/* * function: format2 * * export flows in ASCII CSV Format */ int format2(struct ftio *ftio, struct options *opt) { struct fts3rec_offsets fo; struct ftver ftv; char fmt_buf[1024]; char *rec; int len; ftio_get_ver(ftio, &ftv); /* remove invalid fields */ opt->ft_mask &= ftrec_xfield(&ftv); fts3rec_compute_offsets(&fo, &ftv); fmt_xfields_type(fmt_buf, opt->ft_mask); printf("#:%s\n", fmt_buf); while ((rec = ftio_read(ftio))) { len = fmt_xfields_val(fmt_buf, rec, &fo, opt->ft_mask, 0); if (len) printf("%s\n", fmt_buf); ++opt->records; } /* while */ return 0; } /* format2 */
struct ft_data *ft_open(char *filename) { int ret; struct ft_data *data; char *record; data = (struct ft_data *)calloc(1, sizeof(struct ft_data)); data->fd = STDIN_FILENO; if (filename && strcmp(filename, "-") != 0) { data->fd = open(filename, O_RDONLY); if (data->fd == -1) { perror("could not open file"); return NULL; } } ret = ftio_init(&data->io, data->fd, FT_IO_FLAG_READ); if (ret < 0) { perror("ftio_init failed"); return NULL; } ftio_get_ver(&data->io, &data->version); data->xfield = ftio_xfield(&data->io); fts3rec_compute_offsets(&data->offsets, &data->version); data->rec_size = ftio_rec_size(&data->io); /* * TODO: optimize the reallocs here (eg by doubling the space every time * one runs out of it) * * TODO: maybe allocate everything in one big chunk for faster iteration * */ while ((record = ftio_read(&data->io)) != NULL) { data->numrecords++; data->records = (char **)realloc(data->records, sizeof(char *)*data->numrecords); data->records[data->numrecords-1] = (char *)malloc(data->rec_size); memcpy(data->records[data->numrecords-1], record, data->rec_size); } return data; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { struct ftio ftio; struct ftprof ftp; struct ftstat ftstat; struct ftstat_def *ftsd; struct ftver ftv; struct ftvar ftvar; struct ftset ftset; struct fts3rec_offsets fo; char *rec; const char *fname, *dname; uint32_t total_flows; int i, split, done; int usage_call; /* init fterr */ fterr_setid(argv[0]); bzero(&ftv, sizeof ftv); bzero(&ftvar, sizeof ftvar); total_flows = 0; usage_call = 0; /* init var binding */ if (ftvar_new(&ftvar) < 0) fterr_errx(1, "ftvar_new(): failed"); fname = FT_PATH_CFG_STAT; dname = "default"; /* configure signal handler */ if (mysignal(SIGPIPE, sig_pipe) == SIG_ERR) fterr_err(1, "signal(SIGPIPE)"); /* defaults + no compression */ ftset_init(&ftset, 0); while ((i = getopt(argc, argv, "b:C:d:h?s:S:kz:v:")) != -1) switch (i) { case 'd': /* debug */ debug = atoi(optarg); break; case 's': /* stat file name */ fname = optarg; break; case 'S': /* stat definition name */ dname = optarg; break; case 'v': /* variable */ if (ftvar_pset(&ftvar, optarg) < 0) fterr_errx(1, "ftvar_pset(%s): failed", optarg); break; case 'h': /* help */ case '?': usage(); ++usage_call; break; default: usage(); exit(1); break; } /* switch */ if (argc - optind) fterr_errx(1, "Extra arguments starting with %s.", argv[optind]); if (usage_call) exit(0); /* initialize and load stats config */ if (ftstat_load(&ftstat, &ftvar, fname)) fterr_errx(1, "ftstat_load(): failed"); if (!(ftsd = ftstat_def_find(&ftstat, dname))) fterr_errx(1, "ftstat_find_def(%s): failed", dname); /* input is stdin */ if (ftio_init(&ftio, 0, FT_IO_FLAG_READ) < 0) fterr_errx(1, "ftio_init(): failed"); ftio_get_ver(&ftio, &ftv); if (ftstat_def_test_xfields(ftsd, ftrec_xfield(&ftv))) fterr_errx(1, "Report definition references a field not in flow."); fts3rec_compute_offsets(&fo, &ftv); /* profile */ ftprof_start (&ftp); if (ftstat_def_new(ftsd)) { fterr_errx(1, "ftstat_new(%s): failed.",ftsd->name); } while ((rec = ftio_read(&ftio))) { ++total_flows; done = 0; if ((split = ftstat_def_accum(ftsd, rec, &fo)) < 0) { fterr_errx(1, "ftstat_eval(%s): failed.",ftsd->name); } if (split) { if (ftstat_def_calc(ftsd)) { fterr_errx(1, "ftstat_dump(%s): failed.",ftsd->name); } if (ftstat_def_dump(&ftio, ftsd)) { fterr_errx(1, "ftstat_dump(%s): failed.",ftsd->name); } if (ftstat_def_reset(ftsd)) { fterr_errx(1, "ftstat_def_reset(%s): failed.",ftsd->name); } if ((split = ftstat_def_accum(ftsd, rec, &fo)) < 0) { fterr_errx(1, "ftstat_eval(%s): failed.",ftsd->name); } if (split == 1) fterr_errx(1, "ftstat_def_accum(): looping on split"); } /* split */ } /* while more flows */ if (ftstat_def_calc(ftsd)) { fterr_errx(1, "ftstat_dump(%s): failed.",ftsd->name); } if (ftstat_def_dump(&ftio, ftsd)) { fterr_errx(1, "ftstat_dump(%s): failed.",ftsd->name); } if (ftstat_def_free(ftsd)) { fterr_errx(1, "ftstat_def_free(%s): failed.",ftsd->name); } if (ftio_close(&ftio) < 0) fterr_errx(1, "ftio_close(): failed"); if (debug > 0) { ftprof_end (&ftp, total_flows); ftprof_print(&ftp, argv[0], stderr); } ftstat_free(&ftstat); ftvar_free(&ftvar); return 0; } /* main */
