extern RC readPreviousBlock(SM_FileHandle *fHandle, SM_PageHandle memPage)
    int prevPage = getBlockPos(fHandle) - 1;

    return readBlock(prevPage, fHandle, memPage);

Esempio n. 2
asagi::Grid::Error grid::NumaLocalStaticGrid::init() {
    unsigned long blockSize = getTotalBlockSize();
    size_t block[3];
    unsigned long masterBlockCount = getThreadBlockCount()*m_threadHandle.getThreadCount();
    //the first thread allocates the memory.
    if (m_threadHandle.getThreadRank(pthread_self())==0) {
        asagi::Grid::Error error;
        error = m_allocator.allocate(getType().getSize() * blockSize * masterBlockCount, m_data);
        if (error != asagi::Grid::SUCCESS)
            return error;
        // Load the blocks from the file, which we control
      /*  for (unsigned long i = 0; i < getLocalBlockCount(); i++) {
            if (getGlobalBlock(i) >= getBlockCount()){
                // Last process(es) may control less blocks
            // Get x, y and z coordinates of the block
            getBlockPos(getGlobalBlock(i), block);
            // Get x, y and z coordinates of the first value in the block
            for (unsigned char j = 0; j < 3; j++)
                block[j] *= getBlockSize(j);
                    block, getBlockSize(),
                    &m_data[getType().getSize() * blockSize * i]);
       // std::cout << "Thread: " << pthread_self() << " Pointer: " << &m_data;
        m_threadHandle.setStaticPtr(pthread_self(), m_data, m_id);
    else {
        //The memory was already allocated by the masterthread.
                //Simply shift the Pointer in the right space.
                m_data = m_threadHandle.getStaticPtr(m_threadHandle.getMasterthreadId(), m_id) + (getType().getSize() * blockSize * m_threadHandle.getThreadRank(pthread_self()) * getThreadBlockCount());
              //  std::cout << "Thread: " << pthread_self() << " Pointer: " << &m_data;
                m_threadHandle.setStaticPtr(pthread_self(), m_data, m_id);
    // Load the blocks from the file, which we control
        for (unsigned long i = m_threadHandle.getThreadRank(pthread_self())*getThreadBlockCount(); i < (m_threadHandle.getThreadRank(pthread_self())*getThreadBlockCount()+getThreadBlockCount()); i++) {
            if (getGlobalBlock(i) >= getBlockCount()){
                // Last process(es) may control less blocks
            // Get x, y and z coordinates of the block
            getBlockPos(getGlobalBlock(i), block);
            // Get x, y and z coordinates of the first value in the block
            for (unsigned char j = 0; j < 3; j++)
                block[j] *= getBlockSize(j);
                    block, getBlockSize(),
                    &m_data[getType().getSize() * blockSize * (i-m_threadHandle.getThreadRank(pthread_self())*getThreadBlockCount())]);
    return asagi::Grid::SUCCESS;
Esempio n. 3
RC readPreviousBlock (SM_FileHandle *fHandle, SM_PageHandle memPage)
	printf("*** Inside readPreviousBlock method ***\n");	
	int rc = RC_NO_PREVIOUS_BLOCK;//Error message if no previous block exists.
	if(fHandle != NULL)//check if fHandle exists
		int prevBlock = getBlockPos(fHandle) - 1; //get current block position and subtract 1 block
		rc = readBlock(prevBlock,fHandle,memPage);//calling readblock method
	printf("*** Exiting readPreviousBlock method ***\n");
	return rc;	
Esempio n. 4
/* readNextBlock method takes fhandle and character array as input parameters and reads the nextblock of 4096 bytes of memory page from the current postion of the file and returns RC_OK if operation is completed. */
RC readNextBlock (SM_FileHandle *fHandle, SM_PageHandle memPage)
	printf("*** Inside readNextBlock method ***\n");
	int rc = RC_NO_NEXT_BLOCK;//Error message if no next block exists.
	if(fHandle != NULL)//check if fHandle exists
		int nextBlock = getBlockPos(fHandle) + 1; //get current block position and add 1 block;
		rc = readBlock(nextBlock,fHandle,memPage);//calling readblock method
	printf("*** Exiting readNextBlock method ***\n");
	return rc;
Esempio n. 5
/* readCurrentBlock method reads data from the file and returns RC_OK if execution is successful. */
RC readCurrentBlock (SM_FileHandle *fHandle, SM_PageHandle memPage)
	printf("*** Inside readCurrentBlock method ***\n");
	int rc = RC_NO_CURRENT_BLOCK;//Error message if no current block exists.
	if(fHandle != NULL)//check if fHandle exists
		int currentBlock = getBlockPos(fHandle);// get current block/page position.
		rc = readBlock(currentBlock,fHandle,memPage);// calling readBlock method.
	printf("*** Exiting readCurrentBlock method ***\n");
	return rc;

