static void
parse_coords_2 (struct gml_params *params)
/* parsing a list of coordinates (2) */
    int count = 0;
    char coord[128];
    double x;
    double y;
    char *p_out = coord;
    const char *p_in = params->CharData;
    int i;
    gaiaDynamicLinePtr dyn_line = gaiaAllocDynamicLine ();

    for (i = 0; i < params->CharDataLen; i++)
	  if (*p_in == ' ')
		*p_out = '\0';
		if (count == 1)
		    x = atof (coord);
		    y = atof (coord);
		p_out = coord;
		if (count > 1)
		      gaiaAppendPointToDynamicLine (dyn_line, x, y);
		      x = DBL_MAX;
		      y = DBL_MAX;
		      count = 0;
	  *p_out++ = *p_in++;
    if (p_out != coord)
	  *p_out = '\0';
	  if (count == 1)
	      x = atof (coord);
	      y = atof (coord);
	  gaiaAppendPointToDynamicLine (dyn_line, x, y);

    if (params->is_point)
	add_point_to_geometry (params, dyn_line);
    if (params->is_linestring)
	add_linestring_to_geometry (params, dyn_line);
    if (params->is_polygon)
	  if (params->is_inner_boundary)
	      add_interior_ring_to_geometry (params, dyn_line);
	  else if (params->is_outer_boundary)
	      add_exterior_ring_to_geometry (params, dyn_line);
Esempio n. 2
static gaiaDynamicLinePtr
kml_parse_ring (kmlNodePtr node, int *interior, int *has_z, kmlNodePtr * next)
/* parsing a generic KML ring */
    gaiaDynamicLinePtr dyn = gaiaAllocDynamicLine ();
    *has_z = 1;

    if (strcmp (node->Tag, "outerBoundaryIs") == 0)
	  /* parsing a KML <outerBoundaryIs> */
	  node = node->Next;
	  if (node == NULL)
	      goto error;
	  if (strcmp (node->Tag, "LinearRing") == 0)
	      goto error;
	  node = node->Next;
	  if (node == NULL)
	      goto error;
	  if (strcmp (node->Tag, "coordinates") == 0)
		/* parsing a KML <kml:coordinates> */
		if (!kml_parse_coordinates (node->Coordinates, dyn, has_z))
		    goto error;
		node = node->Next;
		if (node == NULL)
		    goto error;
		if (strcmp (node->Tag, "coordinates") == 0)
		    goto error;
	      goto error;
	  node = node->Next;
	  if (node == NULL)
	      goto error;
	  if (strcmp (node->Tag, "LinearRing") == 0)
	      goto error;
	  node = node->Next;
	  if (node == NULL)
	      goto error;
	  if (strcmp (node->Tag, "outerBoundaryIs") == 0)
	      goto error;
	  *interior = 0;
	  *next = node->Next;
	  return dyn;
    if (strcmp (node->Tag, "innerBoundaryIs") == 0)
	  /* parsing a KML <innerBoundaryIs> */
	  node = node->Next;
	  if (node == NULL)
	      goto error;
	  if (strcmp (node->Tag, "LinearRing") == 0)
	      goto error;
	  node = node->Next;
	  if (node == NULL)
	      goto error;
	  if (strcmp (node->Tag, "coordinates") == 0)
		/* parsing a KML <coordinates> */
		if (!kml_parse_coordinates (node->Coordinates, dyn, has_z))
		    goto error;
		node = node->Next;
		if (node == NULL)
		    goto error;
		if (strcmp (node->Tag, "coordinates") == 0)
		    goto error;
	      goto error;
	  node = node->Next;
	  if (node == NULL)
	      goto error;
	  if (strcmp (node->Tag, "LinearRing") == 0)
	      goto error;
	  node = node->Next;
	  if (node == NULL)
	      goto error;
	  if (strcmp (node->Tag, "innerBoundaryIs") == 0)
	      goto error;
	  *interior = 1;
	  *next = node->Next;
	  return dyn;

