Esempio n. 1
static void Tz_L2L(FmmvHandle *FMMV, _FLOAT_ *x)
	int p = FMMV->pL; 
	_FLOAT_ **Tz = FMMV->Tz_L2L;
	int k, dk, kk;

        if (FMMV->beta==0) {
	    dk = p+1;
	    kk = p+1;
	    tpmv_upper(dk, Tz[0], x);
	    for (k=1; k<=p; k++) {
		    tpmv_upper(dk, Tz[k], x + kk);	
		    kk += dk;
		    tpmv_upper(dk, Tz[k], x + kk);	
		    kk += dk;
        else {
            _FLOAT_ y[(FMM_P_MAX+1)*(FMM_P_MAX+2)];
	    dk = p+1;
	    kk = p+1;
	    gemv(dk, dk, Tz[0], dk, x, y);
	    for (k=1; k<=p; k++) {
		    gemv(dk, dk, Tz[k], dk, x + kk, y + kk);	
		    kk += dk;
		    gemv(dk, dk, Tz[k], dk, x + kk, y + kk);	
		    kk += dk;
            memcpy(x, y, sizeof(_FLOAT_)*(p+1)*(p+2));
Esempio n. 2
void Ry(int p, _FLOAT_ **blocks, _FLOAT_ *x, _FLOAT_ *y)
	int k,j, j1;

	gemv(1, 1, blocks[0], 1, x, y);
	k = 1;
	for (j=1; j<=p; j++) {
		j1 = j+1;
		gemv(j1, j1, blocks[2*j], j1, x+k, y+k);
		k += j1;
		gemv(j, j, blocks[2*j+1], j, x+k, y+k);
		k += j;
Esempio n. 3
void gemv(
	matrix_expression<MatA, cpu_tag> const &A,
	vector_expression<VectorX, cpu_tag> const &x,
        vector_expression<VectorY, cpu_tag> &y,
	typename VectorY::value_type alpha,
	std::size_t m = A().size1();
	std::size_t n = A().size2();
	SIZE_CHECK(x().size() == A().size2());
	SIZE_CHECK(y().size() == A().size1());

	CBLAS_ORDER const stor_ord= (CBLAS_ORDER)storage_order<typename MatA::orientation>::value;
	auto storageA = A().raw_storage();
	auto storagex = x().raw_storage();
	auto storagey = y().raw_storage();
	gemv(stor_ord, CblasNoTrans, (int)m, (int)n, alpha,
	        typename VectorY::value_type(1),
Esempio n. 4
void gemv(
	 matrix_expression<MatrA> const &A,
	vector_expression<VectorX> const &x,
        vector_expression<VectorY> &y,
	typename VectorY::value_type alpha,
	std::size_t m = A().size1();
	std::size_t n = A().size2();
	SIZE_CHECK(x().size() == A().size2());
	SIZE_CHECK(y().size() == A().size1());

	CBLAS_ORDER const stor_ord= (CBLAS_ORDER)storage_order<typename MatrA::orientation>::value;
	gemv(stor_ord, CblasNoTrans, (int)m, (int)n, alpha,
	        typename VectorY::value_type(1),
Esempio n. 5
scalar* gemm(int m,int n,int k,scalar* A, scalar* B,scalar* AB){
	int i;
	while(i--){ gemv(m,n,A,B+i,k,AB+i,k);	} /* AB[*i]=A*B[*i] */
	return AB;
Esempio n. 6
void bi::mean(const M1 X, V1 mu) {
  /* pre-condition */
  BI_ASSERT(X.size2() == mu.size());

  const int N = X.size1();
  typename sim_temp_vector<V1>::type w(N);
  set_elements(w, 1.0);
  gemv(1.0/N, X, w, 0.0, mu, 'T');
Esempio n. 7
void bi::marginalise(const ExpGaussianPdf<V1, M1>& p1,
    const ExpGaussianPdf<V2,M2>& p2, const M3 C,
    const ExpGaussianPdf<V4, M4>& q2, ExpGaussianPdf<V5,M5>& p3) {
  /* pre-conditions */
  BI_ASSERT(q2.size() == p2.size());
  BI_ASSERT(p3.size() == p1.size());
  BI_ASSERT(C.size1() == p1.size() && C.size2() == p2.size());

  typename sim_temp_vector<V1>::type z2(p2.size());
  typename sim_temp_matrix<M1>::type K(p1.size(), p2.size());
  typename sim_temp_matrix<M1>::type A1(p2.size(), p2.size());
  typename sim_temp_matrix<M1>::type A2(p2.size(), p2.size());

   * Compute gain matrix:
   * \f[\mathcal{K} = C_{\mathbf{x}_1,\mathbf{x}_2}\Sigma_2^{-1}\,.\f]
  symm(1.0, p2.prec(), C, 0.0, K, 'R', 'U');

   * Then result is given by \f$\mathcal{N}(\boldsymbol{\mu}',
   * \Sigma')\f$, where:
   * \f[\boldsymbol{\mu}' = \boldsymbol{\mu}_1 +
   * \mathcal{K}(\boldsymbol{\mu}_3 - \boldsymbol{\mu}_2)\,,\f]
  z2 = q2.mean();
  axpy(-1.0, p2.mean(), z2);
  p3.mean() = p1.mean();
  gemv(1.0, K, z2, 1.0, p3.mean());

   * and:
   * \f{eqnarray*}
   * \Sigma' &=& \Sigma_1 + \mathcal{K}(\Sigma_3 -
   * \Sigma_2)\mathcal{K}^T \\
   * &=& \Sigma_1 + \mathcal{K}\Sigma_3\mathcal{K}^T -
   * \mathcal{K}\Sigma_2\mathcal{K}^T\,.
   * \f}
  p3.cov() = p1.cov();

  A1 = K;
  trmm(1.0, q2.std(), A1, 'R', 'U', 'T');
  syrk(1.0, A1, 1.0, p3.cov(), 'U');

