Esempio n. 1
void CVDisk::m_CalcScrnVertices() {

    int iVtx;
    double dAngleStep, dAngle0;
    double dX, dY;
    float * p_fVtxX, * p_fVtxY;

    dAngleStep = TWO_PI/m_nVertices;
    dAngle0 = m_dAngle * DEGS_TO_RADS;

    // circle is always of radius 1
    // disk radius is represented by scale
    p_fVtxX = m_afScrnVtxX;
    p_fVtxY = m_afScrnVtxY;

    for( iVtx = 0; iVtx < m_nVertices; iVtx++) {
        dX = cos(dAngleStep * iVtx + dAngle0) * m_dScale + m_dX;
        dY = sin(dAngleStep * iVtx + dAngle0) * m_dScale + m_dY;
        g_TransformCoordinatesF( dX, dY, p_fVtxX, p_fVtxY );
Esempio n. 2
//	logToFile((f, "CVComplexShape Draw\n"));
	if(!m_IsVisible) return;
    double *vertices = exact ? scrVertices : m_getVertices();
    if (arrays[aiIndices] != 0 && GetLength(arrays[aiIndices], 1) == 0 ||
        vertices == 0 || GetLength(vertices, 1) == 0)


        glMatrixMode (GL_MODELVIEW);
        glTranslated(0.0, 0.0, m_dZ);
    else {
        // Only get exact calibration location of center
        // and approximate the rest of the points
		float x = XPosToScreen((float)X,(float)Y);
        float y = YPosToScreen((float)X,(float)Y);

        m_nClipped = VISWIN_IS_CLIPPED(x,y);
		float pix[2];
		g_TransformCoordinatesF( m_dX, m_dY, pix, pix+1 );
		m_nClipped = IS_OFF_WINDOW(pix[0],pix[1]);

		/* DPosToDScreen(JAC,x,y); */
        // Rot 4x4, allocated by column, as in matlab
        // Jac, though, is only the 2x2 Jacobian
        ROT[0]=m_dScale*JAC[0][0]; ROT[1]=m_dScale*JAC[1][0];
        ROT[4]=m_dScale*JAC[0][1]; ROT[5]=m_dScale*JAC[1][1];
        ROT[12]=pix[0]; ROT[13]=pix[1]; ROT[14]=m_dZ;

        glMatrixMode (GL_MODELVIEW);
        // glLoadIdentity();
        // glTranslatef((float)x,(float)y,Z);      // 3: Translate
        // glScalef((float)scx,(float)scy,1);      // 2: Scale
        glLoadMatrixd(ROT);              // 2: Translate and Scale
        glRotatef((float)m_dAngle,0,0,1);   // 1: Rotate About Z axis


    if (drawMode >= odmLines && drawMode <= odmLineLoop)
        if (lineStipple != 0)
            glLineStipple(lineStippleFactor, lineStipple);

        if (lineWidth != 1.0) glLineWidth((float)lineWidth);

    if (drawMode == odmPoints && pointSize != 1.0) glPointSize((float)pointSize);

    if (drawMode >= odmTriangles && drawMode <= odmPolygon)
        if (arrays[aiPolygonStipple] != 0)
            glPolygonStipple((unsigned char *)arrays[aiPolygonStipple]);

    if (vertices            != 0)   glEnableClientState(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY);
    if (arrays[aiColors   ] != 0)   glEnableClientState(GL_COLOR_ARRAY);
    if (arrays[aiEdgeFlags] != 0)   glEnableClientState(GL_EDGE_FLAG_ARRAY);

	if (arrays[aiIndices] != 0)
		if (vertices != 0)
			glVertexPointer(GetLength(vertices, 0), GL_DOUBLE, 0, vertices);
		if (arrays[aiColors] != 0)
			glColorPointer (GetLength(arrays[aiColors], 0), GL_DOUBLE, 0, arrays[aiColors]);
//		if (arrays[aiEdgeFlags] != 0)
//			glEdgeFlagPointer(0, arrays[aiEdgeFlags]);

		if (GetDim(arrays[aiIndices]) == 1 || GetLength(arrays[aiIndices], 0) == 1)
		    glDrawElements(glDrawModeMap[drawMode], GetLength(arrays[aiIndices]), GL_UNSIGNED_INT, arrays[aiIndices]);
			int len0 = GetLength(arrays[aiIndices], 0);
			int len1 = GetLength(arrays[aiIndices], 1);
			for (int i=0; i < len1; ++i)
				glDrawElements(glDrawModeMap[drawMode], len0, GL_UNSIGNED_INT, ((unsigned int *)arrays[aiIndices]) + len0 * i);
	else if (vertices != 0)
		int len2 = GetDim(vertices) <= 2 ? 1 : GetLength(vertices, 2);
		for (int i=0; i < len2; ++i)
			if (vertices != 0)
				glVertexPointer(GetLength(vertices, 0), GL_DOUBLE, 0, vertices + GetLength(vertices, 0) * GetLength(vertices, 1) * i);
			if (arrays[aiColors] != 0)
				glColorPointer (GetLength(arrays[aiColors], 0), GL_DOUBLE, 0, arrays[aiColors] + GetLength(arrays[aiColors], 0) * GetLength(arrays[aiColors], 1) * i);
//			if (arrays[aiEdgeFlags] != 0)
//				glEdgeFlagPointer(0, arrays[aiEdgeFlags]);
			glDrawArrays(glDrawModeMap[drawMode], 0, GetLength(vertices, 1));

    if (vertices            != 0)   glDisableClientState(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY);
    if (arrays[aiColors   ] != 0)   glDisableClientState(GL_COLOR_ARRAY);
    if (arrays[aiEdgeFlags] != 0)   glDisableClientState(GL_EDGE_FLAG_ARRAY);

    if (drawMode >= odmTriangles && drawMode <= odmPolygon)
        if (arrays[aiPolygonStipple] != 0) glDisable(GL_POLYGON_STIPPLE);

    if (drawMode >= odmLines && drawMode <= odmLineLoop)
        if (lineStipple != 0) glDisable(GL_LINE_STIPPLE);
        if (lineWidth != 1.0) glLineWidth(1.0);

    if (drawMode == odmPoints && pointSize != 1.0) glPointSize(1.0);