    gaiaFreeDynamicLine (dyn);
    return 0;
Esempio n. 3
static int
kml_parse_linestring (struct kml_data *p_data, gaiaGeomCollPtr geom,
		      kmlNodePtr node, kmlNodePtr * next)
/* parsing a <LineString> */
    gaiaGeomCollPtr ln;
    gaiaGeomCollPtr last;
    gaiaLinestringPtr new_ln;
    gaiaPointPtr pt;
    int iv;
    int has_z = 1;
    int points = 0;
    gaiaDynamicLinePtr dyn = gaiaAllocDynamicLine ();
    kmlMapDynAlloc (p_data, KML_DYN_DYNLINE, dyn);

    if (strcmp (node->Tag, "coordinates") == 0)
	  /* parsing a KML <LineString> */
	  if (!kml_parse_coordinates (node->Coordinates, dyn, &has_z))
	      goto error;
	  node = node->Next;
	  if (node == NULL)
	      goto error;
	  if (strcmp (node->Tag, "coordinates") == 0)
	      goto error;
	  node = node->Next;
	  if (node == NULL)
	      goto error;
	  if (strcmp (node->Tag, "LineString") == 0)
	      goto error;
	  *next = node->Next;

/* ok, KML nodes match as expected */
    points = kml_count_dyn_points (dyn);
    if (points < 2)
	goto error;
    if (has_z)
	  ln = gaiaAllocGeomCollXYZ ();
	  kmlMapDynAlloc (p_data, KML_DYN_GEOM, ln);
	  new_ln = gaiaAddLinestringToGeomColl (ln, points);
	  pt = dyn->First;
	  iv = 0;
	  while (pt)
		gaiaSetPointXYZ (new_ln->Coords, iv, pt->X, pt->Y, pt->Z);
		pt = pt->Next;
	  ln = gaiaAllocGeomColl ();
	  kmlMapDynAlloc (p_data, KML_DYN_GEOM, ln);
	  new_ln = gaiaAddLinestringToGeomColl (ln, points);
	  pt = dyn->First;
	  iv = 0;
	  while (pt)
		gaiaSetPoint (new_ln->Coords, iv, pt->X, pt->Y);
		pt = pt->Next;
    last = geom;
    while (1)
	  /* searching the last Geometry within chain */
	  if (last->Next == NULL)
	  last = last->Next;
    last->Next = ln;
    gaiaFreeDynamicLine (dyn);
    return 1;

    gaiaFreeDynamicLine (dyn);
    return 0;
Esempio n. 4
gaiaMakeEllipse (double cx, double cy, double x_axis, double y_axis,
		 double step)
/* return a Linestring approximating an Ellipse */
    gaiaDynamicLinePtr dyn;
    double x;
    double y;
    double angle = 0.0;
    int points = 0;
    gaiaPointPtr pt;
    gaiaGeomCollPtr geom;
    gaiaLinestringPtr ln;
    int iv = 0;

    if (step < 0.0)
	step *= -1.0;
    if (step == 0.0)
	step = 10.0;
    if (step < 0.1)
	step = 0.1;
    if (step > 45.0)
	step = 45.0;
    if (x_axis < 0.0)
	x_axis *= -1.0;
    if (y_axis < 0.0)
	y_axis *= -1.0;
    dyn = gaiaAllocDynamicLine ();
    while (angle < 360.0)
	  double rads = angle * .0174532925199432958;
	  x = cx + (x_axis * cos (rads));
	  y = cy + (y_axis * sin (rads));
	  gaiaAppendPointToDynamicLine (dyn, x, y);
	  angle += step;
/* closing the ellipse */
    gaiaAppendPointToDynamicLine (dyn, dyn->First->X, dyn->First->Y);