  A2 = K;
  trmm(1.0, p2.std(), A2, 'R', 'U', 'T');
  syrk(-1.0, A2, 1.0, p3.cov(), 'U');

  /* make sure correct log-variables set */
  p3.init(); // redo precalculations
Esempio n. 8
void bi::mean(const M1 X, const V1 w, V2 mu) {
  /* pre-conditions */
  BI_ASSERT(X.size2() == mu.size());
  BI_ASSERT(X.size1() == w.size());

  typedef typename V1::value_type T;

  T Wt = sum_reduce(w);
  gemv(1.0/Wt, X, w, 0.0, mu, 'T');
Esempio n. 9
bool mv(RealVector &y, const RealMatrix &A, const RealVector &x) { /// y = A*x + y
  bool flag = true;
  if (NULL == &A || NULL == &y || NULL == &x) {
    flag = false;
	  goto end;
  if (A.col != x.size || A.row != y.size) {
    flag = false;
	  goto end;

  gemv(y, 1, 0, A, x);

  return flag;
Esempio n. 10
void bi::condition(const ExpGaussianPdf<V1, M1>& p1, const ExpGaussianPdf<V2,
    M2>& p2, const M3 C, const V3 x2, ExpGaussianPdf<V4, M4>& p3) {
  /* pre-condition */
  BI_ASSERT(x2.size() == p2.size());
  BI_ASSERT(p3.size() == p1.size());
  BI_ASSERT(C.size1() == p1.size() && C.size2() == p2.size());

  typename sim_temp_vector<V1>::type z2(p2.size());
  typename sim_temp_matrix<M1>::type K(p1.size(), p2.size());

   * Compute gain matrix:
   * \f[\mathcal{K} = C_{\mathbf{x}_1,\mathbf{x}_2}\Sigma_2^{-1}\,.\f]
  symm(1.0, p2.prec(), C, 0.0, K, 'R', 'U');

   * Then result is given by \f$\mathcal{N}(\boldsymbol{\mu}',
   * \Sigma')\f$, where:
   * \f[\boldsymbol{\mu}' = \boldsymbol{\mu}_1 + \mathcal{K}(\mathbf{x}_2 -
   * \boldsymbol{\mu}_2)\,,\f]
  z2 = x2;
  log_vector(z2, p2.getLogs());
  axpy(-1.0, p2.mean(), z2);
  p3.mean() = p1.mean();
  gemv(1.0, K, z2, 1.0, p3.mean());

   * and:
   * \f{eqnarray*}
   * \Sigma' &=& \Sigma_1 - \mathcal{K}C_{\mathbf{x}_1,\mathbf{x}_2}^T \\
   * &=& \Sigma_1 - C_{\mathbf{x}_1,\mathbf{x}_2}\Sigma_2^{-1}
   * C_{\mathbf{x}_1,\mathbf{x}_2}^T\,.\f}
  K = C;
  trsm(1.0, p2.std(), K, 'R', 'U');
  p3.cov() = p1.cov();
  syrk(-1.0, K, 1.0, p3.cov(), 'U');

  /* update log-variables and precalculations */
Esempio n. 11
template<class T> void gemv_check () {

    Matrix<T> A = rand<T> (4,4);
    Matrix<T> b = rand<T> (4,1);

#ifdef VERBOSE
    std::cout << "A=\n" << A;
    std::cout << "b=\n" << b;

    A = gemv(A,b);

#ifdef VERBOSE
    std::cout << "A*b=\n" << A << std::endl;

Esempio n. 12
void bidiag_gkl_restart(
    int locked, int l, int n,
    CAX && Ax, CATX && Atx, CD && D, CE && E, CRho && rho, CP && P, CQ && Q, int s_indx, int t_s_indx) {
  // enhancements version from SLEPc
  const double eta = 1.e-10;
  double t_start = 0.0, t_end = 0.0;
  double local_start = 0.0, local_end = 0.0; 
  double t_total3 = 0.0, t_total4 = 0.0, t_total5 = 0.0, t_total6 = 0.0, t_total7 = 0.0;
  int rank, nprocs;
  MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);
  MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &nprocs);
  // Step 1
  int recv_len = (int)P.dim0() * nprocs;
  vec_container<double> tmp(Ax.dim0());
  vec_container<double> recv_tmp(recv_len);
  auto m_Ax = make_gemv_ax(&Ax);
  auto m_Atx = make_gemv_ax(&Atx);
  m_Ax(Q.col(l), tmp, P.dim0() > 1000);

  vec_container<double> send_data(P.dim0(),0);
  for(size_t i = s_indx; i < s_indx + Ax.dim0(); ++i)
    send_data[i] = tmp.get(i-s_indx);
  MPI_Gather(&send_data[0], P.dim0(), MPI_DOUBLE, &recv_tmp[0], P.dim0(), MPI_DOUBLE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

