Esempio n. 1
int    testShm()
    HttpLog::log(LSI_LOG_NOTICE, "testShm START SIMPLE SHM TEST\r\n");
    HttpLog::log(LSI_LOG_NOTICE,  "PAGESIZE: %x\r\n", ::getpagesize());
#if 0
    if ( genericTest() )
    //  Api testing
    if (testShmApi())
        HttpLog::log(LSI_LOG_NOTICE, "testShm SIMPLE TEST DONE\r\nBye\r\n");
        return 0;
Esempio n. 2
int main() {

	int newCards = 0;
	int discarded = 1;
	int newCoins = 0;
	int shuffledCards = 0;
	int a = 0, b = 0, c= 0;
	int handpos = 0, choice1 = 0, choice2 = 0, choice3 = 0, bonus = 0;
	int remove1, remove2;
	int seed = 1000;
	int numPlayers = 2;
	int thisPlayer = 0;
	int otherPlayer = 1;
	int found = 0;

	int allCards[27] = {curse, estate, duchy, province, copper, silver, gold, adventurer, 
		council_room, feast, gardens, mine, remodel, smithy, village, baron, great_hall, 
		minion, steward, tribute, ambassador, cutpurse, embargo, outpost, salvager, 
		sea_hag, treasure_map};
	int allCosts[27] = {0, 2, 5, 8, 0, 3, 6, 6, 5, 4, 4, 5, 4, 4, 3, 4, 3, 5, 3, 5, 3, 4, 2, 
		5, 4, 4,4};
	const char *card[27];
	card[0] = "curse"; 
	card[1] = "estate"; 
	card[2] = "duchy"; 
	card[3] = "province"; 
	card[4] = "copper"; 
	card[5] = "silver"; 
	card[6] = "gold"; 
	card[7] = "adventurer"; 
	card[8] = "council_room"; 
	card[9] = "feast"; 
	card[10] = "gardens"; 
	card[11] = "mines"; 
	card[12] = "remodel"; 
	card[13] = "smithy"; 
	card[14] = "village"; 
	card[15] = "baron"; 
	card[16] = "great_hall"; 
	card[17] = "minion"; 
	card[18] = "steward"; 
	card[19] = "tribute"; 
	card[20] = "ambassador"; 
	card[21] = "cutpurse"; 
	card[22] = "embargo"; 
	card[23] = "outpost"; 
	card[24] = "salvager"; 
	card[25] = "sea_hag"; 
	card[26] = "treasure_map"; 
	struct gameState G, testG;
	int k[10] = {adventurer, embargo, village, minion, mine, cutpurse,
		sea_hag, tribute, smithy, council_room};
	initializeGame(numPlayers, k, seed, &G);

	printf("\t Testing Card: %s \n", TESTCARD);
	// boot up the perfect version
	memcpy(&testG, &G, sizeof(struct gameState));
	// Test 01 -----------------------------------------------------------------

	printf("Testing return values for all cards...\t");	
	while (a < (sizeof(allCards) / sizeof(int))) {
		if (allCosts[a] != getCost(allCards[a])) {
			printf("%s: cost %d, expected %d\n" ,card[a], allCosts[a], getCost(allCards[a]));
			found = 1;
	if ( found == 0) {

	genericTest(G, testG, otherPlayer, 0);

	printf("\n >>>>> SUCCESS: Testing complete %s <<<<<\n\n", TESTCARD);
	return 0;
Esempio n. 3
int main() {
	int newCards = 0;
	int discarded = 1;
	int newCoins = 0;
	int shuffledCards = 0;

	int a = 0, b = 0, c= 0;
	int handpos = 0, choice1 = 0, choice2 = 0, choice3 = 0, bonus = 0;
	int remove1, remove2;
	int seed = 1000;
	int numPlayers = 2;
	int thisPlayer = 0;
	int otherPlayer = 1;

	struct gameState G, testG;
	int k[10] = {adventurer, embargo, village, minion, mine, cutpurse,
		sea_hag, tribute, smithy, council_room};
	initializeGame(numPlayers, k, seed, &G);  
	printf("\t Testing Card: %s \n", TESTCARD);
	// boot up the perfect version
	memcpy(&testG, &G, sizeof(struct gameState));
	// Test 01 -----------------------------------------------------------------
	// Coints += $2 
	printf("Test 01: draw cards until 2 treasures are found \n");
	// setup test environment
	memcpy(&testG, &G, sizeof(struct gameState));	

