Esempio n. 1
/* Calculate speed of allocation and waste memory of specific space respectively, 
  * then decide whether to execute a space tuning according to the infomation.*/
static void gc_decide_space_tune(GC* gc)
  Blocked_Space* mspace = (Blocked_Space*)gc_get_mos((GC_Gen*)gc);
  Blocked_Space* fspace = (Blocked_Space*)gc_get_nos((GC_Gen*)gc);  
  Space* lspace = (Space*)gc_get_los((GC_Gen*)gc);  
  Space_Tuner* tuner = gc->tuner;

  tuner->speed_los = lspace->accumu_alloced_size;
  tuner->speed_los = (tuner->speed_los + tuner->last_speed_los) >> 1;
  /*The possible survivors from the newly allocated NOS should be counted into the speed of MOS*/
  tuner->speed_mos = mspace->accumu_alloced_size +   (uint64)((float)fspace->last_alloced_size * fspace->survive_ratio);;
  tuner->speed_mos = (tuner->speed_mos + tuner->last_speed_mos) >> 1;
  tuner->speed_nos = fspace->accumu_alloced_size;
  tuner->speed_nos = (tuner->speed_nos + tuner->last_speed_nos) >> 1;
  /*Statistic wasted memory*/
  uint64 curr_used_los = lspace->last_surviving_size + lspace->last_alloced_size;
  uint64 curr_wast_los = 0;
  if(gc->cause != GC_CAUSE_LOS_IS_FULL) curr_wast_los =  lspace->committed_heap_size - curr_used_los;
  tuner->wast_los += (POINTER_SIZE_INT)curr_wast_los;
  uint64 curr_used_mos = 
                                mspace->period_surviving_size + mspace->accumu_alloced_size + (uint64)(fspace->last_alloced_size * fspace->survive_ratio);
  float expected_mos_ratio = mspace_get_expected_threshold_ratio((Mspace*)mspace);
  uint64 expected_mos = (uint64)((mspace->committed_heap_size + fspace->committed_heap_size) * expected_mos_ratio);
  uint64 curr_wast_mos = 0;
  if(expected_mos > curr_used_mos) curr_wast_mos = expected_mos - curr_used_mos;
  tuner->wast_mos += curr_wast_mos;

  tuner->current_dw = ABS_DIFF(tuner->wast_mos, tuner->wast_los);

  /*For_statistic ds in heuristic*/
  tuner->current_ds = (unsigned int)((float)fspace->committed_heap_size * fspace->survive_ratio);
  /*Fixme: Threshold should be computed by heuristic. tslow, total recycled heap size shold be statistic.*/
  tuner->threshold_waste = tuner->current_ds;
  if(tuner->threshold_waste > 8 * MB) tuner->threshold_waste = 8 * MB;
  tuner->min_tuning_size = tuner->current_ds;
  if(tuner->min_tuning_size > 4 * MB) tuner->min_tuning_size = 4 * MB;  

  if(tuner->speed_los == 0) tuner->speed_los = 16;
  if(tuner->speed_mos == 0) tuner->speed_mos = 16;

  /*Needn't tune if dw does not reach threshold.*/  
  if(tuner->current_dw > tuner->threshold_waste)  tuner->need_tune = 1;
  /*If LOS is full, we should tune at lease "tuner->least_tuning_size" size*/
  if(gc->cause == GC_CAUSE_LOS_IS_FULL) tuner->force_tune = 1;

Esempio n. 2
void verifier_scan_all_objects(Heap_Verifier* heap_verifier)
  GC_Gen* gc       = (GC_Gen*)heap_verifier->gc;
  Space* fspace     = gc_get_nos(gc);
  Space* mspace   = gc_get_mos(gc);
  Space* lspace     = gc_get_los(gc);
  verifier_scan_nos_mos_objects(fspace, heap_verifier);
  verifier_scan_nos_mos_objects(mspace, heap_verifier);
  verifier_scan_los_objects(lspace, heap_verifier);
Esempio n. 3
void mutator_initialize(GC* gc, void *unused_gc_information) 
  /* FIXME:: make sure gc_info is cleared */
  Mutator *mutator = (Mutator *)STD_MALLOC(sizeof(Mutator));
  memset(mutator, 0, sizeof(Mutator));
  mutator->alloc_space = gc_get_nos((GC_Gen*)gc);
  mutator->gc = gc;
    mutator->rem_set = free_set_pool_get_entry(gc->metadata);
  mutator->dirty_set = free_set_pool_get_entry(gc->metadata);
    mutator->obj_with_fin = finref_get_free_block(gc);
    mutator->obj_with_fin = NULL;

