Esempio n. 1
 *  Computes the change in U (stochasti version)
 * @param[in] u,v1,v2,v3        Concentration matries
 * @param[in] i,j       Position in grid
 * @param[in] hsq       Spatial discretisation step squared \f$ h^2 = {\Delta x}^2 = \frac{L}{N}^2 \f$ used by the Laplacian
 * @param[in] M,N       Size (height = rows, length = columns) of the grid
 * @param[in] r         Reaction rates matrix
 * @param[in] F         Fuel feed rates
 * @param[in] Du        Diffusion coefficient of U
inline double react_u(double** u, double** v1, double** v2, double** v3,
                      int i, int j, float hsq, int M, int N,
                      float r[][3], float F, float Du,
                      float cell_cap_1D, float noise_stddev, float noise_level, gsl_rng* rgen) {

    double u_new;

    // diffusion
    u_new = Du * laplacian5_per_grid(u, i, j, M, N, hsq);

    // reaction
    u_new += -u[i][j] * (r[0][0]*v1[i][j]*v1[i][j] + r[1][1]*v2[i][j]*v2[i][j] + r[2][2]*v3[i][j]*v3[i][j] +
                         (r[0][1] + r[1][0])*v1[i][j]*v2[i][j] +
                         (r[1][2] + r[2][1])*v2[i][j]*v3[i][j] +
                         (r[0][2] + r[2][0])*v1[i][j]*v3[i][j]

    // feed
    u_new += F * (1.0 - u[i][j]);

    // noise
    u_new += gauss_noise(u[i][j], cell_cap_1D, noise_stddev, noise_level, rgen);

    return u_new;
Esempio n. 2
 *  Computes the change in V3 (stochastic version)
 * @param[in] u,v1,v2,v3        Concentration matries
 * @param[in] i,j       Position in grid
 * @param[in] hsq       Spatial discretisation step squared \f$ h^2 = {\Delta x}^2 = \frac{L}{N}^2 \f$ used by the Laplacian
 * @param[in] M,N       Size (height = rows, length = columns) of the grid
 * @param[in] r         Reaction rates matrix
 * @param[in] F         Fuel feed rates
 * @param[in] k3        V1 degradation rate
 * @param[in] Dc        Diffusion coefficient of V3
inline double react_v3(double** u, double** v1, double** v2, double** v3,
                       int i, int j, float hsq, int M, int N,
                       float r[][3], float F, float k3, float Dc,
                       float cell_cap_1D, float noise_stddev, float noise_level, gsl_rng* rgen) {

    double v3_new;

    // diffusion
    v3_new = Dc * laplacian5_per_grid(v3, i, j, M, N, hsq);

    // reaction
    v3_new += u[i][j] * (r[2][2]*v3[i][j]*v3[i][j] + r[1][2]*v2[i][j]*v3[i][j] + r[0][2]*v1[i][j]*v3[i][j]);

    // feed
    v3_new += -(F + k3) * v3[i][j];

    // noise
    v3_new += gauss_noise(v3[i][j], cell_cap_1D, noise_stddev, noise_level, rgen);
    return v3_new;
Esempio n. 3
 * Loads initial conditions or fail with a non-null return value.
 * Notes:
 *    1. Replaces all previous data.
 *    2. Any unkown catalyst type numbers (>=4) are ignored.
 * @param[in] cond_file The file describing the inital conditions
 * @param[in] u,v1,v2,v3 Concentration matrices
 * @param[in] nrows,ncols Size of matrices
 * @return 0 = success, 1 = failure to open file
int load_initial_conditions(char* cond_file, double** u, double** v1, double** v2, double** v3, int nrows, int ncols,
                         bool initial_randomization, float cell_cap_1D, float noise_stddev, float noise_level, gsl_rng* rgen) {

    #pragma omp parallel for collapse(2) schedule(static)
    for (int i=0; i<nrows; ++i)
        for (int j=0; j<ncols; ++j) {
            u[i][j] = 1.0;
            v1[i][j] = 0.0;
            v2[i][j] = 0.0;
            v3[i][j] = 0.0;

    FILE *conds = fopen(cond_file, "r");
    if (!conds)
        return 1;

    char c;
    char buff[256];
    int read;

    double conc;    // concentration
    int cid;        // catalyst id
    int xlo, ylo, xhi, yhi;
    double** species;

    while (!feof(conds)) {

        // set defaults to account for malformed inputs
        species = NULL;
        cid = 1;
        conc = 0.0;
        read = 0;

        c = fgetc(conds);
        switch(c) {

        // catalyst
        case 'C':
            if (!fscanf(conds, "%d", &cid))
                fprintf(stderr, "load_initial_conditions(): No catalyst type found. Defaulting to type %d\n", cid);

            switch(cid) {
            case 1: species = v1; break;
            case 2: species = v2; break;
            case 3: species = v3; break;
            default: perror("load_initial_conditions(): Unknown chemical species found! Ignoring.\n"); break;

        // fuel
        case 'F':
            species = u;

        // comment line
        case '#':
            char* foo = fgets(buff, 256, conds);  // stops at 256 chars or newline
            if (foo[0] == '#')                    // getting the compiler to shut up


        // read coordinates and concentration values
        if (species) {      // allow for ignoring unkown species

            read += fscanf(conds, "%lf", &conc);
            read += fscanf(conds, "%d %d", &xlo, &ylo);
            read += fscanf(conds, "%d %d", &xhi, &yhi);
            if (read < 5)
                perror("load_initial_conditions(): Not all values correctly read. Used default concentration.\n");

            // silently limit out of bounds coordinates to system size
            if (xhi >= nrows) xhi = nrows-1;
            if (yhi >= ncols) yhi = ncols-1;

            // assign area with chemical species + noise
            for (int i=xlo; i<=xhi; ++i)
                for (int j=ylo; j<=yhi; ++j) {

                    species[i][j] = conc;
                    if (initial_randomization)
                        species[i][j] += gauss_noise(1, cell_cap_1D, noise_stddev, noise_level, rgen);

                    if (species[i][j] < 0.0)
                        species[i][j] = 0.0;
                    if (species[i][j] > 1.0)
                        species[i][j] = 1.0;

    return 0;
Esempio n. 4
Fonc_Num fonc_noise(INT sz,int aK,bool unif)
   if (unif)
      return unif_noise(sz,aK);
   return gauss_noise(sz,aK);