Esempio n. 1
float Player::computeAzimuth (AudioObj* obj) const {
    float Azimuth;
    float xTemp=obj->getLocation().getX() - location.getX();
    float yTemp=obj->getLocation().getY() - location.getY();
    if (xTemp == 0) {
        Azimuth = (yTemp>=0)?0:180;
    } else if (yTemp == 0) {
        Azimuth = (xTemp>0)?90:-90;
    } else {
        Azimuth = atan(fabs(xTemp/yTemp))*R2D;
        if(yTemp<0)Azimuth = 180-Azimuth;
        if(xTemp<0)Azimuth = -Azimuth;
    Azimuth = Azimuth - getBearing();
    if (Azimuth > 180) {
        while (Azimuth > 180) {
            Azimuth -=360;
    } else if (Azimuth <= -180) {
        while (Azimuth <= -180) {
            Azimuth += 360;
    return Azimuth;
Esempio n. 2
 * Calculates the direction of the vector pointing to the outside
 * of the area spanned by the two vectors.
double outsideVector(QPoint center, QPoint p1, QPoint p2){
  double v1=getBearing(center, p1);
  double v2=getBearing(center, p2);

  double res1=(v1+v2)/2;
  double res2=res1+M_PI;


  if(res1-std::min(v1,v2)<0.5 * M_PI) {
    return res1;
  } else {
    return res2;

int main(int argc, const char * argv[])
    if(argc < 5 || argc > 5)
        printf("Usage: ./bikehelper start_long start_lat end_long end_lat (in degrees) \n");
    int h;

    for( h = 1; h < argc; h++)
    	checkInputError(h, argv);

    if(-180 > atof(argv[1]) || atof(argv[1]) > 180.0) 
        printf("Longtitude between -180 and 180 only \n");
     if(-180 > atof(argv[3]) || atof(argv[3]) > 180.0) 
	printf("Longtitude between -180 and 180 only \n");
    if(-90 > atof(argv[2]) || atof(argv[2]) > 90 )
        printf("Latitude between -90 and 90 only \n");
    if(-90 > atof(argv[4]) || atof(argv[4]) > 90)
	 printf("Latitude between -90 and 90 only \n");

    char *first_bikestop;
    char *destination_file;
    int file_size = (int)loadToMemory("/usr/local/unnc/ae1prg/npb/stops.txt" , &destination_file);
    char *second_bikestop;
    double longtitude_bus[3];
    double latitude_bus[3];
    char busStop_name[3][40];
    char *direction[3];
    int bearing[3];
    printf("Starting from %s %s \n", argv[1], argv[2]);
    /* ---------------------------------- First part of the output ----------------------------------- */
    char *stop =  toBikeStop(destination_file, atof(argv[1]), atof(argv[2]), file_size, &first_bikestop);
    sscanf(first_bikestop, "%lf %lf %s", &longtitude_bus[0], &latitude_bus[0], busStop_name[0]);
    bearing[0] = getBearing(atof(argv[1]), atof(argv[2]), longtitude_bus[0], latitude_bus[0]);

    getDirection(bearing[0], &direction[0]);
    printf("Walk %s to %s at %f, %f \n", direction[0], busStop_name[0], longtitude_bus[0], latitude_bus[0]);

    /* ---------------------------------- Second part of the output ----------------------------------- */

    char * stop1 = toBikeStop(destination_file, atof(argv[3]), atof(argv[4]), file_size, &second_bikestop);
    sscanf(second_bikestop, "%lf %lf %s", &longtitude_bus[1], &latitude_bus[1], busStop_name[1]);
    bearing[1] = getBearing(longtitude_bus[0], latitude_bus[0], longtitude_bus[1], latitude_bus[1]);

    getDirection(bearing[1], &direction[1]);
    printf("Cycle %s to %s at %f, %f \n", direction[1], busStop_name[1], longtitude_bus[1],latitude_bus[1]);

    /* ---------------------------------- Third part of the output ----------------------------------- */
    bearing[2] = getBearing(longtitude_bus[1], latitude_bus[1], atof(argv[3]), atof(argv[4])),
    getDirection(bearing[2], &direction[2]);
    printf("Walk %s to your destination at %f, %f \n",direction[2],atof(argv[3]), atof(argv[4]));
    return 0;
void OsmAnd::RoutePlanner::splitRoadsAndAttachRoadSegments( OsmAnd::RoutePlannerContext::CalculationContext* context, QVector< std::shared_ptr<RouteSegment> >& route )
    for(auto itSegment = iteratorOf(route); itSegment; ++itSegment)
        auto segment = *itSegment;
        if (ctx.checkIfMemoryLimitCritical(ctx.config.memoryLimitation)) {
        //TODO:GC:checkAndInitRouteRegion(context, segment->road);