  P.col(l) = 0;
  // Generate truly P.col(l)
  if(rank == 0) {
    local_union(P, recv_tmp, l, nprocs);
    // Step 2 & also in rank 0
    for (int j = locked; j < l; ++j) {
      P.col(l) += -rho(j) * P.col(j);
  MPI_Bcast(&(P.col(0)[0]), P.size(), MPI_DOUBLE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD); 
  //MPI_Bcast(&(P.col(l)[0]), P.size(), MPI_DOUBLE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD); 
  // Main loop
  vec_container<double> T(n);
  int recv_l = Q.dim0() * nprocs;
  vec_container<double> recv_t(recv_l);
  for (int j = l; j < n; ++j) {
    // Step 3   
    vec_container<double> tmp2(Atx.dim0());
    /* for print */
    if(rank == 0)
    	t_start = currenttime();
    local_start = currenttime();
    m_Atx(P.col(j), tmp2, Q.dim0() > 1000);
    local_end = currenttime();
    std::cout << "parallel mv time cost is " << (local_end - local_start) / 1.0e6 << std::endl;
    vec_container<double> s_data(Q.dim0(), 0); 
    for(size_t i = t_s_indx; i < t_s_indx + Atx.dim0(); ++i)
      s_data[i] = tmp2[i-t_s_indx];
    MPI_Gather(&s_data[0], Q.dim0(), MPI_DOUBLE, &recv_t[0], Q.dim0(), MPI_DOUBLE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
    local_start = currenttime();
    std::cout << "parallel mv time cost2 is " << (local_start - local_end) / 1.0e6 << std::endl;
    //Q.col(j+1) = 0;
    if(rank == 0) {
      // Generate truly Q.col(j+1) 
      local_union(Q, recv_t, j + 1, nprocs);
      local_end = currenttime();
      t_end = currenttime();
      std::cout << "parallel mv time cost3 is " << (local_end - local_start) / 1.0e6 << std::endl;
      std::cout << "time of step 3 is : " << (t_end - t_start) / 1.0e6 << std::endl;
      t_total3 += (t_end - t_start) / 1.0e6;
    // Step 4
    for(size_t aa = 0; aa < Q.dim0(); ++aa) // row
      MPI_Bcast(&(Q.row(aa)[0]), j + 2, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD); 
    // MPI_Bcast(&(Q.col(0)[0]), Q.size(), MPI_DOUBLE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD); 
    if(rank == 0)
      t_end = currenttime();
    auto Qj = mat_cols(Q, 0, j + 1);
    auto Tj = make_vec(&T, j + 1);
    //Tj.assign(gemv(Qj.trans(), Q.col(j + 1)), j >= 3);
    parallel_gemv_task(Qj.trans(), Q.col(j+1), Tj);
    if(rank == 0) {
      t_start = currenttime();
      t_total4 += (t_start - t_end) / 1.0e6;
      std::cout << "time of step 4 is : " << (t_start - t_end) / 1.0e6 << std::endl;

    // Step 5
    if(rank == 0) {
      double r = Q.col(j + 1).norm2();
      D[j] = vec_unit(P.col(j));
      Q.col(j + 1).scale(1. / D[j]);
      Tj = Tj / D[j];
      r /= D[j];
      Q.col(j + 1).plus_assign(- gemv(Qj, Tj), Q.dim0() > 1000);
      t_end = currenttime();
      t_total5 += (t_end - t_start) / 1.0e6;
      std::cout << "time of step 5 is : " << (t_end - t_start) / 1.0e6 << std::endl;

      // Step 6
      double beta = r * r - Tj.square_sum();
      if (beta < eta * r * r) {
        Tj.assign(gemv(Qj.trans(), Q.col(j + 1)), Q.dim0() > 1000);
        r = Q.col(j + 1).square_sum();
        Q.col(j + 1).plus_assign(-gemv(Qj, Tj), Q.dim0() > 1000);
        beta = r * r - Tj.square_sum();
      beta = std::sqrt(beta);
      E[j] = beta;
      Q.col(j + 1).scale(1. / E[j]);
      t_start = currenttime();
      t_total6 += (t_start - t_end) / 1.0e6;
      std::cout << "time of step 6 is : " << (t_start - t_end) / 1.0e6 << std::endl;
    // Step 7
    // MPI_Bcast(&(Q.col(j+1)[0]), Q.size(), MPI_DOUBLE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
    // MPI_Bcast(&(Q.col(0)[0]), Q.size(), MPI_DOUBLE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
    for(size_t aa = 0; aa < Q.dim0(); ++aa)
      MPI_Bcast(&(Q.col(j+1)[aa]), 1, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

    if (j + 1 < n) {
      if(rank == 0) 
        t_start = currenttime();
      vec_container<double> tmp3(Ax.dim0());
      vec_container<double> se_data(P.dim0(), 0);
      m_Ax(Q.col(j + 1), tmp3, P.dim0() > 1000);
      for(size_t k1 = s_indx; k1 < s_indx + Ax.dim0(); ++k1)
        se_data[k1] = tmp3[k1-s_indx];
      MPI_Gather(&se_data[0], P.dim0(), MPI_DOUBLE, &recv_tmp[0], P.dim0(), MPI_DOUBLE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
      // P.col(j+1) = 0;
      if(rank == 0) {
	local_union(P, recv_tmp, j + 1, nprocs);
	P.col(j + 1).plus_assign(- E[j] * P.col(j), P.dim0() > 1000);
      /* for print */
      if(rank == 0) {
        t_end = currenttime();
        t_total7 += (t_end - t_start) / 1.0e6;
	std::cout << "time of step 7 is : " << (t_end - t_start) / 1.0e6 << std::endl;

      // MPI_Bcast(&(P.col(l)[0]), P.size(), MPI_DOUBLE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
      // MPI_Bcast(&(P.col(0)[0]), P.size(), MPI_DOUBLE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
      for(size_t aa = 0; aa < P.dim0(); ++aa)
        MPI_Bcast(&(P.col(j+1)[aa]), 1, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

    }  // end if
  }    // end while
  /* for print time of each step. */
  if(rank == 0) {
    std::cout << "total step 3 time is : " << t_total3 << std::endl; 
    std::cout << "total step 4 time is : " << t_total4 << std::endl; 
    std::cout << "total step 5 time is : " << t_total5 << std::endl; 
    std::cout << "total step 6 time is : " << t_total6 << std::endl; 
    std::cout << "total step 7 time is : " << t_total7 << std::endl; 
  return ;
Esempio n. 13
static int ATL_trmvLT
   const enum ATLAS_DIAG  Diag,
   const int nb,
   const TYPE *A,
   ATL_CINT lda,
   TYPE *X,
   ATL_CINT incX
 * RETURNS: 0 if TRMV was performed, non-zero if nothing done
   static void (*trmvK)(ATL_CINT, const TYPE*, ATL_CINT, const TYPE*, TYPE*);
   void (*gemv)(ATL_CINT, ATL_CINT, const SCALAR, const TYPE*, ATL_CINT,
                const TYPE*, ATL_CINT, const SCALAR, TYPE*, ATL_CINT);
   void *vp;
   TYPE *x, *y;
   const size_t opsize = (N*N+N+N)*sizeof(TYPE)SHIFT;
   size_t t0;
   #ifdef TCPLX
      size_t N2=N+N, lda2 = lda+lda;
      TYPE one[2] = {ATL_rone, ATL_rzero};
      #define N2 N
      #define lda2 lda
      #define one ATL_rone
   const size_t incA = ((size_t)lda+1)*(nb SHIFT);
   ATL_CINT Nnb = ((N-1)/nb)*nb, Nr = N-Nnb;
   ATL_INT j;

