Esempio n. 1
//Tests conditions for path, which needs 1 BPS and 1 BQN
//Ensure paths are connected to other paths & are legal paths
//Does not leave into the sea, and path is vacant
int arcConditions (Game g, action a, int player) {

	int answer = TRUE;
	char *path = a.destination;
	edge arc;
	arc.pointA = pathMovement (path);
	arc.pointB = movement (arc.pointA, BACK);

	if ((getStudents (g, player, STUDENT_BPS) >= 1) 
		&& (getStudents (g, player, STUDENT_BQN) >= 1)
		&& (a.destination[0] != BACK)) { //doesn't move back into the sea
		answer = TRUE;
	} else {
		answer = FALSE;

	//check if they're inside the boundaries
	if (answer == TRUE
		&& abs (arc.pointA.x) >= 3
		&& abs (arc.pointA.y) >= 3
		&& abs (arc.pointA.z) >= 3) {
		answer = FALSE;

	//Checks to see that they are actual adjacent vertexes
	if (answer == TRUE 
		&& abs(arc.pointA.x+arc.pointA.y+arc.pointA.z) != 2 
		&& (arc.pointA.x+arc.pointA.y+arc.pointA.z+arc.pointB.x+arc.pointB.y+arc.pointB.z != 0)
		&& (getARC (g, a.destination) != VACANT_ARC)) {
		answer = FALSE;

	return answer;
 * Start transmision...
void nRF24l01plus::startPTX()
{   //
    if(getCE() == false || isPWRUP() == false)return;
    tMsgFrame * packetToSend = getTXpacket();
    if(packetToSend == NULL)return;
    //packet found in TX that is not ACK packet
    //load with TX address
    packetToSend->Address = getTXaddress();
    emit sendMsgToET((tMsgFrame*)packetToSend);
    //check if ack expected
    if((packetToSend->Packet_Control_Field.NP_ACK == 0) && (getARC()!=0))
        //set for ACK recipt..
        ACK_address = getTXaddress();
        waitingForACK = true;
        TXpacket = packetToSend;
    {//no ack last transmited is the one that is
        if(lastTransmited != NULL)
            delete lastTransmited;
            lastTransmited = NULL;
        lastTransmited = packetToSend;
Esempio n. 3
//must have an arc connected to it & not blocked by campus
//given destination --> if there is an arc on it --> cannot place
//given resources
static int isLegalBuildARC(Game g, action a) {
    int isLegal = TRUE;
    int arcTests[3] = {TRUE, TRUE, TRUE};
    int player = getWhoseTurn(g);
    coordinates xycoord1;
    coordinates xycoord2;
    //if path is actual a legal path
    if(isLegalPathToARC(a.destination) == FALSE) {
        isLegal = FALSE;
    //if already owned
    if(isLegal == TRUE) {
        if(getARC(g, a.destination) != 0) {
            isLegal = FALSE;
    //if not enough resources
    if(g->students[player][STUDENT_BPS] < 1 ||
       g->students[player][STUDENT_BQN] < 1) {
        isLegal = FALSE;

    //Board state exceptions
    xycoord1 = getCoords(a.destination);
    xycoord2 = newCoords(xycoord1, 'B');
    //test if arc has campus next to it
    //test if has path but not blocked by campus
    //get what coordinate it is on and then get next coordinate
    //then test if next coordinates has arcs next to them
    if(hasVertexARC(g, xycoord1) == FALSE  &&
       (!(getCampusWithCoord(g, xycoord2) == player  ||
       getCampusWithCoord(g, xycoord2) == player + 3))) {
        arcTests[0] = FALSE;
    if(hasVertexARC(g, xycoord2) == FALSE  &&
       (!(getCampusWithCoord(g, xycoord1) == player  ||
       getCampusWithCoord(g, xycoord1) == player + 3))) {
        arcTests[1] = FALSE;
    if((hasVertexARC(g, xycoord1) == FALSE  &&
       hasVertexARC(g, xycoord2) == FALSE)) {
        arcTests[2] = FALSE;
    if(isLegal == TRUE) {
        if(!(arcTests[0] || arcTests[1] || arcTests[2])) {
            isLegal = FALSE;
    return isLegal;
Esempio n. 4
//Returns true/false, tests conditions for campus,
// which needs 1 of each but THD or M$,
// and no two campuses can be on adjacent vertexes
int cmpsConditions (Game g, action a, int player) {

	int answer = TRUE;
	char *path = a.destination;
	coord vertex = pathMovement (path);
	coord adj = movement (vertex, BACK);

	if ((getStudents (g, player, STUDENT_BPS) >= 1) 
		&& (getStudents (g, player, STUDENT_BQN) >= 1)
		&& (getStudents (g, player, STUDENT_MJ) >= 1)
		&& (getStudents (g, player, STUDENT_MTV) >= 1)
		&& (getCampus (g, a.destination) == VACANT_VERTEX)
		&& (getARC (g, a.destination) != VACANT_ARC)) {
		answer = TRUE;
	} else {
		answer = FALSE;
	//check if they're inside the boundaries
	if (answer == TRUE
		&& abs (vertex.x) >= 3
		&& abs (vertex.y) >= 3
		&& abs (vertex.z) >= 3) {
		answer = FALSE;

	//Checks for adjacent campuses which would be illegal
	if (answer == TRUE
		&& g->gameBoard.campus[adj.x][adj.y][adj.z] != NO_ONE) {
		answer = FALSE;

