Esempio n. 1
static void gd_loadimage_cairo(GVJ_t * job, usershape_t *us, boxf b, boolean filled)
    cairo_t *cr = (cairo_t *) job->context; /* target context */
    unsigned int x, y, stride, width, height, px;
    unsigned char *data;
    cairo_surface_t *surface;    /* source surface */
    gdImagePtr im;

    if ((im = gd_loadimage(job, us))) {
	width = im->sx;
	height = im->sy;
// cairo_format_stride_for_width() not available prior to cairo-1.6.4 or so (fc9)
//stride = cairo_format_stride_for_width (CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32, width);
	stride = width*4;
	data = malloc (stride * height);
	surface = cairo_image_surface_create_for_data (data, CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32,
							width, height, stride);

	if (im->trueColor) {
	    for (y = 0; y < height; y++) {
		for (x = 0; x < width; x++) {
		    px = gdImageTrueColorPixel(im, x, y);
		    *data++ = gdTrueColorGetBlue(px);
		    *data++ = gdTrueColorGetGreen(px);
		    *data++ = gdTrueColorGetRed(px);
		    *data++ = (0x7F-gdTrueColorGetAlpha(px)) << 1;
	else {
	    for (y = 0; y < height; y++) {
		for (x = 0; x < width; x++) {
		    px = gdImagePalettePixel(im, x, y);
		    *data++ = im->blue[px];
		    *data++ = im->green[px];
		    *data++ = im->red[px];
		    *data++ = (px==im->transparent)?0x00:0xff;

                (b.LL.x + (b.UR.x - b.LL.x) * (1. - (job->dpi.x) / 96.) / 2.),
                (-b.UR.y + (b.UR.y - b.LL.y) * (1. - (job->dpi.y) / 96.) / 2.));
                ((b.UR.x - b.LL.x) * (job->dpi.x) / (96. * us->w)),
                ((b.UR.y - b.LL.y) * (job->dpi.y) / (96. * us->h)));
        cairo_set_source_surface (cr, surface, 0, 0);
        cairo_paint (cr);

Esempio n. 2
/* bring the palette colors in im2 to be closer to im1
int gdImageColorMatch (gdImagePtr im1, gdImagePtr im2)
	unsigned long *buf; /* stores our calculations */
	unsigned long *bp; /* buf ptr */
	int color, rgb;
	int x,y;
	int count;

	if( !im1->trueColor ) {
		return -1; /* im1 must be True Color */
	if( im2->trueColor ) {
		return -2; /* im2 must be indexed */
	if( (im1->sx != im2->sx) || (im1->sy != im2->sy) ) {
		return -3; /* the images are meant to be the same dimensions */
	if (im2->colorsTotal<1) {
		return -4; /* At least 1 color must be allocated */

	buf = (unsigned long *)safe_emalloc(sizeof(unsigned long), 5 * im2->colorsTotal, 0);
	memset( buf, 0, sizeof(unsigned long) * 5 * im2->colorsTotal );

	for (x=0; x<im1->sx; x++) {
		for( y=0; y<im1->sy; y++ ) {
			color = im2->pixels[y][x];
			rgb = im1->tpixels[y][x];
			bp = buf + (color * 5);
			*(bp++) += gdTrueColorGetRed(rgb);
			*(bp++) += gdTrueColorGetGreen(rgb);
			*(bp++) += gdTrueColorGetBlue(rgb);
			*(bp++) += gdTrueColorGetAlpha(rgb);
	bp = buf;
	for (color=0; color<im2->colorsTotal; color++) {
		count = *(bp++);
		if( count > 0 ) {
			im2->red[color]		= *(bp++) / count;
			im2->green[color]	= *(bp++) / count;
			im2->blue[color]	= *(bp++) / count;
			im2->alpha[color]	= *(bp++) / count;
		} else {
			bp += 4;
	return 0;
Esempio n. 3
    glGenTextures(1, &tid);
    glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, tid);

    int datSize = w*h*4;
//	unsigned char data[datSize];
    unsigned char* data = new unsigned char[datSize];

    for(int j=0; j<h; j++)
        for(int i=0; i<w; i++)
            // gdTrueColor* are in gd.h (ARGB - alpha is 7-bit)
            int key = (j*w+i)*4;
            data[key] = gdTrueColorGetRed(im->tpixels[h-1-j][i]);
            data[key+1] = gdTrueColorGetGreen(im->tpixels[h-1-j][i]);
            data[key+2] = gdTrueColorGetBlue(im->tpixels[h-1-j][i]);
            data[key+3] = (127 - gdTrueColorGetAlpha(im->tpixels[h-1-j][i]))<<1;