int main(int argc, char **argv) { struct fts3rec_all cur; struct fts3rec_offsets fo; struct ftio ftio_in, ftio_out; struct ftset ftset; struct ftver ftv; struct ftprof ftp; uint32_t time_start, time_end, exaddr; int i, ret; char *acl_fname, *acl_std_src_name, *acl_std_dst_name; char *acl_std_nexthop_name; char *acl_ext_name, *str, *strm; int acl_std_src_index, acl_std_src_index2; int acl_std_dst_index, acl_std_dst_index2; int acl_std_nexthop_index, acl_std_nexthop_index2; int acl_ext_index, acl_ext_index2; struct acl_ip_ext_entry tmp_ext; int keep_input_time; int filter_input, filter_output, filter_srcport, filter_dstport; int filter_prot, filter_srcas, filter_dstas, filter_tos, filter_tcp_flags; int filter_exaddr; char in_tbl[65536], out_tbl[65536], src_tbl[65536], dst_tbl[65536]; char srcas_tbl[65536], dstas_tbl[65536], tos_tbl[65536]; char tcp_flags_tbl[65536]; char prot_tbl[256]; u_char tos_mask, tos, tcp_flags_mask, tcp_flags; uint64_t total_flows, xflag; char *rec; int first_match = 0; /* init fterr */ fterr_setid(argv[0]); bzero(&ftv, sizeof ftv); /* defaults + no compression */ ftset_init(&ftset, 0); /* init */ bzero(&acl_list, sizeof acl_list); acl_fname = acl_std_src_name = acl_std_dst_name = (char*)0L; acl_std_nexthop_name = (char*)0L; acl_ext_name = (char*)0L; acl_std_src_index = acl_std_dst_index = -1; acl_std_nexthop_index = -1; acl_ext_index = -1; bzero(&tmp_ext, sizeof tmp_ext); total_flows = 0; tos_mask = 0xff; tcp_flags_mask = 0xff; keep_input_time = 0; filter_input = filter_output = filter_srcport = filter_dstport = 0; filter_prot = filter_srcas = filter_dstas = filter_tos = filter_exaddr = 0; filter_tcp_flags = 0; while ((i = getopt(argc, argv, "a:A:b:C:d:D:e:E:f:i:I:kop:P:r:S:t:T:x:z:")) != -1) switch (i) { case 'a': /* src AS filter list */ if (load_lookup(optarg, 65536, srcas_tbl)) fterr_errx(1, "load_lookup(): failed"); filter_srcas = 1; break; case 'A': /* dst AS filter list */ if (load_lookup(optarg, 65536, dstas_tbl)) fterr_errx(1, "load_lookup(): failed"); filter_dstas = 1; break; case 'b': /* output byte order */ if (!strcasecmp(optarg, "little")) ftset.byte_order = FT_HEADER_LITTLE_ENDIAN; else if (!strcasecmp(optarg, "big")) ftset.byte_order = FT_HEADER_BIG_ENDIAN; else fterr_errx(1, "expecting \"big\" or \"little\""); break; case 'C': /* comment field */ ftset.comments = optarg; break; case 'D': /* dst ip standard access list filter */ acl_std_dst_name = optarg; break; case 'd': /* debug */ debug = atoi(optarg); break; case 'e': /* export IP address */ filter_exaddr = 1; exaddr = scan_ip(optarg); break; case 'E': /* extended access list filter */ acl_ext_name = optarg; break; case 'f': /* acl file name */ acl_fname = optarg; break; case 'i': /* input filter interface list */ if (load_lookup(optarg, 65536, in_tbl)) fterr_errx(1, "load_lookup(): failed"); filter_input = 1; break; case 'I': /* output filter interface list */ if (load_lookup(optarg, 65536, out_tbl)) fterr_errx(1, "load_lookup(): failed"); filter_output = 1; break; case 'k': /* keep the start/end time from the input */ keep_input_time = 1; break; case 'o': /* do logical OR between different statements (first match) */ first_match = 1; break; case 'P': /* filter dstport */ if (load_lookup(optarg, 65536, dst_tbl)) fterr_errx(1, "load_lookup(): failed"); filter_dstport = 1; break; case 'p': /* filter srcport */ if (load_lookup(optarg, 65536, src_tbl)) fterr_errx(1, "load_lookup(): failed"); filter_srcport = 1; break; case 'r': /* filter protocol */ if (load_lookup(optarg, 256, prot_tbl)) fterr_errx(1, "load_lookup(): failed"); filter_prot = 1; break; case 'S': /* src ip standard access list filter */ acl_std_src_name = optarg; break; case 't': /* ToS Filter */ if (!