  lock(gc->mutator_list_lock);     // vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv

  mutator->next = (Mutator *)gc->mutator_list;
  gc->mutator_list = mutator;
  /*Begin to measure the mutator thread execution time. */
  mutator->time_measurement_start = time_now();
  unlock(gc->mutator_list_lock); // ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Esempio n. 4
/* The tuning size computing before marking is not precise. We only estimate the probable direction of space tuning.
  * If this function decide to set TRANS_NOTHING, then we just call the normal marking function.
  * Else, we call the marking function for space tuning.  */
void gc_compute_space_tune_size_before_marking(GC* gc)
  if(collect_is_minor())  return;
  Space_Tuner* tuner = gc->tuner;
  assert((tuner->speed_los != 0) && ( tuner->speed_mos != 0)) ;
  if((!tuner->need_tune) && (!tuner->force_tune)) return;
  Blocked_Space* mspace = (Blocked_Space*)gc_get_mos((GC_Gen*)gc);
  Blocked_Space* fspace = (Blocked_Space*)gc_get_nos((GC_Gen*)gc);
  Space* lspace = (Space*)gc_get_los((GC_Gen*)gc);

  POINTER_SIZE_INT los_expect_surviving_sz = (POINTER_SIZE_INT)((float)(lspace->last_surviving_size + lspace->last_alloced_size) * lspace->survive_ratio);
  POINTER_SIZE_INT los_expect_free_sz = ((lspace->committed_heap_size > los_expect_surviving_sz) ? 
                                                            (lspace->committed_heap_size - los_expect_surviving_sz) : 0);
  POINTER_SIZE_INT mos_expect_survive_sz = (POINTER_SIZE_INT)((float)(mspace->period_surviving_size + mspace->accumu_alloced_size) * mspace->survive_ratio);
  float mos_expect_threshold_ratio = mspace_get_expected_threshold_ratio((Mspace*)mspace);
  POINTER_SIZE_INT mos_expect_threshold = (POINTER_SIZE_INT)((mspace->committed_heap_size + fspace->committed_heap_size) * mos_expect_threshold_ratio);
  POINTER_SIZE_INT mos_expect_free_sz = ((mos_expect_threshold > mos_expect_survive_sz)?
                                                            (mos_expect_threshold - mos_expect_survive_sz) : 0);

  POINTER_SIZE_INT non_los_expect_surviving_sz = (POINTER_SIZE_INT)(mos_expect_survive_sz + fspace->last_alloced_size * fspace->survive_ratio);
  POINTER_SIZE_INT non_los_committed_size = mspace->committed_heap_size + fspace->committed_heap_size;
  POINTER_SIZE_INT non_los_expect_free_sz = (non_los_committed_size > non_los_expect_surviving_sz) ? (non_los_committed_size - non_los_expect_surviving_sz):(0) ;

  /*Fixme: tuner->speed_los here should be computed by sliding compact LOS, to be implemented!*/
  POINTER_SIZE_INT total_expect_free_sz = los_expect_free_sz + mos_expect_free_sz;
  float new_los_ratio = (float)tuner->speed_los / (float)(tuner->speed_los  + tuner->speed_mos);
  POINTER_SIZE_INT new_free_los_sz = (POINTER_SIZE_INT)((float)total_expect_free_sz * new_los_ratio);
  POINTER_SIZE_INT total_expect_free_sz = los_expect_free_sz + non_los_expect_free_sz;
  float new_los_ratio = (float)tuner->speed_los / (float)(tuner->speed_los  + tuner->speed_nos);
  POINTER_SIZE_INT new_free_los_sz = (POINTER_SIZE_INT)((float)total_expect_free_sz * new_los_ratio);

  if((new_free_los_sz > los_expect_free_sz) )
    tuner->kind = TRANS_FROM_MOS_TO_LOS;
    tuner->tuning_size = new_free_los_sz - los_expect_free_sz;
  else if(new_free_los_sz < los_expect_free_sz)
    tuner->kind = TRANS_FROM_LOS_TO_MOS;
    tuner->tuning_size = los_expect_free_sz - new_free_los_sz;
    tuner->tuning_size = 0;

