Esempio n. 1
int main()
        colossal::job_generator gen1(
		0.002616272, 5.009914, 2.174681, 3.394791,
		2.532164, 4.070759, 6.570099, 0.9067149, 1.843567);
        colossal::job_generator gen2(
		0.004299325, 2.562229, 1.038189, 2.600581,
		1.716938, 4.388895, 5.534811, 1.609197, 1.604422);
        gen2.seed(time(NULL) + 1);

	colossal::job j1 = gen1();
        colossal::job j2 = gen2();

	colossal::job_tracker jt(10000, 6000);

	colossal::pool &mod  = jt.add_pool("modeling", 1000, 1000, 1, 500, 5000, colossal::pool::SCHED_FAIR);
	colossal::pool &prod = jt.add_pool("prod",     1000, 1000, 1, 500, 5000, colossal::pool::SCHED_FAIR);



	printf("------------ WORKLOAD ------------\n");
	printf("%s\n", mod.to_str().c_str());
	printf("%s\n", prod.to_str().c_str());

        return 0;
Esempio n. 2
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
#ifdef FAIL
	int *g = gen1();
	generator_t(int) g = gen1();

	printf("%d", *generator_next(g));

Esempio n. 3
int main()
  M6502    *mpu = M6502_new(0, 0, 0);	/* Make a 6502 */
  unsigned  pc  = 0x1000;		/* PC for 'assembly' */

  /* Install the two callback functions defined above.
  M6502_setCallback(mpu, call, WRCH, wrch);	/* Calling FFEE -> wrch() */
  M6502_setCallback(mpu, call,    0, done);	/* Calling 0 -> done() */

  /* A few macros that dump bytes into the 6502's memory.
# define gen1(X)	(mpu->memory[pc++]= (uint8_t)(X))
# define gen2(X,Y)	gen1(X); gen1(Y)
# define gen3(X,Y,Z)	gen1(X); gen2(Y,Z)

  /* Hand-assemble the program.
  gen2(0xA2, 'A'     );	// LDX #'A'
  gen1(0x8A          );	// TXA
  gen3(0x20,0xEE,0xFF);	// JSR FFEE
  gen1(0xE8          );	// INX
  gen2(0xE0, 'Z'+1   );	// CPX #'Z'+1
  gen2(0xD0, -9      );	// BNE 0x1002
  gen2(0xA9, '\n'    );	// LDA #'\n'
  gen3(0x20,0xEE,0xFF);	// JSR FFEE
  gen2(0x00,0x00     ); // BRK

  /* Just for fun: disssemble the program.
    char     insn[64];
    uint16_t ip= 0x1000;
    while (ip < pc)
	ip += M6502_disassemble(mpu, ip, insn);
	printf("%04X %s\n", ip, insn);

  /* Point the RESET vector at the first instruction in the assembled
   * program.
  M6502_setVector(mpu, RST, 0x1000);

  /* Reset the 6502 and run the program.
  M6502_delete(mpu);	/* We never reach here, but what the hey. */

  return 0;
Esempio n. 4
int main()
        Tempo::job_generator gen(0.01, 5000, 2000, 80, 80, 0.7, 3000, 300, 300);
        Tempo::job j1 = gen();
        printf("%s\n", j1.to_str().c_str());

        Tempo::job_generator gen1(0.1, 20, 20, 80, 0.7, 0.7, 20, 100, 20);
        gen1.seed(time(NULL) + 1);
        Tempo::job j2 = gen1();
        Tempo::job j3 = gen1();

        printf("\n%s\n\n%s\n", j2.to_str().c_str(), j3.to_str().c_str());

        return 0;
Esempio n. 5
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  M6502    *mpu = M6502_new(0, 0, 0);
  parse_args(argc, argv, mpu);

  unsigned  pc  = 0x1000;
  unsigned saved_pc;

  M6502_setCallback(mpu, call,       0, done  );
  M6502_setCallback(mpu, call,  0xffee, oswrch);

  gen2(0xa2, 0xff      ); // LDX #&FF
  gen1(0x9a            ); // TXS
  gen2(0xa9, 'A'       ); // LDA #'A'