   if (N < nb+nb)
   if (opsize > MY_CE)
      gemv = Mjoin(PATL,gemvT);
      gemv = (opsize <= ATL_MulBySize(ATL_L1elts)) ? Mjoin(PATL,gemvT_L1) :
   trmvK = (Diag == AtlasNonUnit) ? ATL_trmvLTNk : ATL_trmvLTUk;
 * If X is aligned to Cachelen wt inc=1, use it as y
   t0 = (size_t) X;
   if (incX == 1 && (ATL_MulByCachelen(ATL_DivByCachelen(t0)) == t0))
      ATL_INT i;
      vp = malloc(ATL_Cachelen+ATL_MulBySize(N));
      if (!vp)
      x = ATL_AlignPtr(vp);
      y = X;
      for (i=0; i < N2; i++)
         x[i] = X[i];
         X[i] = ATL_rzero;

   else  /* allocate both X and Y */
      vp = malloc((ATL_Cachelen+ATL_MulBySize(N))<<1);
      if (!vp)
      x = ATL_AlignPtr(vp);
      y = x + N2;
      y = ATL_AlignPtr(y);
      Mjoin(PATL,copy)(N, X, incX, x, 1);
      Mjoin(PATL,zero)(N, y, 1);
   for (j=0; j < Nnb; j += nb, A += incA)
      #ifdef TCPLX
         const register size_t j2=j+j, nb2=nb+nb;
         #define j2 j
         #define nb2 nb
      trmvK(nb, A, lda, x+j2, y+j2);
      gemv(N-j-nb, nb, one, A+nb2, lda, x+j2+nb2, 1, one, y+j2, 1);
      #ifndef TCPLX
         #undef j2
         #undef nb2
   #ifdef TCPLX
      j += j;
   trmvK(Nr, A, lda, x+j, y+j);
   if (y != X)
      Mjoin(PATL,copy)(N, y, 1, X, incX);
Esempio n. 14
int local(Trial &T, TBox &box, TBox &domain, double eps_cl, double *mgr,
          Global &glob, int axis, RCRVector x_av
      , nlopt_stopping *stop
      ) {

  int n=box.GetDim();
  RVector x(n);
  double tmp, f;

  x=T.xvals ;

#ifdef LS_DEBUG
  cout << "Local Search, x=" << x << endl;

  if (box.OutsideBox(x, domain) != 0) {
    cout << "Starting point is not inside the boundary. Exiting...\n" ;
    exit(1) ;
    return LS_Out ;

  // Check if we are close to a stationary point located previously
  if (box.CloseToMin(x, &tmp, eps_cl)) {
#ifdef LS_DEBUG
     cout << "Close to a previously located stationary point, exiting" << endl;
     return LS_Old ;

#if 0

  if (axis != -1) {
    cout << "NLopt code only works with axis == -1, exiting...\n" ;
  f_local_data data;
  data.glob = &glob;
  data.maxgrad = *mgr;
  data.stop = stop;
  nlopt_result ret = nlopt_minimize(NLOPT_LOCAL_LBFGS, n, f_local, &data,
          , box.ub.raw_data(),
                    x.raw_data(), &f,
                    stop->ftol_rel, stop->ftol_abs,
                    stop->xtol_rel, stop->xtol_abs,
                    stop->maxeval - stop->nevals,
                    stop->maxtime - stop->start);
  *mgr = data.maxgrad;
  T.xvals=x ; T.objval=f ;
    return LS_MaxEvalTime;
  else if (ret > 0)
    return LS_New;
    return LS_Out; // failure

#else /* not using NLopt local optimizer ... use original STOgo BFGS code */

  int k_max, info, outside = 0;
  int k, i, good_enough, iTmp ;

  double maxgrad, delta, f_new;
  double alpha, gamma, beta, d2, s2, nom, den, ro ;
  double nrm_sd, nrm_hn, snrm_hn, nrm_dl ;
  RVector g(n), h_sd(n), h_dl(n), h_n(n), x_new(n), g_new(n) ;
  RVector s(n),y(n),z(n),w(n) ; // Temporary vectors
  RMatrix B(n), H(n) ;          // Hessian and it's inverse

  k_max = max_iter*n ;

  // Initially B and H are equal to the identity matrix
  B=0 ; H=0 ;
  for (i=0 ; i<n ; i++) {
    B(i,i)=1 ;
    H(i,i)=1 ;

  RVector g_av(x_av.GetLength());
  if (axis==-1) {
  else {

  if (axis == -1) {
    // Skipping AV
#ifdef INI3
    // Elaborate scheme to initalize delta
    delta=delta_coef*norm2(g) ;
    copy(g,z) ;
    axpy(1.0,x,z) ;
    if (!box.InsideBox(z)) {
      if (box.Intersection(x,g,z)==TRUE) {
    axpy(-1.0,x,z) ;
    delta=min(delta,delta_coef*norm2(z)) ;
      else {
    // Algorithm broke down, use INI1
        delta = (1.0/7)*box.ShortestSide(&iTmp) ;
#ifdef INI2
    // Use INI2 scheme
    delta = box.ClosestSide(x)*delta_coef ;
    if (delta<MacEpsilon)
      // Patch to avoid trust region with radius close to zero
      delta = (1.0/7)*box.ShortestSide(&iTmp) ;
#ifdef INI1
    delta = delta_coef*box.ShortestSide(&iTmp) ;
  else {
    // Use a simple scheme for the 1D minimization (INI1)
    delta = (1.0/7.0)*box.ShortestSide(&iTmp) ;

  k=0 ; good_enough = 0 ; info=LS_New ; outside=0 ;
  maxgrad=*mgr ;
  while (good_enough == 0) {
    k++ ;
    if (k>k_max) {
#ifdef LS_DEBUG
      cout << "Maximum number of iterations reached\n" ;
      info=LS_MaxIter ;
      break ;