        const bool isIncrement = segment->startPointIndex < segment->endPointIndex;
        for(auto pointIdx = segment->startPointIndex; pointIdx != segment->endPointIndex; isIncrement ? pointIdx++ : pointIdx--)
            const auto nextIdx = (isIncrement ? pointIdx + 1 : pointIdx - 1);

            if (pointIdx == segment->startPointIndex)
                attachRouteSegments(context, route, itSegment.current, pointIdx, isIncrement);

            if (nextIdx != segment->endPointIndex)
                attachRouteSegments(context, route, itSegment.current, nextIdx, isIncrement);

            if (nextIdx < 0 || nextIdx >= segment->attachedRoutes.size())
            if (nextIdx >= 0 && nextIdx < segment->attachedRoutes.size() && nextIdx != segment->endPointIndex && !segment->road->isRoundabout())
                const auto& attachedRoutes = segment->attachedRoutes[qAbs(static_cast<int64_t>(nextIdx) - segment->startPointIndex)];

                auto before = segment->getBearing(nextIdx, !isIncrement);
                auto after = segment->getBearing(nextIdx, isIncrement);
                auto straight = qAbs(Utilities::normalizedAngleDegrees(before + 180.0 - after)) < (double)MinTurnAngle;
                auto isSplit = false;

                // split if needed
                for(const auto& attachedSegment : constOf(attachedRoutes))
                    auto diff = Utilities::normalizedAngleDegrees(before + 180.0 - attachedSegment->getBearingBegin());
                    if (qAbs(diff) <= (double)MinTurnAngle)
                        isSplit = true;
                    else if (!straight && qAbs(diff) < 100.0)
                        isSplit = true;

                if (isSplit)
                    std::shared_ptr<RouteSegment> split(new RouteSegment(segment->road, nextIdx, segment->endPointIndex));
                    //TODO:split.copyPreattachedRoutes(segment, qAbs(nextIdx - segment->startPointIndex));?
                    segment->_endPointIndex = nextIdx;
                    segment->_attachedRoutes.resize(qAbs(static_cast<int64_t>(segment->_endPointIndex) - static_cast<int64_t>(segment->_startPointIndex)) + 1);

                    itSegment.set(route.insert((++itSegment).current, split));
                    // switch current segment to the splited
                    segment = split;
Esempio n. 5
 * Order of actions:
 * a) transition of human into infected
 * b) giving birth to children - changes input
 * c) making love - changes input
 * d) movement
static void simulateStep2(WorldPtr input, WorldPtr output) {
	simClock clock = output->clock;
	// notice that we iterate over xx and yy
	// and the real x and y are randomly switched between two directions
	double xxDir = randomDouble();
	double yyDir = randomDouble();

	// we want to force static scheduling because we suppose that the load
	// is distributed evenly over the map and we need to have predictable locking
#ifdef _OPENMP
	// at least three columns per thread
	int threads = omp_get_max_threads();
	int numThreads = MIN(MAX(input->localWidth / 3, 1), threads);
#pragma omp parallel for num_threads(numThreads) schedule(static)
	for (int xx = input->xStart; xx <= input->xEnd; xx++) {
		int x = (xxDir < 0.5) ? xx : (input->xEnd + input->xStart - xx);
		// stats are counted per column and summed at the end
		Stats stats = NO_STATS;
		lockColumn(output, x);
		for (int yy = input->yStart; yy <= input->yEnd; yy++) {
			int y = (yyDir < 0.5) ? yy : (input->yEnd + input->yStart - yy);
			Entity entity = GET_CELL(input, x, y);
			if (entity.type == NONE) {

			// Convert Human to Infected
			if (entity.type == HUMAN) {
				int zombieCount = countNeighbouringZombies(input, x, y);
				double infectionChance = zombieCount * PROBABILITY_INFECTION;

				if (randomDouble() <= infectionChance) {
					if (entity.gender == FEMALE) {
					} else {
					toInfected(&entity, clock);
					LOG_EVENT("A Human became infected\n");

			// Here are performed natural processed of humans and infected
			if (entity.type == HUMAN || entity.type == INFECTED) {
				// giving birth
				if (entity.gender == FEMALE && entity.children > 0) {
					if (entity.origin + entity.borns <= clock) {
						if (entity.type == HUMAN) {
						} else {