  /*If not force tune, and the tuning size is too small, tuner will not take effect.*/
  if( (!tuner->force_tune) && (tuner->tuning_size < tuner->min_tuning_size) ){
    tuner->kind = TRANS_NOTHING;
    tuner->tuning_size = 0;

  /*If los or non-los is already the smallest size, there is no need to tune anymore.
   *But we give "force tune" a chance to extend the whole heap size down there.
  if(((lspace->committed_heap_size <= min_los_size_bytes) && (tuner->kind == TRANS_FROM_LOS_TO_MOS)) ||
      ((fspace->committed_heap_size + mspace->committed_heap_size <= min_none_los_size_bytes) && (tuner->kind == TRANS_FROM_MOS_TO_LOS))){
    assert((lspace->committed_heap_size == min_los_size_bytes) || (fspace->committed_heap_size + mspace->committed_heap_size == min_none_los_size_bytes));
    tuner->kind = TRANS_NOTHING;
    tuner->tuning_size = 0;

  /*If the strategy upward doesn't decide to extend los, but current GC is caused by los, force an extension here.*/
    if(tuner->kind != TRANS_FROM_MOS_TO_LOS){
      tuner->kind = TRANS_FROM_MOS_TO_LOS;
      tuner->tuning_size = 0;

Esempio n. 5
/* This is the real function that decide tuning_size, because we have know the total size of living objects after "mark_scan_heap_for_space_tune". */
void gc_compute_space_tune_size_after_marking(GC *gc)
  Blocked_Space* mspace = (Blocked_Space*)gc_get_mos((GC_Gen*)gc);
  Blocked_Space* fspace = (Blocked_Space*)gc_get_nos((GC_Gen*)gc);
  Lspace *lspace = (Lspace*)gc_get_los((GC_Gen*)gc);
  Space_Tuner* tuner = gc->tuner;

  POINTER_SIZE_INT max_tuning_size = 0;  
  POINTER_SIZE_INT non_los_size = mspace->committed_heap_size + fspace->committed_heap_size;
    gc_compute_live_object_size_after_marking(gc, non_los_size);
  else {
    unsigned int collector_num = gc->num_active_collectors;
    POINTER_SIZE_INT reserve_size = collector_num <<(GC_BLOCK_SHIFT_COUNT+2);
    los_live_obj_size = (POINTER_SIZE_INT) lspace->last_surviving_size + reserve_size;
    non_los_live_obj_size = ((POINTER_SIZE_INT)(mspace->free_block_idx-mspace->first_block_idx)<<GC_BLOCK_SHIFT_COUNT)+reserve_size;
    non_los_live_obj_size = round_up_to_size(non_los_live_obj_size, SPACE_ALLOC_UNIT); 
  /*We should assure that the non_los area is no less than min_none_los_size_bytes*/
  POINTER_SIZE_INT max_tune_for_min_non_los = 0;
  if(non_los_size > min_none_los_size_bytes)
    max_tune_for_min_non_los = non_los_size - min_none_los_size_bytes;
  POINTER_SIZE_INT max_tune_for_min_los = 0;
  assert(lspace->committed_heap_size >= min_los_size_bytes);
  max_tune_for_min_los = lspace->committed_heap_size - min_los_size_bytes;

  /*Not force tune, LOS_Extend:*/
  if(tuner->kind == TRANS_FROM_MOS_TO_LOS)
    if (gc->committed_heap_size > lspace->committed_heap_size + non_los_live_obj_size){
      max_tuning_size = gc->committed_heap_size - lspace->committed_heap_size - non_los_live_obj_size;
      if(max_tuning_size > max_tune_for_min_non_los)
        max_tuning_size = max_tune_for_min_non_los;
      if( tuner->tuning_size > max_tuning_size)
        tuner->tuning_size = max_tuning_size;
      /*Round down so as not to break max_tuning_size*/
        tuner->tuning_size = round_down_to_size(tuner->tuning_size, GC_BLOCK_SIZE_BYTES);
        tuner->tuning_size = round_down_to_size(tuner->tuning_size, SPACE_ALLOC_UNIT);

