CircleActor::State Orbital::integrate( State state, int dt, value_type maxSpeed )
    if( !isMovable )
        return state;

    if( isActive )
        // Reset gravity accumulator.
        g *= 0;

        for( size_t i=0; i < attractors.size(); i++ )
            std::tr1::shared_ptr<CircleActor> attr = attractors[i].lock();
            if( attr->isActive && attr.get() != this ) 
                vector_type r = attr->s - state.s;
                g += magnitude ( 
                    r, attr->mass() * g_multiplier() / g_dist(r) * Arena::scale

        state.a = g;
        state.a *= 0;

    return CircleActor::integrate( state, dt, maxSpeed );
Greedy::State Greedy::integrate( State state, int dt, value_type maxSpeed )
    if( !isMovable )
        return state;

    if( isActive && !Orbital::target.expired() )
        // Reset gravity accumulator.
        g *= 0;

        std::tr1::shared_ptr<CircleActor> attr = Orbital::target.lock();
        vector_type r = attr->s - state.s;

        g += magnitude ( 
            r, attr->mass() * g_multiplier() / g_dist(r) * Arena::scale

        state.a = g;
        state.a *= 0;

    return CircleActor::integrate( state, dt, maxSpeed );
Esempio n. 3
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
	 * \page Grid_1_stencil Grid 1 stencil
	 * ## Initialization ## {#e1_st_init}
	 * Initialize the library and several objects
	 * \see \ref e0_s_initialization
	 * \snippet Grid/1_stencil/main.cpp parameters

	//! \cond [parameters] \endcond


	// domain
	Box<3,float> domain({0.0,0.0,0.0},{1.0,1.0,1.0});

	// grid sizes
	size_t sz[3] = {100,100,100};

	// ghost extension
	Ghost<3,float> g(0.03);

	//! \cond [parameters] \endcond

	 * \page Grid_1_stencil Grid 1 stencil
	 * ## Grid create ## {#e1_st_inst}
	 * Create a distributed grid in 3D. With typedef we create an alias name for aggregate<float[3],float[3]>.
	 * In practice the type of grid_point == aggregate<float[3],float[3]>
	 * \see \ref e0_s_grid_inst
	 * \snippet Grid/1_stencil/main.cpp grid

	//! \cond [grid] \endcond

	// a convenient alias for aggregate<...>
	typedef aggregate<float,float> grid_point;

	grid_dist_id<3, float, grid_point> g_dist(sz,domain,g);

	//! \cond [grid] \endcond

	 * \page Grid_1_stencil Grid 1 stencil
	 * ## Loop over grid points ## {#e1_s_loop_gp}
	 * Get an iterator that go through the point of the domain (No ghost)
	 * \see \ref e0_s_loop_gp
	 * \snippet Grid/1_stencil/main.cpp iterator
	 * \snippet Grid/1_stencil/main.cpp iterator2

	//! \cond [iterator] \endcond

	auto dom = g_dist.getDomainIterator();

	while (dom.isNext())

		//! \cond [iterator] \endcond

		 * \page Grid_1_stencil Grid 1 stencil
		 * Inside the cycle we get the local grid key
		 * \see \ref e0_s_grid_coord
		 * \snippet Grid/1_stencil/main.cpp local key

		//! \cond [local key] \endcond

		auto key = dom.get();

		//! \cond [local key] \endcond

		 * \page Grid_1_stencil Grid 1 stencil
		 * We convert the local grid position, into global position, key_g contain 3 integers that identify the position
		 * of the grid point in global coordinates
		 * \see \ref e0_s_grid_coord
		 * \snippet Grid/1_stencil/main.cpp global key

		//! \cond [global key] \endcond

		auto key_g = g_dist.getGKey(key);

		//! \cond [global key] \endcond

		 * \page Grid_1_stencil Grid 1 stencil
		 * we write on the grid point of position (i,j,k) the value i*i + j*j + k*k on the property A.
		 * Mathematically is equivalent to the function
		 * \f$ f(x,y,z) = x^2 + y^2 + z^2 \f$
		 * \snippet Grid/1_stencil/main.cpp function