						Entity * freePtr;
						while (entity.children > 0 && (freePtr =
								getFreeAdjacent(input, output, x, y)) != NULL) {
							Entity child = giveBirth(&entity, clock);
							if (child.type == HUMAN) {
								if (child.gender == FEMALE) {
								} else {
							} else {
								if (child.gender == FEMALE) {
								} else {
							*freePtr = child;
							LOG_EVENT("A %s child was born\n",
									child.type == HUMAN ? "Human" : "Infected");
					} else {
						if (entity.type == HUMAN) {
						} else {

				// making love
				if (entity.gender == FEMALE && entity.children == 0
						&& clock >= entity.origin + entity.fertilityStart
						&& clock < entity.origin + entity.fertilityEnd) { // can have baby
					EntityPtr adjacentMale = findAdjacentFertileMale(input, x,
							y, clock);
					if (adjacentMale != NULL) {
						makeLove(&entity, adjacentMale, clock, input->stats);

						stats.childrenConceived += entity.children;
						LOG_EVENT("A couple made love\n");

			if (entity.type == HUMAN) {
				if (entity.gender == FEMALE) {
				} else {
			} else if (entity.type == INFECTED) {
				if (entity.gender == FEMALE) {
				} else {
			} else {


			bearing bearing_ = getBearing(input, x, y); // optimal bearing
			bearing_ += getRandomBearing() * BEARING_FLUCTUATION;

			Direction dir = bearingToDirection(bearing_);
			if (dir != STAY) {
				double bearingRandomQuotient = (randomDouble() - 0.5)
				entity.bearing = bearing_ / cabsf(bearing_)
						* bearingRandomQuotient;
			} else {
				entity.bearing = bearing_;

			// some randomness in direction
			// the entity will never go in the opposite direction
			if (dir != STAY) {
				if (randomDouble() < getMaxSpeed(&entity, clock)) {
					double dirRnd = randomDouble();
					if (dirRnd < DIRECTION_MISSED) {
						dir = DIRECTION_CCW(dir); // turn counter-clock-wise
					} else if (dirRnd < DIRECTION_MISSED * 2) {
						dir = DIRECTION_CW(dir); // turn clock-wise
					} else if (dirRnd
						dir = STAY;
				} else {
					dir = STAY;
			} else {
				// if the entity would STAY, we'll try again to make it move
				// to make the entity bearing variable in terms of absolute value
				double bearingRandomQuotient = (randomDouble() - 0.5)

				bearing_ += getRandomBearing() * bearingRandomQuotient;
				dir = bearingToDirection(bearing_);

			// we will try to find the cell in the chosen direction
			CellPtr destPtr = NULL;
			if (dir != STAY) {
				destPtr = IF_CAN_MOVE_TO(x, y, dir);
				if (randomDouble() < MOVEMENT_TRY_ALTERNATIVE) {
					if (destPtr == NULL) {
						destPtr = IF_CAN_MOVE_TO(x, y, DIRECTION_CCW(dir));
					if (destPtr == NULL) {
						destPtr = IF_CAN_MOVE_TO(x, y, DIRECTION_CW(dir));
			if (destPtr == NULL) {
				destPtr = GET_CELL_PTR(output, x, y);