	//Check that it's an actual vertex
	if (answer == TRUE
		&& abs (vertex.x+vertex.y+vertex.z) != 2) {
		answer = FALSE;

	return answer;
void nRF24l01plus::noACKalarm()
    if(getARC_CNT() == getARC())
    {//number of max retransmits acchived
     //failed to reach targe set aproprite flags
        if(lastTransmited != NULL)
            delete lastTransmited;
        lastTransmited = TXpacket;
        waitingForACK = false;
    {//retransmit message and increasse reTransCounter and start timer again
        emit sendMsgToET(TXpacket);
        //setup wait for ack...
        theTimer->start(getARD() * 10);//10ms real life 250us
Esempio n. 6
void testInitialisation (Game testGame){
   action testAction;
   printf ("Testing initial conditions.\n");
   printf ("Testing getDiscipline.\n");
   assert (getDiscipline(testGame, 0) == STUDENT_BQN);
   assert (getDiscipline(testGame, 1) == STUDENT_MMONEY);
   assert (getDiscipline(testGame, 2) == STUDENT_MJ);
   assert (getDiscipline(testGame, 3) == STUDENT_MMONEY);
   assert (getDiscipline(testGame, 4) == STUDENT_MJ);
   assert (getDiscipline(testGame, 5) == STUDENT_BPS);
   assert (getDiscipline(testGame, 6) == STUDENT_MTV);
   assert (getDiscipline(testGame, 7) == STUDENT_MTV);
   assert (getDiscipline(testGame, 8) == STUDENT_BPS);
   assert (getDiscipline(testGame, 9) == STUDENT_MTV);
   assert (getDiscipline(testGame, 10) == STUDENT_BQN);
   assert (getDiscipline(testGame, 11) == STUDENT_MJ);
   assert (getDiscipline(testGame, 12) == STUDENT_BQN);
   assert (getDiscipline(testGame, 13) == STUDENT_THD);
   assert (getDiscipline(testGame, 14) == STUDENT_MJ);
   assert (getDiscipline(testGame, 15) == STUDENT_MMONEY);
   assert (getDiscipline(testGame, 16) == STUDENT_MTV);
   assert (getDiscipline(testGame, 17) == STUDENT_BQN);
   assert (getDiscipline(testGame, 18) == STUDENT_BPS);
   printf ("Testing getDiceValue\n");
   assert (getDiceValue(testGame, 0) == 9);
   assert (getDiceValue(testGame, 1) == 10);
   assert (getDiceValue(testGame, 2) == 8);
   assert (getDiceValue(testGame, 3) == 12);
   assert (getDiceValue(testGame, 4) == 6);
   assert (getDiceValue(testGame, 5) == 5);
   assert (getDiceValue(testGame, 6) == 3);
   assert (getDiceValue(testGame, 7) == 11);
   assert (getDiceValue(testGame, 8) == 3);
   assert (getDiceValue(testGame, 9) == 11);
   assert (getDiceValue(testGame, 10) == 4);
   assert (getDiceValue(testGame, 11) == 6);
   assert (getDiceValue(testGame, 12) == 4);
   assert (getDiceValue(testGame, 13) == 7);
   assert (getDiceValue(testGame, 14) == 9);
   assert (getDiceValue(testGame, 15) == 2);
   assert (getDiceValue(testGame, 16) == 8);
   assert (getDiceValue(testGame, 17) == 10);
   assert (getDiceValue(testGame, 18) == 5);
   printf ("Testing Most ARC\n");
   assert (getMostARCs(testGame) == NO_ONE);
   printf ("Testing most publications\n");
   assert (getMostPublications (testGame) == NO_ONE);
   printf ("Testing turnNumber\n");
   assert (getTurnNumber(testGame) == -1);
   printf ("Testing whoseTurn.\n");
   assert (getWhoseTurn (testGame) == NO_ONE);

   printf("Testing getCampus (content of given vertex) \n");
   assert (getCampus (testGame, "RLBLR") == VACANT_VERTEX);
   assert (getCampus (testGame, "RLBBR") == VACANT_VERTEX);
   assert (getCampus (testGame, "LRL") == VACANT_VERTEX);
   printf("Testing getARC (content of given edge) \n");
   assert (getARC (testGame, "L") == VACANT_ARC);
   assert (getARC (testGame, "R") == VACANT_ARC);
   assert (getARC (testGame, "LR") == VACANT_ARC);
   assert (getARC (testGame, "RR") == VACANT_ARC);
   printf ("Testing isLegalAction\n");
   assert (isLegalAction (testGame, testAction) == FALSE);
   printf ("Testing KPI points\n");
   assert (getKPIpoints (testGame, UNI_A) == 0);
   assert (getKPIpoints (testGame, UNI_B) == 0);
   assert (getKPIpoints (testGame, UNI_C) == 0);
   printf ("Testing getARCs (number of ARC grants) \n");
   assert (getARCs (testGame, UNI_A) == 0);
   assert (getARCs (testGame, UNI_B) == 0);
   assert (getARCs (testGame, UNI_C) == 0);
   printf ("Testing GO8 (number of G08 campus) \n");
   assert (getGO8s (testGame, UNI_A) == 0);
   assert (getGO8s (testGame, UNI_B) == 0);
   assert (getGO8s (testGame, UNI_C) == 0);
   printf ("Testing getCampuses (number of normal campuses)\n");
   assert (getCampuses (testGame, UNI_A) == 2);
   assert (getCampuses (testGame, UNI_B) == 2);
   assert (getCampuses (testGame, UNI_C) == 2);
   printf ("Testing IPs (number of IP patent) \n");
   assert (getIPs(testGame, UNI_A) == 0);
   assert (getIPs(testGame, UNI_B) == 0);
   assert (getIPs(testGame, UNI_C) == 0);
   printf ("Testing publications\n");
   assert (getPublications(testGame, UNI_A) == 0);
   assert (getPublications(testGame, UNI_B) == 0);
   assert (getPublications(testGame, UNI_C) == 0);
   printf ("Testing number of students of UNI_A\n");
   assert (getStudents (testGame, UNI_A, STUDENT_THD) == 0);
   assert (getStudents (testGame, UNI_A, STUDENT_BPS) == 3);
   assert (getStudents (testGame, UNI_A, STUDENT_BQN) == 3);
   assert (getStudents (testGame, UNI_A, STUDENT_MJ) == 1);
   assert (getStudents (testGame, UNI_A, STUDENT_MTV) == 1);
   assert (getStudents (testGame, UNI_A, STUDENT_MMONEY) == 1);

   printf ("Testing number of students of UNI_B\n");
   assert (getStudents (testGame, UNI_B, STUDENT_THD) == 0);
   assert (getStudents (testGame, UNI_B, STUDENT_BPS) == 3);
   assert (getStudents (testGame, UNI_B, STUDENT_BQN) == 3);
   assert (getStudents (testGame, UNI_B, STUDENT_MJ) == 1);
   assert (getStudents (testGame, UNI_B, STUDENT_MTV) == 1);
   assert (getStudents (testGame, UNI_B, STUDENT_MMONEY) == 1);
   printf ("Testing number of students of UNI_C\n");
   assert (getStudents (testGame, UNI_C, STUDENT_THD) == 0);
   assert (getStudents (testGame, UNI_C, STUDENT_BPS) == 3);
   assert (getStudents (testGame, UNI_C, STUDENT_BQN) == 3);
   assert (getStudents (testGame, UNI_C, STUDENT_MJ) == 1);
   assert (getStudents (testGame, UNI_C, STUDENT_MTV) == 1);
   assert (getStudents (testGame, UNI_C, STUDENT_MMONEY) == 1);