       /*If tuning size is zero, we should reset kind to NOTHING, in case that gc_init_block_for_collectors relink the block list.*/
      if(tuner->tuning_size == 0)  tuner->kind = TRANS_NOTHING;
      tuner->tuning_size = 0;
      tuner->kind = TRANS_NOTHING;
  /*Not force tune, LOS Shrink*/
    if(lspace->committed_heap_size > los_live_obj_size){
      max_tuning_size = lspace->committed_heap_size - los_live_obj_size;
      if(max_tuning_size > max_tune_for_min_los)
        max_tuning_size = max_tune_for_min_los;
      if(tuner->tuning_size > max_tuning_size) 
        tuner->tuning_size = max_tuning_size;
      /*Round down so as not to break max_tuning_size*/

        tuner->tuning_size = round_down_to_size(tuner->tuning_size, GC_BLOCK_SIZE_BYTES);
        tuner->tuning_size = round_down_to_size(tuner->tuning_size, SPACE_ALLOC_UNIT);

      if(tuner->tuning_size == 0)  tuner->kind = TRANS_NOTHING;
      /* this is possible because of the reservation in gc_compute_live_object_size_after_marking*/        
      tuner->tuning_size = 0;
      tuner->kind = TRANS_NOTHING;

  /*If the tuning strategy give a bigger tuning_size than failure size, we just follow the strategy and set noforce.*/
  Boolean doforce = TRUE;
  POINTER_SIZE_INT failure_size = lspace_get_failure_size((Lspace*)lspace);  
  if( (tuner->kind == TRANS_FROM_MOS_TO_LOS) && (!tuner->reverse) && (tuner->tuning_size > failure_size) )
    doforce = FALSE;
  if( (tuner->force_tune) && (doforce) )
    compute_space_tune_size_for_force_tune(gc, max_tune_for_min_non_los);

Esempio n. 6
static void check_tuning_size(GC* gc)
  Space_Tuner* tuner = gc->tuner;
  Lspace *lspace = (Lspace*)gc_get_los((GC_Gen*)gc);
  Blocked_Space* mspace = (Blocked_Space*)gc_get_mos((GC_Gen*)gc);
  Blocked_Space* fspace = (Blocked_Space*)gc_get_nos((GC_Gen*)gc);

  POINTER_SIZE_INT los_free_sz =  ((lspace->committed_heap_size > los_live_obj_size) ? 
                                                   (lspace->committed_heap_size - los_live_obj_size) : 0);

  float mos_expect_threshold_ratio = mspace_get_expected_threshold_ratio((Mspace*)mspace);
  POINTER_SIZE_INT mos_expect_threshold = (POINTER_SIZE_INT)((mspace->committed_heap_size + fspace->committed_heap_size) * mos_expect_threshold_ratio);
  POINTER_SIZE_INT mos_free_sz = ((mos_expect_threshold > non_los_live_obj_size)?
                                                            (mos_expect_threshold - non_los_live_obj_size) : 0);
  POINTER_SIZE_INT total_free_sz = los_free_sz + mos_free_sz;
  float new_los_ratio = (float)tuner->speed_los / (float)(tuner->speed_los  + tuner->speed_mos);
  POINTER_SIZE_INT new_free_los_sz = (POINTER_SIZE_INT)((float)total_free_sz * new_los_ratio);
  POINTER_SIZE_INT non_los_committed_size = mspace->committed_heap_size + fspace->committed_heap_size;
  POINTER_SIZE_INT non_los_free_sz = ((non_los_committed_size > non_los_live_obj_size)?
                                                                (non_los_committed_size - non_los_live_obj_size):0);
  POINTER_SIZE_INT total_free_sz = los_free_sz + non_los_free_sz;
  float new_los_ratio = (float)tuner->speed_los / (float)(tuner->speed_los  + tuner->speed_nos);
  POINTER_SIZE_INT new_free_los_sz = (POINTER_SIZE_INT)((float)total_free_sz * new_los_ratio);