		//! \cond [function] \endcond

		g_dist.template get<A>(key) = key_g.get(0)*key_g.get(0) + key_g.get(1)*key_g.get(1) + key_g.get(2)*key_g.get(2);

		//! \cond [function] \endcond

		//! \cond [iterator2] \endcond


	//! \cond [iterator2] \endcond

	 * \page Grid_1_stencil Grid 1 stencil
	 * ## Ghost ## {#e1_s_ghost}
	 * Each sub-domain has an extended part, that is materially contained into another processor.
	 * In general is not synchronized
	 * ghost_get<A> synchronize the property A in the ghost part
	 * \snippet Grid/1_stencil/main.cpp ghost

	//! \cond [ghost] \endcond

	g_dist.template ghost_get<A>();
	//! \cond [ghost] \endcond

	 * \page Grid_1_stencil Grid 1 stencil
	 * Get again another iterator, iterate across all the domain points, calculating a Laplace stencil. Write the
	 * result on B
	 * \snippet Grid/1_stencil/main.cpp laplacian

	//! \cond [laplacian] \endcond

	auto dom2 = g_dist.getDomainIterator();
	while (dom2.isNext())
		auto key = dom2.get();

		// Laplace stencil
		g_dist.template get<B>(key) = g_dist.template get<A>(key.move(x,1)) + g_dist.template get<A>(key.move(x,-1)) +
		                                 g_dist.template get<A>(key.move(y,1)) + g_dist.template get<A>(key.move(y,-1)) +
										 g_dist.template get<A>(key.move(z,1)) + g_dist.template get<A>(key.move(z,-1)) -
										 6*g_dist.template get<A>(key);


	//! \cond [laplacian] \endcond

	 * \page Grid_1_stencil Grid 1 stencil
	 * Finally we want a nice output to visualize the information stored by the distributed grid
	 * \see \ref e0_s_VTK_vis
	 * \snippet Grid/1_stencil/main.cpp output

	//! \cond [output] \endcond


	//! \cond [output] \endcond

	 * \page Grid_1_stencil Grid 1 stencil
	 * Deinitialize the library
	 * \snippet Grid/1_stencil/main.cpp finalize

	//! \cond [finalize] \endcond


	//! \cond [finalize] \endcond

	 * \page Grid_1_stencil Grid 1 stencil
	 * # Full code # {#code}
	 * \include Grid/1_stencil/main.cpp
Esempio n. 4
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
	 * \page Stokes_1_3D_petsc Stokes incompressible 3D petsc
	 * ## Initialization ## {#num_sk_inc_petsc_3D_init}
	 * After model our equation we:
	 * * Initialize the library
	 * * Define some useful constants
	 * * define Ghost size
	 * * Non-periodic boundary conditions
	 * * Padding domain expansion
	 * Padding and Ghost differ in the fact the padding extend the domain.
	 * Ghost is an extension for each sub-domain
	 * \snippet Numerics/Stoke_flow/0_2D_incompressible/main_petsc.cpp init

	//! \cond [init] \endcond

	// Initialize

	// velocity in the grid is the property 0, pressure is the property 1
	constexpr int velocity = 0;
	constexpr int pressure = 1;

	// Domain
	Box<3,float> domain({0.0,0.0,0.0},{3.0,1.0,1.0});

	// Ghost (Not important in this case but required)
	Ghost<3,float> g(0.01);

	// Grid points on x=36 and y=12 z=12
	long int sz[] = {36,12,12};
	size_t szu[3];
	szu[0] = (size_t)sz[0];
	szu[1] = (size_t)sz[1];
	szu[2] = (size_t)sz[2];

	// We need one more point on the left and down part of the domain
	// This is given by the boundary conditions that we impose.
	Padding<3> pd({1,1,1},{0,0,0});

	//! \cond [init] \endcond

	 * \page Stokes_1_3D_petsc Stokes incompressible 3D petsc
	 * Distributed grid that store the solution
	 * \see \ref e0_s_grid_inst
	 * \snippet Numerics/Stoke_flow/1_3D_incompressible/main_petsc.cpp grid inst

