Esempio n. 1
 * Read and interleave split parts from a ZIP file.
xps_part *
xps_read_part(fz_context *ctx, xps_document *doc, char *partname)
	fz_archive *zip = doc->zip;
	fz_buffer *buf, *tmp;
	char path[2048];
	int count;
	char *name;
	int seen_last;

	name = partname;
	if (name[0] == '/')
		name ++;

	/* All in one piece */
	if (fz_has_archive_entry(ctx, zip, name))
		buf = fz_read_archive_entry(ctx, zip, name);

	/* Assemble all the pieces */
		buf = fz_new_buffer(ctx, 512);
		seen_last = 0;
		for (count = 0; !seen_last; ++count)
			fz_snprintf(path, sizeof path, "%s/[%d].piece", name, count);
			if (fz_has_archive_entry(ctx, zip, path))
				tmp = fz_read_archive_entry(ctx, zip, path);
				fz_append_buffer(ctx, buf, tmp);
				fz_drop_buffer(ctx, tmp);
				fz_snprintf(path, sizeof path, "%s/[%d].last.piece", name, count);
				if (fz_has_archive_entry(ctx, zip, path))
					tmp = fz_read_archive_entry(ctx, zip, path);
					fz_append_buffer(ctx, buf, tmp);
					fz_drop_buffer(ctx, tmp);
					seen_last = 1;
					fz_drop_buffer(ctx, buf);
					fz_throw(ctx, FZ_ERROR_GENERIC, "cannot find all pieces for part '%s'", partname);

	return xps_new_part(ctx, doc, partname, buf);
Esempio n. 2
xps_has_part(fz_context *ctx, xps_document *doc, char *name)
	char buf[2048];
	if (name[0] == '/')
	if (fz_has_archive_entry(ctx, doc->zip, name))
		return 1;
	sprintf(buf, "%s/[0].piece", name);
	if (fz_has_archive_entry(ctx, doc->zip, buf))
		return 1;
	sprintf(buf, "%s/[0].last.piece", name);
	if (fz_has_archive_entry(ctx, doc->zip, buf))
		return 1;
	return 0;
Esempio n. 3
 * Read and interleave split parts from a ZIP file.
xps_part *
xps_read_part(fz_context *ctx, xps_document *doc, char *partname)
	fz_archive *zip = doc->zip;
	fz_buffer *buf, *tmp;
	char path[2048];
	unsigned char *data;
	int size;
	int count;
	char *name;
	int seen_last;

	name = partname;
	if (name[0] == '/')
		name ++;

	/* All in one piece */
	if (fz_has_archive_entry(ctx, zip, name))
		buf = fz_read_archive_entry(ctx, zip, name);

	/* Assemble all the pieces */
		buf = fz_new_buffer(ctx, 512);
		seen_last = 0;
		for (count = 0; !seen_last; ++count)
			sprintf(path, "%s/[%d].piece", name, count);
			if (fz_has_archive_entry(ctx, zip, path))
				tmp = fz_read_archive_entry(ctx, zip, path);
				fz_append_buffer(ctx, buf, tmp);
				fz_drop_buffer(ctx, tmp);
				sprintf(path, "%s/[%d].last.piece", name, count);
				if (fz_has_archive_entry(ctx, zip, path))
					tmp = fz_read_archive_entry(ctx, zip, path);
					fz_append_buffer(ctx, buf, tmp);
					fz_drop_buffer(ctx, tmp);
					seen_last = 1;
					fz_drop_buffer(ctx, buf);
					fz_throw(ctx, FZ_ERROR_GENERIC, "cannot find all pieces for part '%s'", partname);

	fz_write_buffer_byte(ctx, buf, 0); /* zero-terminate */

	/* take over the data */
	data = buf->data;
	/* size doesn't include the added zero-terminator */
	size = buf->len - 1;
	fz_free(ctx, buf);

	return xps_new_part(ctx, doc, partname, data, size);
Esempio n. 4
fz_add_css_font_face(fz_context *ctx, fz_html_font_set *set, fz_archive *zip, const char *base_uri, fz_css_property *declaration)
	fz_html_font_face *custom;
	fz_css_property *prop;
	fz_font *font = NULL;
	fz_buffer *buf = NULL;
	int is_bold, is_italic;
	char path[2048];

