// checks unitarity and can write out a configuration int read_and_check( const char *infile , const GLU_bool rtrans , const char *outfile , const GLU_output storage , const char *output_details ) { struct head_data HEAD_DATA ; struct site *lat = read_file( &HEAD_DATA , infile ) ; int FLAG = GLU_SUCCESS ; // should print out a warning if( lat == NULL ) return GLU_FAILURE ; // if we want a random transform then here is where we do it if( rtrans == GLU_TRUE ) { random_gtrans( lat ) ; } gauge( lat ) ; if( (Latt.argc-1) == WRITE ) { FLAG = write_configuration( lat , outfile , storage , output_details ) ; } free_lat( lat ) ; return FLAG ; }
void iterateSuitable( double aFreq, double aAcceptedCents, double aMeasure, double aTension, P p ) { double cent = std::pow( 2, aAcceptedCents / 1200.0 ); double maxFreq = aFreq * cent; double minFreq = aFreq / cent; double sqrtTension = sqrt( aTension ); auto it = std::lower_bound( mElements.cbegin(), mElements.cend(), minFreq, [=]( Element const& e, double aF ) { double f = frequency( aMeasure, aTension, e.gauge, e.density ); return aF > f; } ); struct EF { Element const* e; double c; double t; double g; }; std::vector<EF> suitable; while ( it != mElements.cend() ) { double f = frequency( aMeasure, aTension, it->gauge, it->density ); if ( f > maxFreq ) break; double c = 1200.0 * log( aFreq / f ) / log( 2.0 ); double t = tension( aFreq, aMeasure, it->gauge, it->density ); double g = gauge( aFreq, sqrtTension, aMeasure, it->density ); suitable.push_back( { &*it, c, t, g } ); ++it; } std::sort( suitable.begin(), suitable.end(), []( EF const& left, EF const& right ) { return std::abs( left.c ) < std::abs( right.c ); } ); for ( auto jt = suitable.cbegin(); jt != suitable.cend(); ++jt ) { p( jt->e->name, jt->e->producer, jt->e->material, jt->e->length, jt->c, jt->t, jt->g ); } }
HRESULT CChainComparer::Execute() { // if either of the chains is null, nothing to do - everything inserted/deleted - return now if (m_pAnchor1 == NULL || m_pAnchor2 == NULL) return S_OK; CCompareChainsDepthGauge gauge(m_pHost->GetContext()); m_pHost->SendOccaisionalProgressMessage(); Prepare(); DUMP_CHAIN(DBG_START_OF_BINDING, "At start of binding"); if (m_pHost->DoBothFilesHaveRSIDInfo()) SequenceIDSensitivePass(); CompareTheChains(); DUMP_CHAIN(DBG_END_OF_COMPARE, "At the end of compare chains"); ProgressMessageWithCancelCheck(); return S_OK; }
void HUD::draw(const Player& plyr, const ppogl::Vec2i& resolution) { m_resolution = resolution; gl::PushMatrix(); { gl::MatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); gl::LoadIdentity(); gl::Ortho(0.0, m_resolution.x(), 0.0, m_resolution.y(), -1.0, 1.0); gl::MatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); gl::LoadIdentity(); gl::Translate(0.0, 0.0, -1.0); set_gl_options( TEXFONT ); for(int i=0; i<m_numElements; i++){ switch(m_element[i].type){ case 0: text(i); break; case 1: if(GameConfig::displayFPS){ fps(i); } break; case 2: herring(i,plyr.herring); break; case 3: image(i); break; case 4: time(i); break; case 5: { ppogl::Vec3d vel = plyr.vel; speed(i,vel.normalize()* M_PER_SEC_TO_KM_PER_H); } break; case 6: { ppogl::Vec3d vel = plyr.vel; gauge(i,vel.normalize()* M_PER_SEC_TO_KM_PER_H,plyr.control.jump_amt); } break; case 7: bar(i,plyr.control.jump_amt); break; case 8: { ppogl::Vec3d vel = plyr.vel; bar(i,vel.normalize()* M_PER_SEC_TO_KM_PER_H/135); } break; case 9: if(GameConfig::displayCoursePercentage){ coursePercentage(i, plyr); } break; case 10: if(GameConfig::displayCoursePercentage){ bar(i,plyr.getCoursePercentage()/100); } break; case 11: if(GameConfig::displayCoursePercentage){ image(i); } break; case 12: if(GameConfig::displayFPS){ image(i); } break; } } } gl::PopMatrix(); }