   printf ("Testing getExchangeRate for UNI_A\n");
   assert (getExchangeRate (testGame, UNI_A, STUDENT_BPS, STUDENT_BPS) == 3);
   assert (getExchangeRate (testGame, UNI_A, STUDENT_BPS, STUDENT_BQN) == 3);
   assert (getExchangeRate (testGame, UNI_A, STUDENT_BPS, STUDENT_MJ) == 3);
   assert (getExchangeRate (testGame, UNI_A, STUDENT_BPS, STUDENT_MTV) == 3);
   assert (getExchangeRate (testGame, UNI_A, STUDENT_BPS, STUDENT_MMONEY) == 3);
   assert (getExchangeRate (testGame, UNI_A, STUDENT_MMONEY, STUDENT_MMONEY) == 3);
   assert (getExchangeRate (testGame, UNI_A, STUDENT_MMONEY, STUDENT_BPS) == 3);
   assert (getExchangeRate (testGame, UNI_A, STUDENT_MMONEY, STUDENT_BQN) == 3);
   assert (getExchangeRate (testGame, UNI_A, STUDENT_MMONEY, STUDENT_MJ) == 3);
   assert (getExchangeRate (testGame, UNI_A, STUDENT_MMONEY, STUDENT_MTV) == 3);
   assert (getExchangeRate (testGame, UNI_A, STUDENT_MTV, STUDENT_MTV) == 3);
   assert (getExchangeRate (testGame, UNI_A, STUDENT_MTV, STUDENT_BPS) == 3);
   assert (getExchangeRate (testGame, UNI_A, STUDENT_MTV, STUDENT_BQN) == 3);
   assert (getExchangeRate (testGame, UNI_A, STUDENT_MTV, STUDENT_MJ) == 3);
   assert (getExchangeRate (testGame, UNI_A, STUDENT_MTV, STUDENT_MMONEY) == 3);
   assert (getExchangeRate (testGame, UNI_A, STUDENT_BQN, STUDENT_BQN) == 3);
   assert (getExchangeRate (testGame, UNI_A, STUDENT_BQN, STUDENT_BPS) == 3);
   assert (getExchangeRate (testGame, UNI_A, STUDENT_BQN, STUDENT_MJ) == 3);
   assert (getExchangeRate (testGame, UNI_A, STUDENT_BQN, STUDENT_MTV) == 3);
   assert (getExchangeRate (testGame, UNI_A, STUDENT_BQN, STUDENT_MMONEY) == 3);
   assert (getExchangeRate (testGame, UNI_A, STUDENT_MJ, STUDENT_MJ) == 3);
   assert (getExchangeRate (testGame, UNI_A, STUDENT_MJ, STUDENT_BPS) == 3);
   assert (getExchangeRate (testGame, UNI_A, STUDENT_MJ, STUDENT_BQN) == 3);
   assert (getExchangeRate (testGame, UNI_A, STUDENT_MJ, STUDENT_MTV) == 3);
   assert (getExchangeRate (testGame, UNI_A, STUDENT_MJ, STUDENT_MMONEY) == 3);
   printf ("All tests passed\n\n");
Esempio n. 7
action decideAction (Game g) {
   int turn = getWhoseTurn(g);

   path aiPathARC = {0};

   if (turn == UNI_B) {
      strcpy(aiPathARC, "RRLRLL");
      char prev = 'L';
      char *next = 0;

      if (getARC(g, aiPathARC) != NO_ONE) {
         strcat(aiPathARC, "L");
      } else {
         strcat(aiPathARC, "L");

         int i = 0;
         while (i <= 30 && getARC(g, aiPathARC) != NO_ONE) {
           if (prev == 'R') {
               next = "L";
               prev = 'L';
           } else {
               next = "R";
               prev = 'R';
           strcat(aiPathARC, next);
   } else if (turn == UNI_C) {
      strcpy(aiPathARC, "LRLRLB");
      char prev = 'B';
      char *next = 0;

      int i = 0;
      while (i <= 30 && getARC(g, aiPathARC) != NO_ONE) {
        if (prev == 'R') {
            next = "L";
            prev = 'L';
        } else if (prev == 'L') {
            next = "R";
            prev = 'R';
        } else {
            next = "L";
            prev = 'L';
        strcat(aiPathARC, next);
   } else {
    //for the first arc
      strcpy(aiPathARC, "R");
      char prev = 'R';
      char *next = 0;

      int i = 0;
      while (i <= 30 && getARC(g, aiPathARC) != NO_ONE) {
        if (prev == 'R'){
            next = "L";
            prev = 'L';
        } else if (prev == 'L') {
            next = "R";
            prev = 'R';
        } else {
            next = "L";
            prev = 'L';
        strcat(aiPathARC, next);

   path aiPathCampus = {0};

   //next part is simialer to arc pathing above
   //but since 2 campuses can't be made adjacent it 
   //works slightly differently
   //needs to be checked

   if (turn == UNI_B) {
      strcpy(aiPathCampus, "RRLRLLL");
      char *next = "RL";
      int i = 0;
      while (i <= 30 && getCampus(g, aiPathCampus) != NO_ONE){

          strcat(aiPathCampus, next);
   } else if (turn == UNI_C) {
      strcpy(aiPathCampus, "LRLRLB");
      char *next = "LR";
      int i = 0;
      while (i <= 30 && getCampus(g, aiPathCampus) != NO_ONE){
         strcat(aiPathCampus, next);
   } else {
      strcpy(aiPathCampus, "R");
      char *next = "LR";
      int i = 0;
      while (i <= 30 && getCampus(g, aiPathCampus) != NO_ONE) {

         strcat(aiPathCampus, next);

   action nextAction;
   int actionChosen = FALSE;

  if(turn != NO_ONE ) {
   //Build Campus
    nextAction.actionCode = BUILD_CAMPUS;
    strncpy(nextAction.destination, aiPathCampus, PATH_LIMIT);
    if (isLegalAction(g, nextAction)) {
      actionChosen = TRUE;
   //Build Arc
   nextAction.actionCode = OBTAIN_ARC;
   strncpy(nextAction.destination, aiPathARC, PATH_LIMIT);

   if (!actionChosen && isLegalAction(g, nextAction) == TRUE) {
      actionChosen = TRUE;
   nextAction.actionCode = START_SPINOFF;

   if (!actionChosen && isLegalAction(g, nextAction) == TRUE) {
      actionChosen = TRUE;
   //before pass when we can we should add something that can
   //convert students so we can do more of the above actions
   //(maybe a while loop encompasing all actions)

   if (!actionChosen) {
      nextAction.actionCode = PASS;
     return nextAction;
Esempio n. 8
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

   int discipline[6] = {STUDENT_THD, STUDENT_BPS, STUDENT_BQN,
                        STUDENT_MJ, STUDENT_MTV, STUDENT_MMONEY}
   int dice[6] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}

   newGame(*discipline[], dice[]);