Esempio n. 6
/* Try to create, open, and close a multi-page file */
  SM_FileHandle fh;
  SM_PageHandle ph;
  int i;

  testName = "test multi-page content";

  ph = (SM_PageHandle) malloc(PAGE_SIZE);

  // create a new page file
  TEST_CHECK(createPageFile (TESTPF));
  TEST_CHECK(openPageFile (TESTPF, &fh));
  printf("created and opened file\n");
  //ensure the capacity of the file with 4 pages
  // read the current page into handle
  TEST_CHECK(readCurrentBlock(&fh, ph));
  // the page should be empty (zero bytes)
  for (i=0; i < PAGE_SIZE; i++)
    ASSERT_TRUE((ph[i] == 0), "expected zero byte in current page of freshly initialized page");
  printf("current block was empty with the page number =%d\n", getBlockPos(&fh));
  // read the next page into handle
  TEST_CHECK(readNextBlock(&fh, ph));
  // the page should be empty (zero bytes)
  for (i=0; i < PAGE_SIZE; i++)
    ASSERT_TRUE((ph[i] == 0), "expected zero byte in next page of freshly initialized page");
  printf("the next block was empty\n");
  printf("the updated page number is =%d\n",getBlockPos(&fh));
  // change ph to be a string and write that one to disk
  for (i=0; i < PAGE_SIZE; i++)
    ph[i] = (i % 10) + '0';
  TEST_CHECK(writeCurrentBlock(&fh, ph));
  printf("writing current block with the page number =%d\n", getBlockPos(&fh));

  // read back the page containing the string and check that it is correct
  TEST_CHECK(readCurrentBlock (&fh, ph));
  for (i=0; i < PAGE_SIZE; i++)
    ASSERT_TRUE((ph[i] == (i % 10) + '0'), "character in page read from disk is the one we expected.");
  printf("reading back current block into memory with page number =%d\n", getBlockPos(&fh));
  // read the last page into handle
  TEST_CHECK(readLastBlock(&fh, ph));
  // the page should be empty (zero bytes)
  for (i=0; i < PAGE_SIZE; i++)
    ASSERT_TRUE((ph[i] == 0), "expected zero byte in last page of freshly initialized page");
  printf("last block was empty with the page number =%d\n", getBlockPos(&fh));

  // change ph to be a string and write that one to disk
  for (i=0; i < PAGE_SIZE; i++)
    ph[i] = (i % 10) + '0';
  TEST_CHECK(writeCurrentBlock(&fh, ph));
  printf("writing current block with the page number =%d\n", getBlockPos(&fh));

  // read back the page containing the string and check that it is correct
  TEST_CHECK(readCurrentBlock (&fh, ph));
  for (i=0; i < PAGE_SIZE; i++)
    ASSERT_TRUE((ph[i] == (i % 10) + '0'), "character in page read from disk is the one we expected.");
  printf("reading back current block into memory with page number =%d\n", getBlockPos(&fh));