  // LDA #'B' is 0xa9, 0x42. So if we execute a JSR at 0x42a7, it will
  // push 0x42 and then 0xa9 onto the stack. Since the stack grows downwards
  // those bytes will be in the right order for execution.
  gen3(0x4c, 0xa7, 0x42); // JMP &42A7
  pc = 0x42a7;
  gen3(0x20, 0x00, 0x30); // JSR &3000
  saved_pc = pc;
  pc = 0x3000;
  gen3(0x4c, 0xfe, 0x01); // JMP &01FE
  pc = 0x200;
  gen3(0x20, 0xee, 0xff); // JSR &FFEE
  gen1(0x60            ); // RTS
  pc = saved_pc;

  // Let's do the same thing again, but this time code has already been
  // executed from that address on the stack, so we're verifying the change
  // is picked up. We do LDA #'C' this time, so we execute the JSR from
  // 0x43a7.
  gen3(0x4c, 0xa7, 0x43); // JMP &43A7
  pc = 0x43a7;
  gen3(0x20, 0x00, 0x30); // JSR &3000

  gen2(0x00, 0x00      ); // BRK

  M6502_setVector(mpu, RST, 0x1000);

  M6502_delete(mpu);	/* We never reach here, but what the hey. */

  return 0;
Esempio n. 6
void random_sample() {
    util::random::mt19937 gen1;

    std::cout << "Random - mt19937: " << gen1.random() << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Random - mt19937: " << gen1() << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Random - mt19937 - between [100, 10000): " << gen1.random_between(100, 10000) << std::endl;
Esempio n. 7
int main() {
  for (int i = 1; i <= 4; ++i) gen1(i);
  for (int i = 5; i <= 8; ++i) gen2(i);
  for (int i = 9; i <= 12; ++i) gen3(i);
  for (int i = 13; i <= 16; ++i) gen4(i);
  for (int i = 17; i <= 20; ++i) gen5(i);
  return 0;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  M6502    *mpu = M6502_new(0, 0, 0);
  parse_args(argc, argv, mpu);

  unsigned  pc  = 0x1000;

  M6502_setCallback(mpu, call,      0, done);
  M6502_setCallback(mpu, call, 0xffee, oswrch);
  M6502_setCallback(mpu, write,  0x42, wr  );

  gen2(0xa9, '>'       ); // LDA #'>'
  gen3(0x20, 0xee, 0xff); // JSR &FFEE
  gen2(0xa2, 'A'       ); // LDX #'A'
  gen3(0x8e, 0x42, 0x00); // STX &0042
  gen3(0x20, 0x00, 0x60); // JSR &6000
  gen1(0xe8            ); // INX
  gen2(0xe0, 'Z'+1     ); // CPX #('Z'+1)
  gen2(0x90, 0xf5      ); // BCC to STX

  gen2(0xa0, 0x05      ); // LDY #&05
  gen2(0xa9, '>'       ); // LDA #'>'
  gen3(0x20, 0xee, 0xff); // JSR &FFEE
  gen2(0xa2, 'A'       ); // LDX #'A'
  gen2(0x96, 0x42-0x05 ); // STX (&42-&05),Y
  gen3(0x20, 0x00, 0x60); // JSR &6000
  gen1(0xe8            ); // INX
  gen2(0xe0, 'Z'+1     ); // CPX #('Z'+1)
  gen2(0x90, 0xf6      ); // BCC to STX

  gen2(0x00, 0x00      ); // BRK

  pc = 0x2000;
  gen3(0x20, 0xee, 0xff); // JSR &FFEE
  gen1(0x60            ); // RTS

  M6502_setVector(mpu, RST, 0x1000);

  M6502_delete(mpu);	/* We never reach here, but what the hey. */

  return 0;
Esempio n. 9
void random_sample() {
    printf("===============begin random sample==============\n");
    util::random::mt19937 gen1;

    printf("Random - mt19937: %u\n", gen1.random());
    printf("Random - mt19937: %u\n", gen1());
    printf("Random - mt19937 - between [100, 10000): %d\n", gen1.random_between(100, 10000));

    printf("===============end random sample==============\n");
Esempio n. 10
File: nteh.c Progetto: spott/dmd
code *nteh_unwind(regm_t retregs,unsigned index)
{   code *c;
    code cs;
    code *cs1;
    code *cs2;
    regm_t desregs;
    int reg;
    int local_unwind;