   //Tests void makeAction
   action a;
   a.actionCode = BUILD_CAMPUS;
   a.destination = L;
   a.disciplineFrom = STUDENT_BPS;
   a.disciplineTo = STUDENT_MTV;
   assert(a.actionCode == BUILD_CAMPUS);
   assert(a.destination == L);
   assert(a.disciplineFrom == STUDENT_BPS);
   assert(a.discplineTo == STUDENT_MTV);

   //Tests void throwDice
   assert(diceScore >= 2 && diceScore <= 12);

   //Tests int getDiscipline
   assert (getDiscipline(Game g, 0) == STUDENT_BGN); 
   assert (getDiscipline(Game g, 1) == STUDENT_MMONEY);
   assert (getDiscipline(Game g, 2) == STUDENT_MJ);
   assert (getDiscipline(Game g, 3) == STUDENT_MMONEY);
   assert (getDiscipline(Game g, 4) == STUDENT_MJ); 
   assert (getDiscipline(Game g, 5) == STUDENT_BPS);
   assert (getDiscipline(Game g, 6) == STUDENT_MTV);
   assert (getDiscipline(Game g, 7) == STUDENT_MTV);
   assert (getDiscipline(Game g, 8) == STUDENT_BPS);
   assert (getDiscipline(Game g, 9) == STUDENT_MTV);
   assert (getDiscipline(Game g, 10) == STUDENT_BQN);
   assert (getDiscipline(Game g, 11) == STUDENT_MJ);
   assert (getDiscipline(Game g, 12) == STUDENT_BQN);
   assert (getDiscipline(Game g, 13) == STUDENT_THD);
   assert (getDiscipline(Game g, 14) ==  STUDENT_MJ);
   assert (getDiscipline(Game g, 15) == STUDENT_MMONEY);
   assert (getDiscipline(Game g, 16) == STUDENT_MTV);
   assert (getDiscipline(Game g, 17) == STUDENT_BQN);
   assert (getDiscipline(Game g, 18) == STUDENT_BPS);

   //Tests int getDiceValue
   assert (getDiceValue(Game g, 0) == 9); 
   assert (getDiceVale(Game g, 1) == 10);
   assert (getDicevalue(Game g, 2) == 8);
   assert (getDiceValue(Game g, 3) == 12);
   assert (getDiceValue(Game g, 4) == 6); 
   assert (getDiceValue(Game g, 5) == 5);
   assert (getDiceValue(Game g, 6) == 3);
   assert (getDiceValue(Game g, 7) == 11);
   assert (getDiceValue(Game g, 8) == 3);
   assert (getDiceValue(Game g, 9) == 11);
   assert (getDiceValue(Game g, 10) == 4);
   assert (getDiceValue(Game g, 11) == 6);
   assert (getDiceValue(Game g, 12) == 4);
   assert (getDiceValue(Game g, 13) == 7);
   assert (getDiceValue(Game g, 14) ==  9);
   assert (getDiceValue(Game g, 15) == 2);
   assert (getDiceValue(Game g, 16) == 8);
   assert (getDiceValue(Game g, 17) == 10);
   assert (getDiceValue(Game g, 18) == 5);

   //Tests int getMostARCs (Game g)
   assert(getMostARCs(newGame) == NO_ONE);

   //Tests int getMostPublications (Game g)
   assert(getMostPublications(newGame) == No_ONE);

   //Tests int getTurnNumber (Game g)
   assert(getTurnNumber(newGame) == -1);

   //Tests int getWhoseTurn (Game g)
   assert(getWhoseTurn(newGame) == NO_ONE);

   //Tests int getCampus(Game g, path pathToVertex)
   assert (getCampus(Game g, path {\0}) == CAMPUS_A);
   assert (getCampus(Game g, path {‘R’, ‘R’, ‘L’, ‘R’, ‘L’,\0}) == CAMPUS_B);
   assert (getCampus(Game g, path {‘L’, ‘R’, ‘L’, ‘R’, ‘L’, ‘R’,\0}) == CAMPUS_C);

   //Tests int getARC(Game g, path pathToEdge)
   assert (getARC(Game g, path {\0}) == VACANT_ARC);
   assert (getARC(Game g, path {‘R’,\0}) == ARC A);
   assert (getARC(Game g, path {‘R’, ‘R’, ‘L’, ‘R’, ‘L’, ‘L’,\0}) == ARC B);
   assert (getARC(Game g, path {‘L’, ‘R’, ‘L’, ‘R’, ‘L’, ‘R’, ‘B’,\0}) == ARC C);

