Esempio n. 1
std::string Collector::serve_request(std::string req)
    Json::Value root;
    Json::Reader reader;
    if (reader.parse(req, root, false) == false) {
        return generate_error("bad_json");

    if (root["status"] == "have_work") {
        std::cout << "work: " << root["work"] << std::endl;
        /* Add the pixels to the pixmap. */
        process_work(root["work"], root["pixels"]);
        Json::Value root;
        root["success"] = true;
        return json_to_string(root);
    else if (root["status"] == "need_work") {
        /* We want to reduce network slowdown by only sending the scene when
           necessary. */
        return generate_work(root["have_scene"].asBool());
    else {
        return generate_error("bad_request");
Esempio n. 2
int main()

    int back_router = nn_socket(AF_SP_RAW, NN_REP);
    nn_bind(back_router, BACKROUTER);

    chan jobs = chmake(char*, 128);
    chan workers = chmake(char*, 64);

    go(collect(workers, back_router));
    go(route_work(workers, back_router, jobs)); 

    msleep(now() + 5435345);
    int front_router = nn_socket(AF_SP_RAW, NN_REP);
    nn_bind(front_router, FRONTROUTER);
    char ctrl [256];
    char body [256];
    char ctrl2 [256];
    char body2 [256];

    struct nn_msghdr hdr;
    struct nn_msghdr hdr2;

    struct nn_iovec iovec;
    iovec.iov_base = body;
    iovec.iov_len = sizeof(body);

    memset(&hdr, 0, sizeof (hdr));
    hdr.msg_iov = &iovec;
    hdr.msg_iovlen = 1;

    hdr.msg_control = ctrl;
    hdr.msg_controllen = sizeof (ctrl);

    int rc = nn_recvmsg(back_router, &hdr, 0);
    printf("got rc: %d, got ctrl: %d\n", rc, hdr.msg_controllen);

    struct nn_iovec iovec2;
    iovec2.iov_base = body2;
    iovec2.iov_len = sizeof(body2);

    memset(&hdr2, 0, sizeof (hdr));

    hdr2.msg_iov = &iovec2;
    hdr2.msg_iovlen = 1;
    hdr2.msg_control = ctrl2;
    hdr2.msg_controllen = sizeof (ctrl2);

    rc = nn_recvmsg(back_router, &hdr2, 0);
    struct nn_cmsghdr *cmsg;

    cmsg = NN_CMSG_FIRSTHDR (&hdr);
    while (cmsg != NULL) {
        size_t len = cmsg->cmsg_len - sizeof (struct nn_cmsghdr);
        printf ("level: %d property: %d length: %dB data: ",
            (int) cmsg->cmsg_level,
            (int) cmsg->cmsg_type,
            (int) len);
        unsigned char *data = NN_CMSG_DATA(cmsg);
        while (len) {
            printf ("%02X", *data);
        printf ("\n");

        cmsg = NN_CMSG_NXTHDR (&hdr.msg_control, cmsg);
    hdr.msg_iov = &iovec2;
    hdr.msg_iovlen = 1;
    nn_sendmsg(back_router, &hdr, 0);

        buf = NULL;
        printf("waiting for worker\n");

        int n = nn_recv(response, &buf, NN_MSG, 0);

        printf("server got msg: %.*s\n", n, buf);
        sprintf(tevs, "you are number %d served", ++c);
        printf("responding to %d\n",response);
        nn_send(response, tevs, strlen(tevs), 0);
    nn_shutdown(response, 0); 
    return 0;
Esempio n. 3
int run_wallet (QApplication & application, int argc, char * const * argv, boost::filesystem::path const & data_path)
	rai_qt::eventloop_processor processor;
	boost::filesystem::create_directories (data_path);
	QPixmap pixmap (":/logo.png");
	QSplashScreen * splash = new QSplashScreen (pixmap);
	splash->show ();
	application.processEvents ();
	splash->showMessage (QSplashScreen::tr ("Remember - Back Up Your Wallet Seed"), Qt::AlignBottom | Qt::AlignHCenter, Qt::darkGray);
	application.processEvents ();
	qt_wallet_config config (data_path);
	auto config_path ((data_path / "config.json"));
	int result (0);
	std::fstream config_file;
	auto error (rai::fetch_object (config, config_path, config_file));
	config_file.close ();
	if (!error)
		boost::asio::io_service service;
		config.node.logging.init (data_path);
		std::shared_ptr<rai::node> node;
		std::shared_ptr<rai_qt::wallet> gui;
		rai::set_application_icon (application);
		auto opencl (rai::opencl_work::create (config.opencl_enable, config.opencl, config.node.logging));
		rai::work_pool work (config.node.work_threads, opencl ? [&opencl](rai::uint256_union const & root_a) {
			return opencl->generate_work (root_a);
		                                                      : std::function<boost::optional<uint64_t> (rai::uint256_union const &)> (nullptr));
		rai::alarm alarm (service);
		rai::node_init init;
		node = std::make_shared<rai::node> (init, service, data_path, alarm, config.node, work);
		if (!init.error ())
			auto wallet (node-> (config.wallet));
			if (wallet == nullptr)
				auto existing (node->wallets.items.begin ());
				if (existing != node->wallets.items.end ())
					wallet = existing->second;
					config.wallet = existing->first;
					wallet = node->wallets.create (config.wallet);
			if (config.account.is_zero () || !wallet->exists (config.account))
				rai::transaction transaction (wallet->store.environment, nullptr, true);
				auto existing (wallet->store.begin (transaction));
				if (existing != wallet->store.end ())
					rai::uint256_union account (existing->first.uint256 ());
					config.account = account;
					config.account = wallet->deterministic_insert (transaction);
			assert (wallet->exists (config.account));
			update_config (config, config_path, config_file);
			node->start ();
			std::unique_ptr<rai::rpc> rpc = get_rpc (service, *node, config.rpc);
			if (rpc && config.rpc_enable)
				rpc->start ();
			rai::thread_runner runner (service, node->config.io_threads);
			QObject::connect (&application, &QApplication::aboutToQuit, [&]() {
				rpc->stop ();
				node->stop ();
			application.postEvent (&processor, new rai_qt::eventloop_event ([&]() {
				gui = std::make_shared<rai_qt::wallet> (application, processor, *node, wallet, config.account);
				splash->close ();
				gui->start ();
				gui->client_window->show ();
			result = application.exec ();
			runner.join ();
			show_error ("Error initializing node");
		update_config (config, config_path, config_file);
		show_error ("Error deserializing config");
	return result;