    // Shouldn't this always be CX?
#if SCPP
    reg = AX;
    reg = CX;

#if MARS
    local_unwind = RTLSYM_D_LOCAL_UNWIND2;
    local_unwind = RTLSYM_LOCAL_UNWIND2;
    desregs = (~rtlsym[local_unwind]->Sregsaved & (ALLREGS)) | mask[reg];
    gensaverestore(retregs & desregs,&cs1,&cs2);

    c = getregs(desregs);

    cs.Iop = 0x8D;
    cs.Irm = modregrm(2,reg,BPRM);
    cs.Iflags = 0;
    cs.Irex = 0;
    cs.IFL1 = FLconst;
    // EBP offset of __context.prev
    cs.IEV1.Vint = nteh_EBPoffset_prev();
    c = gen(c,&cs);                             // LEA  ECX,contextsym

    genc2(c,0x68,0,index);                      // PUSH index
    gen1(c,0x50 + reg);                         // PUSH ECX

#if MARS
    //gencs(c,0xB8+AX,0,FLextern,nteh_scopetable());    // MOV EAX,&scope_table
    gencs(c,0x68,0,FLextern,nteh_scopetable());         // PUSH &scope_table

    gencs(c,0xE8,0,FLfunc,rtlsym[local_unwind]);        // CALL __d_local_unwind2()
    genc2(c,0x81,modregrm(3,0,SP),12);                  // ADD ESP,12
    gencs(c,0xE8,0,FLfunc,rtlsym[local_unwind]);        // CALL __local_unwind2()
    genc2(c,0x81,modregrm(3,0,SP),8);                   // ADD ESP,8

    c = cat4(cs1,c,cs2,NULL);
    return c;
Esempio n. 11
int main()
        Tempo::job_generator gen1(0.01, 3, 3, 1, 1, 0.6, 0.6, 0.2, 0.2);

	Tempo::job j1 = gen1();
	Tempo::job j2 = gen1();

	Tempo::job_tracker jt(1, 1);

	Tempo::pool &mod  = jt.add_pool("modeling", 10, 10, 1, 1, 1, Tempo::pool::SCHED_FAIR);



	printf("------------ WORKLOAD ------------\n");
	printf("%s\n", mod.to_str().c_str());

        return 0;
Esempio n. 12
const StructLayoutInfo &typeLayout(SgType *t)
     t = t->stripTypedefsAndModifiers();
     TypeLayoutAttribute *tla;
     if (t->attributeExists("TypeLayout"))
          tla = static_cast<TypeLayoutAttribute *>(t->getAttribute("TypeLayout"));
          SystemPrimitiveTypeLayoutGenerator gen1(NULL);
          NonpackedTypeLayoutGenerator gen(&gen1);

          tla = new TypeLayoutAttribute(gen.layoutType(t));
          t->addNewAttribute("TypeLayout", tla);
     return tla->info;
Esempio n. 13
void pgsTestSuite::test_generator_string(void)
	const int nb_iterations = 100;

	// Generate empty strings because of inconsistent arguments
		pgsStringGen gen1(0, 0, 10);
		pgsStringGen gen2(10, 20, 0);
		// pgsStringGen gen3(-10, -20, 10);
		// pgsStringGen gen4(10, 20, -10);
		TS_ASSERT(gen1.random() == wxT(""));
		TS_ASSERT(gen2.random() == wxT(""));
		// TS_ASSERT(gen3.random() == wxT(""));
		// TS_ASSERT(gen4.random() == wxT(""));

	// Generate strings with 'a' only
		pgsVectorChar chars;
		pgsStringGen gen(2, 2, 3, wxDateTime::GetTimeNow(), chars);
		for (int i = 0; i < nb_iterations; i++)
			TS_ASSERT(gen.random() == wxT("aa aa aa"));