	//! \cond [grid inst] \endcond

	grid_dist_id<3,float,aggregate<float[3],float>> g_dist(szu,domain,g);

	//! \cond [grid inst] \endcond

	 * \page Stokes_1_3D_petsc Stokes incompressible 3D petsc
	 * Solving the system above require the solution of a system like that
	 * \f$ Ax = b \quad x = A^{-1}b\f$
	 * where A is the system the discretize the left hand side of the equations + boundary conditions
	 * and b discretize the right hand size + boundary conditions
	 * FDScheme is the object that we use to produce the Matrix A and the vector b.
	 * Such object require the maximum extension of the stencil
	 * \snippet Numerics/Stoke_flow/1_3D_incompressible/main_petsc.cpp fd scheme

	//! \cond [fd scheme] \endcond

	// It is the maximum extension of the stencil (order 2 laplacian stencil has extension 1)
	Ghost<3,long int> stencil_max(1);

	// Finite difference scheme
	FDScheme<lid_nn> fd(pd, stencil_max, domain, g_dist.getGridInfo(), g_dist);

	//! \cond [fd scheme] \endcond

	 * \page Stokes_1_3D_petsc Stokes incompressible 3D petsc
	 * ## Impose the equation on the domain ## {#num_sk_inc_3D_ied}
	 * Here we impose the system of equation, we start from the incompressibility Eq imposed in the bulk with the
	 * exception of the first point {0,0} and than we set P = 0 in {0,0}, why we are doing this is again
	 * mathematical to have a well defined system, an intuitive explanation is that P and P + c are both
	 * solution for the incompressibility equation, this produce an ill-posed problem to make it well posed
	 * we set one point in this case {0,0} the pressure to a fixed constant for convenience P = 0
	 * The best way to understand what we are doing is to draw a smaller example like 8x8.
	 * Considering that we have one additional point on the left for padding we have a grid
	 * 9x9. If on each point we have v_x v_y and P unknown we have
	 * 9x9x3 = 243 unknown. In order to fully determine and unique solution we have to
	 * impose 243 condition. The code under impose (in the case of 9x9) between domain
	 * and bulk 243 conditions.
	 * \snippet Numerics/Stoke_flow/1_3D_incompressible/main_petsc.cpp impose eq dom

	//! \cond [impose eq dom] \endcond

	// start and end of the bulk

	fd.impose(ic_eq(),0.0, EQ_4, {0,0,0},{sz[0]-2,sz[1]-2,sz[2]-2},true);
	fd.impose(Prs(),  0.0, EQ_4, {0,0,0},{0,0,0});
	fd.impose(vx_eq(),0.0, EQ_1, {1,0},{sz[0]-2,sz[1]-2,sz[2]-2});
	fd.impose(vy_eq(),0.0, EQ_2, {0,1},{sz[0]-2,sz[1]-2,sz[2]-2});
	fd.impose(vz_eq(),0.0, EQ_3, {0,0,1},{sz[0]-2,sz[1]-2,sz[2]-2});

	// v_x
	// R L (Right,Left)
	fd.impose(v_x(),0.0, EQ_1, {0,0,0},      {0,sz[1]-2,sz[2]-2});
	fd.impose(v_x(),0.0, EQ_1, {sz[0]-1,0,0},{sz[0]-1,sz[1]-2,sz[2]-2});

	// T B (Top,Bottom)
	fd.impose(avg_y_vx_f(),0.0, EQ_1, {0,-1,0},     {sz[0]-1,-1,sz[2]-2});
	fd.impose(avg_y_vx(),0.0, EQ_1,   {0,sz[1]-1,0},{sz[0]-1,sz[1]-1,sz[2]-2});

	// A F (Forward,Backward)
	fd.impose(avg_z_vx_f(),0.0, EQ_1, {0,-1,-1},     {sz[0]-1,sz[1]-1,-1});
	fd.impose(avg_z_vx(),0.0, EQ_1, {0,-1,sz[2]-1},{sz[0]-1,sz[1]-1,sz[2]-1});

