int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { string program = "samtoh5"; string versionString = VERSION; AppendPerforceChangelist(PERFORCE_VERSION_STRING, versionString); string samFileName, cmpFileName, refFileName; bool parseSmrtTitle = false; bool useShortRefName = false; CommandLineParser clp; string readType = "standard"; int verbosity = 0; clp.SetProgramName(program); clp.SetProgramSummary("Converts in.sam file to out.cmp.h5 file."); clp.SetVersion(versionString); clp.RegisterStringOption("in.sam", &samFileName, "Input SAM file.", true); clp.RegisterStringOption("reference.fasta", &refFileName, "Reference used to generate reads.", true); clp.RegisterStringOption("out.cmp.h5", &cmpFileName, "Output cmp.h5 file.", true); clp.RegisterPreviousFlagsAsHidden(); clp.RegisterFlagOption("smrtTitle", &parseSmrtTitle, "Use this option when converting alignments " "generated from reads produced by the " "pls2fasta from bas.h5 files by parsing read " "coordinates from the SMRT read title. The title " "is in the format /name/hole/coordinates, where " "coordinates are in the format \\d+_\\d+, and " "represent the interval of the read that was " "aligned."); clp.RegisterStringOption("readType", &readType, "Set the read type: 'standard', 'strobe', 'CCS', " "or 'cDNA'"); clp.RegisterIntOption("verbosity", &verbosity, "Set desired verbosity.", CommandLineParser::PositiveInteger); clp.RegisterFlagOption("useShortRefName", &useShortRefName, "Use abbreviated reference names obtained " "from file.sam instead of using full names " "from reference.fasta."); string description = ("Because SAM has optional tags that have different " "meanings in different programs, careful usage is required in order to " "have proper output. The \"xs\" tag in bwa-sw is used to show the " "suboptimal score, but in PacBio SAM (blasr) it is defined as the start " "in the query sequence of the alignment.\nWhen \"-smrtTitle\" is " "specified, the xs tag is ignored, but when it is not specified, the " "coordinates given by the xs and xe tags are used to define the interval " "of a read that is aligned. The CIGAR string is relative to this interval."); clp.SetExamples(description); clp.ParseCommandLine(argc, argv); if (readType != "standard" and readType != "strobe" and readType != "cDNA" and readType != "CCS") { cout << "ERROR. Read type '" << readType << "' must be one of either 'standard', 'strobe', 'cDNA' or 'CCS'." << endl; exit(1); } cerr << "[INFO] " << GetTimestamp() << " [" << program << "] started." << endl; SAMReader<SAMFullReferenceSequence, SAMReadGroup, SAMPosAlignment> samReader; FASTAReader fastaReader; HDFCmpFile<AlignmentCandidate<FASTASequence, FASTASequence> > cmpFile; // // Initialize input/output files. // samReader.Initialize(samFileName); fastaReader.Initialize(refFileName); cmpFile.Create(cmpFileName); // // Configure the file log. // string command; CommandLineParser::CommandLineToString(argc, argv, command); string log = "Convert sam to cmp.h5"; cmpFile.fileLogGroup.AddEntry(command, log, program, GetTimestamp(), versionString); // // Set the readType // cmpFile.SetReadType(readType); // // Read necessary input. // vector<FASTASequence> references; fastaReader.ReadAllSequences(references); // // This should probably be handled by the alignmentSetAdapter, but // time constraints... // AlignmentSet<SAMFullReferenceSequence, SAMReadGroup, SAMPosAlignment> alignmentSet; samReader.ReadHeader(alignmentSet); // // The order of references in vector<FASTASequence> references and // AlignmentSet<, , >alignmentSet.references can be different. // Rearrange alignmentSet.references such that it is ordered in // exactly the same way as vector<FASTASequence> references. // alignmentSet.RearrangeReferences(references); // // Always recompute the MD5 values even if they exist in the input // sam file. Because MD5 is defined differently in sam and cmp.h5 files. // The SAM convention uppercases and normalizes before computing the