	// Test strings that are in fact numbers
	// Test the size of generated strings
		pgsVectorChar chars;
		pgsStringGen gen(5, 5, 1, wxDateTime::GetTimeNow(), chars);
		wxString result;
		for (int i = 0; i < nb_iterations; i++)
			result = gen.random();
			long aux_res;
			TS_ASSERT(MAPM(result.mb_str()) == aux_res && result.Length() == 5);

	// Test the size of generated strings
		pgsStringGen gen(10, 11, 3, 123);
		pgsStringGen comparator(10, 11, 3, 123);
		wxString result;
		for (int i = 0; i < nb_iterations; i++)
			result = gen.random();
			TS_ASSERT(result == comparator.random());
			TS_ASSERT(result.Length() >= 32 && result.Length() <= 35);

	// Test copy constructor
		// Create a generator and generate values
		pgsStringGen gen(10, 11, 3, 123456789L);
		wxString result, res_cmp;
		for (int i = 0; i < nb_iterations / 2; i++)
			result = gen.random();
		// Copy this generator to a new one
		// Both generators must generate the same values
		pgsStringGen comparator(gen);
		for (int i = nb_iterations / 2; i < nb_iterations; i++)
			result = gen.random();
			res_cmp = comparator.random();
			TS_ASSERT(result == res_cmp);

	// Test assignment operator
		// Create two different generators and generate values
		pgsStringGen gen(20, 30, 20);
		pgsStringGen comparator(0, 0, 10);
		wxString result, res_cmp;
		for (int i = 0; i < nb_iterations / 2; i++)
			result = gen.random();
			res_cmp = comparator.random();
		// Copy one of the generators to the other one
		// Both generators must generate the same values
		comparator = gen;
		for (int i = nb_iterations / 2; i < nb_iterations; i++)
			result = gen.random();
			res_cmp = comparator.random();
			TS_ASSERT(result == res_cmp);
Esempio n. 14
File: nteh.c Progetto: spott/dmd
code *nteh_monitor_prolog(Symbol *shandle)
     *  PUSH    handle
     *  PUSH    offset _d_monitor_handler
     *  PUSH    FS:__except_list
     *  MOV     FS:__except_list,ESP
     *  CALL    _d_monitor_prolog
    code *c1 = NULL;
    code *c;
    code cs;
    Symbol *s;
    regm_t desregs;

    assert(config.flags2 & CFG2seh);    // BUG: figure out how to implement for other EX's

    if (shandle->Sclass == SCfastpar)
    {   assert(shandle->Spreg != DX);
        c = gen1(NULL,0x50 + shandle->Spreg);   // PUSH shandle
        // PUSH shandle
#if 0
        c = genc1(NULL,0xFF,modregrm(2,6,4),FLconst,4 * (1 + needframe) + shandle->Soffset + localsize);
        c->Isib = modregrm(0,4,SP);
        c = genc1(NULL,0x8B,modregrm(2,CX,4),FLconst,4 * (1 + needframe) + shandle->Soffset + localsize);
        c->Isib = modregrm(0,4,SP);
        gen1(c,0x50 + CX);                      // PUSH ECX

    c = gencs(c,0x68,0,FLextern,s);             // PUSH offset _d_monitor_handler

#if 0
    cs.Iop = 0xFF;
    cs.Irm = modregrm(0,6,BPRM);
    cs.Iflags = CFfs;
    cs.Irex = 0;
    cs.IFL1 = FLextern;
    cs.IEVsym1 = rtlsym[RTLSYM_EXCEPT_LIST];
    cs.IEVoffset1 = 0;
    gen(c,&cs);                         // PUSH FS:__except_list
    cs.Iop = 0x8B;
    cs.Irm = modregrm(0,DX,BPRM);
    cs.Iflags = CFfs;
    cs.Irex = 0;
    cs.IFL1 = FLextern;
    cs.IEVsym1 = rtlsym[RTLSYM_EXCEPT_LIST];
    cs.IEVoffset1 = 0;
    c1 = gen(c1,&cs);                   // MOV EDX,FS:__except_list

    gen1(c,0x50 + DX);                  // PUSH EDX

    s = rtlsym[RTLSYM_MONITOR_PROLOG];
    desregs = ~s->Sregsaved & ALLREGS;
    c = cat(c,getregs(desregs));
    c = gencs(c,0xE8,0,FLfunc,s);       // CALL _d_monitor_prolog