	// insert 2 gold coins into the first blank spaces in the deck
	while ((a < MAX_DECK) && (b < 2)) {
		if (testG.deck[thisPlayer][a] == 0) {
			testG.deck[thisPlayer][a] = gold;

	printf("Player hand = %d\n", testG.handCount[thisPlayer]);

	cardEffect(adventurer, choice1, choice2, choice3, &testG, handpos, &bonus);

	// Test 01	
	newCoins = 0;
	newCards = 2;
	printf("hand count = %d, expected = %d\n", testG.handCount[thisPlayer], 
		G.handCount[thisPlayer] + newCards - discarded);
	printf("deck count = %d, expected = %d\n", testG.deckCount[thisPlayer], 
		G.deckCount[thisPlayer] - newCards + shuffledCards);
	printf("coins = %d, expected = %d\n", testG.coins, G.coins + newCoins);

	if (testG.handCount[thisPlayer] != G.handCount[thisPlayer] + newCards- discarded) {
		errorMessage("handCount does not match");
	if (testG.deckCount[thisPlayer] != G.deckCount[thisPlayer] - newCards + shuffledCards){ 
		errorMessage("deckCount does not match");
	if (testG.coins != G.coins + newCoins) {
		errorMessage("coins do not match");
	genericTest(G, testG, otherPlayer, c);
	printf("\n >>>>> SUCCESS: Testing complete %s <<<<<\n\n", TESTCARD);

  return 0;
Esempio n. 4
int main() {
	int newCards = 0;
	int discarded = 1;
	int newCoins = 0;
	int shuffledCards = 0;

	int a, b, c;
	int handpos = 0, choice1 = 0, choice2 = 0, choice3 = 0, bonus = 0;
	int remove1, remove2;
	int seed = 1000;
	int numPlayers = 2;
	int thisPlayer = 0;
	int otherPlayer = 1;

	struct gameState G, testG;
	int k[10] = {adventurer, embargo, village, minion, mine, cutpurse,
		sea_hag, tribute, smithy, council_room};
	initializeGame(numPlayers, k, seed, &G);  
	printf("\t Testing Card: %s \n", TESTCARD);
	// Smithy Info: cost = +3 cards 	

	// boot up the perfect version
	memcpy(&testG, &G, sizeof(struct gameState));
	// Test 01 -----------------------------------------------------------------
	// Coints += $2 
	printf("Test 01: coins += 2, +1 buy \n");
	// setup test environment
	memcpy(&testG, &G, sizeof(struct gameState));	
	cardEffect(council_room, choice1, choice2, choice3, &testG, handpos, &bonus);

	// Test 01	
	newCoins = 0;
	newCards = 4;
	// add a buy to thisPlayer
	a = 1;
	// Other Player draws a card
	b = 1;
	printf("hand count = %d, expected = %d\n", testG.handCount[thisPlayer], 
		G.handCount[thisPlayer] + newCards - discarded);
	printf("deck count = %d, expected = %d\n", testG.deckCount[thisPlayer], 
		G.handCount[thisPlayer] - newCards + shuffledCards);
	printf("coins = %d, expected = %d\n", testG.coins, G.coins + newCoins);
	printf("Player Buys = %d, expected = %d\n", testG.numBuys, G.numBuys + a);	

	if (testG.handCount[thisPlayer] != G.handCount[thisPlayer] + newCards- discarded) {
		errorMessage("handCount does not match");
	if (testG.deckCount[thisPlayer] != G.deckCount[thisPlayer] - newCards + shuffledCards){ 
		errorMessage("deckCount does not match");
	if (testG.coins != G.coins + newCoins) {
		errorMessage("coins do not match");
	genericTest(G, testG, otherPlayer, b);
	printf("\n >>>>> SUCCESS: Testing complete %s <<<<<\n\n", TESTCARD);

  return 0;