   //Tests int isLegalAction (Game g, action a)
   if (actionCode != PASS) {
      assert (actionCode >= 0 && actionCode <= 7);

      if (actionCode == BUILD_CAMPUS) {
         assert ((sizeof(destination)-1)/4 >= 0 && (sizeof(destination) - 1)/4 <= PATH_LIMIT);
         assert (getCampus(Game g, path destination) == VACANT_VERTEX);
         assert (getArc(Game g, (destination + 'B')) == ARC_A &&
                 getCampus(Game g, (destination + 'L')) == VACANT_VERTEX &&
                 getCampus(Game g, (destination + 'R')) == VACANT_VERTEX);
         assert (students[STUDENT_BPS] >= 1);
         assert (students[STUDENTS_BQN] >= 1);
         assert (students[STUDENTS_MJ] >= 1);
         assert (students[STUDENTS_MTV] >= 1);
      if (actionCode == BUILD_GO8) {
         assert ((sizeof(destination)-1)/4 >= 0 && (sizeof(destination) - 1)/4 <= PATH_LIMIT);
         assert (getCampus(Game g, path destination) == CAMPUS_A);
         assert (students[STUDENTS_MJ] >= 2);
         assert (students[STUDENTS_MMONEY] >= 3);         
      if (actionCode == OBTAIN_ARC) {
         assert ((sizeof(destination)-1)/4 >= 0 && (sizeof(destination) - 1)/4 <= PATH_LIMIT);
         assert (getArc(Game g, (destination + 'B')) == ARC_A);
      if (actionCode == START_SPINNOFF) {
         assert (students[STUDENT_MJ] >= 1);
         assert (students[STUDENT_MTV] >= 1);
         assert (students[STUDENT_MMONEY] >= 1);
      if (actionCode == RETRAIN_STUDENTS) {
         assert (students[disciplineFrom] >= getExchangeRate(Game g, int player, 
                 int disciplineFrom, int disciplineTo));
         assert (disciplineFrom != STUDENT_THD);
         assert (disciplineTo != STUDENT_THD);
Esempio n. 9
action decideAction(Game g) {
	vertex vertices[NUM_INT_VERTICES];
	arc arcs[NUM_INT_ARCS];

	int currentPlayer = getWhoseTurn(g);

	int myCampus = 0;
	int myGO8 = 0;
	int myARC = 0;

	if (currentPlayer == UNI_A) {
		myCampus = CAMPUS_A;
		myGO8 = GO8_A;
		myARC = ARC_A;
	} else if (currentPlayer == UNI_B) {
		myCampus = CAMPUS_B;
		myGO8 = GO8_B;
		myARC = ARC_B;
	} else if (currentPlayer == UNI_C) {
		myCampus = CAMPUS_C;
		myGO8 = GO8_C;
		myARC = ARC_C;


	// Populate database

	int i = 0;

	while (i < NUM_INT_VERTICES) {
		vertex newVertex;
		arc newArc;

		strcpy(newVertex.path, allPaths[i]);
		strcpy(newArc.path, allPaths[i]);

		newVertex.object = getCampus(g, allPaths[i]);
		newArc.object = getARC(g, allPaths[i]);

		vertices[i] = newVertex;
		arcs[i] = newArc;


	while (i < NUM_INT_ARCS) {
		arc newArc;

		strcpy(newArc.path, arcPaths[i - NUM_INT_VERTICES]);
		newArc.object = getARC(g, newArc.path);

		arcs[i] = newArc;


	// printf("Populated database\n");

	// If we have more than 5 campuses, plan for building GO8s
	// If we have enough resources to build a GO8...
	//    Upgrade the most valued campus to a GO8

	// Note that this AI will only build ARCs and campuses together at the same time
	// If we have enough resources to build an ARC and campus...
	// Get a list of all the "edge" vertices
	// Iterate through each connecting edge vertices, and give them a value
	// based off the hexes they are connected to.
	// For every campus of already existing resource, a point is subtracted
	// Their values is summed of the vertices they're connected to, too.
	// Cumalative values are halved for every vertex travelled to a maximum of 4 jumps
	// Then pick the highest scoring sub-vertex.
	// If there are multiple highest scoring sub-vertices, pick the one with the lowest index

	// Find vertices we own

	int myVertices[NUM_INT_VERTICES]; // Array of vertices that we own

	i = 0;
	int numMyVertices = 0;

	while (i < NUM_INT_VERTICES) {
		myVertices[i] = -1;

		if (vertices[i].object == myCampus || vertices[i].object == myGO8) {
			myVertices[numMyVertices] = i;
			// printf("%d\n", i);

	// printf("Found our vertices\n");

	// Now scan through each vertex and store neighbours

	// Array of vertices that are accessible and aren't owned
	fromToArc considerations[NUM_INT_VERTICES][2];

	i = 0;
	int numConsiderations = 0;

	while (i < numMyVertices) {
		trio neighbouring = getNeighbouringVertices(myVertices[i]);

		if (neighbouring.a >= 0 && vertices[neighbouring.a].object == VACANT_VERTEX) {
			int arcId = getArcIdFromVertices(myVertices[i], neighbouring.a);

			if (arcs[arcId].object == VACANT_ARC || arcs[arcId].object == myARC) {
				considerations[numConsiderations][0].from = myVertices[i];
				considerations[numConsiderations][0].to = neighbouring.a;

				if (arcs[arcId].object == myARC) {
					considerations[numConsiderations][0].alreadyOwned = TRUE;
				} else {
					considerations[numConsiderations][0].alreadyOwned = FALSE;

		if (neighbouring.b >= 0 && vertices[neighbouring.b].object == VACANT_VERTEX) {
			int arcId = getArcIdFromVertices(myVertices[i], neighbouring.b);
			if (arcs[arcId].object == VACANT_ARC || arcs[arcId].object == myARC) {
				considerations[numConsiderations][0].from = myVertices[i];
				considerations[numConsiderations][0].to = neighbouring.b;

				if (arcs[arcId].object == myARC) {
					considerations[numConsiderations][0].alreadyOwned = TRUE;
				} else {
					considerations[numConsiderations][0].alreadyOwned = FALSE;

		if (neighbouring.c >= 0 && vertices[neighbouring.c].object == VACANT_VERTEX) {
			int arcId = getArcIdFromVertices(myVertices[i], neighbouring.c);

			if (arcs[arcId].object == VACANT_ARC || arcs[arcId].object == myARC) {
				considerations[numConsiderations][0].from = myVertices[i];
				considerations[numConsiderations][0].to = neighbouring.c;

				if (arcs[arcId].object == myARC) {
					considerations[numConsiderations][0].alreadyOwned = TRUE;
				} else {
					considerations[numConsiderations][0].alreadyOwned = FALSE;



	fromToArc subConsiderations[NUM_INT_VERTICES][2];

	i = 0;
	int numSubConsiderations = 0;

	while (i < numConsiderations) {
		trio neighbouring = getNeighbouringVertices(considerations[i][0].to);

		if (neighbouring.a >= 0 && vertices[neighbouring.a].object == VACANT_VERTEX) {
			// Check that it's not within any other verticie
			if (canBuildCampusOn(vertices, neighbouring.a)) {
				int arcId = getArcIdFromVertices(considerations[i][0].to, neighbouring.a);