	// v_y
	// R L
	fd.impose(avg_x_vy_f(),0.0, EQ_2,  {-1,0,0},     {-1,sz[1]-1,sz[2]-2});
	fd.impose(avg_x_vy(),1.0, EQ_2,    {sz[0]-1,0,0},{sz[0]-1,sz[1]-1,sz[2]-2});

	// T B
	fd.impose(v_y(), 0.0, EQ_2, {0,0,0},      {sz[0]-2,0,sz[2]-2});
	fd.impose(v_y(), 0.0, EQ_2, {0,sz[1]-1,0},{sz[0]-2,sz[1]-1,sz[2]-2});

	// F A
	fd.impose(avg_z_vy(),0.0, EQ_2,   {-1,0,sz[2]-1}, {sz[0]-1,sz[1]-1,sz[2]-1});
	fd.impose(avg_z_vy_f(),0.0, EQ_2, {-1,0,-1},      {sz[0]-1,sz[1]-1,-1});

	// v_z
	// R L
	fd.impose(avg_x_vz_f(),0.0, EQ_3, {-1,0,0},     {-1,sz[1]-2,sz[2]-1});
	fd.impose(avg_x_vz(),1.0, EQ_3,   {sz[0]-1,0,0},{sz[0]-1,sz[1]-2,sz[2]-1});

	// T B
	fd.impose(avg_y_vz(),0.0, EQ_3, {-1,sz[1]-1,0},{sz[0]-1,sz[1]-1,sz[2]-1});
	fd.impose(avg_y_vz_f(),0.0, EQ_3, {-1,-1,0},   {sz[0]-1,-1,sz[2]-1});

	// F A
	fd.impose(v_z(),0.0, EQ_3, {0,0,0},      {sz[0]-2,sz[1]-2,0});
	fd.impose(v_z(),0.0, EQ_3, {0,0,sz[2]-1},{sz[0]-2,sz[1]-2,sz[2]-1});

	// When we pad the grid, there are points of the grid that are not
	// touched by the previous condition. Mathematically this lead
	// to have too many variables for the conditions that we are imposing.
	// Here we are imposing variables that we do not touch to zero

	// L R
	fd.impose(Prs(), 0.0, EQ_4, {-1,-1,-1},{-1,sz[1]-1,sz[2]-1});
	fd.impose(Prs(), 0.0, EQ_4, {sz[0]-1,-1,-1},{sz[0]-1,sz[1]-1,sz[2]-1});

	// T B
	fd.impose(Prs(), 0.0, EQ_4, {0,sz[1]-1,-1}, {sz[0]-2,sz[1]-1,sz[2]-1});
	fd.impose(Prs(), 0.0, EQ_4, {0,-1     ,-1}, {sz[0]-2,-1,     sz[2]-1});

	// F A
	fd.impose(Prs(), 0.0, EQ_4, {0,0,sz[2]-1}, {sz[0]-2,sz[1]-2,sz[2]-1});
	fd.impose(Prs(), 0.0, EQ_4, {0,0,-1},      {sz[0]-2,sz[1]-2,-1});

	// Impose v_x  v_y v_z padding
	fd.impose(v_x(), 0.0, EQ_1, {-1,-1,-1},{-1,sz[1]-1,sz[2]-1});
	fd.impose(v_y(), 0.0, EQ_2, {-1,-1,-1},{sz[0]-1,-1,sz[2]-1});
	fd.impose(v_z(), 0.0, EQ_3, {-1,-1,-1},{sz[0]-1,sz[1]-1,-1});

	//! \cond [impose eq dom] \endcond

	 * \page Stokes_1_3D_petsc Stokes incompressible 3D petsc
	 * ## Solve the system of equation ## {#num_sk_inc_3D_petsc_sse}
	 * Once we imposed all the equations we can retrieve the Matrix A and the vector b
	 * and pass these two element to the solver. In this example we are using  PETSC solvers
	 *  direct/Iterative solvers. While Umfpack
	 * has only one solver, PETSC wrap several solvers. The function best_solve set the solver in
	 * the modality to try multiple solvers to solve your system. The subsequent call to solve produce a report
	 * of all the solvers tried comparing them in error-convergence and speed. If you do not use
	 * best_solve try to solve your system with the default solver GMRES (That is the most robust iterative solver
	 *  method)
	 * \snippet Numerics/Stoke_flow/1_3D_incompressible/main_petsc.cpp solver