(str = malloc(strlen(optarg+1)))) fterr_err(1, "malloc()"); strcpy(str, optarg); /* search for mask option */ if ((strm = index(str, '/'))) { ++strm; tos_mask = (u_char)strtol(strm, (char**)0L, 0); --strm; *strm = 0; } if (load_lookup(str, 65536, tos_tbl)) { free(str); fterr_errx(1, "load_lookup(): failed"); } free(str); filter_tos = 1; break; case 'T': /* tcp flags filter */ if (!(str = malloc(strlen(optarg+1)))) fterr_err(1, "malloc()"); strcpy(str, optarg); /* search for mask option */ if ((strm = index(str, '/'))) { ++strm; tcp_flags_mask = (u_char)strtol(strm, (char**)0L, 0); --strm; *strm = 0; } if (load_lookup(str, 65536, tcp_flags_tbl)) { free(str); fterr_errx(1, "load_lookup(): failed"); } free(str); filter_tcp_flags = 1; break; case 'x': /* nexthop ip standard access list filter */ acl_std_nexthop_name = optarg; break; case 'h': /* help */ case '?': usage(); exit (0); break; case 'z': /* compress level */ ftset.z_level = atoi(optarg); if ((ftset.z_level < 0) || (ftset.z_level > 9)) fterr_errx(1, "Compression level must be between 0 and 9"); break; default: usage(); exit (1); break; } /* switch */ if (argc - optind) fterr_errx(1, "Extra arguments starting with %s.", argv[optind]); /* input from stdin */ if (ftio_init(&ftio_in, 0, FT_IO_FLAG_READ) < 0) fterr_errx(1, "ftio_init(): failed"); ftio_get_ver(&ftio_in, &ftv); ftv.s_version = FT_IO_SVERSION; xflag = 0; if (filter_input) xflag |= FT_XFIELD_INPUT; if (filter_output) xflag |= FT_XFIELD_OUTPUT; if (filter_srcport) xflag |= FT_XFIELD_SRCPORT; if (filter_dstport) xflag |= FT_XFIELD_DSTPORT; if (filter_exaddr) xflag |= FT_XFIELD_EXADDR; if (filter_prot) xflag |= FT_XFIELD_PROT; if (filter_srcas) xflag |= FT_XFIELD_SRC_AS; if (filter_dstas) xflag |= FT_XFIELD_DST_AS; if (filter_tos) xflag |= FT_XFIELD_TOS; if (filter_tcp_flags) xflag |= FT_XFIELD_TCP_FLAGS; if (acl_std_nexthop_name) xflag |= FT_XFIELD_NEXTHOP; if (acl_std_src_name) xflag |= FT_XFIELD_SRCADDR; if (acl_std_dst_name) xflag |= FT_XFIELD_DSTADDR; if (acl_ext_name) xflag |= (FT_XFIELD_SRCADDR | FT_XFIELD_DSTADDR); if (ftio_check_xfield(&ftio_in, xflag)) { fterr_warnx("Flow record missing required field for format."); exit (1); } fts3rec_compute_offsets(&fo, &ftv); /* output to stdout */ if (ftio_init(&ftio_out, 1, FT_IO_FLAG_WRITE | ((ftset.z_level) ? FT_IO_FLAG_ZINIT : 0) ) < 0) fterr_errx(1, "ftio_init(): failed"); /* preserve start/end time from input stream? */ if (keep_input_time) { time_start = ftio_get_cap_start(&ftio_in); time_end = ftio_get_cap_end(&ftio_in); if (time_start && time_end) { ftio_set_preloaded(&ftio_out, 1); ftio_set_cap_time(&ftio_out, time_start, time_end); } } /* keep_input_time */ ftio_set_comment(&ftio_out, ftset.comments); ftio_set_byte_order(&ftio_out, ftset.byte_order); ftio_set_z_level(&ftio_out, ftset.z_level); ftio_set_streaming(&ftio_out, 1); ftio_set_debug(&ftio_out, debug); if (ftio_set_ver(&ftio_out, &ftv) < 0) fterr_errx(1, "ftio_set_ver(): failed"); /* * load acl's * XXX add fname check and close */ if ((yyin = fopen(acl_fname ? acl_fname : "flow.acl", "r"))) while (!feof(yyin)) yyparse(); /* * normalize masks */ /* XXX TODO */ if (debug > 5) acl_dump(acl_list); if (acl_std_src_name) { if ((acl_std_src_index = acl_find(acl_list, acl_std_src_name)) == -1) fterr_errx(1, "Couldn't find list %s\n", acl_std_src_name); acl_std_src_index2 = acl_list.names[acl_std_src_index].num; } if (acl_std_dst_name) { if ((acl_std_dst_index = acl_find(acl_list, acl_std_dst_name)) == -1) fterr_errx(1, "Couldn't find list %s\n", acl_std_dst_name); acl_std_dst_index2 = acl_list.names[acl_std_dst_index].num; } if (acl_ext_name) { if ((acl_ext_index = acl_find(acl_list, acl_ext_name)) == -1) fterr_errx(1, "Couldn't find list %s\n", acl_ext_name); acl_ext_index2 = acl_list.names[acl_ext_index].num; } if (acl_std_nexthop_name) { if ((acl_std_nexthop_index = acl_find(acl_list, acl_std_nexthop_name)) == -1) fterr_errx(1, "Couldn't find list %s\n", acl_std_nexthop_name); acl_std_nexthop_index2 = acl_list.names[acl_std_nexthop_index].num; } /* header first */ if (ftio_write_header(&ftio_out) < 0) fterr_errx(1, "ftio_write_header(): failed"); /* profile */ ftprof_start (&ftp); /* grab 1 flow */ while ((rec = ftio_read(&ftio_in))) { cur.srcaddr = ((uint32_t*)(rec+fo.srcaddr)); cur.dstaddr = ((uint32_t*)(rec+fo.dstaddr)); cur.exaddr = ((uint32_t*)(rec+fo.exaddr)); cur.nexthop = ((uint32_t*)(rec+fo.nexthop)); cur.input = ((uint16_t*)(rec+fo.input)); cur.output = ((uint16_t*)(rec+fo.output)); cur.srcport = ((uint16_t*)(rec+fo.srcport)); cur.dstport = ((uint16_t*)(rec+fo.dstport)); cur.src_as = ((uint16_t*)(rec+fo.src_as)); cur.dst_as = ((uint16_t*)(rec+fo.dst_as)); cur.prot = ((uint8_t*)(rec+fo.prot)); cur.tcp_flags = ((uint8_t*)(rec+fo.tcp_flags)); cur.tos = ((uint8_t*)(rec+fo.tos)); ++ total_flows; /* filter on input interface */ if (filter_input) { if (!in_tbl[*cur.input]) { if (!first_match) continue; } else if (first_match) { goto found; } } /* filter on output interface */ if (filter_output) { if (!out_tbl[*cur.output]) { if (!first_match) continue; } else if (first_match) { goto found; } } /* filter on src port */ if (filter_srcport) { if (!src_tbl[*cur.srcport]) { if (!first_match) continue; } else if (first_match) { goto found; } } /* filter on dst port */ if (filter_dstport) { if (!dst_tbl[*cur.dstport]) { if (!first_match) continue; } else if (first_match) { goto found; } } /* filter on exporter addr */ if (filter_exaddr) { if (*cur.exaddr != exaddr) { if (!first_match) continue; } else if (first_match) { goto found; } } /* filter on protocol */ if (filter_prot) { if (!prot_tbl[*cur.prot]) { if (!first_match) continue; } else if (first_match) { goto found; } } /* filter on ToS */ if (filter_tos) { tos = *cur.tos & tos_mask; if (!tos_tbl[tos]) { if (!first_match) continue; } else if (first_match) { goto found; } } /* filter on tcp_flags */ if (filter_tcp_flags && (*cur.prot == IPPROTO_TCP)) { tcp_flags = *cur.tcp_flags & tcp_flags_mask; if (!tcp_flags_tbl[tcp_flags]) { if (!first_match) continue; } else if (first_match) { goto found; } } if (filter_srcas) { if (!srcas_tbl[*cur.src_as]) { if (!first_match) continue; } else if (first_match) { goto found; } } /* filter on src AS */ if (filter_dstas) { if (!dstas_tbl[*cur.dst_as]) { if (!first_match) continue; } else if (first_match) { goto found; } } /* eval flow nexthop addr and nexthop standard acl */ if (acl_std_nexthop_index != -1) { ret = acl_eval_std(acl_list, acl_std_nexthop_index2, *cur.nexthop); if (ret == 1) { if (!first_match) continue; } else if (first_match) { goto found; } } /* eval flow src addr and source standard acl */ if (acl_std_src_index != -1) { ret = acl_eval_std(acl_list, acl_std_src_index2, *cur.srcaddr); if (ret == 1) { if (!first_match) continue; } else if (first_match) { goto found; } } /* eval flow dst addr and destination standard acl */ if (acl_std_dst_index != -1) { ret = acl_eval_std(acl_list, acl_std_dst_index2, *cur.dstaddr); if (ret == 1) { if (!first_match) continue; } else if (first_match) { goto found; } } /* eval flow and extended acl */ if (acl_ext_index != -1) { tmp_ext.protocol = *cur.prot; tmp_ext.tos = *cur.tos; /* XXX */ tmp_ext.type = 0; tmp_ext.type_code = 0; tmp_ext.message = 0; tmp_ext.src_addr = *cur.srcaddr; tmp_ext.src_port = *cur.srcport; tmp_ext.dst_addr = *cur.dstaddr; tmp_ext.dst_port = *cur.dstport; ret = acl_eval_ext(acl_list, acl_ext_index2, tmp_ext); if (ret == 1) { if (!first_match) continue; } else if (first_match) { goto found; } } if (first_match) /* No matches yet? next try.. */ continue; /* * made it by the filters, write it */ found: if (ftio_write(&ftio_out, rec) < 0) fterr_errx(1, "ftio_write(): failed"); } /* while more flows to read */ if (ftio_close(&ftio_in) < 0) fterr_errx(1, "ftio_close(): failed"); if (ftio_close(&ftio_out) < 0) fterr_errx(1, "ftio_close(): failed"); if (debug > 0) { ftprof_end (&ftp, total_flows); ftprof_print(&ftp, argv[0], stderr); } if (debug > 1) { acl_dump_std(acl_list, acl_std_src_index); acl_dump_std(acl_list, acl_std_dst_index); acl_dump_std(acl_list, acl_std_nexthop_index); } return 0; } /* main */