				if (arcs[arcId].object == VACANT_ARC || arcs[arcId].object == myARC) {
					subConsiderations[numSubConsiderations][0] = considerations[i][0];
					subConsiderations[numSubConsiderations][1] = considerations[i][1];

					subConsiderations[numSubConsiderations][1].from = considerations[i][0].to;
					subConsiderations[numSubConsiderations][1].to = neighbouring.a;

					if (arcs[arcId].object == myARC) {
						subConsiderations[numSubConsiderations][1].alreadyOwned = TRUE;
					} else {
						subConsiderations[numSubConsiderations][1].alreadyOwned = FALSE;


		if (neighbouring.b >= 0 && vertices[neighbouring.b].object == VACANT_VERTEX) {
			// Check that it's not within any other verticie
			if (canBuildCampusOn(vertices, neighbouring.b)) {
				int arcId = getArcIdFromVertices(considerations[i][0].to, neighbouring.b);

				if (arcs[arcId].object == VACANT_ARC || arcs[arcId].object == myARC) {
					subConsiderations[numSubConsiderations][0] = considerations[i][0];
					subConsiderations[numSubConsiderations][1] = considerations[i][1];

					subConsiderations[numSubConsiderations][1].from = considerations[i][0].to;
					subConsiderations[numSubConsiderations][1].to = neighbouring.b;

					if (arcs[arcId].object == myARC) {
						subConsiderations[numSubConsiderations][1].alreadyOwned = TRUE;
					} else {
						subConsiderations[numSubConsiderations][1].alreadyOwned = FALSE;


		if (neighbouring.c >= 0 && vertices[neighbouring.c].object == VACANT_VERTEX) {
			// Check that it's not within any other verticie
			if (canBuildCampusOn(vertices, neighbouring.c)) {
				int arcId = getArcIdFromVertices(considerations[i][0].to, neighbouring.c);

				if (arcs[arcId].object == VACANT_ARC || arcs[arcId].object == myARC) {
					subConsiderations[numSubConsiderations][0] = considerations[i][0];
					subConsiderations[numSubConsiderations][1] = considerations[i][1];

					subConsiderations[numSubConsiderations][1].from = considerations[i][0].to;
					subConsiderations[numSubConsiderations][1].to = neighbouring.c;

					if (arcs[arcId].object == myARC) {
						subConsiderations[numSubConsiderations][1].alreadyOwned = TRUE;
					} else {
						subConsiderations[numSubConsiderations][1].alreadyOwned = FALSE;



	// printf("Determined considerations\n");

	// Remove duplicate paths to the same vertex

	i = 0;
	int numPossibilities = 0;
	fromToArc possibilities[NUM_INT_VERTICES][2];

	while (i < numSubConsiderations) {
		// First result dominates others, unless it has an alreadyOwned flag
		// printf("%d: %d\n", i, considerations[i][1].to);

		int search = subConsiderations[i][1].to;

		int removeAll = FALSE;

		if (search >= 0) {
			possibilities[numPossibilities][0] = subConsiderations[i][0];
			possibilities[numPossibilities][1] = subConsiderations[i][1];

			int j = 0;
			while (j < numSubConsiderations) {
				if (subConsiderations[j][1].to == search) {
					// Same
					if (!removeAll && (subConsiderations[j][0].alreadyOwned ||
						subConsiderations[j][1].alreadyOwned)) {
						// Better option
						removeAll = TRUE;

						fromToArc pos1 = subConsiderations[j][0];
						fromToArc pos2 = subConsiderations[j][1];

						possibilities[numPossibilities][0] = pos1;
						possibilities[numPossibilities][1] = pos2;

						subConsiderations[j][1].to = -1;

					subConsiderations[j][1].to = -1;


			if (!removeAll) {


	// Now get the weight values of each consideration

	weightedVertex sortedWeights[numPossibilities];

	i = 0;
	while (i < numPossibilities) {
		int weight = getRecursiveVertexWeight(g, vertices, myVertices, numMyVertices,
		weightedVertex newVertex;
		newVertex.weight = weight;
		newVertex.arcPath[0] = possibilities[i][0];
		newVertex.arcPath[1] = possibilities[i][1];

		sortedWeights[i] = newVertex;


	sortWeights(sortedWeights, numPossibilities);

	// printf("Weighted considerations\n");

	// Buy in order of weighting

	// i = 0;

	// while (i < numPossibilities) {
	// 	printf("%d\n", sortedWeights[i].arcPath[1].to);
	// 	i++;
	// }

	int attempt = 0;
	int domination = FALSE;

	if (numPossibilities == 0) {
		printf("Reached campus domination\n");
		domination = TRUE;

	int GO8domination = FALSE;

	if (domination) {
		// Build GO8s
		weightedVertex sortedMyCampuses[numMyVertices];
		int numMyCampuses = 0;

		i = 0;
		while (i < numMyVertices) {
			if (vertices[myVertices[i]].object == myCampus) {
				int weight = getSingleVertexWeight(g, vertices, myVertices,
					numMyVertices, myVertices[i]);

				weightedVertex newVertex;
				newVertex.weight = weight;

				fromToArc newDestination = {0}; = myVertices[i];
				newVertex.arcPath[0] = newDestination;

				sortedMyCampuses[numMyCampuses] = newVertex;



		sortWeights(sortedMyCampuses, numMyCampuses);

		int totalGO8s = getGO8s(g, UNI_A) + getGO8s(g, UNI_B) +
			getGO8s(g, UNI_C);

		if (numMyCampuses == 0 || totalGO8s >= 8) {
			printf("Reached GO8 Domiation\n");
			GO8domination = TRUE;
			numMyCampuses = 0;

		i = 0;
		while (i < numMyCampuses) {
			if (enoughToBuildGO8(g, currentPlayer)) {
				action go8Action;
				go8Action.actionCode = BUILD_GO8;


				if (isLegalAction(g, go8Action)) {
					return go8Action;
					printf("Built GO8 at %d\n",
				} else {
					printf("Could not build GO8 at %d\n",


	if (GO8domination) {
		// Wow pls, make spinoffs
		while (enoughToStartSpinoff(g, currentPlayer)) {
			action spinoffAction;
			spinoffAction.actionCode = START_SPINOFF;

			return spinoffAction;

