void	btCollisionShape::getBoundingSphere(btVector3& center,btScalar& radius) const
	btTransform tr;
	btVector3 aabbMin,aabbMax;


	radius = (aabbMax-aabbMin).length()*btScalar(0.5);
	center = (aabbMin+aabbMax)*btScalar(0.5);
void btHfFluidBuoyantConvexShape::generateShape (btScalar radius, btScalar gap)
	btTransform T;
	T.setIdentity ();
	btVector3 aabbMin, aabbMax;
	getAabb (T, aabbMin, aabbMax);

	m_radius = radius;
	m_numVoxels = 0;

	btVoronoiSimplexSolver simplexSolver;
	btSphereShape sphereShape(radius);
	btVector3* voxelPositions = (btVector3*)btAlignedAlloc (sizeof(btVector3)*MAX_VOXEL_DIMENSION*MAX_VOXEL_DIMENSION*MAX_VOXEL_DIMENSION,16);
	for (int i = 0; i < MAX_VOXEL_DIMENSION; i++)
		for (int j = 0; j < MAX_VOXEL_DIMENSION; j++)
			for (int k = 0; k < MAX_VOXEL_DIMENSION; k++)
				btVector3 point;
				btTransform sT;
				sT.setIdentity ();
				point.setX(aabbMin.getX() + (i * btScalar(2.0f) * radius) + (i * gap));
				point.setY(aabbMin.getY() + (j * btScalar(2.0f) * radius) + (j * gap));
				point.setZ(aabbMin.getZ() + (k * btScalar(2.0f) * radius) + (k * gap));
				if (TestPointAgainstAabb2(aabbMin, aabbMax, point))
					btTransform sT;
					sT.setIdentity ();
					sT.setOrigin (point);

					if (intersect (&simplexSolver, T, sT, m_convexShape, &sphereShape))
						voxelPositions[m_numVoxels] = point;
	m_voxelPositions = (btVector3*)btAlignedAlloc (sizeof(btVector3)*m_numVoxels, 16);
	for (int i = 0; i < m_numVoxels;i++)
		m_voxelPositions[i] = voxelPositions[i];
	btAlignedFree (voxelPositions);
	m_volumePerVoxel = btScalar(4.0f)/btScalar(3.0f)*SIMD_PI*radius*radius*radius;
	m_totalVolume = m_numVoxels * m_volumePerVoxel;
	m_radius = radius;
Esempio n. 3
void	btCollisionWorld::updateAabbs()

	btTransform predictedTrans;
	for ( int i=0;i<m_collisionObjects.size();i++)
		btCollisionObject* colObj = m_collisionObjects[i];

		//only update aabb of active objects
		if (colObj->isActive())
			btVector3 minAabb,maxAabb;
            auto shape = colObj->getCollisionShape();
            auto xf = colObj->getWorldTransform();
            shape->getAabb(xf, minAabb,maxAabb);
			//need to increase the aabb for contact thresholds
			btVector3 contactThreshold(gContactBreakingThreshold,gContactBreakingThreshold,gContactBreakingThreshold);
			minAabb -= contactThreshold;
			maxAabb += contactThreshold;

			btBroadphaseInterface* bp = (btBroadphaseInterface*)m_broadphasePairCache;

			//moving objects should be moderately sized, probably something wrong if not
			if ( colObj->isStaticObject() || ((maxAabb-minAabb).length2() < btScalar(1e12)))
				bp->setAabb(colObj->getBroadphaseHandle(),minAabb,maxAabb, m_dispatcher1);
			} else
				//something went wrong, investigate
				//this assert is unwanted in 3D modelers (danger of loosing work)

				static bool reportMe = true;
				if (reportMe && m_debugDrawer)
					reportMe = false;
					m_debugDrawer->reportErrorWarning("Overflow in AABB, object removed from simulation");
					m_debugDrawer->reportErrorWarning("If you can reproduce this, please email [email protected]\n");
					m_debugDrawer->reportErrorWarning("Please include above information, your Platform, version of OS.\n");

void btCompoundShape::calculateLocalInertia(btScalar mass,btVector3& inertia) const
	//approximation: take the inertia from the aabb for now
	btTransform ident;
	btVector3 aabbMin,aabbMax;

	btVector3 halfExtents = (aabbMax-aabbMin)*btScalar(0.5);

	btScalar lx=btScalar(2.)*(halfExtents.x());
	btScalar ly=btScalar(2.)*(halfExtents.y());
	btScalar lz=btScalar(2.)*(halfExtents.z());

	inertia[0] = mass/(btScalar(12.0)) * (ly*ly + lz*lz);
	inertia[1] = mass/(btScalar(12.0)) * (lx*lx + lz*lz);
	inertia[2] = mass/(btScalar(12.0)) * (lx*lx + ly*ly);
Esempio n. 5
void	btPolyhedralConvexShape::calculateLocalInertia(btScalar mass,btVector3& inertia) const
	//not yet, return box inertia

	btScalar margin = getMargin();

	btTransform ident;
	btVector3 aabbMin,aabbMax;
	btVector3 halfExtents = (aabbMax-aabbMin)*btScalar(0.5);

	btScalar lx=btScalar(2.)*(halfExtents.x()+margin);
	btScalar ly=btScalar(2.)*(halfExtents.y()+margin);
	btScalar lz=btScalar(2.)*(halfExtents.z()+margin);
	const btScalar x2 = lx*lx;
	const btScalar y2 = ly*ly;
	const btScalar z2 = lz*lz;
	const btScalar scaledmass = mass * btScalar(0.08333333);

	inertia = scaledmass * (btVector3(y2+z2,x2+z2,x2+y2));

void btCollisionShape::calculateTemporalAabb(const btTransform& curTrans,const btVector3& linvel,const btVector3& angvel,btScalar timeStep, btVector3& temporalAabbMin,btVector3& temporalAabbMax) const
	//start with static aabb

	btScalar temporalAabbMaxx = temporalAabbMax.getX();
	btScalar temporalAabbMaxy = temporalAabbMax.getY();
	btScalar temporalAabbMaxz = temporalAabbMax.getZ();
	btScalar temporalAabbMinx = temporalAabbMin.getX();
	btScalar temporalAabbMiny = temporalAabbMin.getY();
	btScalar temporalAabbMinz = temporalAabbMin.getZ();