    // well, knowing that textures are at most medium size,
    // just use auto-mipmap generation.  we actually don't have to
    // be bothered by power-of-two issues.
    gluBuild2DMipmaps(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 4, w, h, GL_RGBA,
                      GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, data);
//	glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 4, wpo2, hpo2, 0, GL_RGBA,
//						GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, data);



    if(im) gdImageDestroy(im);
    delete data;
 * Based on libgd/gd_topal.c
static void
ngx_pngquant_convert_gd_pixel_to_rgba(liq_color output_row[], int y, int width,
    void *userinfo)
    gdImagePtr oim = userinfo;
    int x;

    for(x = 0; x < width; x++) {

        output_row[x].r = gdTrueColorGetRed(oim->tpixels[y][x]) * 255/gdRedMax;
        output_row[x].g = gdTrueColorGetGreen(oim->tpixels[y][x]) * 255/gdGreenMax;
        output_row[x].b = gdTrueColorGetBlue(oim->tpixels[y][x]) * 255/gdBlueMax;

        int alpha = gdTrueColorGetAlpha(oim->tpixels[y][x]);

        if (gdAlphaOpaque < gdAlphaTransparent) {

            alpha = gdAlphaTransparent - alpha;

        output_row[x].a = alpha * 255/gdAlphaMax;
Esempio n. 5
/* Compare two buffers, returning the number of pixels that are
 * different and the maximum difference of any single color channel in
 * result_ret.
 * This function should be rewritten to compare all formats supported by
 * cairo_format_t instead of taking a mask as a parameter.
void gdTestImageDiff(gdImagePtr buf_a, gdImagePtr buf_b,
                     gdImagePtr buf_diff, CuTestImageResult *result_ret)
	int x, y;
	int c1, c2;

	for (y = 0; y < gdImageSY(buf_a); y++) {
		for (x = 0; x < gdImageSX(buf_a); x++) {
			c1 = gdImageGetTrueColorPixel(buf_a, x, y);
			c2 = gdImageGetTrueColorPixel(buf_b, x, y);

			/* check if the pixels are the same */
			if (c1 != c2) {
				int r1,b1,g1,a1,r2,b2,g2,a2;
				unsigned int diff_a,diff_r,diff_g,diff_b;

				a1 = gdTrueColorGetAlpha(c1);
				a2 = gdTrueColorGetAlpha(c2);
				diff_a = abs (a1 - a2);
				diff_a *= 4;  /* emphasize */

				if (diff_a) {
					diff_a += 128; /* make sure it's visible */
				if (diff_a > gdAlphaMax) {
					diff_a = gdAlphaMax/2;

				r1 = gdTrueColorGetRed(c1);
				r2 = gdTrueColorGetRed(c2);
				diff_r = abs (r1 - r2);
				/* diff_r *= 4;  /* emphasize */
				if (diff_r) {
					diff_r += gdRedMax/2; /* make sure it's visible */
				if (diff_r > 255) {
					diff_r = 255;

				g1 = gdTrueColorGetGreen(c1);
				g2 = gdTrueColorGetGreen(c2);
				diff_g = abs (g1 - g2);
				diff_g *= 4;  /* emphasize */
				if (diff_g) {
					diff_g += gdGreenMax/2; /* make sure it's visible */
				if (diff_g > 255) {
					diff_g = 255;

				b1 = gdTrueColorGetBlue(c1);
				b2 = gdTrueColorGetBlue(c2);
				diff_b = abs (b1 - b2);
				diff_b *= 4;  /* emphasize */
				if (diff_b) {
					diff_b += gdBlueMax/2; /* make sure it's visible */
				if (diff_b > 255) {
					diff_b = 255;

				if (buf_diff) gdImageSetPixel(buf_diff, x,y, gdTrueColorAlpha(diff_r, diff_g, diff_b, diff_a));
			} else {
				if (buf_diff) gdImageSetPixel(buf_diff, x,y, gdTrueColorAlpha(255,255,255,0));
Esempio n. 6
static void
_gdImageGd2 (gdImagePtr im, gdIOCtx * out, int cs, int fmt)
  int ncx, ncy, cx, cy;
  int x, y, ylo, yhi, xlo, xhi;
  int chunkLen;
  int chunkNum = 0;
  char *chunkData = NULL;	/* So we can gdFree it with impunity. */
  char *compData = NULL;	/* So we can gdFree it with impunity. */
  uLongf compLen;
  int idxPos = 0;
  int idxSize;
  t_chunk_info *chunkIdx = NULL;
  int posSave;
  int bytesPerPixel = im->trueColor ? 4 : 1;
  int compMax = 0;