	while (attempt < numPossibilities &&
		enoughToBuildCampus(g, currentPlayer, sortedWeights[attempt].arcPath)) {
		int firstArc = getArcIdFromVertices(sortedWeights[attempt].arcPath[0].from,

		if (firstArc < 0) {
			printf("Could not find path between %d and %d!\n",
		} else {
			if (!sortedWeights[attempt].arcPath[0].alreadyOwned) {
				action pathAction;

				pathAction.actionCode = OBTAIN_ARC;
				strcpy(pathAction.destination, arcs[firstArc].path);

				if (!isLegalAction(g, pathAction)) {
					printf("ARC between %d and %d is not legal?\n",
				} else {
					printf("Bought ARC between %d and %d\n",
					return pathAction;

			int secondArc = getArcIdFromVertices(sortedWeights[attempt].arcPath[1].from,

			if (secondArc < 0) {
				printf("Could not find path between %d and %d!\n",
			} else {
				if (!sortedWeights[attempt].arcPath[1].alreadyOwned) {
					action pathAction;

					pathAction.actionCode = OBTAIN_ARC;
					strcpy(pathAction.destination, arcs[secondArc].path);

					if (!isLegalAction(g, pathAction)) {
						printf("ARC between %d and %d is not legal?\n",
					} else {
						printf("Bought ARC between %d and %d\n",
						return pathAction;

				int vertexId = sortedWeights[attempt].arcPath[1].to;

				action campusAction;

				strcpy(campusAction.destination, vertices[vertexId].path);
				campusAction.actionCode = BUILD_CAMPUS;

				if (!isLegalAction(g, campusAction)) {
					printf("Campus at %d is not legal?\n", vertexId);
				} else {
					printf("Built campus at %d\n", vertexId);
					return campusAction;


	action passAction;
	passAction.actionCode = PASS;

	return passAction;
Esempio n. 10
//returns path to campus to be built
//returns NULL if cannot find a place to build
static char * determineCampusPath(Game g, int player) {
    char * pathToCampus = malloc(PATH_LIMIT);
    pathToCampus = NULL;
    if (player == UNI_A) {
        if (getARC(g, "RL") == UNI_A) {
            if (getCampus(g, "RLL") || getCampus(g, "RLR")
                || getCampus(g, "RLB") || getCampus(g, "RL")) {
            } else {
                pathToCampus = "RL";
        } else if (getARC(g, "RLRLRLRLRLLLR") == UNI_A) {
            if (getCampus(g, "RLRLRLRLRLLLRL") 
                || getCampus(g, "RLRLRLRLRLLLRR")
                || getCampus(g, "RLRLRLRLRLLLRB") 
                || getCampus(g, "RLRLRLRLRLLLR")) {
            } else {
                pathToCampus = "RLRLRLRLRLLLR";
    } else if (player == UNI_B) {
        if (getARC(g, "LRLRRLRLL") == UNI_B) {
            if (getCampus(g, "LRLRRLRLL") || getCampus(g, "LRLRRLRLR")
            || getCampus(g, "LRLRRLRLB") || getCampus(g, "LRLRRLRL")) {
            } else {
                pathToCampus = "LRLRRLRL";
        if (getARC(g, "LRLRRLRLLL") == UNI_B) {
            if (getCampus(g, "LRLRRLRLLLL")
            || getCampus(g, "LRLRRLRLLLB") || getCampus(g, "LRLRRLRLLL")) {
            } else {
                pathToCampus = "LRLRRLRLLL";
    } else if (player == UNI_C) {
        if (getARC(g, "RRLLRLRRLLLL") == UNI_C) {
            if (getCampus(g, "RRLLRLRRLLLL") 
            || getCampus(g, "RRLLRLRRLLLLR")
            || getCampus(g, "RRLLRLRRLLLLB") 
            || getCampus(g, "RRLLRLRRLLLLL")) {
            } else {
                pathToCampus = "RRLLRLRRLLLL";
        if (getARC(g, "RRLLRLRRLLLLRL") == UNI_C) {
            if (getCampus(g, "RRLLRLRRLLLLRL") 
            || getCampus(g, "RRLLRLRRLLLLRLL")
            || getCampus(g, "RRLLRLRRLLLLRLR") 
            || getCampus(g, "RRLLRLRRLLLLRLB")) {
            } else {
                pathToCampus = "RRLLRLRRLLLLRL";
    return pathToCampus;
Esempio n. 11
//determines the path of an arc to be built
//returns NULL if cannot find a path
static char * determineARCPath(Game g, int player) {
    char * pathToARC = malloc(PATH_LIMIT);
    assert(pathToARC != NULL);
    pathToARC = NULL;

    if (player == UNI_A) {

        if (getARC(g, "RLRLRLRLRLLL") == NO_ONE) {
            pathToARC = "RLRLRLRLRLLL";
        } else if (getARC(g, "RLRLRLRLRLLL") == ARC_A &&
                   getARC(g, "RLRLRLRLRLLLR") == NO_ONE) {
            pathToARC = "RLRLRLRLRLLLR";
        } else if (getARC(g, "RLRLRLRLRLLL") == ARC_A &&
                   getARC(g, "RLRLRLRLRLLLL") == NO_ONE) {
            pathToARC = "RLRLRLRLRLLLL";

        } else if (getARC(g, "RLRLRLRLRLLLL") == ARC_A && 
                   getARC(g, "RLRLRLRLRLLLLR") == NO_ONE) {
            pathTpARC = "RLRLRLRLRLLLLR";

        } else if (getARC(g, "R") == NO_ONE) {
            pathToARC = "R";

        } else if (getARC(g, "R") == ARC_A &&
                   getARC(g, "RL") == NO_ONE) {
            pathToARC = "RL";

        } else if (getARC(g, "RL") == ARC_A &&
                   getARC(g, "RLR") == NO_ONE) {
            pathToARC = "RLR";

        /*} else if (getARC(g, "RL") == ARC_A && getARC(g, "RLR") == NO_ONE) {
            pathToARC = "RLR";

        } else if (getARC(g, "RLR") == ARC_A && getARC(g, "RLRL") == NO_ONE) {
            pathToARC = "RLRL";*/