MD5. // For cmp.h5, we compute the MD5 on the sequence 'as is'. // for(int i = 0; i < alignmentSet.references.size(); i++) { MakeMD5((const char*)&references[i].seq[0], (unsigned int)references[i].length, alignmentSet.references[i].md5); } // // Map short names for references obtained from file.sam to full names obtained from reference.fasta // map<string, string> shortRefNameToFull; map<string, string>::iterator it; assert(references.size() == alignmentSet.references.size()); if (!useShortRefName) { for (int i = 0; i < references.size(); i++) { string shortRefName = alignmentSet.references[i].GetSequenceName(); string fullRefName(references[i].title); if (shortRefNameToFull.find(shortRefName) != shortRefNameToFull.end()) { cout << "ERROR, Found more than one reference " << shortRefName << "in sam header" << endl; exit(1); } shortRefNameToFull[shortRefName] = fullRefName; alignmentSet.references[i].sequenceName = fullRefName; } } // // Start setting up the cmp.h5 file. // AlignmentSetToCmpH5Adapter<HDFCmpFile<AlignmentCandidate<FASTASequence, FASTASequence> > > alignmentSetAdapter; alignmentSetAdapter.Initialize(); alignmentSetAdapter.StoreReferenceInfo(alignmentSet.references, cmpFile); // // Store the alignments. // SAMAlignment samAlignment; int alignIndex = 0; while (samReader.GetNextAlignment(samAlignment)) { if (samAlignment.rName == "*") { continue; } if (!useShortRefName) { //convert shortRefName to fullRefName it = shortRefNameToFull.find(samAlignment.rName); if (it == shortRefNameToFull.end()) { cout << "ERROR, Could not find " << samAlignment.rName << " in the reference repository." << endl; exit(1); } samAlignment.rName = (*it).second; } vector<AlignmentCandidate<> > convertedAlignments; if (verbosity > 0) { cout << "Storing alignment for " << samAlignment.qName << endl; } SAMAlignmentsToCandidates(samAlignment, references, alignmentSetAdapter.refNameToIndex, convertedAlignments, parseSmrtTitle, false); alignmentSetAdapter.StoreAlignmentCandidateList(convertedAlignments, cmpFile, alignIndex); int a; for (a = 0; a < convertedAlignments.size(); a++) { convertedAlignments[a].FreeSubsequences(); } ++alignIndex; /* if (alignIndex == 100) { return 0; }*/ } cerr << "[INFO] " << GetTimestamp() << " [" << program << "] ended." << endl; return 0; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { string program = "samtom4"; string versionString = VERSION; AppendPerforceChangelist(PERFORCE_VERSION_STRING, versionString); string samFileName, refFileName, outFileName; bool printHeader = false; bool parseSmrtTitle = false; bool useShortRefName = false; CommandLineParser clp; clp.SetProgramName(program); clp.SetVersion(versionString); clp.SetProgramSummary("Converts a SAM file generated by blasr to M4 format."); clp.RegisterStringOption("in.sam", &samFileName, "Input SAM file, which is produced by blasr."); clp.RegisterStringOption("reference.fasta", &refFileName, "Reference used to generate file.sam."); clp.RegisterStringOption("out.m4", &outFileName, "Output in blasr M4 format."); clp.RegisterPreviousFlagsAsHidden(); clp.RegisterFlagOption("header", &printHeader, "Print M4 header."); clp.RegisterFlagOption("useShortRefName", &useShortRefName, "Use abbreviated reference names obtained " "from file.sam instead of using full names " "from reference.fasta."); //clp.SetExamples(program + " file.sam reference.fasta out.m4"); clp.ParseCommandLine(argc, argv); ostream * outFilePtr = &cout; ofstream outFileStrm; if (outFileName != "") { CrucialOpen(outFileName, outFileStrm, std::ios::out); outFilePtr = &outFileStrm; } SAMReader<SAMFullReferenceSequence, SAMReadGroup, SAMAlignment> samReader; FASTAReader fastaReader; // // Initialize samReader and fastaReader. // samReader.Initialize(samFileName); fastaReader.Initialize(refFileName); // // Configure the file log. // string command; CommandLineParser::CommandLineToString(argc, argv, command); // // Read necessary