    cs.Iop = 0x89;
    gen(c,&cs);                         // MOV FS:__except_list,ESP

    return cat(c1,c);
Esempio n. 15
File: nteh.c Progetto: spott/dmd
code *nteh_prolog()
    code cs;
    code *c1;
    code *c;

    if (usednteh & NTEHpassthru)
        /* An sindex value of -2 is a magic value that tells the
         * stack unwinder to skip this frame.
        assert(config.exe & (EX_LINUX | EX_LINUX64 | EX_OSX | EX_OSX64 | EX_FREEBSD | EX_FREEBSD64 | EX_SOLARIS | EX_SOLARIS64));
        cs.Iop = 0x68;
        cs.Iflags = 0;
        cs.Irex = 0;
        cs.IFL2 = FLconst;
        cs.IEV2.Vint = -2;
        return gen(CNIL,&cs);                   // PUSH -2

    /* Generate instance of struct __nt_context on stack frame:
        [  ]                                    // previous ebp already there
        push    -1                              // sindex
        mov     EDX,FS:__except_list
        push    offset FLAT:scope_table         // stable (not for MARS or C++)
        push    offset FLAT:__except_handler3   // handler
        push    EDX                             // prev
        mov     FS:__except_list,ESP
        sub     ESP,8                           // info, esp for __except support

//    useregs(mAX);                     // What is this for?

    cs.Iop = 0x68;
    cs.Iflags = 0;
    cs.Irex = 0;
    cs.IFL2 = FLconst;
    cs.IEV2.Vint = -1;
    c1 = gen(CNIL,&cs);                 // PUSH -1

    if (usednteh & NTEHcpp || MARS)
        // PUSH &framehandler
        cs.IFL2 = FLframehandler;
#if MARS
        // Do stable
        cs.Iflags |= CFoff;
        cs.IFL2 = FLextern;
        cs.IEVsym2 = nteh_scopetable();
        cs.IEVoffset2 = 0;
        c1 = gen(c1,&cs);                       // PUSH &scope_table

        cs.IFL2 = FLextern;
        cs.IEVsym2 = rtlsym[RTLSYM_EXCEPT_HANDLER3];
    c = gen(NULL,&cs);                          // PUSH &__except_handler3

    if (config.exe == EX_NT)
#if 0
        cs.Iop = 0xFF;
        cs.Irm = modregrm(0,6,BPRM);
        cs.Iflags = CFfs;
        cs.Irex = 0;
        cs.IFL1 = FLextern;
        cs.IEVsym1 = rtlsym[RTLSYM_EXCEPT_LIST];
        cs.IEVoffset1 = 0;
        gen(c,&cs);                             // PUSH FS:__except_list
        cs.Iop = 0x8B;
        cs.Irm = modregrm(0,DX,BPRM);
        cs.Iflags = CFfs;
        cs.Irex = 0;
        cs.IFL1 = FLextern;
        cs.IEVsym1 = rtlsym[RTLSYM_EXCEPT_LIST];
        cs.IEVoffset1 = 0;
        gen(c1,&cs);                            // MOV EDX,FS:__except_list

        gen1(c,0x50 + DX);                      // PUSH EDX
        cs.Iop = 0x89;
        gen(c,&cs);                             // MOV FS:__except_list,ESP

    c = genc2(c,0x81,modregrm(3,5,SP),8);       // SUB ESP,8

    return cat(c1,c);
Esempio n. 16
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  M6502    *mpu = M6502_new(0, 0, 0);
  parse_args(argc, argv, mpu);

  unsigned  pc  = 0x1000;
  unsigned saved_pc;

  M6502_setCallback(mpu, call,  0xf000, done  );
  M6502_setCallback(mpu, call,  0xffee, oswrch);

  gen2(0xa2, 0xff      ); // LDX #&FF
  gen1(0x9a            ); // TXS
  gen2(0xa9, 'A'       ); // LDA #'A'

