); } } } Msg_AddMsg(); Msg_UnLock(); Close_Msgbase(base); free(base); snprintf(temp, 81, "DELE %d\r\n", msgnum); pop3_cmd(temp); } else { WriteError("POP3: Can't retrieve message %d", msgnum); } }
int Post(char *To, int Area, char *Subj, char *File, char *Flavor) { int i, rc = FALSE, has_tear = FALSE, has_origin = FALSE; char *aka, *temp, *sAreas; FILE *fp, *tp; unsigned int crc = -1; time_t tt; struct tm *t; ftnd_CleanSubject(Subj); if (!do_quiet) { ftnd_colour(CYAN, BLACK); printf("Post \"%s\" to \"%s\" in area %d\n", File, To, Area); } IsDoing("Posting"); Syslog('+', "Post \"%s\" area %d to \"%s\" flavor %s", File, Area, To, Flavor); Syslog('+', "Subject: \"%s\"", Subj); if ((tp = fopen(File, "r")) == NULL) { WriteError("$Can't open %s", File); if (!do_quiet) printf("Can't open \"%s\"\n", File); return -1; } sAreas = calloc(PATH_MAX, sizeof(char)); snprintf(sAreas, PATH_MAX, "%s/etc/mareas.data", getenv("FTND_ROOT")); if ((fp = fopen(sAreas, "r")) == NULL) { WriteError("$Can't open %s", sAreas); free(sAreas); fclose(tp); return -1; } fread(&msgshdr, sizeof(msgshdr), 1, fp); if (fseek(fp, (msgshdr.recsize + msgshdr.syssize) * (Area - 1), SEEK_CUR) == 0) { if (fread(&msgs, msgshdr.recsize, 1, fp) == 1) { rc = TRUE; } else { WriteError("$Can't read area %ld", Area); } } else { WriteError("$Can't seek area %ld", Area); } free(sAreas); if (rc == FALSE) { fclose(fp); fclose(tp); return -1; } if (!msgs.Active) { WriteError("Area %s not active", msgs.Name); fclose(fp); fclose(tp); return -1; } /* * Check the proper syntax in the To parameter, in netmail areas * it must have a destination address, in all other areas just a * full name. */ if (msgs.Type == NETMAIL) { if ((strchr(To, '@') == NULL) || (strstr(To, (char *)".n") == NULL) || (strstr(To, (char *)".z") == NULL)) { WriteError("No address in \"%s\" and area is netmail", To); if (!do_quiet) printf("No address in \"%s\" and area is netmail\n", To); fclose(fp); fclose(tp); return -1; } } else { if ((strchr(To, '@')) || (strstr(To, (char *)".n")) || (strstr(To, (char *)".z"))) { WriteError("Address present in \"%s\" and area is not netmail", To); if (!do_quiet) printf("Address present in \"%s\" and area is not netmail\n", To); fclose(fp); fclose(tp); return -1; } } if (!Msg_Open(msgs.Base)) { WriteError("Can't open %s", msgs.Base); fclose(fp); fclose(tp); return -1; } if (!Msg_Lock(30L)) { WriteError("Can't lock %s", msgs.Base); Msg_Close(); fclose(fp); fclose(tp); return -1; } tt = time(NULL); t = localtime(&tt); Diw = t->tm_wday; Miy = t->tm_mon; memset(&Msg, 0, sizeof(Msg)); Msg_New(); /* * Update statistic counter for message area */ fseek(fp, - msgshdr.recsize, SEEK_CUR); msgs.Posted.total++; msgs.Posted.tweek++; msgs.Posted.tdow[Diw]++; msgs.Posted.month[Miy]++; fwrite(&msgs, msgshdr.recsize, 