    // Update maximal gradient value
    maxgrad=max(maxgrad,normInf(g)) ;

    // Steepest descent, h_sd = -g
    copy(g,h_sd) ;
    scal(-1.0,h_sd) ;
    nrm_sd=norm2(h_sd) ;

    if (nrm_sd < epsilon) {
      // Stop criterion (gradient) fullfilled
#ifdef LS_DEBUG
      cout << "Gradient small enough" << endl ;
      good_enough = 1 ;
      break ;

    // Compute Newton step, h_n = -H*g
    gemv('N',-1.0, H, g, 0.0, h_n) ;
    nrm_hn = norm2(h_n) ;

    if (nrm_hn < delta) {
      // Pure Newton step
      copy(h_n, h_dl) ;
#ifdef LS_DEBUG
      cout << "[Newton step]      " ;
    else {
      gemv('N',1.0,B,g,0.0,z) ;
      tmp=dot(g,z) ;
      if (tmp==0) {
    info = LS_Unstable ;
    break ;
      alpha=(nrm_sd*nrm_sd)/tmp ; // Normalization (N38,eq. 3.30)
      scal(alpha,h_sd) ;
      nrm_sd=fabs(alpha)*nrm_sd ;

      if (nrm_sd >= delta) {
    gamma = delta/nrm_sd ; // Normalization (N38, eq. 3.33)
    copy(h_sd,h_dl) ;
    scal(gamma,h_dl) ;
#ifdef LS_DEBUG
    cout << "[Steepest descent]  " ;
      else {
    // Combination of Newton and SD steps
    d2 = delta*delta ;
    copy(h_sd,s) ;
    s2=nrm_sd*nrm_sd ;
    nom = d2 - s2 ;
    snrm_hn=nrm_hn*nrm_hn ;
    tmp = dot(h_n,s) ;
        den = tmp-s2 + sqrt((tmp-d2)*(tmp-d2)+(snrm_hn-d2)*(d2-s2)) ;
    if (den==0) {
      info = LS_Unstable ;
      break ;
    // Normalization (N38, eq. 3.31)
    beta = nom/den ;
    copy(h_n,h_dl) ;
    scal(beta,h_dl) ;
    axpy((1-beta),h_sd,h_dl) ;
#ifdef LS_DEBUG
    cout << "[Mixed step]        " ;
    nrm_dl=norm2(h_dl) ;

    //x_new = x+h_dl ;
    copy(x,x_new) ;
    axpy(1.0,h_dl,x_new) ;

    // Check if x_new is inside the box
    iTmp=box.OutsideBox(x_new, domain) ;
    if (iTmp == 1) {
#ifdef LS_DEBUG
      cout << "x_new is outside the box " << endl ;
      outside++ ;
      if (outside>max_outside_steps) {
    // Previous point was also outside, exit
    break ;
    else if (iTmp == 2) {
#ifdef LS_DEBUG
      cout << " x_new is outside the domain" << endl ;
      info=LS_Out ;
      break ;
    else {
      outside=0 ;

    // Compute the gain
    if (axis==-1)
    else {
    FC++; GC++;
    ro = (f_new-f) / (dot(g,h_dl) + dot(h_dl,z)); // Quadratic model
    if (ro > 0.75) {
      delta = delta*2;
    if (ro < 0.25) {
      delta = delta/3;
    if (ro > 0) {
      // Update the Hessian and it's inverse using the BFGS formula
#if 0 // changed by SGJ to compute OBJECTIVE_AND_GRADIENT above
      if (axis==-1)
      else {
      if (axis != -1)

      // y=g_new-g

      // Check curvature condition
      if (alpha <= sqrt(MacEpsilon)*nrm_dl*norm2(y)) {
#ifdef LS_DEBUG
    cout << "Curvature condition violated " ;
      else {
    // Update Hessian
    gemv('N',1.0,B,h_dl,0.0,z) ; // z=Bh_dl
    beta=-1/dot(h_dl,z) ;
    ger(1/alpha,y,y,B) ;
    ger(beta,z,z,B) ;

        // Update Hessian inverse
        gemv('N',1.0,H,y,0.0,z) ; // z=H*y
        gemv('T',1.0,H,y,0.0,w) ; // w=y'*H
    beta=dot(y,z) ;
    beta=(1+beta/alpha)/alpha ;

    // It should be possible to do this updating more efficiently, by
    // exploiting the fact that (h_dl*y'*H) = transpose(H*y*h_dl')
    ger(beta,h_dl,h_dl,H) ;
    ger(-1/alpha,z,h_dl,H) ;
    ger(-1/alpha,h_dl,w,H) ;

      if (nrm_dl < norm2(x)*epsilon) {
    // Stop criterion (iteration progress) fullfilled
#ifdef LS_DEBUG
    cout << "Progress is marginal" ;
    good_enough = 1 ;

      // Check if we are close to a stationary point located previously
      if (box.CloseToMin(x_new, &f_new, eps_cl)) {
    // Note that x_new and f_new may be overwritten on exit from CloseToMin
#ifdef LS_DEBUG
    cout << "Close to a previously located stationary point, exiting" << endl;
    info = LS_Old ;
    good_enough = 1 ;

      // Update x, g and f
      copy(x_new,x) ; copy(g_new,g) ; f=f_new ;

#ifdef LS_DEBUG
      cout << " x=" << x << endl ;

    else {
#ifdef LS_DEBUG
      cout << "Step is no good, ro=" << ro << " delta=" << delta << endl ;

