Esempio n. 1
int main(void)
    int i, j, n;
    matrix a, b;
    double s;

    printf("n = ");  scanf("%d", &n);
    a = new_matrix(n, n + 1);
    b = new_matrix(n, n + 1);
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
        for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
            a[i][j] = b[i][j] = rnd() - rnd();
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
        a[i][n] = b[i][n] = rnd() - rnd();
    printf("係数行列 (右辺も含む)\n");
    matprint(a, n + 1, 10, "%7.3f");
    gaussjordan(n, a);
    printf("解と, 解を代入したときの両辺の差\n");
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        s = b[i][n];
        for (j = 0; j < n; j++) s -= b[i][j] * a[j][n];
        printf("%4d: %12.7f %12.7f\n", i, a[i][n], s);
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
int main()
    int n, i;
    printf("(n) Numarul de linii si coloane: ");
    scanf("%d", &n);
    double **a=(double **) malloc (n * sizeof(double*));
    for (i=0; i<n; i++)
        a[i]=(double *) malloc(n * sizeof(double));
    citire(a, n);
    gaussjordan(a, n);
    return 0;
Esempio n. 3

srcMatrix:	輸入源矩陣,最終求得的逆矩陣也存放於此
D; 矩陣寬度
int inverse(double **srcMatrix, int D)
	int ret;
	double **iMatrix ;

	mem2D_alloc_double(&iMatrix, D, D);
	identity(iMatrix, D);

	ret = gaussjordan(srcMatrix, iMatrix, D, D);

	return ret;
Esempio n. 4
 *  getProjectiveXformCoeffs()
 *      Input:  ptas  (source 4 points; unprimed)
 *              ptad  (transformed 4 points; primed)
 *              &vc   (<return> vector of coefficients of transform)
 *      Return: 0 if OK; 1 on error
 *  We have a set of 8 equations, describing the projective
 *  transformation that takes 4 points (ptas) into 4 other
 *  points (ptad).  These equations are:
 *          x1' = (c[0]*x1 + c[1]*y1 + c[2]) / (c[6]*x1 + c[7]*y1 + 1)
 *          y1' = (c[3]*x1 + c[4]*y1 + c[5]) / (c[6]*x1 + c[7]*y1 + 1)
 *          x2' = (c[0]*x2 + c[1]*y2 + c[2]) / (c[6]*x2 + c[7]*y2 + 1)
 *          y2' = (c[3]*x2 + c[4]*y2 + c[5]) / (c[6]*x2 + c[7]*y2 + 1)
 *          x3' = (c[0]*x3 + c[1]*y3 + c[2]) / (c[6]*x3 + c[7]*y3 + 1)
 *          y3' = (c[3]*x3 + c[4]*y3 + c[5]) / (c[6]*x3 + c[7]*y3 + 1)
 *          x4' = (c[0]*x4 + c[1]*y4 + c[2]) / (c[6]*x4 + c[7]*y4 + 1)
 *          y4' = (c[3]*x4 + c[4]*y4 + c[5]) / (c[6]*x4 + c[7]*y4 + 1)
 *  Multiplying both sides of each eqn by the denominator, we get
 *           AC = B
 *  where B and C are column vectors
 *         B = [ x1' y1' x2' y2' x3' y3' x4' y4' ]
 *         C = [ c[0] c[1] c[2] c[3] c[4] c[5] c[6] c[7] ]
 *  and A is the 8x8 matrix
 *             x1   y1     1     0   0    0   -x1*x1'  -y1*x1'
 *              0    0     0    x1   y1   1   -x1*y1'  -y1*y1'
 *             x2   y2     1     0   0    0   -x2*x2'  -y2*x2'
 *              0    0     0    x2   y2   1   -x2*y2'  -y2*y2'
 *             x3   y3     1     0   0    0   -x3*x3'  -y3*x3'
 *              0    0     0    x3   y3   1   -x3*y3'  -y3*y3'
 *             x4   y4     1     0   0    0   -x4*x4'  -y4*x4'
 *              0    0     0    x4   y4   1   -x4*y4'  -y4*y4'
 *  These eight equations are solved here for the coefficients C.
 *  These eight coefficients can then be used to find the mapping
 *  (x,y) --> (x',y'):
 *           x' = (c[0]x + c[1]y + c[2]) / (c[6]x + c[7]y + 1)
 *           y' = (c[3]x + c[4]y + c[5]) / (c[6]x + c[7]y + 1)
 *  that is implemented in projectiveXformSampled() and
 *  projectiveXFormInterpolated().
getProjectiveXformCoeffs(PTA         *ptas,
                         PTA         *ptad,
                         l_float32  **pvc)
l_int32     i;
l_float32   x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4;
l_float32  *b;   /* rhs vector of primed coords X'; coeffs returned in *pvc */
l_float32  *a[8];  /* 8x8 matrix A  */