/* Embedded code is not funny at all... */ int mib_instance_search(struct oid_search_res *ret_oid) { int i; Variable *var = &ret_oid->var; lua_State *L = mib_lua_state; /* Empty lua stack. */ lua_pop(L, -1); /* Get function. */ lua_rawgeti(L, LUA_ENVIRONINDEX, ret_oid->callback); /* op */ lua_pushinteger(L, ret_oid->request); /* req_sub_oid */ lua_newtable(L); for (i = 0; i < ret_oid->inst_id_len; i++) { lua_pushinteger(L, ret_oid->inst_id[i]); lua_rawseti(L, -2, i + 1); } if (ret_oid->request == MIB_REQ_SET) { /* req_val */ switch (tag(var)) { case ASN1_TAG_INT: lua_pushinteger(L, integer(var)); break; case ASN1_TAG_OCTSTR: lua_pushlstring(L, octstr(var), length(var)); break; case ASN1_TAG_CNT: lua_pushnumber(L, count(var)); break; case ASN1_TAG_IPADDR: lua_pushlstring(L, (char *)ipaddr(var), length(var)); break; case ASN1_TAG_OBJID: lua_newtable(L); for (i = 0; i < length(var); i++) { lua_pushnumber(L, oid(var)[i]); lua_rawseti(L, -2, i + 1); } break; case ASN1_TAG_GAU: lua_pushnumber(L, gauge(var)); break; case ASN1_TAG_TIMETICKS: lua_pushnumber(L, timeticks(var)); break; default: lua_pushnil(L); break; } /* req_val_type */ lua_pushinteger(L, tag(var)); } else { /* req_val */ lua_pushnil(L); /* req_val_type */ lua_pushnil(L); } if (lua_pcall(L, 4, 4, 0) != 0) { SMARTSNMP_LOG(L_ERROR, "MIB search hander %d fail: %s\n", ret_oid->callback, lua_tostring(L, -1)); tag(var) = ASN1_TAG_NO_SUCH_OBJ; return 0; } ret_oid->err_stat = lua_tointeger(L, -4); tag(var) = lua_tonumber(L, -1); if (!ret_oid->err_stat && MIB_TAG_VALID(tag(var))) { /* Return value */ if (ret_oid->request != MIB_REQ_SET) { switch (tag(var)) { case ASN1_TAG_INT: length(var) = 1; integer(var) = lua_tointeger(L, -2); break; case ASN1_TAG_OCTSTR: length(var) = lua_objlen(L, -2); memcpy(octstr(var), lua_tostring(L, -2), length(var)); break; case ASN1_TAG_CNT: length(var) = 1; count(var) = lua_tonumber(L, -2); break; case ASN1_TAG_IPADDR: length(var) = lua_objlen(L, -2); for (i = 0; i < length(var); i++) { lua_rawgeti(L, -2, i + 1); ipaddr(var)[i] = lua_tointeger(L, -1); lua_pop(L, 1); } break; case ASN1_TAG_OBJID: length(var) = lua_objlen(L, -2); for (i = 0; i < length(var); i++) { lua_rawgeti(L, -2, i + 1); oid(var)[i] = lua_tointeger(L, -1); lua_pop(L, 1); } break; case ASN1_TAG_GAU: length(var) = 1; gauge(var) = lua_tonumber(L, -2); break; case ASN1_TAG_TIMETICKS: length(var) = 1; timeticks(var) = lua_tonumber(L, -2); break; default: assert(0); } } /* For GETNEXT request, return the new oid */ if (ret_oid->request == MIB_REQ_GETNEXT) { ret_oid->inst_id_len = lua_objlen(L, -3); for (i = 0; i < ret_oid->inst_id_len; i++) { lua_rawgeti(L, -3, i + 1); ret_oid->inst_id[i] = lua_tointeger(L, -1); lua_pop(L, 1); } } } return ret_oid->err_stat; }
/** * @brief * * @param * * @return */ void gaugeWidgetUpdate(layer l, size_t percentage) { gauge(&(l->matrix[0][1]), l->x - 2, percentage); }