  } // wend

  // Make sure the routine returns correctly...
  // Check if last iterate is outside the boundary
  if (box.OutsideBox(x, domain) != 0) {
    info=LS_Out; f=DBL_MAX;

  if (info == LS_Unstable) {
    cout << "Local search became unstable. No big deal but exiting anyway\n" ;

  *mgr=maxgrad ;

  T.xvals=x ; T.objval=f ;
  if (outside>0)
    return LS_Out ;
    return info ;

Esempio n. 15
Array<T> matmul(const Array<T> &lhs, const Array<T> &rhs,
                af_mat_prop optLhs, af_mat_prop optRhs)
    if(OpenCLCPUOffload(false)) {   // Do not force offload gemm on OSX Intel devices
        return cpu::matmul(lhs, rhs, optLhs, optRhs);
    const auto lOpts = toBlasTranspose(optLhs);
    const auto rOpts = toBlasTranspose(optRhs);

    const auto aRowDim = (lOpts == OPENCL_BLAS_NO_TRANS) ? 0 : 1;
    const auto aColDim = (lOpts == OPENCL_BLAS_NO_TRANS) ? 1 : 0;
    const auto bColDim = (rOpts == OPENCL_BLAS_NO_TRANS) ? 1 : 0;

    const dim4 lDims = lhs.dims();
    const dim4 rDims = rhs.dims();
    const int M = lDims[aRowDim];
    const int N = rDims[bColDim];
    const int K = lDims[aColDim];

    dim_t d2 = std::max(lDims[2], rDims[2]);
    dim_t d3 = std::max(lDims[3], rDims[3]);
    dim4 oDims = af::dim4(M, N, d2, d3);
    Array<T> out = createEmptyArray<T>(oDims);

    const auto alpha = scalar<T>(1);
    const auto beta  = scalar<T>(0);

    const dim4 lStrides = lhs.strides();
    const dim4 rStrides = rhs.strides();
    const dim4 oStrides = out.strides();

    int batchSize = oDims[2] * oDims[3];

    bool is_l_d2_batched = oDims[2] == lDims[2];
    bool is_l_d3_batched = oDims[3] == lDims[3];
    bool is_r_d2_batched = oDims[2] == rDims[2];
    bool is_r_d3_batched = oDims[3] == rDims[3];

    for (int n = 0; n < batchSize; n++) {
        int w = n / rDims[2];
        int z = n - w * rDims[2];

        int loff = z * (is_l_d2_batched * lStrides[2]) + w * (is_l_d3_batched * lStrides[3]);
        int roff = z * (is_r_d2_batched * rStrides[2]) + w * (is_r_d3_batched * rStrides[3]);

        dim_t lOffset = lhs.getOffset() + loff;
        dim_t rOffset = rhs.getOffset() + roff;
        dim_t oOffset = out.getOffset() + z * oStrides[2] + w * oStrides[3];

        cl::Event event;
        if(rDims[bColDim] == 1) {
            dim_t incr = (optRhs == AF_MAT_NONE) ? rStrides[0] : rStrides[1];
            gpu_blas_gemv_func<T> gemv;
                gemv(lOpts, lDims[0], lDims[1],
                     (*lhs.get())(), lOffset, lStrides[1],
                     (*rhs.get())(), rOffset, incr,
                     (*out.get())(), oOffset, 1,
                     1, &getQueue()(), 0, nullptr, &event())
        } else {
            gpu_blas_gemm_func<T> gemm;
                gemm(lOpts, rOpts, M, N, K,
                     (*lhs.get())(), lOffset, lStrides[1],
                     (*rhs.get())(), rOffset, rStrides[1],
                     (*out.get())(), oOffset, out.dims()[0],
                     1, &getQueue()(), 0, nullptr, &event())

    return out;
Esempio n. 16
CGSolver::solve_cabicgstab (MultiFab&       sol,
                            const MultiFab& rhs,
                            Real            eps_rel,
                            Real            eps_abs,
                            LinOp::BC_Mode  bc_mode)

    BL_ASSERT(sol.nComp() == 1);
    BL_ASSERT(sol.boxArray() == Lp.boxArray(lev));
    BL_ASSERT(rhs.boxArray() == Lp.boxArray(lev));

    Real  temp1[4*SSS_MAX+1];
    Real  temp2[4*SSS_MAX+1];
    Real  temp3[4*SSS_MAX+1];
    Real     Tp[4*SSS_MAX+1][4*SSS_MAX+1];
    Real    Tpp[4*SSS_MAX+1][4*SSS_MAX+1];
    Real     aj[4*SSS_MAX+1];
    Real     cj[4*SSS_MAX+1];
    Real     ej[4*SSS_MAX+1];
    Real   Tpaj[4*SSS_MAX+1];
    Real   Tpcj[4*SSS_MAX+1];
    Real  Tppaj[4*SSS_MAX+1];
    Real      G[4*SSS_MAX+1][4*SSS_MAX+1];    // Extracted from first 4*SSS+1 columns of Gg[][].  indexed as [row][col]
    Real      g[4*SSS_MAX+1];                 // Extracted from last [4*SSS+1] column of Gg[][].
    Real     Gg[(4*SSS_MAX+1)*(4*SSS_MAX+2)]; // Buffer to hold the Gram-like matrix produced by matmul().  indexed as [row*(4*SSS+2) + col]
    // If variable_SSS we "telescope" SSS.
    // We start with 1 and increase it up to SSS_MAX on the outer iterations.
    if (variable_SSS) SSS = 1;

    zero(   aj, 4*SSS_MAX+1);
    zero(   cj, 4*SSS_MAX+1);
    zero(   ej, 4*SSS_MAX+1);
    zero( Tpaj, 4*SSS_MAX+1);
    zero( Tpcj, 4*SSS_MAX+1);
    zero(Tppaj, 4*SSS_MAX+1);
    zero(temp1, 4*SSS_MAX+1);
    zero(temp2, 4*SSS_MAX+1);
    zero(temp3, 4*SSS_MAX+1);


    const int ncomp = 1, nghost = sol.nGrow();
    // Contains the matrix powers of p[] and r[].
    // First 2*SSS+1 components are powers of p[].
    // Next  2*SSS   components are powers of r[].
    const BoxArray& ba = sol.boxArray();
    const DistributionMapping& dm = sol.DistributionMap();