  if((new_free_los_sz > los_free_sz) )
    tuner->kind = TRANS_FROM_MOS_TO_LOS;
    tuner->tuning_size = new_free_los_sz - los_free_sz;
  else if(new_free_los_sz < los_free_sz)
    tuner->kind = TRANS_FROM_LOS_TO_MOS;
    tuner->tuning_size = los_free_sz - new_free_los_sz;
    tuner->tuning_size = 0;
    /*This is necessary, because the original value of kind might not be NOTHING. */
    tuner->kind = TRANS_NOTHING;

  /*If not force tune, and the tuning size is too small, tuner will not take effect.*/
  if( (!tuner->force_tune) && (tuner->tuning_size < tuner->min_tuning_size) ){
    tuner->kind = TRANS_NOTHING;
    tuner->tuning_size = 0;

  /*If los or non-los is already the smallest size, there is no need to tune anymore.
   *But we give "force tune" a chance to extend the whole heap size down there.
  if(((lspace->committed_heap_size <= min_los_size_bytes) && (tuner->kind == TRANS_FROM_LOS_TO_MOS)) ||
      ((fspace->committed_heap_size + mspace->committed_heap_size <= min_none_los_size_bytes) && (tuner->kind == TRANS_FROM_MOS_TO_LOS))){
    assert((lspace->committed_heap_size == min_los_size_bytes) || (fspace->committed_heap_size + mspace->committed_heap_size == min_none_los_size_bytes));
    tuner->kind = TRANS_NOTHING;
    tuner->tuning_size = 0;
    if(tuner->kind != TRANS_FROM_MOS_TO_LOS){
      tuner->kind = TRANS_FROM_MOS_TO_LOS;
      tuner->reverse = 1;
Esempio n. 7
/* If this GC is caused by a LOS allocation failure, we set the "force_tune" flag. 
  * Attention1:  The space tuning strategy will extend or shrink LOS according to the wasted memory size and allocation speed.
  * If the strategy decide to shrink or the size extended is not large enough to hold the failed object, we set the "doforce" flag in 
  * function "gc_compute_space_tune_size_after_marking". And only if "force_tune" and "doforce" are both true, we decide the 
  * size of extention by this function.
  * Attention2: The total heap size might extend in this function. */
static void compute_space_tune_size_for_force_tune(GC *gc, POINTER_SIZE_INT max_tune_for_min_non_los)
  Space_Tuner* tuner = gc->tuner;
  Lspace *lspace = (Lspace*)gc_get_los((GC_Gen*)gc);
  Blocked_Space* fspace = (Blocked_Space*)gc_get_nos((GC_Gen*)gc);  
  POINTER_SIZE_INT max_tuning_size = 0;
  POINTER_SIZE_INT failure_size = lspace->failure_size;
  POINTER_SIZE_INT lspace_free_size = ( (lspace->committed_heap_size > los_live_obj_size) ? (lspace->committed_heap_size - los_live_obj_size) : (0) );
  assert(!(lspace_free_size % KB));
  assert(!(failure_size % KB));

  if(lspace_free_size >= failure_size){
    tuner->tuning_size = 0;
    tuner->kind = TRANS_NOTHING;
    tuner->tuning_size = failure_size -lspace_free_size;
    /*We should assure that the tuning size is no more than the free space of non_los area*/
    if( gc->committed_heap_size > lspace->committed_heap_size + non_los_live_obj_size )
      max_tuning_size = gc->committed_heap_size - lspace->committed_heap_size - non_los_live_obj_size;

    if(max_tuning_size > max_tune_for_min_non_los)
      max_tuning_size = max_tune_for_min_non_los;

    /*Round up to satisfy LOS alloc demand.*/
      tuner->tuning_size = round_up_to_size(tuner->tuning_size, GC_BLOCK_SIZE_BYTES);
      max_tuning_size = round_down_to_size(max_tuning_size, GC_BLOCK_SIZE_BYTES);
    }else {
      tuner->tuning_size = round_up_to_size(tuner->tuning_size, SPACE_ALLOC_UNIT);
      max_tuning_size = round_down_to_size(max_tuning_size, SPACE_ALLOC_UNIT);

