Esempio n. 1
gdispImageError gdispGImageDraw_NATIVE(GDisplay *g, gdispImage *img, coord_t x, coord_t y, coord_t cx, coord_t cy, coord_t sx, coord_t sy) {
	coord_t		mx, mcx;
	size_t		pos, len;
	gdispImagePrivate_NATIVE *	priv;

	priv = (gdispImagePrivate_NATIVE *)img->priv;

	/* Check some reasonableness */
	if (sx >= img->width || sy >= img->height) return GDISP_IMAGE_ERR_OK;
	if (sx + cx > img->width) cx = img->width - sx;
	if (sy + cy > img->height) cy = img->height - sy;

	/* Draw from the image cache - if it exists */
	if (priv->frame0cache) {
		gdispGBlitArea(g, x, y, cx, cy, sx, sy, img->width, priv->frame0cache);

	/* For this image decoder we cheat and just seek straight to the region we want to display */
	pos = FRAME0POS_NATIVE + (img->width * sy + sx) * sizeof(pixel_t);

	/* Cycle through the lines */
	for(;cy;cy--, y++) {
		/* Move to the start of the line */
		gfileSetPos(img->f, pos);

		/* Draw the line in chunks using BitBlt */
		for(mx = x, mcx = cx; mcx > 0; mcx -= len, mx += len) {
			// Read the data
			len = gfileRead(img->f,
						mcx > BLIT_BUFFER_SIZE_NATIVE ? (BLIT_BUFFER_SIZE_NATIVE*sizeof(pixel_t)) : (mcx * sizeof(pixel_t)))
					/ sizeof(pixel_t);
			if (!len)

			/* Blit the chunk of data */
			gdispGBlitArea(g, mx, y, len, 1, 0, 0, len, priv->buf);

		/* Get the position for the start of the next line */
		pos += img->width*sizeof(pixel_t);

Esempio n. 2
bool lcd_keyframe_draw_logo(keyframe_animation_t* animation, visualizer_state_t* state) {
    // Read the uGFX documentation for information how to use the displays

    // You can use static variables for things that can't be found in the animation
    // or state structs, here we use the image

    //gdispGBlitArea is a tricky function to use since it supports blitting part of the image
    // if you have full screen image, then just use LCD_WIDTH and LCD_HEIGHT for both source and target dimensions
    gdispGBlitArea(GDISP, 0, 0, LCD_WIDTH, LCD_HEIGHT, 0, 0, LCD_WIDTH, (pixel_t*)resource_lcd_logo);

    return false;