1, fp); fclose(fp); /* * Start writing the message */ snprintf(Msg.From, 101, CFG.sysop_name); snprintf(Msg.To, 101, To); /* * If netmail, clean the To field. */ if ((msgs.Type == NETMAIL) && strchr(To, '@')) { for (i = 0; i < strlen(Msg.To); i++) { if (Msg.To[i] == '_') Msg.To[i] = ' '; if (Msg.To[i] == '@') { Msg.To[i] = '\0'; break; } } } snprintf(Msg.Subject, 101, "%s", Subj); snprintf(Msg.FromAddress, 101, "%s", aka2str(msgs.Aka)); Msg.Written = Msg.Arrived = time(NULL) - (gmt_offset((time_t)0) * 60); Msg.Local = TRUE; if (strchr(Flavor, 'c')) Msg.Crash = TRUE; if (strchr(Flavor, 'p')) Msg.Private = TRUE; if (strchr(Flavor, 'h')) Msg.Hold = TRUE; switch (msgs.Type) { case LOCALMAIL: Msg.Localmail = TRUE; break; case NETMAIL: Msg.Netmail = TRUE; snprintf(Msg.ToAddress, 101, "%s", ascfnode(parsefaddr(To), 0xff)); break; case ECHOMAIL: Msg.Echomail = TRUE; break; case NEWS: Msg.News = TRUE; break; } temp = calloc(PATH_MAX, sizeof(char)); snprintf(temp, PATH_MAX, "\001MSGID: %s %08x", aka2str(msgs.Aka), sequencer()); MsgText_Add2(temp); Msg.MsgIdCRC = upd_crc32(temp, crc, strlen(temp)); Msg.ReplyCRC = 0xffffffff; snprintf(temp, PATH_MAX, "\001PID: FTND-FIDO %s (%s-%s)", VERSION, OsName(), OsCPU()); MsgText_Add2(temp); if (msgs.Charset != FTNC_NONE) { snprintf(temp, PATH_MAX, "\001CHRS: %s", getftnchrs(msgs.Charset)); } else { snprintf(temp, PATH_MAX, "\001CHRS: %s", getftnchrs(FTNC_LATIN_1)); } MsgText_Add2(temp); snprintf(temp, PATH_MAX, "\001TZUTC: %s", gmtoffset(tt)); MsgText_Add2(temp); while ((Fgets(temp, PATH_MAX, tp)) != NULL) { if (strncmp(temp, "--- ", 4) == 0) has_tear = TRUE; if (strncmp(temp, " * Origin: ", 11) == 0) has_origin = TRUE; } rewind(tp); Syslog('m', "has tearline=%s, has origin=%s", has_tear?"True":"False", has_origin?"True":"False"); /* * Add the file as text */ Msg_Write(tp); fclose(tp); /* * Finish the message */ if ((! has_tear) && (! has_origin)) { MsgText_Add2((char *)""); MsgText_Add2(TearLine()); } if (! has_origin) { aka = calloc(40, sizeof(char)); if (msgs.Aka.point) snprintf(aka, 40, "(%d:%d/%d.%d)", msgs.Aka.zone, msgs.Aka.net, msgs.Aka.node, msgs.Aka.point); else snprintf(aka, 40, "(%d:%d/%d)", msgs.Aka.zone, msgs.Aka.net, msgs.Aka.node); if (strlen(msgs.Origin)) snprintf(temp, 81, " * Origin: %s %s", msgs.Origin, aka); else snprintf(temp, 81, " * Origin: %s %s", CFG.origin, aka); MsgText_Add2(temp); free(aka); } Msg_AddMsg(); Msg_UnLock(); Syslog('+', "Posted message %ld", Msg.Id); if (msgs.Type != LOCALMAIL) { snprintf(temp, PATH_MAX, "%s/tmp/%smail.jam", getenv("FTND_ROOT"), (msgs.Type == ECHOMAIL) ? "echo" : "net"); if ((fp = fopen(temp, "a")) != NULL) { fprintf(fp, "%s %u\n", msgs.Base, Msg.Id); fclose(fp); } CreateSema((char *)"mailout"); } free(temp); Msg_Close(); return 0; }