static gboolean ignore_drive (GDrive *drive) { GIcon *icon; if (g_drive_can_eject (drive) == FALSE || g_drive_has_media (drive) == FALSE) { GRL_DEBUG ("%s: Not adding %s as cannot eject or has no media", __FUNCTION__, g_drive_get_name (drive)); return TRUE; } /* Hack to avoid USB devices showing up * */ icon = g_drive_get_icon (drive); if (icon && G_IS_THEMED_ICON (icon)) { const gchar * const * names; names = g_themed_icon_get_names (G_THEMED_ICON (icon)); if (names && names[0] && !g_str_has_prefix (names[0], "drive-optical")) { g_object_unref (icon); GRL_DEBUG ("%s: Not adding drive %s as is not optical drive", __FUNCTION__, g_drive_get_name (drive)); return TRUE; } } g_clear_object (&icon); return FALSE; }
static void list_drives (GList *drives, int indent) { GList *volumes, *l; int c, i; GDrive *drive; char *name; char **ids; GIcon *icon; for (c = 0, l = drives; l != NULL; l = l->next, c++) { drive = (GDrive *) l->data; name = g_drive_get_name (drive); g_print ("%*sDrive(%d): %s\n", indent, "", c, name); g_free (name); if (mount_list_info) { ids = g_drive_enumerate_identifiers (drive); if (ids && ids[0] != NULL) { g_print ("%*sids:\n", indent+2, ""); for (i = 0; ids[i] != NULL; i++) { char *id = g_drive_get_identifier (drive, ids[i]); g_print ("%*s %s: '%s'\n", indent+2, "", ids[i], id); g_free (id); } } g_strfreev (ids); icon = g_drive_get_icon (drive); if (icon) { if (G_IS_THEMED_ICON (icon)) show_themed_icon_names (G_THEMED_ICON (icon), indent + 2); g_object_unref (icon); } g_print ("%*sis_media_removable=%d\n", indent + 2, "", g_drive_is_media_removable (drive)); g_print ("%*shas_media=%d\n", indent + 2, "", g_drive_has_media (drive)); g_print ("%*sis_media_check_automatic=%d\n", indent + 2, "", g_drive_is_media_check_automatic (drive)); g_print ("%*scan_poll_for_media=%d\n", indent + 2, "", g_drive_can_poll_for_media (drive)); g_print ("%*scan_eject=%d\n", indent + 2, "", g_drive_can_eject (drive)); } volumes = g_drive_get_volumes (drive); list_volumes (volumes, indent + 2, FALSE); g_list_foreach (volumes, (GFunc)g_object_unref, NULL); g_list_free (volumes); } }
static gboolean _cd_find_can_eject_from_drive_name (const gchar *cName) { cd_debug ("%s (%s)", __func__, cName); GDrive *pDrive = _cd_find_drive_from_name (cName); g_return_val_if_fail (pDrive != NULL, FALSE); gboolean bCanEject = g_drive_can_eject (pDrive); //g_object_unref (pDrive); return bCanEject; }
static GList * add_drive (GList *media_list, GDrive *drive, GrlOpticalMediaSource *source) { GList *volumes, *i; GIcon *icon; if (g_drive_can_eject (drive) == FALSE || g_drive_has_media (drive) == FALSE) { return media_list; } /* Hack to avoid USB devices showing up * */ icon = g_drive_get_icon (drive); if (icon && G_IS_THEMED_ICON (icon)) { const gchar * const * names; names = g_themed_icon_get_names (G_THEMED_ICON (icon)); if (names && names[0] && !g_str_has_prefix (names[0], "drive-optical")) { g_object_unref (icon); return media_list; } } g_clear_object (&icon); /* Repeat for all the drive's volumes */ volumes = g_drive_get_volumes (drive); for (i = volumes; i != NULL; i = i->next) { GVolume *volume = i->data; media_list = add_volume (media_list, volume, drive, source); g_object_unref (volume); } g_list_free (volumes); return media_list; }
static void list_drives (GList *drives, int indent) { GList *volumes, *l; int c, i; GDrive *drive; char *name; char **ids; GIcon *icon; char *type_name; const gchar *sort_key; for (c = 0, l = drives; l != NULL; l = l->next, c++) { drive = (GDrive *) l->data; name = g_drive_get_name (drive); g_print ("%*sDrive(%d): %s\n", indent, "", c, name); g_free (name); type_name = get_type_name (drive); g_print ("%*sType: %s\n", indent+2, "", type_name); g_free (type_name); if (extra_detail) { GEnumValue *enum_value; gpointer klass; ids = g_drive_enumerate_identifiers (drive); if (ids && ids[0] != NULL) { g_print ("%*sids:\n", indent+2, ""); for (i = 0; ids[i] != NULL; i++) { char *id = g_drive_get_identifier (drive, ids[i]); g_print ("%*s %s: '%s'\n", indent+2, "", ids[i], id); g_free (id); } } g_strfreev (ids); icon = g_drive_get_icon (drive); if (icon) { if (G_IS_THEMED_ICON (icon)) show_themed_icon_names (G_THEMED_ICON (icon), indent + 2); g_object_unref (icon); } g_print ("%*sis_media_removable=%d\n", indent + 2, "", g_drive_is_media_removable (drive)); g_print ("%*shas_media=%d\n", indent + 2, "", g_drive_has_media (drive)); g_print ("%*sis_media_check_automatic=%d\n", indent + 2, "", g_drive_is_media_check_automatic (drive)); g_print ("%*scan_poll_for_media=%d\n", indent + 2, "", g_drive_can_poll_for_media (drive)); g_print ("%*scan_eject=%d\n", indent + 2, "", g_drive_can_eject (drive)); g_print ("%*scan_start=%d\n", indent + 2, "", g_drive_can_start (drive)); g_print ("%*scan_stop=%d\n", indent + 2, "", g_drive_can_stop (drive)); enum_value = NULL; klass = g_type_class_ref (G_TYPE_DRIVE_START_STOP_TYPE); if (klass != NULL) { enum_value = g_enum_get_value (klass, g_drive_get_start_stop_type (drive)); g_print ("%*sstart_stop_type=%s\n", indent + 2, "", enum_value != NULL ? enum_value->value_nick : "UNKNOWN"); g_type_class_unref (klass); } sort_key = g_drive_get_sort_key (drive); if (sort_key != NULL) g_print ("%*ssort_key=%s\n", indent + 2, "", sort_key); } volumes = g_drive_get_volumes (drive); list_volumes (volumes, indent + 2, FALSE); g_list_foreach (volumes, (GFunc)g_object_unref, NULL); g_list_free (volumes); } }
gboolean brasero_gio_operation_eject_drive (GDrive *gdrive, GCancellable *cancel, gboolean wait, GError **error) { gboolean result; if (!gdrive) { BRASERO_MEDIA_LOG ("No GDrive"); return FALSE; } if (!g_drive_can_eject (gdrive)) { BRASERO_MEDIA_LOG ("GDrive can't eject"); return FALSE; } if (wait) { gulong eject_sig; gulong disconnect_sig; BraseroGioOperation *op; op = g_new0 (BraseroGioOperation, 1); op->cancel = cancel; eject_sig = g_signal_connect (gdrive, "changed", G_CALLBACK (brasero_gio_operation_ejected_cb), op); disconnect_sig = g_signal_connect (gdrive, "disconnected", G_CALLBACK (brasero_gio_operation_disconnected_cb), op); g_drive_eject_with_operation (gdrive, G_MOUNT_UNMOUNT_NONE, NULL, cancel, brasero_gio_operation_eject_finish, op); /* Ref gdrive as it could be unreffed * while we are in the loop */ g_object_ref (gdrive); result = brasero_gio_operation_wait_for_operation_end (op, error); brasero_gio_operation_destroy (op); g_signal_handler_disconnect (gdrive, eject_sig); g_signal_handler_disconnect (gdrive, disconnect_sig); g_object_unref (gdrive); } else { g_drive_eject_with_operation (gdrive, G_MOUNT_UNMOUNT_NONE, NULL, cancel, NULL, NULL); result = TRUE; } return result; }
static void _tile_eject_cb (MpdStorageDeviceTile *tile, MpdDevicesTile *self) { MpdDevicesTilePrivate *priv = GET_PRIVATE (self); char const *uri; GList *mounts; GList *iter; uri = mpd_storage_device_tile_get_mount_point (tile); mounts = g_volume_monitor_get_mounts (priv->monitor); iter = g_list_find_custom (mounts, uri, (GCompareFunc) _find_mount_cb); if (iter) { GMount *mount = G_MOUNT (iter->data); GDrive *drive; GVolume *vol; gboolean ejected = TRUE; drive = g_mount_get_drive (mount); vol = g_mount_get_volume (mount); if (drive && g_drive_can_eject (drive)) { g_debug ("%s() ejecting drive %s", __FUNCTION__, uri); g_drive_eject_with_operation (drive, G_MOUNT_UNMOUNT_NONE, NULL, NULL, (GAsyncReadyCallback)_drive_eject_cb, tile); } else if (vol && g_volume_can_eject (vol)) { g_debug ("%s() ejecting volume %s", __FUNCTION__, uri); g_volume_eject_with_operation (vol, G_MOUNT_UNMOUNT_NONE, NULL, NULL, (GAsyncReadyCallback)_vol_eject_cb, tile); } else if (g_mount_can_eject (mount)) { g_debug ("%s() ejecting mount %s", __FUNCTION__, uri); g_mount_eject_with_operation (mount, G_MOUNT_UNMOUNT_NONE, NULL, NULL, (GAsyncReadyCallback) _mount_eject_cb, tile); } else if (g_mount_can_unmount (mount)) { g_debug ("%s() unmounting mount %s", __FUNCTION__, uri); g_mount_unmount_with_operation (mount, G_MOUNT_UNMOUNT_NONE, NULL, NULL, (GAsyncReadyCallback) _mount_unmount_cb, tile); } else { ejected = FALSE; g_warning ("Eject or unmount not possible"); } mx_widget_set_disabled (MX_WIDGET (tile), ejected); /* TODO: inform user of ejection with text inside the tile: * For that (and other reasons) this code really should be inside * MpdStorageDeviceTile */ /* TODO: we want to start a 2s timeout here, and if not done sync'ing when * expired show the message "Ejecting ..." */ if (drive) { g_object_unref (drive); } if (vol) { g_object_unref (vol); } } g_list_foreach (mounts, (GFunc) g_object_unref, NULL); g_list_free (mounts); }