    MultiFab PR(ba, 4*SSS_MAX+1, 0, dm);

    MultiFab  p(ba, ncomp, 0, dm);
    MultiFab  r(ba, ncomp, 0, dm);
    MultiFab rt(ba, ncomp, 0, dm);
    MultiFab tmp(ba, 4, nghost, dm);

    Lp.residual(r, rhs, sol, lev, bc_mode);


    MultiFab::Copy( p,r,0,0,1,0);

    const Real           rnorm0        = norm_inf(r);
    Real                 delta         = dotxy(r,rt);
    const Real           L2_norm_of_rt = sqrt(delta);
    const LinOp::BC_Mode temp_bc_mode  = LinOp::Homogeneous_BC;

    if ( verbose > 0 && ParallelDescriptor::IOProcessor(color()) )
        Spacer(std::cout, lev);
        std::cout << "CGSolver_CABiCGStab: Initial error (error0) =        " << rnorm0 << '\n';

    if ( rnorm0 == 0 || delta == 0 || rnorm0 < eps_abs )
        if ( verbose > 0 && ParallelDescriptor::IOProcessor(color()) )
            Spacer(std::cout, lev);
            std::cout << "CGSolver_CABiCGStab: niter = 0,"
                      << ", rnorm = "   << rnorm0
                      << ", delta = "   << delta
                      << ", eps_abs = " << eps_abs << '\n';
        return 0;

    int niters = 0, ret = 0;

    Real L2_norm_of_resid = 0, atime = 0, gtime = 0;

    bool BiCGStabFailed = false, BiCGStabConverged = false;

    for (int m = 0; m < maxiter && !BiCGStabFailed && !BiCGStabConverged; )
        const Real time1 = ParallelDescriptor::second();
        // Compute the matrix powers on p[] & r[] (monomial basis).
        // The 2*SSS+1 powers of p[] followed by the 2*SSS powers of r[].
        BL_ASSERT(!PR.contains_nan(0,      1));
        // We use "tmp" to minimize the number of Lp.apply()s.
        // We do this by doing p & r together in a single call.

        for (int n = 1; n < 2*SSS; n++)
            Lp.apply(tmp, tmp, lev, temp_bc_mode, false, 0, 2, 2);


            MultiFab::Copy(PR,tmp,0,        n,1,0);

            BL_ASSERT(!PR.contains_nan(n,        1));

        Lp.apply(tmp, tmp, lev, temp_bc_mode, false, 0, 1, 1);

        BL_ASSERT(!PR.contains_nan(2*SSS,  1));

        Real time2 = ParallelDescriptor::second();

        atime += (time2-time1);

        BuildGramMatrix(Gg, PR, rt, SSS);

        const Real time3 = ParallelDescriptor::second();

        gtime += (time3-time2);
        // Form G[][] and g[] from Gg.
        for (int i = 0, k = 0; i < 4*SSS+1; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < 4*SSS+1; j++)
                // First 4*SSS+1 elements in each row go to G[][].
                G[i][j] = Gg[k++];
            // Last element in row goes to g[].
            g[i] = Gg[k++];

        zero(aj, 4*SSS+1); aj[0]       = 1;
        zero(cj, 4*SSS+1); cj[2*SSS+1] = 1;
        zero(ej, 4*SSS+1);

        for (int nit = 0; nit < SSS; nit++)
            gemv( Tpaj,  Tp, aj, 4*SSS+1, 4*SSS+1);
            gemv( Tpcj,  Tp, cj, 4*SSS+1, 4*SSS+1);
            gemv(Tppaj, Tpp, aj, 4*SSS+1, 4*SSS+1);

            const Real g_dot_Tpaj = dot(g, Tpaj, 4*SSS+1);

            if ( g_dot_Tpaj == 0 )
                if ( verbose > 1 && ParallelDescriptor::IOProcessor(color()) )
                    std::cout << "CGSolver_CABiCGStab: g_dot_Tpaj == 0, nit = " << nit << '\n';
                BiCGStabFailed = true; ret = 1; break;

            const Real alpha = delta / g_dot_Tpaj;

            if ( std::isinf(alpha) )
                if ( verbose > 1 && ParallelDescriptor::IOProcessor(color()) )
                    std::cout << "CGSolver_CABiCGStab: alpha == inf, nit = " << nit << '\n';
                BiCGStabFailed = true; ret = 2; break;

            axpy(temp1, Tpcj, -alpha, Tppaj, 4*SSS+1);

            gemv(temp2, G, temp1, 4*SSS+1, 4*SSS+1);

            axpy(temp3,   cj, -alpha,  Tpaj, 4*SSS+1);

            const Real omega_numerator   = dot(temp3, temp2, 4*SSS+1);
            const Real omega_denominator = dot(temp1, temp2, 4*SSS+1);
            // NOTE: omega_numerator/omega_denominator can be 0/x or 0/0, but should never be x/0.
            // If omega_numerator==0, and ||s||==0, then convergence, x=x+alpha*aj.
            // If omega_numerator==0, and ||s||!=0, then stabilization breakdown.
            // Partial update of ej must happen before the check on omega to ensure forward progress !!!
            axpy(ej, ej, alpha, aj, 4*SSS+1);
            // ej has been updated so consider that we've done an iteration since
            // even if we break out of the loop we'll be able to update both sol.
            // Calculate the norm of Saad's vector 's' to check intra s-step convergence.
            axpy(temp1, cj,-alpha,  Tpaj, 4*SSS+1);

            gemv(temp2, G, temp1, 4*SSS+1, 4*SSS+1);

            const Real L2_norm_of_s = dot(temp1,temp2,4*SSS+1);