  // destroy new page file
  TEST_CHECK(destroyPageFile (TESTPF));  
extern RC readNextBlock(SM_FileHandle *fHandle, SM_PageHandle memPage)
    int nextBlock = getBlockPos(fHandle) + 1;

    return readBlock(nextBlock, fHandle, memPage);
extern RC readCurrentBlock(SM_FileHandle *fHandle, SM_PageHandle memPage)
    int currBlock = getBlockPos(fHandle);

    return readBlock(currBlock, fHandle, memPage);
Esempio n. 9
/* Read next page relative to the curPagePos of the file
 * by calling readBlock() with pageNum = curPagePos + 1.
 * The value of curPagePos was set to curPagePos + 1 after reading.
readNextBlock (SM_FileHandle *fHandle, SM_PageHandle memPage)
	return readBlock(getBlockPos(fHandle)+1,fHandle,memPage);;
Esempio n. 10
/* Read current page according to the curPagePos of the file.
 * by calling readBlock() with pageNum = curPagePos.
readCurrentBlock (SM_FileHandle *fHandle, SM_PageHandle memPage)
	return readBlock(getBlockPos(fHandle),fHandle,memPage);;
Esempio n. 11
/* Read previous page relative to the curPagePos of the file, 
 * by calling readBlock() with pageNum = curPagePos - 1.
 * The value of curPagePos was set to curPagePos - 1 after reading.
readPreviousBlock (SM_FileHandle *fHandle, SM_PageHandle memPage)
	return readBlock(getBlockPos(fHandle)-1,fHandle,memPage);;
Esempio n. 12
//Write Current Block
RC writeCurrentBlock(SM_FileHandle *fHandle, SM_PageHandle memPage)
int pos = getBlockPos(fHandle->curPagePos);
writeBlock (pos, fHandle, memPage);
void testAppendEnsureCapMetaData()
	SM_FileHandle fh;
	SM_PageHandle ph;
	ph = (SM_PageHandle) malloc(PAGE_SIZE);

	TEST_CHECK(createPageFile (TESTPF));
	TEST_CHECK(openPageFile (TESTPF, &fh));

	//Append an empty block to the file.
	//Check whether the appended block has only 4096 '\0' in the currentBlock.
	int i;
	for (i=0; i < PAGE_SIZE; i++)
		ASSERT_TRUE((ph[i] == 0), "expected zero byte in first page of freshly initialized page");
	printf("Appended Block was empty\n");

	//Page File should contain only 2 blocks.first block during createPage and second during appendBlock
	ASSERT_TRUE((fh.totalNumPages == 2), "Number of Blocks : 2");

	 //Current Block postion should be 1
	ASSERT_TRUE((fh.curPagePos == 1), "Current Page Position is 1");

	//add 3 more blocks to the Page File.

	//Verify whether the freshly added 3 blocks are of '\0' characters
	for (i=0; i < PAGE_SIZE; i++)
		ASSERT_TRUE((ph[i] == 0), "expected zero byte in first page of freshly initialized page");

	for (i=0; i < PAGE_SIZE; i++)
		ASSERT_TRUE((ph[i] == 0), "expected zero byte in first page of freshly initialized page");

	for (i=0; i < PAGE_SIZE; i++)
		ASSERT_TRUE((ph[i] == 0), "expected zero byte in first page of freshly initialized page");
	printf("Freshly appended 3 blocks are empty\n");

	//Page File should contain only 5 blocks, as we have called ensureCapacity(5)
	ASSERT_TRUE((fh.totalNumPages == 5), "Number of Blocks : 5");

	//Current Block postion should be 4
	ASSERT_TRUE((fh.curPagePos == 4), "Current Page Position is 4");

	//Store the metaData into the file and close the pagefile.
	int totalNoOfPages = fh.totalNumPages;
	char fileName[100];
	char metaDataFromFile[100];

	//Verify whether the written  MetaData is correct or not
	char metaDataToBeVerified[100];
	char returnData[100];
	metaDataToBeVerified[0]= 'P';metaDataToBeVerified[1]= 'S';metaDataToBeVerified[2]= ':';metaDataToBeVerified[3]= '\0';
	ASSERT_TRUE((strcmp(metaDataToBeVerified, metaDataFromFile) == 0), "MetaData read from file is correct");
	printf("Read Meta Data from file is :: %s\n",metaDataToBeVerified);