    } else if (player == UNI_B) {
        if (getARC(g, "LRLRRLRLLR") == NO_ONE) {
            pathToARC = "LRLRRLRLLR";
        } else if (getARC(g, "LRLRRLRLLR") == ARC_B 
        && getARC(g, "LRLRRLRLL") == NO_ONE) {
            pathToARC = "LRLRRLRLL";
        } else if (getARC(g, "LRLRRLRLL") == ARC_B 
        && getARC(g, "LRLRRLRLLL") == NO_ONE) {
            pathToARC = "LRLRRLRLLL";
        } else if (getARC(g, "RRLRLL") == NO_ONE) {
            pathToARC = "RRLRLL";
        } else if (getARC(g, "RRLRLL") == ARC_B 
        && getARC(g, "RRLRLLL") == NO_ONE) {
            pathToARC = "RRLRLLL";
    } else if (player == UNI_C) {
        if (getARC(g, "RRLLRLRRLLL") == NO_ONE) {
            pathToARC = "RRLLRLRRLLL";
        } else if (getARC(g, "RRLLRLRRLLL") == ARC_C 
        && getARC(g, "RRLLRLRRLLLL") == NO_ONE) {
            pathToARC = "RRLLRLRRLLLL";
        } else if (getARC(g, "RRLLRLRRLLLL") == ARC_C 
        && getARC(g, "RRLLRLRRLLLLR") == NO_ONE) {
            pathToARC = "RRLLRLRRLLLLR";
        } else if (getARC(g, "RRLLRLRRLLLLR") == ARC_C 
        && getARC(g, "RRLLRLRRLLLLRL") == NO_ONE) {
            pathToARC = "RRLLRLRRLLLLRL";
    return pathToARC;
Esempio n. 12
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    int disciplines[] = DEFAULT_DISCIPLINES;
    disciplines[2] = STUDENT_BPS;
    disciplines[7] = STUDENT_BPS;
    disciplines[11] = STUDENT_BQN;
    disciplines[16] = STUDENT_BQN;
    int dice[] = DEFAULT_DICE;
    int i = 0;
    int automation = TRUE;
    int diceRoll = 1;
    char *vertices[54];
    char *sides[72];

    //nanosecond seeding
    struct timespec ts;
    clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &ts);


    printf("Automatic(1) or Human(0): ");
    scanf("%d", &automation);

    //seeding starts now

    Game g = newGame(disciplines, dice);
    action a;

    while(getKPILeader(g) < 150  &&  getTurnNumber(g) < 9003) {
        if(automation == FALSE) {
            printf("Enter dice roll: ");
            scanf("%d", &diceRoll);
        } else {
            diceRoll = rand() % 10 + 2;

        throwDice(g, diceRoll);
        printf("diceRoll = %d\n", diceRoll);

        printf("Turn: %d\n", getTurnNumber(g));
        printf("Player %d's turn\n", getWhoseTurn(g));

        printf("You have %d ARCs\n", getARCs(g, getWhoseTurn(g)));
        i = 0;
        while(i < 72) {
            if(getARC(g, sides[i]) == getWhoseTurn(g)) { 
                printf("You have an ARC on %s\\0\n", sides[i]);
        printf("You have %d Campuses\n", getCampuses(g, getWhoseTurn(g)));
        printf("You have %d GO8s\n", getGO8s(g, getWhoseTurn(g)));
        i = 0;
        while(i < 54) {
            if(getCampus(g, vertices[i]) == getWhoseTurn(g)) { 
                printf("You have a campus on %s\\0\n", vertices[i]);
            if(getCampus(g, vertices[i]) == getWhoseTurn(g) + 3) {
                printf("You have a GO8 on %s\\0\n", vertices[i]);
        printf("You have %d Publications\n", getPublications(g, getWhoseTurn(g)));
        printf("You have %d IP Patents\n", getIPs(g, getWhoseTurn(g)));
        printf("You have %d THD Students\n", getStudents(g, getWhoseTurn(g), STUDENT_THD));
        printf("You have %d BPS Students\n", getStudents(g, getWhoseTurn(g), STUDENT_BPS));
        printf("You have %d BQN Students\n", getStudents(g, getWhoseTurn(g), STUDENT_BQN));
        printf("You have %d MJ Students\n", getStudents(g, getWhoseTurn(g), STUDENT_MJ));
        printf("You have %d MTV Students\n", getStudents(g, getWhoseTurn(g), STUDENT_MTV));
        printf("You have %d MMONEY Students\n", getStudents(g, getWhoseTurn(g), STUDENT_MMONEY));

        if(automation == FALSE) {
            a = getHumanAction();
        } else {
            a = getAIAction(g);

        while(a.actionCode != PASS) {
            if(isLegalAction(g, a)) {
                if(a.actionCode == START_SPINOFF) {
                    if(rand() % 3 > 1) {
                        a.actionCode = OBTAIN_IP_PATENT;
                    } else {
                        a.actionCode = OBTAIN_PUBLICATION;
                makeAction(g, a);
            } else {
                printf("Illegal Action");
            printf("Player %d's turn\n", getWhoseTurn(g));

            printf("You have %d ARCs\n", getARCs(g, getWhoseTurn(g)));
            printf("You have %d Campuses\n", getCampuses(g, getWhoseTurn(g)));
            printf("You have %d GO8s\n", getGO8s(g, getWhoseTurn(g)));
            printf("You have %d Publications\n", getPublications(g, getWhoseTurn(g)));
            printf("You have %d IP Patents\n", getIPs(g, getWhoseTurn(g)));
            printf("You have %d THD Students\n", getStudents(g, getWhoseTurn(g), STUDENT_THD));
            printf("You have %d BPS Students\n", getStudents(g, getWhoseTurn(g), STUDENT_BPS));
            printf("You have %d BQN Students\n", getStudents(g, getWhoseTurn(g), STUDENT_BQN));
            printf("You have %d MJ Students\n", getStudents(g, getWhoseTurn(g), STUDENT_MJ));
            printf("You have %d MTV Students\n", getStudents(g, getWhoseTurn(g), STUDENT_MTV));
            printf("You have %d MMONEY Students\n", getStudents(g, getWhoseTurn(g), STUDENT_MMONEY));

            if(automation == FALSE) {
                a = getHumanAction();
            } else {
                a = getAIAction(g);

        printf("Player 1 KPI points : %d\n", getKPIpoints(g, UNI_A));
        printf("Player 2 KPI points : %d\n", getKPIpoints(g, UNI_B));
        printf("Player 3 KPI points : %d\n", getKPIpoints(g, UNI_C));
    printf("Winner: Player %d\n", getWinner(g));    
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;