  // LDA #'B' is 0xa9, 0x42. So if we execute a BRK at 0x42a7, it will
  // push 0x42, 0xa9 and the flags onto the stack. Since the stack grows
  // downwards those bytes will be in the right order for execution. We'll
  // additionally push an LDX immediate opcode so we can "execute" the flags
  // value. We can nearly force the flags to be whatever we like using PLP,
  // although the BRK will set the B and X bits in the stacked value. We
  // demonstrate this by explicitly masking off those bits in the values we
  // force into the flags.
  enum {
    flagX= (1<<5),	/* unused   	 */
    flagB= (1<<4) 	/* irq from brk  */
  uint8_t mask = ~(flagX | flagB);
  gen2(0xa0, '0' & mask); // LDY #('0' with B/X masked off)
  gen1(0x5a            ); // PHY
  gen1(0x28            ); // PLP
  gen3(0x4c, 0xa7, 0x42); // JMP &42A7
  pc = 0x42a7;
  gen2(0x00, 0x00      ); // BRK
  saved_pc = pc;
  pc = 0x0; // BRK vector
  gen2(0xa9, 0xa2      ); // LDA #<LDX # opcode>
  gen1(0x48            ); // PHA
  gen3(0x4c, 0xfc, 0x01); // JMP &01FC
  pc = 0x200;
  gen3(0x20, 0xee, 0xff); // JSR &FFEE
  gen1(0x8a            ); // TXA
  gen3(0x20, 0xee, 0xff); // JSR &FFEE
  gen1(0x68            ); // PLA
  gen1(0x40            ); // RTI
  pc = saved_pc;

  // Let's do the same thing again, but this time code has already been
  // executed from that address on the stack, so we're verifying the change
  // is picked up. We do LDA #'C' this time, so we execute the BRK from
  // 0x43a7.
  gen2(0xa0, '1' & mask); // LDY #('1' with B/X masked off)
  gen1(0x5a            ); // PHY
  gen1(0x28            ); // PLP
  gen3(0x4c, 0xa7, 0x43); // JMP &43A7
  pc = 0x43a7;
  gen2(0x00, 0x00      ); // BRK

  gen3(0x4c, 0x00, 0xf0); // JMP &F000 (quit)

  M6502_setVector(mpu, RST, 0x1000);

  M6502_delete(mpu);	/* We never reach here, but what the hey. */

  return 0;
Esempio n. 17
File: cgxmm.c Progetto: dsagal/dmd
code *xmmeq(elem *e, unsigned op, elem *e1, elem *e2,regm_t *pretregs)
    tym_t tymll;
    unsigned reg;
    int i;
    code *cl,*cr,*c,cs;
    elem *e11;
    bool regvar;                  /* TRUE means evaluate into register variable */
    regm_t varregm;
    unsigned varreg;
    targ_int postinc;

    //printf("xmmeq(e1 = %p, e2 = %p, *pretregs = %s)\n", e1, e2, regm_str(*pretregs));
    int e2oper = e2->Eoper;
    tym_t tyml = tybasic(e1->Ety);              /* type of lvalue               */
    regm_t retregs = *pretregs;

    if (!(retregs & XMMREGS))
        retregs = XMMREGS;              // pick any XMM reg

    cs.Iop = (op == OPeq) ? xmmstore(tyml) : op;
    regvar = FALSE;
    varregm = 0;
    if (config.flags4 & CFG4optimized)
        // Be careful of cases like (x = x+x+x). We cannot evaluate in
        // x if x is in a register.
        if (isregvar(e1,&varregm,&varreg) &&    // if lvalue is register variable
            doinreg(e1->EV.sp.Vsym,e2)          // and we can compute directly into it
        {   regvar = TRUE;
            retregs = varregm;
            reg = varreg;       /* evaluate directly in target register */
    if (*pretregs & mPSW && !EOP(e1))     // if evaluating e1 couldn't change flags
    {   // Be careful that this lines up with jmpopcode()
        retregs |= mPSW;
        *pretregs &= ~mPSW;
    cr = scodelem(e2,&retregs,0,TRUE);    // get rvalue