    /*If the tuning size is too large, we did nothing and wait for the OOM of JVM*/
    /*Fixme: if the heap size is not mx, we can extend the whole heap size*/
    if(tuner->tuning_size > max_tuning_size){
      tuner->tuning_size = round_up_to_size(tuner->tuning_size, SPACE_ALLOC_UNIT);
      max_tuning_size = round_down_to_size(max_tuning_size, SPACE_ALLOC_UNIT);
      assert(max_heap_size_bytes >= gc->committed_heap_size);
      POINTER_SIZE_INT extend_heap_size = 0;
      POINTER_SIZE_INT potential_max_tuning_size = max_tuning_size + max_heap_size_bytes - gc->committed_heap_size;
      potential_max_tuning_size -= LOS_HEAD_RESERVE_FOR_HEAP_BASE;

      assert(!(potential_max_tuning_size % SPACE_ALLOC_UNIT));
      if(tuner->tuning_size > potential_max_tuning_size){
        tuner->tuning_size = 0;
        tuner->kind = TRANS_NOTHING;
        /*We have tuner->tuning_size > max_tuning_size up there.*/
        extend_heap_size = tuner->tuning_size - max_tuning_size;    
        blocked_space_extend(fspace, (unsigned int)extend_heap_size);
        gc->committed_heap_size += extend_heap_size;
        tuner->kind = TRANS_FROM_MOS_TO_LOS;
      tuner->kind = TRANS_FROM_MOS_TO_LOS;

void move_compact_mspace(Collector* collector) 
  GC* gc = collector->gc;
  Mspace* mspace = (Mspace*)gc_get_mos((GC_Gen*)gc);
  Lspace* lspace = (Lspace*)gc_get_los((GC_Gen*)gc);
  Blocked_Space* nos = (Blocked_Space*)gc_get_nos((GC_Gen*)gc);
  unsigned int num_active_collectors = gc->num_active_collectors;
  Boolean is_fallback = collect_is_fallback();
  /* Pass 1: **************************************************
     mark all live objects in heap, and save all the slots that 
            have references  that are going to be repointed */

  TRACE2("gc.process", "GC: collector["<<((POINTER_SIZE_INT)collector->thread_handle)<<"]: pass1: mark live objects in heap ...");

  unsigned int old_num = atomic_cas32( &num_marking_collectors, 0, num_active_collectors+1);

  old_num = atomic_inc32(&num_marking_collectors);
  if( ++old_num == num_active_collectors ){
    /* last collector's world here */
    /* prepare for next phase */
    gc_init_block_for_collectors(gc, mspace); 
    else {

    if((!LOS_ADJUST_BOUNDARY) && (is_fallback))
    debug_num_compact_blocks = 0;
    /* let other collectors go */
  while(num_marking_collectors != num_active_collectors + 1);

  TRACE2("gc.process", "GC: collector["<<((POINTER_SIZE_INT)collector->thread_handle)<<"]:  finish pass1");

  /* Pass 2: **************************************************
     move object and set the forwarding offset table */

  TRACE2("gc.process", "GC: collector["<<((POINTER_SIZE_INT)collector->thread_handle)<<"]: pass2: move object and set the forwarding offset table ...");

  atomic_cas32( &num_moving_collectors, 0, num_active_collectors+1);

  mspace_move_objects(collector, mspace);   
  old_num = atomic_inc32(&num_moving_collectors);
  if( ++old_num == num_active_collectors ){
    /* single thread world */
      lspace_compute_object_target(collector, lspace);    
    gc->collect_result = gc_collection_result(gc);
      assert( debug_num_compact_blocks == mspace->num_managed_blocks + nos->num_managed_blocks );	
      debug_num_compact_blocks = 0;

    gc_reset_block_for_collectors(gc, mspace);
  while(num_moving_collectors != num_active_collectors + 1);
  if(!gc->collect_result) return;
  TRACE2("gc.process", "GC: collector["<<((POINTER_SIZE_INT)collector->thread_handle)<<"]:  finish pass2");

  /* Pass 3: **************************************************
     update all references whose pointed objects were moved */  