	const char *family = "serif";
	const char *weight = "normal";
	const char *style = "normal";
	const char *src = NULL;

	for (prop = declaration; prop; prop = prop->next)
		if (!strcmp(prop->name, "font-family")) family = prop->value->data;
		if (!strcmp(prop->name, "font-weight")) weight = prop->value->data;
		if (!strcmp(prop->name, "font-style")) style = prop->value->data;
		if (!strcmp(prop->name, "src")) src = prop->value->data;

	if (!src)

	is_bold = is_bold_from_font_weight(weight);
	is_italic = is_italic_from_font_style(style);

	fz_strlcpy(path, base_uri, sizeof path);
	fz_strlcat(path, "/", sizeof path);
	fz_strlcat(path, src, sizeof path);

	for (custom = set->custom; custom; custom = custom->next)
		if (!strcmp(custom->src, path) && !strcmp(custom->family, family) &&
				custom->is_bold == is_bold &&
				custom->is_italic == is_italic)
			return; /* already loaded */

	printf("epub: @font-face: family='%s' b=%d i=%d src=%s\n", family, is_bold, is_italic, src);


		if (fz_has_archive_entry(ctx, zip, path))
			buf = fz_read_archive_entry(ctx, zip, path);
			buf = fz_read_file(ctx, src);
		font = fz_new_font_from_buffer(ctx, src, buf, 0, 0);
		fz_add_html_font_face(ctx, set, family, is_bold, is_italic, path, font);
		fz_drop_buffer(ctx, buf);
		fz_drop_font(ctx, font);
		fz_warn(ctx, "cannot load font-face: %s", src);
Esempio n. 5
static void
epub_parse_header(fz_context *ctx, epub_document *doc)
	fz_archive *zip = doc->zip;
	fz_buffer *buf;
	fz_xml *container_xml, *content_opf;
	fz_xml *container, *rootfiles, *rootfile;
	fz_xml *package, *manifest, *spine, *itemref, *metadata;
	char base_uri[2048];
	const char *full_path;
	const char *version;
	char ncx[2048], s[2048];
	epub_chapter **tailp;
	size_t len;
	unsigned char *data;

	if (fz_has_archive_entry(ctx, zip, "META-INF/rights.xml"))
		fz_throw(ctx, FZ_ERROR_GENERIC, "EPUB is locked by DRM");
	if (fz_has_archive_entry(ctx, zip, "META-INF/encryption.xml"))
		fz_throw(ctx, FZ_ERROR_GENERIC, "EPUB is locked by DRM");

	/* parse META-INF/container.xml to find OPF */

	buf = fz_read_archive_entry(ctx, zip, "META-INF/container.xml");
	fz_write_buffer_byte(ctx, buf, 0);
	len = fz_buffer_storage(ctx, buf, &data);
	container_xml = fz_parse_xml(ctx, data, len, 0);
	fz_drop_buffer(ctx, buf);

	container = fz_xml_find(container_xml, "container");
	rootfiles = fz_xml_find_down(container, "rootfiles");
	rootfile = fz_xml_find_down(rootfiles, "rootfile");
	full_path = fz_xml_att(rootfile, "full-path");
	if (!full_path)
		fz_throw(ctx, FZ_ERROR_GENERIC, "cannot find root file in EPUB");

	fz_dirname(base_uri, full_path, sizeof base_uri);

	/* parse OPF to find NCX and spine */

	buf = fz_read_archive_entry(ctx, zip, full_path);
	fz_write_buffer_byte(ctx, buf, 0);
	len = fz_buffer_storage(ctx, buf, &data);
	content_opf = fz_parse_xml(ctx, data, len, 0);
	fz_drop_buffer(ctx, buf);

	package = fz_xml_find(content_opf, "package");
	version = fz_xml_att(package, "version");
	if (!version || strcmp(version, "2.0"))
		fz_warn(ctx, "unknown epub version: %s", version ? version : "<none>");