    pt = dyn->First;
    while (pt)
	  /* counting how many points */
	  pt = pt->Next;
    if (points == 0)
	  gaiaFreeDynamicLine (dyn);
	  return NULL;

    geom = gaiaAllocGeomColl ();
    ln = gaiaAddLinestringToGeomColl (geom, points);
    pt = dyn->First;
    while (pt)
	  /* setting Vertices */
	  gaiaSetPoint (ln->Coords, iv, pt->X, pt->Y);
	  pt = pt->Next;
    gaiaFreeDynamicLine (dyn);
    return geom;
Esempio n. 5
gaiaMakeEllipticArc (double cx,
		     double cy, double x_axis, double y_axis, double start,
		     double stop, double step)
/* return a Linestring approximating an Elliptic Arc */
    gaiaDynamicLinePtr dyn;
    double x;
    double y;
    double angle;
    double rads;
    int points = 0;
    gaiaPointPtr pt;
    gaiaGeomCollPtr geom;
    gaiaLinestringPtr ln;
    int iv = 0;

    if (step < 0.0)
	step *= -1.0;
    if (step == 0.0)
	step = 10.0;
    if (step < 0.1)
	step = 0.1;
    if (step > 45.0)
	step = 45.0;
    if (x_axis < 0.0)
	x_axis *= -1.0;
    if (y_axis < 0.0)
	y_axis *= -1.0;
/* normalizing Start/Stop angles */
    while (start >= 360.0)
	start -= 360.0;
    while (start <= -720.0)
	start += 360;
    while (stop >= 360.0)
	stop -= 360.0;
    while (stop <= -720.0)
	stop += 360;
    if (start < 0.0)
	start = 360.0 + start;
    if (stop < 0.0)
	stop = 360.0 + stop;
    if (start > stop)
	stop += 360.0;

    dyn = gaiaAllocDynamicLine ();
    angle = start;
    while (angle < stop)
	  rads = angle * .0174532925199432958;
	  x = cx + (x_axis * cos (rads));
	  y = cy + (y_axis * sin (rads));
	  gaiaAppendPointToDynamicLine (dyn, x, y);
	  angle += step;
/* closing the arc */
    rads = stop * .0174532925199432958;
    x = cx + (x_axis * cos (rads));
    y = cy + (y_axis * sin (rads));
    if (x != dyn->Last->X || y != dyn->Last->Y)
	gaiaAppendPointToDynamicLine (dyn, x, y);

    pt = dyn->First;
    while (pt)
	  /* counting how many points */
	  pt = pt->Next;
    if (points == 0)
	  gaiaFreeDynamicLine (dyn);
	  return NULL;

    geom = gaiaAllocGeomColl ();
    ln = gaiaAddLinestringToGeomColl (geom, points);
    pt = dyn->First;
    while (pt)
	  /* setting Vertices */
	  gaiaSetPoint (ln->Coords, iv, pt->X, pt->Y);
	  pt = pt->Next;
    gaiaFreeDynamicLine (dyn);
    return geom;
Esempio n. 6
static gaiaDynamicLinePtr
auxGridSnapRing (gaiaRingPtr rng, double origin_x, double origin_y,
		 double origin_z, double origin_m, double size_x, double size_y,
		 double size_z, double size_m)
/* snapping a Ring to a regular Grid */
    double x;
    double y;
    double z;
    double m;
    int has_z = 0;
    int has_m = 0;
    int iv;
    gaiaDynamicLinePtr dyn;
    gaiaPointPtr pt0;
    gaiaPointPtr pt;
    int count = 0;

    if (rng == NULL)
	return NULL;
    if (rng->DimensionModel == GAIA_XY_Z || rng->DimensionModel == GAIA_XY_Z_M)
	has_z = 1;
    if (rng->DimensionModel == GAIA_XY_M || rng->DimensionModel == GAIA_XY_Z_M)
	has_m = 1;
    dyn = gaiaAllocDynamicLine ();