            L2_norm_of_resid = (L2_norm_of_s < 0 ? 0 : sqrt(L2_norm_of_s));

            if ( L2_norm_of_resid < eps_rel*L2_norm_of_rt )
                if ( verbose > 1 && L2_norm_of_resid == 0 && ParallelDescriptor::IOProcessor(color()) )
                    std::cout << "CGSolver_CABiCGStab: L2 norm of s: " << L2_norm_of_s << '\n';
                BiCGStabConverged = true; break;

            if ( omega_denominator == 0 )
                if ( verbose > 1 && ParallelDescriptor::IOProcessor(color()) )
                    std::cout << "CGSolver_CABiCGStab: omega_denominator == 0, nit = " << nit << '\n';
                BiCGStabFailed = true; ret = 3; break;

            const Real omega = omega_numerator / omega_denominator;

            if ( verbose > 1 && ParallelDescriptor::IOProcessor(color()) )
                if ( omega == 0   ) std::cout << "CGSolver_CABiCGStab: omega == 0, nit = " << nit << '\n';
                if ( std::isinf(omega) ) std::cout << "CGSolver_CABiCGStab: omega == inf, nit = " << nit << '\n';

            if ( omega == 0   ) { BiCGStabFailed = true; ret = 4; break; }
            if ( std::isinf(omega) ) { BiCGStabFailed = true; ret = 4; break; }
            // Complete the update of ej & cj now that omega is known to be ok.
            axpy(ej, ej,       omega,    cj, 4*SSS+1);
            axpy(ej, ej,-omega*alpha,  Tpaj, 4*SSS+1);
            axpy(cj, cj,      -omega,  Tpcj, 4*SSS+1);
            axpy(cj, cj,      -alpha,  Tpaj, 4*SSS+1);
            axpy(cj, cj, omega*alpha, Tppaj, 4*SSS+1);
            // Do an early check of the residual to determine convergence.
            gemv(temp1, G, cj, 4*SSS+1, 4*SSS+1);
            // sqrt( (cj,Gcj) ) == L2 norm of the intermediate residual in exact arithmetic.
            // However, finite precision can lead to the norm^2 being < 0 (Jim Demmel).
            // If cj_dot_Gcj < 0 we flush to zero and consider ourselves converged.
            const Real L2_norm_of_r = dot(cj, temp1, 4*SSS+1);

            L2_norm_of_resid = (L2_norm_of_r > 0 ? sqrt(L2_norm_of_r) : 0);

            if ( L2_norm_of_resid < eps_rel*L2_norm_of_rt )
                if ( verbose > 1 && L2_norm_of_resid == 0 && ParallelDescriptor::IOProcessor(color()) )
                    std::cout << "CGSolver_CABiCGStab: L2_norm_of_r: " << L2_norm_of_r << '\n';
                BiCGStabConverged = true; break;

            const Real delta_next = dot(g, cj, 4*SSS+1);

            if ( verbose > 1 && ParallelDescriptor::IOProcessor(color()) )
                if ( delta_next == 0   ) std::cout << "CGSolver_CABiCGStab: delta == 0, nit = " << nit << '\n';
                if ( std::isinf(delta_next) ) std::cout << "CGSolver_CABiCGStab: delta == inf, nit = " << nit << '\n';

            if ( std::isinf(delta_next) ) { BiCGStabFailed = true; ret = 5; break; } // delta = inf?
            if ( delta_next  == 0  ) { BiCGStabFailed = true; ret = 5; break; } // Lanczos breakdown...

            const Real beta = (delta_next/delta)*(alpha/omega);

            if ( verbose > 1 && ParallelDescriptor::IOProcessor(color()) )
                if ( beta == 0   ) std::cout << "CGSolver_CABiCGStab: beta == 0, nit = " << nit << '\n';
                if ( std::isinf(beta) ) std::cout << "CGSolver_CABiCGStab: beta == inf, nit = " << nit << '\n';

            if ( std::isinf(beta) ) { BiCGStabFailed = true; ret = 6; break; } // beta = inf?
            if ( beta == 0   ) { BiCGStabFailed = true; ret = 6; break; } // beta = 0?  can't make further progress(?)

            axpy(aj, cj,        beta,   aj, 4*SSS+1);
            axpy(aj, aj, -omega*beta, Tpaj, 4*SSS+1);

            delta = delta_next;
        // Update iterates.
        for (int i = 0; i < 4*SSS+1; i++)

        for (int i = 1; i < 4*SSS+1; i++)

        for (int i = 1; i < 4*SSS+1; i++)

        if ( !BiCGStabFailed && !BiCGStabConverged )
            m += SSS;

            if ( variable_SSS && SSS < SSS_MAX ) { SSS++; SetMonomialBasis(Tp,Tpp,SSS); }

    if ( verbose > 0 )
        if ( ParallelDescriptor::IOProcessor(color()) )
            Spacer(std::cout, lev);
            std::cout << "CGSolver_CABiCGStab: Final: Iteration "
                      << std::setw(4) << niters
                      << " rel. err. "
                      << L2_norm_of_resid << '\n';

        if ( verbose > 1 )
            Real tmp[2] = { atime, gtime };


            if ( ParallelDescriptor::IOProcessor(color()) )
                Spacer(std::cout, lev);
                std::cout << "CGSolver_CABiCGStab apply time: " << tmp[0] << ", gram time: " << tmp[1] << '\n';

    if ( niters >= maxiter && !BiCGStabFailed && !BiCGStabConverged)
        if ( L2_norm_of_resid > L2_norm_of_rt )
            if ( ParallelDescriptor::IOProcessor(color()) )
                BoxLib::Warning("CGSolver_CABiCGStab: failed to converge!");
            // Return code 8 tells the MultiGrid driver to zero out the solution!
            ret = 8;
            // Return codes 1-7 tells the MultiGrid driver to smooth the solution!
            ret = 7;

    return ret;