Bool VGetSurfAddrBy32(GALINFOPTR galInfo,int maxsize, int *phyaddr,int *lgaddr,int *width,int *height,int *stride) { static int gphyaddr; static int glgaddr; static int gwidth; static int gheight; static int gstride; static int lastmaxsize=0; gceSTATUS status = gcvSTATUS_OK; VIVGPUPtr gpuctx = (VIVGPUPtr) (galInfo->mGpu); if (maxsize <MAX_WIDTH) maxsize=MAX_WIDTH; if ( && (maxsize >lastmaxsize)) { if (VDestroySurf32()!=TRUE) TRACE_EXIT(FALSE); lastmaxsize=maxsize; } if ( { lastmaxsize=maxsize; status=gcoSURF_Construct(gpuctx->mDriver->mHal,maxsize,maxsize,1,gcvSURF_BITMAP,gcvSURF_A8R8G8B8,gcvPOOL_DEFAULT,&(; if (status!=gcvSTATUS_OK) TRACE_EXIT(FALSE); status=gcoSURF_GetAlignedSize(,&gwidth,&gheight,&gstride); if (status!=gcvSTATUS_OK) TRACE_EXIT(FALSE); status=gcoSURF_Lock(, &gphyaddr, (void *)&glgaddr); _vsurf32.lineaddr=glgaddr; } *phyaddr=gphyaddr; *lgaddr=glgaddr; *width=gwidth; *height=gheight; *stride=gstride; TRACE_EXIT(TRUE); }
gceSTATUS _FitSurface( IN gcsCOPYBIT_CONTEXT * Context, IN gcsSURFACE * Surface, IN gctUINT32 Width, IN gctUINT32 Height ) { gceSTATUS status = gcvSTATUS_OK; if (Surface == gcvNULL) { return gcvSTATUS_INVALID_ARGUMENT; } do { /* Create the tmp Surfaceace if necessary. */ if ((Surface->surface == gcvNULL) || (Surface->width < Width) || (Surface->height < Height) ) { /* Destroy last surface. */ if (Surface->surface != gcvNULL) { if (Surface->logical != gcvNULL) { gcmERR_BREAK( gcoSURF_Unlock(Surface->surface, Surface->logical)); } gcmERR_BREAK( gcoSURF_Destroy(Surface->surface)); } /* New surface values. */ Surface->format = gcvSURF_A8R8G8B8; Surface->width = Width; Surface->height = Height; gcmERR_BREAK( gcoSURF_Construct(gcvNULL, Surface->width, Surface->height, 1, gcvSURF_BITMAP, Surface->format, gcvPOOL_DEFAULT, &Surface->surface)); gcmERR_BREAK( gcoSURF_Lock(Surface->surface, &Surface->physical, &Surface->logical)); gcmERR_BREAK( gcoSURF_GetAlignedSize(Surface->surface, &Surface->alignedWidth, &Surface->alignedHeight, &Surface->stride)); } } while (gcvFALSE); return status; }
gceSTATUS _StretchBlitPE1x( IN gcsCOPYBIT_CONTEXT * Context, IN struct copybit_image_t const * Dest, IN struct copybit_image_t const * Source, IN struct copybit_rect_t const * DestRect, IN struct copybit_rect_t const * SourceRect, IN struct copybit_region_t const * Clip) { gceSTATUS status = gcvSTATUS_OK; gceSURF_FORMAT siFormat; gceSURF_FORMAT diFormat; gctUINT32 diPhysical = ~0; gctUINT32 diAlignedWidth; gctUINT32 diAlignedHeight; gctINT diStride; gcsRECT srcRect; gcsRECT dstRect; copybit_rect_t rect; gctUINT32 srcPhysical = ~0; gctINT srcStride; gctUINT32 srcAlignedWidth; gctUINT32 srcAlignedHeight; gceSURF_FORMAT srcFormat; gctUINT32 dstPhysical = ~0; gctINT dstStride; gctUINT32 dstAlignedWidth; gctUINT32 dstAlignedHeight; gceSURF_FORMAT dstFormat; gctBOOL stretch = gcvFALSE; gctBOOL yuvFormat = gcvFALSE; gctBOOL perpixelAlpha; gc_private_handle_t* dsthnd = (gc_private_handle_t *) Dest->handle; gc_private_handle_t* srchnd = (gc_private_handle_t *) Source->handle; LOGV("Blit from