	metadata = fz_xml_find_down(package, "metadata");
	if (metadata)
		doc->dc_title = find_metadata(ctx, metadata, "title");
		doc->dc_creator = find_metadata(ctx, metadata, "creator");

	manifest = fz_xml_find_down(package, "manifest");
	spine = fz_xml_find_down(package, "spine");

	if (path_from_idref(ncx, manifest, base_uri, fz_xml_att(spine, "toc"), sizeof ncx))
		epub_parse_ncx(ctx, doc, ncx);

	doc->spine = NULL;
	tailp = &doc->spine;
	itemref = fz_xml_find_down(spine, "itemref");
	while (itemref)
		if (path_from_idref(s, manifest, base_uri, fz_xml_att(itemref, "idref"), sizeof s))
			*tailp = epub_parse_chapter(ctx, doc, s);
			tailp = &(*tailp)->next;
		itemref = fz_xml_find_next(itemref, "itemref");

	fz_drop_xml(ctx, container_xml);
	fz_drop_xml(ctx, content_opf);
Esempio n. 6
static void
epub_parse_header(fz_context *ctx, epub_document *doc)
	fz_archive *zip = doc->zip;
	fz_buffer *buf;
	fz_xml *container_xml, *content_opf;
	fz_xml *container, *rootfiles, *rootfile;
	fz_xml *package, *manifest, *spine, *itemref;
	char base_uri[2048];
	const char *full_path;
	const char *version;
	char ncx[2048], s[2048];
	epub_chapter *head, *tail;

	if (fz_has_archive_entry(ctx, zip, "META-INF/rights.xml"))
		fz_throw(ctx, FZ_ERROR_GENERIC, "EPUB is locked by DRM");
	if (fz_has_archive_entry(ctx, zip, "META-INF/encryption.xml"))
		fz_throw(ctx, FZ_ERROR_GENERIC, "EPUB is locked by DRM");

	/* parse META-INF/container.xml to find OPF */

	buf = fz_read_archive_entry(ctx, zip, "META-INF/container.xml");
	fz_write_buffer_byte(ctx, buf, 0);
	container_xml = fz_parse_xml(ctx, buf->data, buf->len, 0);
	fz_drop_buffer(ctx, buf);

	container = fz_xml_find(container_xml, "container");
	rootfiles = fz_xml_find_down(container, "rootfiles");
	rootfile = fz_xml_find_down(rootfiles, "rootfile");
	full_path = fz_xml_att(rootfile, "full-path");
	if (!full_path)
		fz_throw(ctx, FZ_ERROR_GENERIC, "cannot find root file in EPUB");

	printf("epub: found root: %s\n", full_path);

	fz_dirname(base_uri, full_path, sizeof base_uri);

	/* parse OPF to find NCX and spine */

	buf = fz_read_archive_entry(ctx, zip, full_path);
	fz_write_buffer_byte(ctx, buf, 0);
	content_opf = fz_parse_xml(ctx, buf->data, buf->len, 0);
	fz_drop_buffer(ctx, buf);

	package = fz_xml_find(content_opf, "package");
	version = fz_xml_att(package, "version");
	if (!version || strcmp(version, "2.0"))
		fz_warn(ctx, "unknown epub version: %s", version ? version : "<none>");

	manifest = fz_xml_find_down(package, "manifest");
	spine = fz_xml_find_down(package, "spine");

	if (path_from_idref(ncx, manifest, base_uri, fz_xml_att(spine, "toc"), sizeof ncx))
		/* TODO: parse NCX to create fz_outline */
		printf("epub: found outline: %s\n", ncx);

	head = tail = NULL;
	itemref = fz_xml_find_down(spine, "itemref");
	while (itemref)
		if (path_from_idref(s, manifest, base_uri, fz_xml_att(itemref, "idref"), sizeof s))
			printf("epub: found spine %s\n", s);
			if (!head)
				head = tail = epub_parse_chapter(ctx, doc, s);
				tail = tail->next = epub_parse_chapter(ctx, doc, s);
		itemref = fz_xml_find_next(itemref, "itemref");

	doc->spine = head;

	printf("epub: done.\n");

	fz_drop_xml(ctx, container_xml);
	fz_drop_xml(ctx, content_opf);