	// add linear motion
	btVector3 linMotion = linvel*timeStep;
	///@todo: simd would have a vector max/min operation, instead of per-element access
	if (linMotion.x() > btScalar(0.))
		temporalAabbMaxx += linMotion.x(); 
		temporalAabbMinx += linMotion.x();
	if (linMotion.y() > btScalar(0.))
		temporalAabbMaxy += linMotion.y(); 
		temporalAabbMiny += linMotion.y();
	if (linMotion.z() > btScalar(0.))
		temporalAabbMaxz += linMotion.z(); 
		temporalAabbMinz += linMotion.z();

	//add conservative angular motion
	btScalar angularMotion = angvel.length() * getAngularMotionDisc() * timeStep;
	btVector3 angularMotion3d(angularMotion,angularMotion,angularMotion);
	temporalAabbMin = btVector3(temporalAabbMinx,temporalAabbMiny,temporalAabbMinz);
	temporalAabbMax = btVector3(temporalAabbMaxx,temporalAabbMaxy,temporalAabbMaxz);

	temporalAabbMin -= angularMotion3d;
	temporalAabbMax += angularMotion3d;
Esempio n. 7
const AabbBox AabbBox::getAabb(const Scene::PointLight& light)
	return getAabb(light.get());
void btFluidHfBuoyantConvexShape::generateShape(btScalar collisionRadius, btScalar volumeEstimationRadius)
	btVoronoiSimplexSolver simplexSolver;
	btTransform voxelTransform = btTransform::getIdentity();
	btVector3 aabbMin, aabbMax;
	getAabb( btTransform::getIdentity(), aabbMin, aabbMax );	//AABB of the convex shape
	//Generate voxels for collision
		btSphereShape collisionShape(collisionRadius);
		const btScalar collisionDiameter = btScalar(2.0) * collisionRadius;
		btVector3 numVoxels = (aabbMax - aabbMin) / collisionDiameter;
		for(int i = 0; i < ceil( numVoxels.x() ); i++)
			for(int j = 0; j < ceil( numVoxels.y() ); j++)
				for(int k = 0; k < ceil( numVoxels.z() ); k++)
					btVector3 voxelPosition = aabbMin + btVector3(i * collisionDiameter, j * collisionDiameter, k * collisionDiameter);

					if( intersect(&simplexSolver, btTransform::getIdentity(), voxelTransform, m_convexShape, &collisionShape) ) 
		const bool CENTER_VOXELS_AABB_ON_ORIGIN = true;
			btVector3 diameter(collisionDiameter, collisionDiameter, collisionDiameter);
			for(int i = 0; i < m_voxelPositions.size(); ++i)
				voxelAabbMin.setMin(m_voxelPositions[i] - diameter);
				voxelAabbMax.setMax(m_voxelPositions[i] + diameter);
			btVector3 offset = (voxelAabbMax - voxelAabbMin)*btScalar(0.5) - voxelAabbMax;
			for(int i = 0; i < m_voxelPositions.size(); ++i) m_voxelPositions[i] += offset;
	//Estimate volume with smaller spheres
	btScalar estimatedVolume;
		btSphereShape volumeEstimationShape(volumeEstimationRadius);	
		int numCollidingVoxels = 0;
		const btScalar estimationDiameter = btScalar(2.0) * volumeEstimationRadius;
		btVector3 numEstimationVoxels = (aabbMax - aabbMin) / estimationDiameter;
		for(int i = 0; i < ceil( numEstimationVoxels.x() ); i++)
			for(int j = 0; j < ceil( numEstimationVoxels.y() ); j++)
				for(int k = 0; k < ceil( numEstimationVoxels.z() ); k++)
					btVector3 voxelPosition = aabbMin + btVector3(i * estimationDiameter, j * estimationDiameter, k * estimationDiameter);

					if( intersect(&simplexSolver, btTransform::getIdentity(), voxelTransform, m_convexShape, &volumeEstimationShape) ) 

		//Although the voxels are spherical, it is better to use the volume of a cube
		//for volume estimation. Since convex shapes are completely solid and the voxels
		//are generated by moving along a cubic lattice, using the volume of a sphere
		//would result in gaps. Comparing the volume of a cube with edge length 2(8 m^3) 
		//and the volume of a sphere with diameter 2(~4 m^3), the estimated volume would
		//be off by about 1/2.
		btScalar volumePerEstimationVoxel = btPow( estimationDiameter, btScalar(3.0) );
		//btScalar volumePerEstimationVoxel =  btScalar(4.0/3.0) * SIMD_PI * btPow( volumeEstimationRadius, btScalar(3.0) );
		estimatedVolume = static_cast<btScalar>(numCollidingVoxels) * volumePerEstimationVoxel;
	m_volumePerVoxel = estimatedVolume / static_cast<btScalar>( getNumVoxels() );
	m_totalVolume = estimatedVolume;
	m_collisionRadius = collisionRadius;