	//! \cond [solver] \endcond

	// Create an PETSC solver
	petsc_solver<double> solver;

	// Warning try many solver and collect statistics require a lot of time
	// To just solve you can comment this line
//	solver.best_solve();

	// Give to the solver A and b, return x, the solution
	auto x = solver.solve(fd.getA(),fd.getB());

	//! \cond [solver] \endcond

	 * \page Stokes_1_3D_petsc Stokes incompressible 3D petsc
	 * ## Copy the solution on the grid and write on VTK ## {#num_sk_inc_3D_petsc_csg}
	 * Once we have the solution we copy it on the grid
	 * \snippet Numerics/Stoke_flow/1_3D_incompressible/main_petsc.cpp copy write

	//! \cond [copy write] \endcond

	// Bring the solution to grid
	fd.template copy<velocity,pressure>(x,{0,0},{sz[0]-1,sz[1]-1,sz[2]-1},g_dist);


	//! \cond [copy write] \endcond

	 * \page Stokes_1_3D_petsc Stokes incompressible 3D petsc
	 * ## Finalize ## {#num_sk_inc_3D_petsc_fin}
	 *  At the very end of the program we have always to de-initialize the library
	 * \snippet Numerics/Stoke_flow/1_3D_incompressible/main_petsc.cpp fin lib

	//! \cond [fin lib] \endcond


	//! \cond [fin lib] \endcond

	 * \page Stokes_1_3D_petsc Stokes incompressible 3D petsc
	 * # Full code # {#num_sk_inc_3D_petsc_code}
	 * \include Numerics/Stoke_flow/1_3D_incompressible/main_petsc.cpp
Esempio n. 5
template<typename solver_type,typename lid_nn> void lid_driven_cavity_2d()
	Vcluster & v_cl = create_vcluster();

	if (v_cl.getProcessingUnits() > 3)

	//! [lid-driven cavity 2D]

	// velocity in the grid is the property 0, pressure is the property 1
	constexpr int velocity = 0;
	constexpr int pressure = 1;

	// Domain, a rectangle
	Box<2,float> domain({0.0,0.0},{3.0,1.0});

	// Ghost (Not important in this case but required)
	Ghost<2,float> g(0.01);

	// Grid points on x=256 and y=64
	long int sz[] = {256,64};
	size_t szu[2];
	szu[0] = (size_t)sz[0];
	szu[1] = (size_t)sz[1];

	// We need one more point on the left and down part of the domain
	// This is given by the boundary conditions that we impose, the
	// reason is mathematical in order to have a well defined system
	// and cannot be discussed here
	Padding<2> pd({1,1},{0,0});

	// Distributed grid that store the solution
	grid_dist_id<2,float,aggregate<float[2],float>,CartDecomposition<2,float>> g_dist(szu,domain,g);

	// It is the maximum extension of the stencil
	Ghost<2,long int> stencil_max(1);

	// Finite difference scheme
	FDScheme<lid_nn> fd(pd, stencil_max, domain, g_dist.getGridInfo(), g_dist);

	// Here we impose the equation, we start from the incompressibility Eq imposed in the bulk with the
	// exception of the first point {0,0} and than we set P = 0 in {0,0}, why we are doing this is again
	// mathematical to have a well defined system, an intuitive explanation is that P and P + c are both
	// solution for the incompressibility equation, this produce an ill-posed problem to make it well posed
	// we set one point in this case {0,0} the pressure to a fixed constant for convenience P = 0
	fd.impose(ic_eq(),0.0, EQ_3, {0,0},{sz[0]-2,sz[1]-2},true);
	fd.impose(Prs(),  0.0, EQ_3, {0,0},{0,0});

	// Here we impose the Eq1 and Eq2
	fd.impose(vx_eq(),0.0, EQ_1, {1,0},{sz[0]-2,sz[1]-2});
	fd.impose(vy_eq(),0.0, EQ_2, {0,1},{sz[0]-2,sz[1]-2});