			// actual assignment of entity to its destination
			*destPtr = entity;
		unlockColumn(output, x);
#ifdef _OPENMP
#pragma omp critical (StatsCriticalRegion2)
			mergeStats(&output->stats, stats, true);
Esempio n. 6
 * Function interprets incoming message, extracts relevant data based on message type
 * and fills apropriate object variables with this data.
 * Basestation SBS format message is basically single comma-separated-values (CSV) record.
 * Basestation produces four different SBS message types. This type is determined by first field of csv record.
 * Fields of which message consists are determined by this type.
 * ------------------------------
 * ------------------------------
 * This message is broadcasted when SBS-1 picks up a signal for an aircraft that isn't currently tracking,
 * i.e. it's when a new aircraft appers on the aircraft list. Structure of this type:
 * 1  AIR
 * 2  [null]
 * 3  System-generated sessionID
 * 4  System-generated aircraftID
 * 5  ICAO24 hex ident
 * 6  System generated flightID
 * 7  Date message detected
 * 8  Time message detected
 * 9  Date message logged
 * 10 Time message logged
 * -------------------- 
 * -----ID MESSAGE-----
 * --------------------
 * This message is broadcasted when a callsign is first received, or is changed.
 * 1  ID
 * 2  [null]
 * 3  System-generated sessionID
 * 4  System-generated aircraftID
 * 5  ICAO24 hex ident
 * 6  System generated flightID
 * 7  Date message detected
 * 8  Time message detected
 * 9  Date message logged
 * 10 Time message logged
 * 11 Callsign
 * ----------------------------------
 * ----------------------------------
 * This is rather internal Basestation system message with no new information value.
 * It is broadcasted when user changes the selection, or in special cases, it can be broadcasted,
 * when new aircraft has been added (due to implementation).
 * 1  SEL
 * 2  [null]
 * 3  System-generated sessionID
 * 4  System-generated aircraftID
 * 5  ICAO24 hex ident
 * 6  System generated flightID
 * 7  Date message detected
 * 8  Time message detected
 * 9  Date message logged
 * 10 Time message logged
 * 11 Callsign
 * ------------------------------
 * ------------------------------
 * Finally, most important message. It is basically rebroadcasting of every ADS-B message
 * received from aircraft - in decoded format.
 * This format is produced by most ADS-B decoders as text based decoded format. It is convenient
 * to use Basestation format for further use, due to computational complexity of decoding raw bitwise
 * ADS-B messages.
 * 1  MSG
 * 2  Transmission Type
 * 3  System generated sessionID
 * 4  System generated aircraftID
 * 5  ICAO24 hex ident
 * 6  System generated flightID
 * 7  Date message detected
 * 8  Time message detected
 * 9  Date message logged
 * 10 Time message logged
 * 11 Callsign
 * 12 Altitude
 * 13 Ground Speed
 * 14 Track
 * 15 Lat
 * 16 Lon
 * 17 Vertical speed
 * 18 Squawk
 * 19 Alert
 * 20 Emergency
 * 21 SPI
 * 22 IsOnGround
 * Based on second field - Transmission Type, we can distinguish a few more transmission types,
 * of which each sets different fields:
 * Transmission Type:
 * 	1 = ID message ----------------------- (Callsign)
 * 	2 = Surface position message --------- (Altitude, GroundSpeed, Track, Lat, Lon)
 * 	3 = Airborne position message -------- (Altitude, Lat, Lon, Alert, Emergency, SPI)
 * 	4 = Airborne velocity message -------- (GroundSpeed, Rate, VerticalSpeed)
 * 	5 = Surveillance Altitude message ---- (Altitude, Alert, SPI)
 * 	6 = Surveillance ID (Squawk) message - (Altitude, Squawk, Alert, Emergency, SPI)
 * 	8 = Air-Call Reply / TCAS Acquisition Squitter (None)
 * Dump1090 emulates Basestation message broadcast. It outputs only MSG (Transmission) messages,
 * as it rebroadcasts decoded ADS-B messages and there is no need to emulate internal SBS messages.
 * This function takes single transmission message and processes containing info for statistical purposes.
 * [ Thanks to Mr Dave Reid for comprehensive information on this topic ]
 * @param message - incoming message converted to std::string
 * @return 1 or 3 based on type of processed message, zero for discarded message.
int data::processMessage(std::string message)
	// Split message into individual csv fields
	std::vector<std::string> fields = split(message, ',');
	tFStamp stamp;
	// Switch based on message type
	switch (std::stoi(fields[1]))
		case 1:
			// ID message (hex+callsign available)
			if ((fields[4] != "") && (fields[10] != ""))
				stamp.hex = fields[4];
				stamp.callsign = fields[10];
				stamp.timestamp = std::time(nullptr);
				if (! isInFBuffer(stamp))
					std::locale loc;
					std::string company = stamp.callsign.substr(0,3);
					if ((std::isalpha(company[0])) && (std::isalpha(company[1])) && (std::isalpha(company[2])) && (std::isdigit(stamp.callsign[3])))
						if ( companyPlot.find(company) == companyPlot.end() )
							companyPlot[company] = 1;
			return 1;
		case 3:
			// Airborne position message (Altitude+lat/lon available)
			if ((fields[14] != "") && (fields[15] != ""))
				tCoords mPos; = std::stod(fields[14]);
				mPos.lon = std::stod(fields[15]);
				int bearing = (int) round(getBearing(ref, mPos));
				double distance = getDistance(ref, mPos);
				tCoords maxPos = polarRange[bearing];
				double maxDistance = getDistance(ref, maxPos);
				if (distance > maxDistance)
					polarRange[bearing] = mPos;
				char buf[32];
				sprintf(buf, "%d%d", (int) round( * 100), (int) round(mPos.lon * 100));
				std::string sIntPos = buf;
				int intPos = std::stoi(sIntPos);
				if (heatMap.find(intPos) == heatMap.end())
					heatMap[intPos] = 1;
			if (fields[11] != "")
				int fl = std::stoi(fields[11]) / 100;	// Convert altitude to FL
				if (fl <= 500)
			return 3;
	return 0;