    for (iv = 0; iv < rng->Points; iv++)
	  /* snapping each Vertex to the given grid */
	  int to_be_inserted = 0;
	  z = 0.0;
	  m = 0.0;
	  if (has_z && has_m)
		gaiaGetPointXYZM (rng->Coords, iv, &x, &y, &z, &m);
	  else if (has_z)
		gaiaGetPointXYZ (rng->Coords, iv, &x, &y, &z);
	  else if (has_m)
		gaiaGetPointXYM (rng->Coords, iv, &x, &y, &m);
		gaiaGetPoint (rng->Coords, iv, &x, &y);
	  /* snapping coords to the given grid */
	  if (size_x > 0.0)
	      x = rint ((x - origin_x) / size_x) * size_x + origin_x;
	  if (size_y > 0.0)
	      y = rint ((y - origin_y) / size_y) * size_y + origin_y;
	  if (has_z && size_z > 0.0)
	      z = rint ((z - origin_z) / size_z) * size_z + origin_z;
	  if (has_m && size_m > 0.0)
	      m = rint ((m - origin_m) / size_m) * size_m + origin_m;

	  if (dyn->Last == NULL)
	      to_be_inserted = 1;
		/* skipping repeated points */
		pt = dyn->Last;
		if (has_z && has_m)
		      if (pt->X == x && pt->Y == y && pt->Z == z && pt->M == m)
			  to_be_inserted = 1;
		else if (has_z)
		      if (pt->X == x && pt->Y == y && pt->Z == z)
			  to_be_inserted = 1;
		else if (has_m)
		      if (pt->X == x && pt->Y == y && pt->M == m)
			  to_be_inserted = 1;
		      if (pt->X == x && pt->Y == y)
			  to_be_inserted = 1;
	  if (to_be_inserted)
		if (has_z && has_m)
		    gaiaAppendPointZMToDynamicLine (dyn, x, y, z, m);
		else if (has_z)
		    gaiaAppendPointZToDynamicLine (dyn, x, y, z);
		else if (has_m)
		    gaiaAppendPointMToDynamicLine (dyn, x, y, m);
		    gaiaAppendPointToDynamicLine (dyn, x, y);
/* ensuring for Ring closure */
    pt0 = dyn->First;
    pt = dyn->Last;
    if (has_z && has_m)
	  if (pt0->X == pt->X && pt0->Y == pt->Y && pt0->Z == pt->Z
	      && pt0->M == pt->M)
	      gaiaAppendPointZMToDynamicLine (dyn, pt->X, pt->Y, pt->Z, pt->M);
    else if (has_z)
	  if (pt0->X == pt->X && pt0->Y == pt->Y && pt0->Z == pt->Z)
	      gaiaAppendPointZToDynamicLine (dyn, pt->X, pt->Y, pt->Z);
    else if (has_m)
	  if (pt0->X == pt->X && pt0->Y == pt->Y && pt0->M == pt->M)
	      gaiaAppendPointMToDynamicLine (dyn, pt->X, pt->Y, pt->M);
	  if (pt0->X == pt->X && pt0->Y == pt->Y)
	      gaiaAppendPointToDynamicLine (dyn, pt->X, pt->Y);

/* checking for validity */
    pt = dyn->First;
    while (pt)
	  /* counting how many points are there */
	  pt = pt->Next;
    if (count < 4)
	  /* skipping any collapsed ring */
	  gaiaFreeDynamicLine (dyn);
	  return NULL;
    return dyn;
Esempio n. 7
static void
auxGridSnapLinestring (gaiaLinestringPtr ln, gaiaGeomCollPtr result,
		       double origin_x, double origin_y, double origin_z,
		       double origin_m, double size_x, double size_y,
		       double size_z, double size_m)
/* snapping a Linestring to a regular Grid */
    double x;
    double y;
    double z;
    double m;
    int has_z = 0;
    int has_m = 0;
    int iv;
    gaiaDynamicLinePtr dyn;
    gaiaPointPtr pt;
    gaiaLinestringPtr lnx;
    int count = 0;