    // Look for special case of (*p++ = ...), where p is a register variable
    if (e1->Eoper == OPind &&
        ((e11 = e1->E1)->Eoper == OPpostinc || e11->Eoper == OPpostdec) &&
        e11->E1->Eoper == OPvar &&
        e11->E1->EV.sp.Vsym->Sfl == FLreg
        postinc = e11->E2->EV.Vint;
        if (e11->Eoper == OPpostdec)
            postinc = -postinc;
        cl = getlvalue(&cs,e11,RMstore | retregs);
    {   postinc = 0;
        cl = getlvalue(&cs,e1,RMstore | retregs);       // get lvalue (cl == CNIL if regvar)

    c = getregs_imm(varregm);

    reg = findreg(retregs & XMMREGS);
    cs.Irm |= modregrm(0,(reg - XMM0) & 7,0);
    if ((reg - XMM0) & 8)
        cs.Irex |= REX_R;

    // Do not generate mov from register onto itself
    if (!(regvar && reg == XMM0 + ((cs.Irm & 7) | (cs.Irex & REX_B ? 8 : 0))))
        c = gen(c,&cs);         // MOV EA+offset,reg

    if (e1->Ecount ||                     // if lvalue is a CSE or
        regvar)                           // rvalue can't be a CSE
        c = cat(c,getregs_imm(retregs));        // necessary if both lvalue and
                                        //  rvalue are CSEs (since a reg
                                        //  can hold only one e at a time)
        cssave(e1,retregs,EOP(e1));     // if lvalue is a CSE

    c = cat4(cr,cl,c,fixresult(e,retregs,pretregs));
    if (postinc)
        int reg = findreg(idxregm(&cs));
        if (*pretregs & mPSW)
        {   // Use LEA to avoid touching the flags
            unsigned rm = cs.Irm & 7;
            if (cs.Irex & REX_B)
                rm |= 8;
            c = genc1(c,0x8D,buildModregrm(2,reg,rm),FLconst,postinc);
            if (tysize(e11->E1->Ety) == 8)
                code_orrex(c, REX_W);
        else if (I64)
            c = genc2(c,0x81,modregrmx(3,0,reg),postinc);
            if (tysize(e11->E1->Ety) == 8)
                code_orrex(c, REX_W);
            if (postinc == 1)
                c = gen1(c,0x40 + reg);         // INC reg
            else if (postinc == -(targ_int)1)
                c = gen1(c,0x48 + reg);         // DEC reg
                c = genc2(c,0x81,modregrm(3,0,reg),postinc);
    return c;
Esempio n. 18
File: mul.c Progetto: 8l/inferno
mulcon0(long v)
	int a1, a2, g;
	Multab *m, *m1;
	char hint[10];

	if(v < 0)
		v = -v;

	 * look in cache
	m = multab;
	for(g=0; g<nelem(multab); g++) {
		if(m->val == v) {
			if(m->code[0] == 0)
				return 0;
			return m;

	 * select a spot in cache to overwrite
	if(multabp < 0 || multabp >= nelem(multab))
		multabp = 0;
	m = multab+multabp;
	m->val = v;
	mulval = v;

	 * look in execption hint table
	a1 = 0;
	a2 = hintabsize;
	for(;;) {
		if(a1 >= a2)
			goto no;
		g = (a2 + a1)/2;
		if(v < hintab[g].val) {
			a2 = g;
		if(v > hintab[g].val) {
			a1 = g+1;

	if(docode(hintab[g].hint, m->code, 1, 0))
		return m;
	print("multiply table failure %ld\n", v);
	m->code[0] = 0;
	return 0;

	 * try to search
	hint[0] = 0;
	for(g=1; g<=6; g++) {
		if(g >= 6 && v >= 65535)
		mulcp = hint+g;
		*mulcp = 0;
		if(gen1(g)) {
			if(docode(hint, m->code, 1, 0))
				return m;
			print("multiply table failure %ld\n", v);

	 * try a recur followed by a shift
	g = 0;
	while(!(v & 1)) {
		v >>= 1;
	if(g) {
		m1 = mulcon0(v);
		if(m1) {
			strcpy(m->code, m1->code);
			sprint(strchr(m->code, 0), "%c0", g+'a');
			return m;
	m->code[0] = 0;
	return 0;