    if (!ptas)
        return ERROR_INT("ptas not defined", procName, 1);
    if (!ptad)
        return ERROR_INT("ptad not defined", procName, 1);
    if (!pvc)
        return ERROR_INT("&vc not defined", procName, 1);

    if ((b = (l_float32 *)CALLOC(8, sizeof(l_float32))) == NULL)
        return ERROR_INT("b not made", procName, 1);
    *pvc = b;

    ptaGetPt(ptas, 0, &x1, &y1);
    ptaGetPt(ptas, 1, &x2, &y2);
    ptaGetPt(ptas, 2, &x3, &y3);
    ptaGetPt(ptas, 3, &x4, &y4);
    ptaGetPt(ptad, 0, &b[0], &b[1]);
    ptaGetPt(ptad, 1, &b[2], &b[3]);
    ptaGetPt(ptad, 2, &b[4], &b[5]);
    ptaGetPt(ptad, 3, &b[6], &b[7]);

    for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
        if ((a[i] = (l_float32 *)CALLOC(8, sizeof(l_float32))) == NULL)
            return ERROR_INT("a[i] not made", procName, 1);

    a[0][0] = x1;
    a[0][1] = y1;
    a[0][2] = 1.;
    a[0][6] = -x1 * b[0];
    a[0][7] = -y1 * b[0];
    a[1][3] = x1;
    a[1][4] = y1;
    a[1][5] = 1;
    a[1][6] = -x1 * b[1];
    a[1][7] = -y1 * b[1];
    a[2][0] = x2;
    a[2][1] = y2;
    a[2][2] = 1.;
    a[2][6] = -x2 * b[2];
    a[2][7] = -y2 * b[2];
    a[3][3] = x2;
    a[3][4] = y2;
    a[3][5] = 1;
    a[3][6] = -x2 * b[3];
    a[3][7] = -y2 * b[3];
    a[4][0] = x3;
    a[4][1] = y3;
    a[4][2] = 1.;
    a[4][6] = -x3 * b[4];
    a[4][7] = -y3 * b[4];
    a[5][3] = x3;
    a[5][4] = y3;
    a[5][5] = 1;
    a[5][6] = -x3 * b[5];
    a[5][7] = -y3 * b[5];
    a[6][0] = x4;
    a[6][1] = y4;
    a[6][2] = 1.;
    a[6][6] = -x4 * b[6];
    a[6][7] = -y4 * b[6];
    a[7][3] = x4;
    a[7][4] = y4;
    a[7][5] = 1;
    a[7][6] = -x4 * b[7];
    a[7][7] = -y4 * b[7];

    gaussjordan(a, b, 8);

    for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)

    return 0;
Esempio n. 5
l_int32 main(int    argc,
             char **argv)
l_int32     size, i, rval, gval, bval, yval, uval, vval;
l_float32  *a[3], b[3];
L_BMF      *bmf;
PIX        *pixd;
PIXA       *pixa;

        /* Explore the range of rgb --> yuv transforms.  All rgb
         * values transform to a valid value of yuv, so when transforming
         * back we get the same rgb values that we started with. */
    pixa = pixaCreate(0);
    bmf = bmfCreate("fonts", 6);
    for (gval = 0; gval <= 255; gval += 20)
        AddTransformsRGB(pixa, bmf, gval);

    pixd = pixaDisplayTiledAndScaled(pixa, 32, 755, 1, 0, 20, 2);
    pixDisplay(pixd, 100, 0);
    pixWrite("/tmp/yuv1.png", pixd, IFF_PNG);