    if (ln == NULL || result == NULL)
    if (ln->DimensionModel == GAIA_XY_Z || ln->DimensionModel == GAIA_XY_Z_M)
	has_z = 1;
    if (ln->DimensionModel == GAIA_XY_M || ln->DimensionModel == GAIA_XY_Z_M)
	has_m = 1;
    dyn = gaiaAllocDynamicLine ();

    for (iv = 0; iv < ln->Points; iv++)
	  /* snapping each Vertex to the given grid */
	  int to_be_inserted = 0;
	  z = 0.0;
	  m = 0.0;
	  if (has_z && has_m)
		gaiaGetPointXYZM (ln->Coords, iv, &x, &y, &z, &m);
	  else if (has_z)
		gaiaGetPointXYZ (ln->Coords, iv, &x, &y, &z);
	  else if (has_m)
		gaiaGetPointXYM (ln->Coords, iv, &x, &y, &m);
		gaiaGetPoint (ln->Coords, iv, &x, &y);
	  /* snapping coords to the given grid */
	  if (size_x > 0.0)
	      x = rint ((x - origin_x) / size_x) * size_x + origin_x;
	  if (size_y > 0.0)
	      y = rint ((y - origin_y) / size_y) * size_y + origin_y;
	  if (has_z && size_z > 0.0)
	      z = rint ((z - origin_z) / size_z) * size_z + origin_z;
	  if (has_m && size_m > 0.0)
	      m = rint ((m - origin_m) / size_m) * size_m + origin_m;

	  if (dyn->Last == NULL)
	      to_be_inserted = 1;
		/* skipping repeated points */
		pt = dyn->Last;
		if (has_z && has_m)
		      if (pt->X == x && pt->Y == y && pt->Z == z && pt->M == m)
			  to_be_inserted = 1;
		else if (has_z)
		      if (pt->X == x && pt->Y == y && pt->Z == z)
			  to_be_inserted = 1;
		else if (has_m)
		      if (pt->X == x && pt->Y == y && pt->M == m)
			  to_be_inserted = 1;
		      if (pt->X == x && pt->Y == y)
			  to_be_inserted = 1;
	  if (to_be_inserted)
		if (has_z && has_m)
		    gaiaAppendPointZMToDynamicLine (dyn, x, y, z, m);
		else if (has_z)
		    gaiaAppendPointZToDynamicLine (dyn, x, y, z);
		else if (has_m)
		    gaiaAppendPointMToDynamicLine (dyn, x, y, m);
		    gaiaAppendPointToDynamicLine (dyn, x, y);

/* checking for validity */
    pt = dyn->First;
    while (pt)
	  /* counting how many points are there */
	  pt = pt->Next;
    if (count < 2)
	  /* skipping any collapsed line */
	  gaiaFreeDynamicLine (dyn);

/* inserting into the result Geometry */
    lnx = gaiaAddLinestringToGeomColl (result, count);
    iv = 0;
    pt = dyn->First;
    while (pt)
	  /* copying points */
	  if (lnx->DimensionModel == GAIA_XY_Z)
		gaiaSetPointXYZ (lnx->Coords, iv, pt->X, pt->Y, pt->Z);
	  else if (lnx->DimensionModel == GAIA_XY_M)
		gaiaSetPointXYM (lnx->Coords, iv, pt->X, pt->Y, pt->M);
	  else if (lnx->DimensionModel == GAIA_XY_Z_M)
		gaiaSetPointXYZM (lnx->Coords, iv, pt->X, pt->Y, pt->Z, pt->M);
		gaiaSetPoint (lnx->Coords, iv, pt->X, pt->Y);
	  pt = pt->Next;
    gaiaFreeDynamicLine (dyn);