  TRACE2("gc.process", "GC: collector["<<((POINTER_SIZE_INT)collector->thread_handle)<<"]: pass3: update all references ...");

  old_num = atomic_cas32( &num_fixing_collectors, 0, num_active_collectors+1);

  mspace_fix_repointed_refs(collector, mspace);

  old_num = atomic_inc32(&num_fixing_collectors);
  if( ++old_num == num_active_collectors ){
    /* last collector's world here */
    lspace_fix_repointed_refs(collector, lspace);   
    gc_fix_rootset(collector, FALSE);
    if(lspace->move_object)  lspace_sliding_compact(collector, lspace);    

  while(num_fixing_collectors != num_active_collectors + 1);

  TRACE2("gc.process", "GC: collector["<<((POINTER_SIZE_INT)collector->thread_handle)<<"]:  finish pass3");

  /* Pass 4: **************************************************
     restore obj_info . Actually only LOS needs it.   Since oi is recorded for new address, so the restoration
     doesn't need to to specify space. */

  TRACE2("gc.process", "GC: collector["<<((POINTER_SIZE_INT)collector->thread_handle)<<"]: pass4: restore obj_info ...");

  atomic_cas32( &num_restoring_collectors, 0, num_active_collectors);


  while(num_restoring_collectors != num_active_collectors);

   /* Dealing with out of memory in mspace */  
  if(mspace->free_block_idx > nos->first_block_idx){    
     atomic_cas32( &num_extending_collectors, 0, num_active_collectors);        
     while(num_extending_collectors != num_active_collectors);  

  TRACE2("gc.process", "GC: collector["<<((POINTER_SIZE_INT)collector->thread_handle)<<"]:  finish pass4");

  /* Leftover: **************************************************
  if( (POINTER_SIZE_INT)collector->thread_handle != 0 ){
    TRACE2("gc.process", "GC: collector["<<((POINTER_SIZE_INT)collector->thread_handle)<<"]  finished");
  TRACE2("gc.process", "GC: collector[0]  finished");
Esempio n. 9
void gc_init_block_for_collectors(GC* gc, Mspace* mspace)
  unsigned int i;
  Block_Header* block;
  Space_Tuner* tuner = gc->tuner;
  Block_Header* nos_last_block;
  Block_Header* mos_first_block = (Block_Header*)&mspace->blocks[0];  
  unsigned int trans_blocks = (unsigned int)(tuner->tuning_size >> GC_BLOCK_SHIFT_COUNT);  
  /*Needn't change LOS size.*/
  if(tuner->kind == TRANS_NOTHING){
    for(i=0; i<gc->num_active_collectors; i++){
      Collector* collector = gc->collectors[i];
      block = (Block_Header*)&mspace->blocks[i];
      collector->cur_target_block = block;
      collector->cur_compact_block = block;
      block->status = BLOCK_TARGET;
    block = (Block_Header*)&mspace->blocks[i];
    next_block_for_target = block;
    next_block_for_compact = block;
  else if(tuner->kind == TRANS_FROM_MOS_TO_LOS)
    Blocked_Space* nos = (Blocked_Space*)gc_get_nos((GC_Gen*)gc);
      nos_last_block = (Block_Header*)&nos->blocks[nos->num_managed_blocks-1];
      /*If nos->num_managed_blocks is zero, we take mos_last_block as nos_last_block instead.*/
      nos_last_block = (Block_Header*)&mspace->blocks[mspace->num_managed_blocks - 1];

    nos_last_block->next = mos_first_block;
    ((Block_Header*)&(mspace->blocks[trans_blocks - 1]))->next = NULL;
    for(i=0; i< gc->num_active_collectors; i++){
      Collector* collector = gc->collectors[i];
      block = (Block_Header*)&mspace->blocks[i + trans_blocks];
      collector->cur_target_block = block;
      collector->cur_compact_block = block;
      block->status = BLOCK_TARGET;
    block = (Block_Header*)&mspace->blocks[i+trans_blocks];
    next_block_for_target = block;
    next_block_for_compact = block;