input. // vector<FASTASequence> references; fastaReader.ReadAllSequences(references); AlignmentSet<SAMFullReferenceSequence, SAMReadGroup, SAMAlignment> alignmentSet; samReader.ReadHeader(alignmentSet); // // The order of references in vector<FASTASequence> references and // AlignmentSet<, , >alignmentSet.references can be different. // Rearrange alignmentSet.references such that it is ordered in // exactly the same way as vector<FASTASequence> references. // alignmentSet.RearrangeReferences(references); // // Map short names for references obtained from file.sam to // full names obtained from reference.fasta // map<string, string> shortRefNameToFull; map<string, string>::iterator it; assert(references.size() == alignmentSet.references.size()); if (!useShortRefName) { for (size_t i = 0; i < references.size(); i++) { string shortRefName = alignmentSet.references[i].GetSequenceName(); string fullRefName(references[i].title); if (shortRefNameToFull.find(shortRefName) != shortRefNameToFull.end()) { cout << "ERROR, Found more than one reference " << shortRefName << "in sam header" << endl; exit(1); } shortRefNameToFull[shortRefName] = fullRefName; alignmentSet.references[i].sequenceName = fullRefName; } } // Map reference name obtained from SAM file to indices map<string, int> refNameToIndex; for (size_t i = 0; i < references.size(); i++) { string refName = alignmentSet.references[i].GetSequenceName(); refNameToIndex[refName] = i; } // // Store the alignments. // SAMAlignment samAlignment; size_t alignIndex = 0; // // For 150K, each chip produces about 300M sequences // (not including quality values and etc.). // Let's assume that the sam file and reference data can // fit in the memory. // Need to scale for larger sequal data in the future. // if (printHeader) IntervalOutput::PrintHeader(*outFilePtr); // The socre matrix does not matter because we will use the // aligner's score from SAM file anyway. DistanceMatrixScoreFunction<DNASequence, DNASequence> distScoreFn; while (samReader.GetNextAlignment(samAlignment)) { if (samAlignment.rName == "*") { continue; } if (!useShortRefName) { //convert shortRefName to fullRefName it = shortRefNameToFull.find(samAlignment.rName); if (it == shortRefNameToFull.end()) { cout << "ERROR, Could not find " << samAlignment.rName << " in the reference repository." << endl; exit(1); } samAlignment.rName = (*it).second; } // The padding character 'P' is not supported if (samAlignment.cigar.find('P') != string::npos) { cout << "WARNING. Could not process sam record with 'P' in its cigar string." << endl; continue; } vector<AlignmentCandidate<> > convertedAlignments; // // Keep reference as forward. // So if IsReverseComplement(sam.flag)==true, then qStrand is reverse // and tStrand is forward. // bool keepRefAsForward = false; SAMAlignmentsToCandidates(samAlignment, references, refNameToIndex, convertedAlignments, parseSmrtTitle, keepRefAsForward); if (convertedAlignments.size() > 1) { cout << "WARNING. Ignore an alignment which has multiple segments." << endl; continue; } //all alignments are unique single-ended alignments. for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) { AlignmentCandidate<> & alignment = convertedAlignments[i]; ComputeAlignmentStats(alignment, alignment.qAlignedSeq.seq, alignment.tAlignedSeq.seq, distScoreFn); // Use aligner's score from SAM file anyway. alignment.score =; alignment.mapQV = samAlignment.mapQV; // Since SAM only has the aligned sequence, many info of the // original query (e.g. the full length) is missing. // Overwrite alignment.qLength (which is length of the query // in the SAM alignment) with xq (which is the length of the // original query sequence saved by blasr) right before printing // the output so that one can reconstruct a blasr m4 record from // a blasr sam alignment. if (samAlignment.xq!=0) alignment.qLength = samAlignment.xq; IntervalOutput::PrintFromSAM(alignment, *outFilePtr); alignment.FreeSubsequences(); } ++alignIndex; } if (outFileName != "") { outFileStrm.close(); } return 0; }