Source hnd=%p, to Dest hnd=%p", srchnd, dsthnd); if (gc_private_handle_t::validate(dsthnd) < 0) { gcmTRACE(gcvLEVEL_ERROR, "Invalid hnd in funciton %s", __func__); return gcvSTATUS_INVALID_ARGUMENT; } siFormat = (gceSURF_FORMAT) srchnd->format; diFormat = (gceSURF_FORMAT) dsthnd->format; if ((siFormat == gcvSURF_UNKNOWN) || (diFormat == gcvSURF_UNKNOWN) ) { gcmTRACE(gcvLEVEL_ERROR, "Image format not support in copybit!"); return gcvSTATUS_INVALID_ARGUMENT; } /* Convert to supported Source format. */ siFormat = (siFormat == gcvSURF_A8B8G8R8) ? gcvSURF_A8R8G8B8 : siFormat; siFormat = (siFormat == gcvSURF_X8B8G8R8) ? gcvSURF_X8R8G8B8 : siFormat; /* Convert to supported Dest format. */ diFormat = (diFormat == gcvSURF_A8B8G8R8) ? gcvSURF_A8R8G8B8 : diFormat; diFormat = (diFormat == gcvSURF_X8B8G8R8) ? gcvSURF_X8R8G8B8 : diFormat; do { srcPhysical = srchnd->phys; gcoSURF_GetAlignedSize((gcoSURF) srchnd->surface, &srcAlignedWidth, &srcAlignedHeight, &srcStride); diPhysical = dsthnd->phys; gcoSURF_GetAlignedSize((gcoSURF) dsthnd->surface, &diAlignedWidth, &diAlignedHeight, &diStride); if ((((gcoSURF)srchnd->surface)->info.type == gcvSURF_BITMAP) && !(srchnd->flags & gc_private_handle_t::PRIV_FLAGS_FRAMEBUFFER)) { /* Clean the CPU cache. Source would've been rendered by the CPU. */ gcmERR_BREAK( gcoSURF_CPUCacheOperation( (gcoSURF) srchnd->surface, gcvCACHE_CLEAN ) ); } perpixelAlpha = _HasAlpha(siFormat) && (dsthnd->flags & gc_private_handle_t::PRIV_FLAGS_FRAMEBUFFER) && !(srchnd->flags & gc_private_handle_t::PRIV_FLAGS_FRAMEBUFFER); if (Context->perpixelAlpha != perpixelAlpha) { Context->perpixelAlpha = perpixelAlpha; if (Context->planeAlpha == 0xff) { Context->dirty.s.alphaKey = 1; } } /* Need temp surface if source has alpha channel, but dest not. */ Context->needAlphaDest = Context->perpixelAlpha && !_HasAlpha(diFormat); if (Context->needAlphaDest) { gcsRECT tempRect; tempRect.left = gcmMAX(0, DestRect->l); = gcmMAX(0, DestRect->t); tempRect.right = gcmMIN((int32_t) Dest->w, DestRect->r); tempRect.bottom = gcmMIN((int32_t) Dest->h, DestRect->b); gcmERR_BREAK( _FitSurface(Context, &Context->alphaDest, Dest->w, Dest->h)); if (Context->alphaDest.surface == gcvNULL) { gcmTRACE(gcvLEVEL_ERROR, "fail to construct tmp surface for per_pixel_alpha"); break; } /* Copy dest surface to temp surface. */ gcmERR_BREAK( _MonoBlit(Context, diPhysical, diStride, diFormat, Context->alphaDest.physical, Context->alphaDest.stride, Context->alphaDest.format, &tempRect)); } gcmERR_BREAK( _UploadStates(Context)); if (Context->needAlphaDest) { dstPhysical = Context->alphaDest.physical; dstStride = Context->alphaDest.stride; dstAlignedWidth = Context->alphaDest.alignedWidth; dstAlignedHeight = Context->alphaDest.alignedHeight; dstFormat = Context->alphaDest.format; } else { dstPhysical = diPhysical; dstStride = diStride; dstAlignedWidth = diAlignedWidth; dstAlignedHeight = diAlignedHeight; dstFormat = diFormat; } srcFormat = siFormat; if (Context->transform == COPYBIT_TRANSFORM_ROT_270) { srcRect.left = SourceRect->t; = Source->w - SourceRect->r; srcRect.right = SourceRect->b; srcRect.bottom = Source->w - SourceRect->l; } else { srcRect.left = SourceRect->l; = SourceRect->t; srcRect.right = SourceRect->r; srcRect.bottom = SourceRect->b; } if (Context->transform == COPYBIT_TRANSFORM_ROT_90) { dstRect.left = DestRect->t; = Dest->w - DestRect->r; dstRect.right = DestRect->b; dstRect.bottom = Dest->w - DestRect->l; } else { dstRect.left = DestRect->l; = DestRect->t; dstRect.right = DestRect->r; dstRect.bottom = DestRect->b; } /* Check yuv format. */ yuvFormat = (srcFormat == gcvSURF_YUY2 || srcFormat == gcvSURF_UYVY); stretch = (srcRect.right - srcRect.left) != (dstRect.right - dstRect.left) || (srcRect.bottom - != (dstRect.bottom -; /* Upload stretch factor. */ if (stretch) { int hFactor; int vFactor; if ((dstRect.right-dstRect.left) > 1 && ( > 1) { hFactor = ((srcRect.right - srcRect.left - 1) << 16) / (dstRect.right - dstRect.left - 1); vFactor = ((srcRect.bottom - - 1) << 16) / (dstRect.bottom - - 1); } else { hFactor = 0; vFactor = 0; } gcmERR_BREAK( gco2D_SetStretchFactors(Context->engine, hFactor, vFactor)); } /* Prepare source and target for normal blit. */ gcmERR_BREAK( gco2D_SetColorSource(Context->engine, srcPhysical, srcStride, srcFormat, Context->srcRotation, srcAlignedWidth, gcvFALSE, gcvSURF_OPAQUE, 0)); gcmERR_BREAK( gco2D_SetSource(Context->engine, &srcRect)); gcmERR_BREAK( gco2D_SetTarget(Context->engine, dstPhysical, dstStride, Context->dstRotation, dstAlignedWidth)); gcsRECT srcRectBackup = srcRect; gcsRECT dstRectBackup = dstRect; /* Go though all clip rectangles. */ while (Clip->next(Clip, &rect)) { gcsRECT clipRect; srcRect = srcRectBackup; dstRect = dstRectBackup; if (Context->transform == COPYBIT_TRANSFORM_ROT_90) { clipRect.left = rect.t; = Dest->w - rect.r; clipRect.right = rect.b; clipRect.bottom = Dest->w - rect.l; } else if (Context->transform == COPYBIT_TRANSFORM_ROT_180) { float hfactor = (float) (SourceRect->r - SourceRect->l) / (DestRect->r - DestRect->l); float vfactor = (float) (SourceRect->b - SourceRect->t) / (DestRect->b - DestRect->t); /* Intersect. */ clipRect.left = gcmMAX(dstRect.left, rect.l); = gcmMAX(, rect.t); clipRect.right = gcmMIN(dstRect.right, rect.r); clipRect.bottom = gcmMIN(dstRect.bottom, rect.b); /* Adjust src rectangle. */ srcRect.left += (int) ((dstRect.right - clipRect.right) * hfactor); += (int) ((dstRect.bottom - clipRect.bottom) * vfactor); srcRect.right -= (int) ((clipRect.left - dstRect.left) * hfactor); srcRect.bottom -= (int) (( - * vfactor); /* Set dstRect to clip rectangle. */ dstRect = clipRect; if ((srcRect.left != srcRectBackup.left) || (srcRect.right != srcRectBackup.right) || ( != || (srcRect.bottom != srcRectBackup.bottom) ) { gcmERR_BREAK( gco2D_SetSource(Context->engine, &srcRect)); } } else { clipRect.left = rect.l; = rect.t; clipRect.right = rect.r; clipRect.bottom = rect.b; } /* Clamp clip rectangle. */ if (clipRect.right > dstRect.right) clipRect.right = dstRect.right; if (clipRect.bottom > dstRect.bottom) clipRect.bottom = dstRect.bottom; if (clipRect.left < dstRect.left) clipRect.left = dstRect.left; if ( < =; gcmERR_BREAK( gco2D_SetClipping(Context->engine, &clipRect)); if (yuvFormat) { /* TODO: FilterBlit does not support rotation before PE20. */ /* Video filter blit */ /* 1. SetClipping() has no effect for FilterBlit() * so we use dstSubRect to realize clipping effect * 2. Only FilterBlit support yuv format covertion. */ gcsRECT dstSubRect; int dstWidth = dstRect.right - dstRect.left; int dstHeight = dstRect.bottom -; int clipWidth = clipRect.right - clipRect.left; int clipHeight = clipRect.bottom -; dstSubRect.left = clipRect.left - dstRect.left; = -; dstSubRect.right = dstWidth < clipWidth ? dstSubRect.left + dstWidth : dstSubRect.left + clipWidth; dstSubRect.bottom = dstHeight < clipHeight ? + dstHeight : + clipHeight; gcmERR_BREAK( gco2D_SetKernelSize(Context->engine, gcdFILTER_BLOCK_SIZE, gcdFILTER_BLOCK_SIZE)); gcmERR_BREAK( gco2D_SetFilterType(Context->engine, gcvFILTER_SYNC)); gcmERR_BREAK( gco2D_FilterBlit(Context->engine, srcPhysical, srcStride, 0, 0, 0, 0, srcFormat, Context->srcRotation, srcAlignedWidth, &srcRect, dstPhysical, dstStride, dstFormat, Context->dstRotation, dstAlignedWidth, &dstRect, &dstSubRect)); } else if (Context->blur) { /* TODO: FilterBlit does not support rotation before PE20. */ gcsRECT dstSubRect; dstSubRect.left = 0; = 0; dstSubRect.right = dstRect.right - dstRect.left; dstSubRect.bottom = dstRect.bottom -; /* Blur blit. */ gcmERR_BREAK( gco2D_SetKernelSize(Context->engine, gcdFILTER_BLOCK_SIZE, gcdFILTER_BLOCK_SIZE)); gcmERR_BREAK( gco2D_SetFilterType(Context->engine, gcvFILTER_BLUR)); gcmERR_BREAK( gco2D_FilterBlit(Context->engine, srcPhysical, srcStride, 0, 0, 0, 0, srcFormat, gcvSURF_0_DEGREE, srcAlignedWidth, &srcRect, dstPhysical, dstStride, dstFormat, gcvSURF_0_DEGREE, dstAlignedWidth, &dstRect, &dstSubRect)); gcmERR_BREAK( gco2D_FilterBlit(Context->engine, dstPhysical, dstStride, 0, 0, 0, 0, dstFormat, gcvSURF_0_DEGREE, dstAlignedWidth, &dstRect, dstPhysical, dstStride, dstFormat, gcvSURF_0_DEGREE, dstAlignedWidth, &dstRect, &dstSubRect)); /* TODO: surfaceflinger set blur issue. */ Context->blur = COPYBIT_DISABLE; } else if (stretch == gcvFALSE) { /* BitBlit. */ gcmERR_BREAK( gco2D_Blit(Context->engine, 1, &dstRect, 0xCC, 0xCC, dstFormat)); } else { /* Normal stretch blit. */ gcmERR_BREAK( gco2D_StretchBlit(Context->engine, 1, &dstRect, 0xCC, 0xCC, dstFormat)); } } if (gcmIS_ERROR(status)) { break; } if (Context->needAlphaDest) { gcsRECT tempRect; tempRect.left = gcmMAX(0, DestRect->l); = gcmMAX(0, DestRect->t); tempRect.right = gcmMIN((int32_t) Dest->w, DestRect->r); tempRect.bottom = gcmMIN((int32_t) Dest->h, DestRect->b); /* Blit back to actual dest. */ gcmERR_BREAK( _MonoBlit(Context, Context->alphaDest.physical, Context->alphaDest.stride, Context->alphaDest.format, diPhysical, diStride, diFormat, &tempRect)); } /* Flush and commit. */ gcmERR_BREAK( gco2D_Flush(Context->engine)); gcmERR_BREAK( gcoHAL_Commit(gcvNULL, gcvFALSE)); } while (gcvFALSE); return status; }