	// v_x and v_y
	// Imposing B1
	fd.impose(v_x(),0.0, EQ_1, {0,0},{0,sz[1]-2});
	fd.impose(avg_vy_f(),0.0, EQ_2 , {-1,0},{-1,sz[1]-1});
	// Imposing B2
	fd.impose(v_x(),0.0, EQ_1, {sz[0]-1,0},{sz[0]-1,sz[1]-2});
	fd.impose(avg_vy(),1.0, EQ_2,    {sz[0]-1,0},{sz[0]-1,sz[1]-1});

	// Imposing B3
	fd.impose(avg_vx_f(),0.0, EQ_1, {0,-1},{sz[0]-1,-1});
	fd.impose(v_y(), 0.0, EQ_2, {0,0},{sz[0]-2,0});
	// Imposing B4
	fd.impose(avg_vx(),0.0, EQ_1,   {0,sz[1]-1},{sz[0]-1,sz[1]-1});
	fd.impose(v_y(), 0.0, EQ_2, {0,sz[1]-1},{sz[0]-2,sz[1]-1});

	// When we pad the grid, there are points of the grid that are not
	// touched by the previous condition. Mathematically this lead
	// to have too many variables for the conditions that we are imposing.
	// Here we are imposing variables that we do not touch to zero

	// Padding pressure
	fd.impose(Prs(), 0.0, EQ_3, {-1,-1},{sz[0]-1,-1});
	fd.impose(Prs(), 0.0, EQ_3, {-1,sz[1]-1},{sz[0]-1,sz[1]-1});
	fd.impose(Prs(), 0.0, EQ_3, {-1,0},{-1,sz[1]-2});
	fd.impose(Prs(), 0.0, EQ_3, {sz[0]-1,0},{sz[0]-1,sz[1]-2});

	// Impose v_x Padding Impose v_y padding
	fd.impose(v_x(), 0.0, EQ_1, {-1,-1},{-1,sz[1]-1});
	fd.impose(v_y(), 0.0, EQ_2, {-1,-1},{sz[0]-1,-1});

	solver_type solver;
	auto x = solver.solve(fd.getA(),fd.getB());

	//! [lid-driven cavity 2D]

	//! [Copy the solution to grid]

	fd.template copy<velocity,pressure>(x,{0,0},{sz[0]-1,sz[1]-1},g_dist);

	std::string s = std::string(demangle(typeid(solver_type).name()));
	s += "_";

	//! [Copy the solution to grid]

	g_dist.write(s + "lid_driven_cavity_p" + std::to_string(v_cl.getProcessingUnits()) + "_grid");

#ifdef HAVE_OSX

    std::string file1 = std::string("test/") + s + "lid_driven_cavity_p" + std::to_string(v_cl.getProcessingUnits()) + "_grid_" + std::to_string(v_cl.getProcessUnitID()) + "_test_osx.vtk";
    std::string file2 = s + "lid_driven_cavity_p" + std::to_string(v_cl.getProcessingUnits()) + "_grid_" + std::to_string(v_cl.getProcessUnitID()) + ".vtk";


	#if __GNUC__ == 5

		std::string file1 = std::string("test/") + s + "lid_driven_cavity_p" + std::to_string(v_cl.getProcessingUnits()) + "_grid_" + std::to_string(v_cl.getProcessUnitID()) + "_test_GCC5.vtk";
		std::string file2 = s + "lid_driven_cavity_p" + std::to_string(v_cl.getProcessingUnits()) + "_grid_" + std::to_string(v_cl.getProcessUnitID()) + ".vtk";


		std::string file1 = std::string("test/") + s + "lid_driven_cavity_p" + std::to_string(v_cl.getProcessingUnits()) + "_grid_" + std::to_string(v_cl.getProcessUnitID()) + "_test_GCC4.vtk";
		std::string file2 = s + "lid_driven_cavity_p" + std::to_string(v_cl.getProcessingUnits()) + "_grid_" + std::to_string(v_cl.getProcessUnitID()) + ".vtk";



    std::cout << "File1: " << file1 << std::endl;
    std::cout << "File2: " << file2 << std::endl;

	// Check that match
	bool test = compare(file1,file2);