    Collector* collector = gc->collectors[0];
    collector->cur_target_block = tuner->interim_blocks;
    collector->cur_target_block->status = BLOCK_TARGET;

    if(trans_blocks >= gc->num_active_collectors)
      collector->cur_compact_block = mos_first_block;
      collector->cur_compact_block = gc->tuner->interim_blocks;

    collector->cur_compact_block->status = BLOCK_IN_COMPACT;
    for(i=1; i< gc->num_active_collectors; i++){
      collector = gc->collectors[i];
      collector->cur_target_block = gc->collectors[i - 1]->cur_target_block->next;
      collector->cur_target_block->status = BLOCK_TARGET;
      collector->cur_compact_block = gc->collectors[i - 1]->cur_compact_block->next;
      collector->cur_compact_block->status = BLOCK_IN_COMPACT;
    next_block_for_target = collector->cur_target_block->next;    
    next_block_for_compact = collector->cur_compact_block->next;
Esempio n. 10
Block_Header* mspace_get_next_target_block(Collector* collector, Mspace* mspace)
  Block_Header* cur_target_block = (Block_Header*)next_block_for_target;
  /* firstly, we bump the next_block_for_target global var to the first non BLOCK_TARGET block
     This need not atomic op, because the global var is only a hint. */
  while(cur_target_block->status == BLOCK_TARGET){
      cur_target_block = cur_target_block->next;
  next_block_for_target = cur_target_block;

  /* cur_target_block has to be BLOCK_IN_COMPACT|BLOCK_COMPACTED|BLOCK_TARGET. Reason: 
     Any block after it must be either BLOCK_TARGET, or: 
     1. Since cur_target_block < cur_compact_block, we at least can get cur_compact_block as target.
     2. For a block that is >=cur_target_block and <cur_compact_block. 
        Since it is before cur_compact_block, we know it must be a compaction block of some thread. 
        So it is either BLOCK_IN_COMPACT or BLOCK_COMPACTED. 
     We care only the BLOCK_COMPACTED block or own BLOCK_IN_COMPACT. But I can't make the assert
     as below because of a race condition where the block status is not yet updated by other thread.
    assert( cur_target_block->status & (BLOCK_IN_COMPACT|BLOCK_COMPACTED|BLOCK_TARGET)); 

  /* mos may be out of space, so we can use nos blocks for compaction target.
   * but we can't use the blocks which are given to los when los extension happens.
   * in this case, an out-of-mem should be given to user.
  GC* gc = collector->gc;
  Blocked_Space* nos = (Blocked_Space*)gc_get_nos((GC_Gen*)gc);
  Block_Header *nos_end; 
  if( nos->num_managed_blocks != 0)
    nos_end = ((Block_Header *)&nos->blocks[nos->num_managed_blocks-1])->next;
    nos_end = ((Block_Header *)&mspace->blocks[mspace->num_managed_blocks-1])->next;

  while( cur_target_block != nos_end){
    //assert( cur_target_block <= collector->cur_compact_block);
    Block_Header* next_target_block = cur_target_block->next;
    volatile unsigned int* p_block_status = &cur_target_block->status;
    unsigned int block_status = cur_target_block->status;
    //assert( block_status & (BLOCK_IN_COMPACT|BLOCK_COMPACTED|BLOCK_TARGET));

    /* if it is not BLOCK_COMPACTED, let's move on to next except it's own cur_compact_block */
    if(block_status != BLOCK_COMPACTED){
      if(cur_target_block == collector->cur_compact_block){
        assert( block_status == BLOCK_IN_COMPACT);
        *p_block_status = BLOCK_TARGET;
        collector->cur_target_block = cur_target_block;
        return cur_target_block;
      /* it's not my own cur_compact_block, it can be BLOCK_TARGET or other's cur_compact_block */
      cur_target_block = next_target_block;
    /* else, find a BLOCK_COMPACTED before own cur_compact_block */    
    unsigned int temp = atomic_cas32(p_block_status, BLOCK_TARGET, BLOCK_COMPACTED);
    if(temp == BLOCK_COMPACTED){
      collector->cur_target_block = cur_target_block;
      return cur_target_block;
    /* missed it, it must be set by other into BLOCK_TARGET */
    assert(temp == BLOCK_TARGET); 
    cur_target_block = next_target_block;     
  /* mos is run out for major collection */
  return NULL;  