int flows2nfdump(struct ftio *ftio, char *wfile, int compress, extension_info_t *extension_info, int extended, uint32_t limitflows) { // required flow tools variables struct fttime ftt; struct fts3rec_offsets fo; struct ftver ftv; char *rec; // nfdump variables nffile_t *nffile; master_record_t record; char *s; uint32_t cnt; s = "flow-tools"; nffile = OpenNewFile( wfile , NULL, compress, 0, s); if ( !nffile ) { fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", s); return 1; } AppendToBuffer(nffile, (void *)extension_info->map, extension_info->map->size); ftio_get_ver(ftio, &ftv); fts3rec_compute_offsets(&fo, &ftv); memset((void *)&record, 0, sizeof(record)); record.map_ref = extension_info->map; record.type = CommonRecordType; record.exporter_sysid = 0; // only v4 addresses ClearFlag(record.flags, FLAG_IPV6_ADDR); cnt = 0; while ((rec = ftio_read(ftio))) { uint32_t when, unix_secs, unix_nsecs, sysUpTime; int i, id; unix_secs = *((uint32_t*)(rec+fo.unix_secs)); unix_nsecs = *((uint32_t*)(rec+fo.unix_nsecs)); sysUpTime = *((uint32_t*)(rec+fo.sysUpTime)); when = *((uint32_t*)(rec+fo.First)); ftt = ftltime(sysUpTime, unix_secs, unix_nsecs, when); record.first = ftt.secs; record.msec_first = ftt.msecs; when = *((uint32_t*)(rec+fo.Last)); ftt = ftltime(sysUpTime, unix_secs, unix_nsecs, when); record.last = ftt.secs; record.msec_last = ftt.msecs; record.v4.srcaddr = *((uint32_t*)(rec+fo.srcaddr)); record.v4.dstaddr = *((uint32_t*)(rec+fo.dstaddr)); record.srcport = *((uint16_t*)(rec+fo.srcport)); record.dstport = *((uint16_t*)(rec+fo.dstport)); record.prot = *((uint8_t*)(rec+fo.prot)); record.tcp_flags = *((uint8_t*)(rec+fo.tcp_flags)); record.tos = *((uint8_t*)(rec+fo.tos)); record.dOctets = *((uint32_t*)(rec+fo.dOctets)); record.dPkts = *((uint32_t*)(rec+fo.dPkts)); i = 0; while ( (id = extension_info->map->ex_id[i]) != 0 ) { switch (id) { case EX_IO_SNMP_2: record.input = *((uint16_t*)(rec+fo.input)); record.output = *((uint16_t*)(rec+fo.output)); break; case EX_AS_2: record.srcas = *((uint16_t*)(rec+fo.src_as)); record.dstas = *((uint16_t*)(rec+fo.dst_as)); break; case EX_MULIPLE: record.src_mask = *((uint8_t*)(rec+fo.src_mask)); record.dst_mask = *((uint8_t*)(rec+fo.dst_mask)); record.dir = 0; record.dst_tos = 0; break; case EX_ROUTER_IP_v4: record.ip_nexthop.v4 = *((uint32_t*)(rec+fo.peer_nexthop)); break; case EX_NEXT_HOP_v4: record.ip_router.v4 = *((uint32_t*)(rec+fo.router_sc)); break; case EX_ROUTER_ID: record.engine_type = *((uint8_t*)(rec+fo.engine_type)); record.engine_id = *((uint8_t*)(rec+fo.engine_id)); break; // default: Other extensions can not be sent with v5 } i++; } PackRecord(&record, nffile); if ( extended ) { char *string; format_file_block_record(&record, &string, 0); fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", string); } cnt++; if ( cnt == limitflows ) break; } /* while */ // write the last records in buffer if ( nffile->block_header->NumRecords ) { if ( WriteBlock(nffile) <= 0 ) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to write output buffer: '%s'" , strerror(errno)); } } free((void *)extension_info->map); free((void *)extension_info); DisposeFile(nffile); return 0; } // End of flows2nfdump
/* * function: format5 * * export flows into PostgreSQL Database */ int format5(struct ftio *ftio, struct options *opt) { #ifdef HAVE_POSTGRESQL struct fts3rec_offsets fo; struct ftver ftv; char fields[1024], values[1024], query[3*1024]; char *rec; char *db_host, *db_name, *db_table, *db_user, *db_pwd, *db_tmp, *tmp; char *db_port; int len; PGconn *conn; PGresult *res; db_host = POSTGRESQL_DEFAULT_DBHOST; db_name = POSTGRESQL_DEFAULT_DBNAME; db_port = POSTGRESQL_DEFAULT_DBPORT; db_user = POSTGRESQL_DEFAULT_DBUSER; db_table = POSTGRESQL_DEFAULT_DBTABLE; db_pwd = POSTGRESQL_DEFAULT_DBPWD; /* parse URI string */ if (strlen(opt->dbaseURI)) { tmp = opt->dbaseURI; db_user = strsep(&tmp, ":"); db_pwd = strsep(&tmp, ":"); db_host = strsep(&tmp, ":"); db_port = strsep(&tmp, ":"); db_name = strsep(&tmp, ":"); db_table = strsep(&tmp, ":"); if (!db_user || !db_pwd || !db_host || !db_port || !db_name || !db_table) { fterr_warnx("Missing field in dbaseURI, expecting user:pwd:host:port:name:table."); return -1; } } /* dbaseURI */ ftio_get_ver(ftio, &ftv); fts3rec_compute_offsets(&fo, &ftv); /* remove invalid fields */ opt->ft_mask &= ftrec_xfield(&ftv); /* generate the field names once */ fmt_xfields_type(fields, opt->ft_mask); /* open PostgreSQL database */ conn = PQsetdbLogin(db_host, db_port, (char *) NULL, (char *) NULL, db_name, db_user, db_pwd); if (PQstatus(conn) == CONNECTION_BAD) fterr_errx(1,"PQsetdbLogin(): %s\n", PQerrorMessage(conn)); /* foreach flow */ while ((rec = ftio_read(ftio))) { len = fmt_xfields_val(values, rec, &fo, opt->ft_mask, 1); /* form SQL query and execute it */ if (len) { strcpy (query, "INSERT INTO "); strcat (query, db_table); strcat (query, "("); strcat (query, fields); strcat (query, ") VALUES ("); strcat (query, values); strcat (query, ")"); if (debug) fprintf(stderr, "field=%s\n val=%s\n query=%s\n", fields, values, query); res = PQexec(conn, query); if (!res || PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_COMMAND_OK) { PQclear(res); fterr_errx(1,"PQexec(): %s\n", PQerrorMessage(conn)); } else if (res) { PQclear(res); } } ++opt->records; } /* while */ /* close database */ PQfinish(conn); #else /* PGSQL */ fterr_warnx("Format not supported"); #endif /* PGSQL */ return 0; } /* format5 */
/* * function: format3 * * export flows into MySQL Database */ int format3(struct ftio *ftio, struct options *opt) { #ifdef HAVE_MYSQL struct fts3rec_offsets fo; struct ftver ftv; char fields[1024], values[1024], query[3*1024]; char *rec; char *db_host, *db_name, *db_table, *db_user, *db_pwd, *db_tmp, *tmp; int db_port; int len; MYSQL mysql; db_host = MYSQL_DEFAULT_DBHOST; db_name = MYSQL_DEFAULT_DBNAME; db_port = MYSQL_DEFAULT_DBPORT; db_user = MYSQL_DEFAULT_DBUSER; db_table = MYSQL_DEFAULT_DBTABLE; db_pwd = MYSQL_DEFAULT_DBPWD; /* parse URI string */ if (strlen(opt->dbaseURI)) { tmp = opt->dbaseURI; db_user = strsep(&tmp, ":"); db_pwd = strsep(&tmp, ":"); db_host = strsep(&tmp, ":"); db_tmp = strsep(&tmp, ":"); db_name = strsep(&tmp, ":"); db_table = strsep(&tmp, ":"); db_port = atoi(db_tmp); if (!db_user || !db_pwd || !db_host || !db_tmp || !db_name || !db_table) { fterr_warnx("Missing field in dbaseURI, expecting user:pwd:host:port:name:table."); return -1; } } /* dbaseURI */ ftio_get_ver(ftio, &ftv); fts3rec_compute_offsets(&fo, &ftv); /* remove invalid fields */ opt->ft_mask &= ftrec_xfield(&ftv); /* generate the field names once */ fmt_xfields_type(fields, opt->ft_mask); /* open MySQL database */ if (!(mysql_init(&mysql))) fterr_errx(1, "mysql_init(): failed"); if (mysql_options(&mysql, MYSQL_READ_DEFAULT_GROUP, "simple")) fterr_errx(1, "mysql_options(): %s", mysql_error(&mysql)); if (mysql_real_connect(&mysql, db_host, db_user, db_pwd, db_name, db_port, NULL, 0) == NULL) fterr_errx(1,"mysql_real_connect(): %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql)); /* foreach flow */ while ((rec = ftio_read(ftio))) { len = fmt_xfields_val(values, rec, &fo, opt->ft_mask, 1); /* form SQL query and execute it */ if (len) { strcpy (query, "INSERT INTO "); strcat (query, db_table); strcat (query, "("); strcat (query, fields); strcat (query, ") VALUES ("); strcat (query, values); strcat (query, ")"); if (debug) fprintf(stderr, "field=%s\n val=%s\n query=%s\n", fields, values, query); if (mysql_real_query(&mysql, query, strlen(query)) != 0) fterr_warnx("mysql_real_query(): %s", mysql_error(&mysql)); } ++opt->records; } /* while */ /* close database */ mysql_close(&mysql); #else /* MYSQL */ fterr_warnx("Format not supported"); #endif /* MYSQL */ return 0; } /* format3 */
/* * function: format1 * * export flows in pcap format. Hack to use tcpdump's packet matcher */ int format1(struct ftio *ftio, struct options *opt) { struct timeval now; struct timezone tz; struct fts3rec_all cur; struct fts3rec_offsets fo; struct ftver ftv; struct pcap_file_header pfh; struct pcap_packet_header pph; struct pcap_data1 pd1; struct pcap_data2 pd2; struct pcap_data3 pd3; struct pcap_data4 pd4; int bsize, bsize2; long thiszone; char buf[1024]; char *rec; if (ftio_check_xfield(ftio, FT_XFIELD_TOS | FT_XFIELD_PROT | FT_XFIELD_SRCADDR | FT_XFIELD_DSTADDR | FT_XFIELD_SRCPORT | FT_XFIELD_DSTPORT | FT_XFIELD_UNIX_SECS | FT_XFIELD_UNIX_NSECS | FT_XFIELD_DPKTS | FT_XFIELD_DOCTETS)) { fterr_warnx("Flow record missing required field for format."); return -1; } ftio_get_ver(ftio, &ftv); fts3rec_compute_offsets(&fo, &ftv); if (gettimeofday(&now, &tz) < 0) { fterr_warnx("gettimeofday() failed"); return -1; } bzero(&pfh, sizeof pfh); bzero(&pph, sizeof pph); bzero(&pd1, sizeof pd1); /* ethernet */ bzero(&pd2, sizeof pd2); /* IP */ bzero(&pd3, sizeof pd3); /* TCP */ bzero(&pd4, sizeof pd4); /* UDP */ bsize = 0; pfh.magic = TCPDUMP_MAGIC; pfh.version_major = TCPDUMP_VERSION_MAJOR; pfh.version_minor = TCPDUMP_VERSION_MINOR; pfh.sigfigs = 6; pfh.snaplen = 65535; pfh.linktype = 1; if (fwrite(&pfh, sizeof pfh, 1, stdout) != 1) { fterr_warnx("pcap header write failed"); return -1; } pd1.eth_prot = 0x0008; pd2.version = 0x45; /* note: bcopy of pph to buf is deferred (so lengths can be adjusted below) */ bsize += sizeof pph; bcopy(&pd1, buf+bsize, sizeof pd1); bsize += sizeof pd1; while ((rec = ftio_read(ftio))) { cur.unix_secs = (uint32_t *)(rec+fo.unix_secs); cur.unix_nsecs = (uint32_t *)(rec+fo.unix_nsecs); cur.srcport = ((uint16_t*)(rec+fo.srcport)); cur.dstport = ((uint16_t*)(rec+fo.dstport)); cur.prot = ((uint8_t*)(rec+fo.prot)); cur.tos = ((uint8_t*)(rec+fo.tos)); cur.srcaddr = ((uint32_t*)(rec+fo.srcaddr)); cur.dstaddr = ((uint32_t*)(rec+fo.dstaddr)); pd2.version = 4 << 4 | ((sizeof pd2) / 4); pd2.tos = *cur.tos; pd2.prot = *cur.prot; pd2.srcaddr = *cur.srcaddr; pd2.dstaddr = *cur.dstaddr; pd2.len = sizeof pd2; /* this might be adjusted below for TCP, UDP, etc. */ pph.caplen = sizeof pd1 + sizeof pd2; /* ether and IP header */ #if BYTE_ORDER == LITTLE_ENDIAN SWAPINT32(pd2.srcaddr); SWAPINT32(pd2.dstaddr); #endif /* LITTLE_ENDIAN */ #if 1 /* { */ switch (pd2.prot) { case 6: /* TCP */ pd3.srcport = *cur.srcport; pd3.dstport = *cur.dstport; #if BYTE_ORDER == LITTLE_ENDIAN SWAPINT16(pd3.srcport); SWAPINT16(pd3.dstport); #endif /* LITTLE_ENDIAN */ /* set data offset to 6 32-bit words: */ pd3.data_reserved_flags_window = 0x60000000; #if BYTE_ORDER == LITTLE_ENDIAN SWAPINT32(pd3.data_reserved_flags_window); #endif /* LITTLE_ENDIAN */ pph.caplen += sizeof pd3; /* + TCP header */ pd2.len += sizeof pd3; bcopy(&pd3, buf+bsize+sizeof pd2, sizeof pd3); bsize2 = bsize + sizeof pd2 + sizeof pd3; break; case 17: /* UDP */ pd4.srcport = *cur.srcport; pd4.dstport = *cur.dstport; #if BYTE_ORDER == LITTLE_ENDIAN SWAPINT16(pd4.srcport); SWAPINT16(pd4.dstport); #endif /* LITTLE_ENDIAN */ pph.caplen += sizeof pd4; /* + UDP header */ pd2.len += sizeof pd4; pd4.len = sizeof pd4; /* FIXME */ #if BYTE_ORDER == LITTLE_ENDIAN SWAPINT16(pd4.len); #endif /* LITTLE_ENDIAN */ bcopy(&pd4, buf+bsize+sizeof pd2, sizeof pd4); bsize2 = bsize + sizeof pd2 + sizeof pd4; break; case 1: /* FIXME - handle ICMP specially */ default: /* handle others IP protocols */ bsize2 = bsize + sizeof pd2; break; } /* switch */ #else /* }{ */ bsize2 = bsize + sizeof pd2; #endif /* } */ pph.ts.tv_sec = *(uint32_t *)(rec+fo.unix_secs); pph.ts.tv_usec = *(uint32_t *)(rec+fo.unix_nsecs) / 1000; pph.len = pph.caplen; /* FIXME */ bcopy(&pph, buf, sizeof pph); #if BYTE_ORDER == LITTLE_ENDIAN SWAPINT16(pd2.len); #endif /* LITTLE_ENDIAN */ bcopy(&pd2, buf+bsize, sizeof pd2); { /* FIXME - add a loop here to write one record per packet (rather than * one per flow). change the packet size to be * floor(average_pkt_size), then add one byte to the first or * last flow, if necessary, to make the byte count correct. */ /* uint16_t dPkts; */ /* uint16_t dOctets; */ if (fwrite(&buf, bsize2, 1, stdout) != 1) { fterr_warnx("pcap pkt write failed"); return -1; } } ++opt->records; } /* while */ return 0; } /* format1 */
/* * function: format0 * * export flows in cflowd format */ int format0(struct ftio *ftio, struct options *opt) { struct fts3rec_offsets fo; struct ftver ftv; struct fttime ftt; char *rec; uint32_t ui32, index, sysUpTime, unix_secs, unix_nsecs, First, Last; uint16_t ui16; uint8_t ui8; ftio_get_ver(ftio, &ftv); fts3rec_compute_offsets(&fo, &ftv); switch (ftv.d_version) { case 1: opt->cflowd_mask &= CF_INDEX_V1_MASK; break; case 5: opt->cflowd_mask &= CF_INDEX_V5_MASK; break; case 6: opt->cflowd_mask &= CF_INDEX_V6_MASK; break; case 7: opt->cflowd_mask &= CF_INDEX_V7_MASK; break; case 1005: opt->cflowd_mask &= CF_INDEX_V5_MASK; break; case 8: switch (ftv.agg_method) { case 1: opt->cflowd_mask &= CF_INDEX_V8_1_MASK; break; case 2: opt->cflowd_mask &= CF_INDEX_V8_2_MASK; break; case 3: opt->cflowd_mask &= CF_INDEX_V8_3_MASK; break; case 4: opt->cflowd_mask &= CF_INDEX_V8_4_MASK; break; case 5: opt->cflowd_mask &= CF_INDEX_V8_5_MASK; break; case 6: opt->cflowd_mask &= CF_INDEX_V8_6_MASK; break; case 7: opt->cflowd_mask &= CF_INDEX_V8_7_MASK; break; case 8: opt->cflowd_mask &= CF_INDEX_V8_8_MASK; break; case 9: opt->cflowd_mask &= CF_INDEX_V8_9_MASK; break; case 10: opt->cflowd_mask &= CF_INDEX_V8_10_MASK; break; case 11: opt->cflowd_mask &= CF_INDEX_V8_11_MASK; break; case 12: opt->cflowd_mask &= CF_INDEX_V8_12_MASK; break; case 13: opt->cflowd_mask &= CF_INDEX_V8_13_MASK; break; case 14: opt->cflowd_mask &= CF_INDEX_V8_14_MASK; break; default: fterr_warnx("Unsupported export version"); return -1; } /* switch */ break; default: fterr_warnx("Unsupported export version"); return -1; } /* switch */ /* index */ index = opt->cflowd_mask; index = htonl(index); while ((rec = ftio_read(ftio))) { fwrite(&index, sizeof (index), 1, stdout); if (opt->cflowd_mask & CF_ROUTERMASK) { ui32 = *((uint32_t*)(rec+fo.exaddr)); ui32 = htonl(ui32); fwrite(&ui32, sizeof (ui32), 1, stdout); } if (opt->cflowd_mask & CF_SRCIPADDRMASK) { ui32 = *((uint32_t*)(rec+fo.srcaddr)); ui32 = htonl(ui32); fwrite(&ui32, sizeof (ui32), 1, stdout); } if (opt->cflowd_mask & CF_DSTIPADDRMASK) { ui32 = *((uint32_t*)(rec+fo.dstaddr)); ui32 = htonl(ui32); fwrite(&ui32, sizeof (ui32), 1, stdout); } if (opt->cflowd_mask & CF_INPUTIFINDEXMASK) { ui16 = *((uint16_t*)(rec+fo.input)); ui16 = htons(ui16); fwrite(&ui16, sizeof (ui16), 1, stdout); } if (opt->cflowd_mask & CF_OUTPUTIFINDEXMASK) { ui16 = *((uint16_t*)(rec+fo.output)); ui16 = htons(ui16); fwrite(&ui16, sizeof (ui16), 1, stdout); } if (opt->cflowd_mask & CF_SRCPORTMASK) { ui16 = *((uint16_t*)(rec+fo.srcport)); ui16 = htons(ui16); fwrite(&ui16, sizeof (ui16), 1, stdout); } if (opt->cflowd_mask & CF_DSTPORTMASK) { ui16 = *((uint16_t*)(rec+fo.dstport)); ui16 = htons(ui16); fwrite(&ui16, sizeof (ui16), 1, stdout); } if (opt->cflowd_mask & CF_PKTSMASK) { ui32 = *((uint32_t*)(rec+fo.dPkts)); ui32 = htonl(ui32); fwrite(&ui32, sizeof (ui32), 1, stdout); } if (opt->cflowd_mask & CF_BYTESMASK) { ui32 = *((uint32_t*)(rec+fo.dOctets)); ui32 = htonl(ui32); fwrite(&ui32, sizeof (ui32), 1, stdout); } if (opt->cflowd_mask & CF_IPNEXTHOPMASK) { ui32 = *((uint32_t*)(rec+fo.nexthop)); ui32 = htonl(ui32); fwrite(&ui32, sizeof (ui32), 1, stdout); } if (opt->cflowd_mask & CF_STARTTIMEMASK) { sysUpTime = *((uint32_t*)(rec+fo.sysUpTime)); unix_secs = *((uint32_t*)(rec+fo.unix_secs)); unix_nsecs = *((uint32_t*)(rec+fo.unix_nsecs)); First = *((uint32_t*)(rec+fo.First)); ftt = ftltime(sysUpTime, unix_secs, unix_nsecs, First); ui32 = htonl(ftt.secs); fwrite(&ui32, sizeof (ui32), 1, stdout); } if (opt->cflowd_mask & CF_ENDTIMEMASK) { sysUpTime = *((uint32_t*)(rec+fo.sysUpTime)); unix_secs = *((uint32_t*)(rec+fo.unix_secs)); unix_nsecs = *((uint32_t*)(rec+fo.unix_nsecs)); Last = *((uint32_t*)(rec+fo.Last)); ftt = ftltime(sysUpTime, unix_secs, unix_nsecs, Last); ui32 = htonl(ftt.secs); fwrite(&ui32, sizeof (ui32), 1, stdout); } if (opt->cflowd_mask & CF_PROTOCOLMASK) { ui8 = *((uint8_t*)(rec+fo.prot)); fwrite(&ui8, sizeof (ui8), 1, stdout); } if (opt->cflowd_mask & CF_TOSMASK) { ui8 = *((uint8_t*)(rec+fo.tos)); fwrite(&ui8, sizeof (ui8), 1, stdout); } if (opt->cflowd_mask & CF_SRCASMASK) { ui16 = *((uint16_t*)(rec+fo.src_as)); ui16 = htons(ui16); fwrite(&ui16, sizeof (ui16), 1, stdout); } if (opt->cflowd_mask & CF_DSTASMASK) { ui16 = *((uint16_t*)(rec+fo.dst_as)); ui16 = htons(ui16); fwrite(&ui16, sizeof (ui16), 1, stdout); } if (opt->cflowd_mask & CF_SRCMASKLENMASK) { ui8 = *((uint8_t*)(rec+fo.src_mask)); fwrite(&ui8, sizeof (ui8), 1, stdout); } if (opt->cflowd_mask & CF_DSTMASKLENMASK) { ui8 = *((uint8_t*)(rec+fo.dst_mask)); fwrite(&ui8, sizeof (ui8), 1, stdout); } if (opt->cflowd_mask & CF_TCPFLAGSMASK) { ui8 = *((uint8_t*)(rec+fo.tcp_flags)); fwrite(&ui8, sizeof (ui8), 1, stdout); } if (opt->cflowd_mask & CF_INPUTENCAPMASK) { ui8 = *((uint8_t*)(rec+fo.in_encaps)); fwrite(&ui8, sizeof (ui8), 1, stdout); } if (opt->cflowd_mask & CF_OUTPUTENCAPMASK) { ui8 = *((uint8_t*)(rec+fo.out_encaps)); fwrite(&ui8, sizeof (ui8), 1, stdout); } if (opt->cflowd_mask & CF_PEERNEXTHOPMASK) { ui32 = *((uint32_t*)(rec+fo.peer_nexthop)); ui32 = htonl(ui32); fwrite(&ui32, sizeof (ui32), 1, stdout); } if (opt->cflowd_mask & CF_ENGINETYPEMASK) { ui8 = *((uint8_t*)(rec+fo.engine_type)); fwrite(&ui8, sizeof (ui8), 1, stdout); } if (opt->cflowd_mask & CF_ENGINEIDMASK) { ui8 = *((uint8_t*)(rec+fo.engine_id)); fwrite(&ui8, sizeof (ui8), 1, stdout); } ++opt->records; } /* while */ return 0; } /* format 0 */