  /*printf("Trying to write GD2 file\n"); */

  /* */
  /* Force fmt to a valid value since we don't return anything. */
  /* */
  if ((fmt != GD2_FMT_RAW) && (fmt != GD2_FMT_COMPRESSED))
  if (im->trueColor)
      fmt += 2;
  /* */
  /* Make sure chunk size is valid. These are arbitrary values; 64 because it seems */
  /* a little silly to expect performance improvements on a 64x64 bit scale, and  */
  /* 4096 because we buffer one chunk, and a 16MB buffer seems a little large - it may be */
  /* OK for one user, but for another to read it, they require the buffer. */
  /* */
  if (cs == 0)
      cs = GD2_CHUNKSIZE;
  else if (cs < GD2_CHUNKSIZE_MIN)
      cs = GD2_CHUNKSIZE_MIN;
  else if (cs > GD2_CHUNKSIZE_MAX)
      cs = GD2_CHUNKSIZE_MAX;

  /* Work out number of chunks. */
  ncx = im->sx / cs + 1;
  ncy = im->sy / cs + 1;

  /* Write the standard header. */
  _gd2PutHeader (im, out, cs, fmt, ncx, ncy);

  if (gd2_compressed (fmt))
      /* */
      /* Work out size of buffer for compressed data, If CHUNKSIZE is large, */
      /* then these will be large! */
      /* */
      /* The zlib notes say output buffer size should be (input size) * 1.01 * 12 */
      /* - we'll use 1.02 to be paranoid. */
      /* */
      compMax = cs * bytesPerPixel * cs * 1.02 + 12;

      /* */
      /* Allocate the buffers.  */
      /* */
      chunkData = gdCalloc (cs * bytesPerPixel * cs, 1);
			if (!chunkData) {
				goto fail;
      compData = gdCalloc (compMax, 1);
			if (!compData) {
				goto fail;

      /* */
      /* Save the file position of chunk index, and allocate enough space for */
      /* each chunk_info block . */
      /* */
      idxPos = gdTell (out);
      idxSize = ncx * ncy * sizeof (t_chunk_info);
      GD2_DBG (printf ("Index size is %d\n", idxSize));
      gdSeek (out, idxPos + idxSize);

      chunkIdx = gdCalloc (idxSize * sizeof (t_chunk_info), 1);
      if (!chunkIdx) {
        goto fail;

  _gdPutColors (im, out);

  GD2_DBG (printf ("Size: %dx%d\n", im->sx, im->sy));
  GD2_DBG (printf ("Chunks: %dx%d\n", ncx, ncy));

  for (cy = 0; (cy < ncy); cy++)
      for (cx = 0; (cx < ncx); cx++)

	  ylo = cy * cs;
	  yhi = ylo + cs;
	  if (yhi > im->sy)
	      yhi = im->sy;

	  GD2_DBG (printf
		   ("Processing Chunk (%dx%d), y from %d to %d\n", cx, cy,
		    ylo, yhi));
	  chunkLen = 0;
	  for (y = ylo; (y < yhi); y++)

	      /*GD2_DBG(printf("y=%d: ",y)); */

	      xlo = cx * cs;
	      xhi = xlo + cs;
	      if (xhi > im->sx)
		  xhi = im->sx;

	      if (gd2_compressed (fmt))
		  for (x = xlo; x < xhi; x++)
		      /* 2.0.11: use truecolor pixel array. TBB */
		      /*GD2_DBG(printf("%d...",x)); */
		      if (im->trueColor)
			  int p = im->tpixels[y][x];
			  chunkData[chunkLen++] = gdTrueColorGetAlpha (p);
			  chunkData[chunkLen++] = gdTrueColorGetRed (p);
			  chunkData[chunkLen++] = gdTrueColorGetGreen (p);
			  chunkData[chunkLen++] = gdTrueColorGetBlue (p);
			  int p = im->pixels[y][x];
			  chunkData[chunkLen++] = p;
		  for (x = xlo; x < xhi; x++)
		      /*GD2_DBG(printf("%d, ",x)); */

		      if (im->trueColor)
			  gdPutInt (im->tpixels[y][x], out);
			  gdPutC ((unsigned char) im->pixels[y][x], out);
	      /*GD2_DBG(printf("y=%d done.\n",y)); */
	  if (gd2_compressed (fmt))
	      compLen = compMax;
	      if (compress ((unsigned char *)
			    &compData[0], &compLen,
			    (unsigned char *) &chunkData[0],
			    chunkLen) != Z_OK)
		  printf ("Error from compressing\n");
		  chunkIdx[chunkNum].offset = gdTell (out);
		  chunkIdx[chunkNum++].size = compLen;
		  GD2_DBG (printf
			   ("Chunk %d size %d offset %d\n", chunkNum,
			    chunkIdx[chunkNum - 1].size,
			    chunkIdx[chunkNum - 1].offset));