        /* Now start with all "valid" yuv values, not all of which are
         * related to a valid rgb value.  Our yuv --> rgb transform
         * clips the rgb components to [0 ... 255], so when transforming
         * back we get different values whenever the initial yuv
         * value is out of the rgb gamut. */
    pixa = pixaCreate(0);
    for (yval = 16; yval <= 235; yval += 16)
        AddTransformsYUV(pixa, bmf, yval);

    pixd = pixaDisplayTiledAndScaled(pixa, 32, 755, 1, 0, 20, 2);
    pixDisplay(pixd, 600, 0);
    pixWrite("/tmp/yuv2.png", pixd, IFF_PNG);

    /* --------- Try out a special case by hand, and show that --------- *
     * ------- the transform matrices we are using are inverses ---------*/

        /* First, use our functions for the transform */
    fprintf(stderr, "Start with: yval = 143, uval = 79, vval = 103\n");
    convertYUVToRGB(143, 79, 103, &rval, &gval, &bval);
    fprintf(stderr, " ==> rval = %d, gval = %d, bval = %d\n", rval, gval, bval);
    convertRGBToYUV(rval, gval, bval, &yval, &uval, &vval);
    fprintf(stderr, " ==> yval = %d, uval = %d, vval = %d\n", yval, uval, vval);

        /* Next, convert yuv --> rbg by solving for rgb --> yuv transform.
         *      [ a00   a01   a02 ]    r   =   b0           (y - 16)
         *      [ a10   a11   a12 ] *  g   =   b1           (u - 128)
         *      [ a20   a21   a22 ]    b   =   b2           (v - 128)
    b[0] = 143.0 - 16.0;    /* y - 16 */
    b[1] = 79.0 - 128.0;   /* u - 128 */
    b[2] = 103.0 - 128.0;    /* v - 128 */
    for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
        a[i] = (l_float32 *)lept_calloc(3, sizeof(l_float32));
    a[0][0] = 65.738 / 256.0;
    a[0][1] = 129.057 / 256.0;
    a[0][2] = 25.064 / 256.0;
    a[1][0] = -37.945 / 256.0;
    a[1][1] = -74.494 / 256.0;
    a[1][2] = 112.439 / 256.0;
    a[2][0] = 112.439 / 256.0;
    a[2][1] = -94.154 / 256.0;
    a[2][2] = -18.285 / 256.0;
    fprintf(stderr, "Here's the original matrix: yuv --> rgb:\n");
    for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
        fprintf(stderr, "    %7.3f  %7.3f  %7.3f\n", 256.0 * a[i][0],
                256.0 * a[i][1], 256.0 * a[i][2]);
    gaussjordan(a, b, 3);
    fprintf(stderr, "\nInput (yuv) = (143,79,103); solve for rgb:\n"
            "rval = %7.3f, gval = %7.3f, bval = %7.3f\n",
            b[0], b[1], b[2]);
    fprintf(stderr, "Here's the inverse matrix: rgb --> yuv:\n");
    for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
        fprintf(stderr, "    %7.3f  %7.3f  %7.3f\n", 256.0 * a[i][0],
                256.0 * a[i][1], 256.0 * a[i][2]);

        /* Now, convert back: rgb --> yuv;
         * Do this by solving for yuv --> rgb transform.
         * Use the b[] found previously (the rgb values), and
         * the a[][] which now holds the rgb --> yuv transform.  */
    gaussjordan(a, b, 3);
    fprintf(stderr, "\nInput rgb; solve for yuv:\n"
            "yval = %7.3f, uval = %7.3f, vval = %7.3f\n",
            b[0] + 16.0, b[1] + 128.0, b[2] + 128.0);
    fprintf(stderr, "Inverting the matrix again: yuv --> rgb:\n");
    for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
        fprintf(stderr, "    %7.3f  %7.3f  %7.3f\n", 256.0 * a[i][0],
                256.0 * a[i][1], 256.0 * a[i][2]);

    for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) lept_free(a[i]);
    return 0;