		  if (gdPutBuf (compData, compLen, out) <= 0)
			fprintf(stderr, "gd write error\n");
  if (gd2_compressed (fmt))
      /* Save the position, write the index, restore position (paranoia). */
      GD2_DBG (printf ("Seeking %d to write index\n", idxPos));
      posSave = gdTell (out);
      gdSeek (out, idxPos);
      GD2_DBG (printf ("Writing index\n"));
      for (x = 0; x < chunkNum; x++)
	  GD2_DBG (printf
		   ("Chunk %d size %d offset %d\n", x, chunkIdx[x].size,
	  gdPutInt (chunkIdx[x].offset, out);
	  gdPutInt (chunkIdx[x].size, out);
      /* We don't use fwrite for *endian reasons. */
      /*fwrite(chunkIdx, sizeof(int)*2, chunkNum, out); */
      gdSeek (out, posSave);

  /*printf("Memory block size is %d\n",gdTell(out)); */
  GD2_DBG (printf ("Freeing memory\n"));

	if (chunkData) {
		gdFree (chunkData);
	if (compData) {
		gdFree (compData);
	if (chunkIdx) {
		gdFree (chunkIdx);
  GD2_DBG (printf ("Done\n"));

Esempio n. 7
void gdImageCopyResampled (uint8_t *dst,
                      uint8_t *src,
                      int dstX, int dstY,
                      int srcX, int srcY,
                      int dstW, int dstH, int srcW, int srcH)
  int x, y;
  double sy1, sy2, sx1, sx2;
  for (y = dstY; (y < dstY + dstH); y++)
      sy1 = ((double) y - (double) dstY) * (double) srcH / (double) dstH;
      sy2 = ((double) (y + 1) - (double) dstY) * (double) srcH /
        (double) dstH;
      for (x = dstX; (x < dstX + dstW); x++)
          double sx, sy;
          double spixels = 0;
          double red = 0.0, green = 0.0, blue = 0.0, alpha = 0.0;
          sx1 = ((double) x - (double) dstX) * (double) srcW / dstW;
          sx2 = ((double) (x + 1) - (double) dstX) * (double) srcW / dstW;
          sy = sy1;
              double yportion;
              if (floor2 (sy) == floor2 (sy1))
                  yportion = 1.0 - (sy - (double)floor2 (sy));
                  if (yportion > sy2 - sy1)
                      yportion = sy2 - sy1;
                  sy = (double)floor2 (sy);
              else if (sy == floor2 (sy2))
                  yportion = sy2 - (double)floor2 (sy2);
                  yportion = 1.0;
              sx = sx1;
                  double xportion;
                  double pcontribution;
                  int p;
                  if (floor2 (sx) == floor2 (sx1))
                      xportion = 1.0 - (sx - (double)floor2 (sx));
                      if (xportion > sx2 - sx1)
                          xportion = sx2 - sx1;
                      sx = (double)floor2 (sx);
                  else if (sx == floor2 (sx2))
                      xportion = sx2 - (double)floor2 (sx2);
                      xportion = 1.0;
                  pcontribution = xportion * yportion;
                  /* 2.08: previously srcX and srcY were ignored.
                     Andrew Pattison */
                  p = gdImageGetTrueColorPixel (src,
                                                (int) sx + srcX,
                                                (int) sy + srcY, srcW);
                  red += gdTrueColorGetRed (p) * pcontribution;
                  green += gdTrueColorGetGreen (p) * pcontribution;
                  blue += gdTrueColorGetBlue (p) * pcontribution;
                  alpha += gdTrueColorGetAlpha (p) * pcontribution;
                  spixels += xportion * yportion;
                  sx += 1.0;
              while (sx < sx2);
              sy += 1.0;
          while (sy < sy2);
          if (spixels != 0.0)
              red /= spixels;
              green /= spixels;
              blue /= spixels;
              alpha /= spixels;
          /* Clamping to allow for rounding errors above */
          if (red > 255.0)
              red = 255.0;
          if (green > 255.0)
              green = 255.0;
          if (blue > 255.0)
              blue = 255.0;
          if (alpha > gdAlphaMax)
              alpha = gdAlphaMax;
          gdImageSetPixel (dst,
                           x, y,
                           gdTrueColorAlpha ((int) red,
                                             (int) green,
                                             (int) blue, (int) alpha), dstW);