Esempio n. 1
// return all occluders in all cells that intersect the triangle (p1,p2,p3)
// these occluders do not necessarily intersect (p1,p2,p3), but all possible intersections are included in this set
void Grid::triangleIntersections(Vec3r p0,Vec3r p1,Vec3r p2, set<Polygon3r*> & possibleIntersections)
  Vec3r triverts[3] = {p0,p1,p2};

  // find the bbox of the triangle
  vector<Vec3r> vertices;
  Vec3r dummy;

  Polygon3r triangle(vertices,dummy);

  Vec3r min, max;
  triangle.getBBox(min, max);

  // Compute the cell coordinates for the bbox
  Vec3u imax, imin;
  getCellCoordinates(max, imax);
  getCellCoordinates(min, imin);
  // We are now going to iterate over the cells overlapping with the
  // polygon bbox.

  for (unsigned z = imin[2]; z <= imax[2]; z++)
    for (unsigned y = imin[1]; y <= imax[1]; y++)
      for (unsigned x = imin[0]; x <= imax[0]; x++) 
	  Vec3u coord;
	  Vec3r boxmin, boxmax;
	  coord[0] = x;
	  coord[1] = y;
	  coord[2] = z;

	  // We retrieve the box coordinates of the current cell
	  getCellBox(coord, boxmin, boxmax);

	  // We check whether the triangle and the box ovewrlap:
	  Vec3r boxcenter((boxmin + boxmax) / 2.0);
	  Vec3r boxhalfsize(_cell_size / 2.0);

	  Cell * cell = getCell(coord);

	  if (cell != NULL && GeomUtils::overlapTriangleBox(boxcenter, boxhalfsize, triverts))
	    for(OccludersSet::iterator it = cell->getOccluders().begin(); it != cell->getOccluders().end(); ++it)
Esempio n. 2
void BoxGrid::assignCells (OccluderSource& /*source*/, GridDensityProvider& density, ViewMap *viewMap)
	_cellSize = density.cellSize();
	_cellsX = density.cellsX();
	_cellsY = density.cellsY();
	_cellOrigin[0] = density.cellOrigin(0);
	_cellOrigin[1] = density.cellOrigin(1);
	if (G.debug & G_DEBUG_FREESTYLE) {
		cout << "Using " << _cellsX << "x" << _cellsY << " cells of size " << _cellSize << " square." << endl;
		cout << "Cell origin: " << _cellOrigin[0] << ", " << _cellOrigin[1] << endl;

	// Now allocate the cell table and fill it with default (empty) cells
	_cells.resize(_cellsX * _cellsY);
	for (cellContainer::iterator i = _cells.begin(), end = _cells.end(); i != end; ++i) {
		(*i) = NULL;

	// Identify cells that will be used, and set the dimensions for each
	ViewMap::fedges_container& fedges = viewMap->FEdges();
	for (ViewMap::fedges_container::iterator f = fedges.begin(), fend = fedges.end(); f != fend; ++f) {
		if ((*f)->isInImage()) {
			Vec3r point = transform((*f)->center3d());
			unsigned int i, j;
			getCellCoordinates(point, i, j);
			if (_cells[i * _cellsY + j] == NULL) {
				// This is an uninitialized cell
				real x, y, width, height;

				x = _cellOrigin[0] + _cellSize * i;
				width = _cellSize;

				y = _cellOrigin[1] + _cellSize * j;
				height = _cellSize;

				// Initialize cell
				Cell *b = _cells[i * _cellsY + j] = new Cell();
				b->setDimensions(x, y, width, height);
Esempio n. 3
BoxGrid::Cell *BoxGrid::findCell(const Vec3r& point)
	unsigned int x, y;
	getCellCoordinates(point, x, y);
	return _cells[x * _cellsY + y];
Esempio n. 4
void Grid::insertOccluder(Polygon3r* occluder) {
  const vector<Vec3r> vertices = occluder->getVertices();
  if (vertices.size() == 0)

  // add this occluder to the grid's occluders list

  // find the bbox associated to this polygon
  Vec3r min, max;
  occluder->getBBox(min, max);

  // Retrieve the cell x, y, z cordinates associated with these min and max
  Vec3u imax, imin;
  getCellCoordinates(max, imax);
  getCellCoordinates(min, imin);
  // We are now going to fill in the cells overlapping with the
  // polygon bbox.
  // If the polygon is a triangle (most of cases), we also
  // check for each of these cells if it is overlapping with
  // the triangle in order to only fill in the ones really overlapping
  // the triangle.

  unsigned i, x, y, z;
  vector<Vec3r>::const_iterator it;
  Vec3u coord;

  if (vertices.size() == 3) { // Triangle case
    Vec3r triverts[3];
    i = 0;
    for(it = vertices.begin();
	it != vertices.end();
	it++) {
      triverts[i] = Vec3r(*it);

    Vec3r boxmin, boxmax;

    for (z = imin[2]; z <= imax[2]; z++)
      for (y = imin[1]; y <= imax[1]; y++)
	for (x = imin[0]; x <= imax[0]; x++) {
	  coord[0] = x;
	  coord[1] = y;
	  coord[2] = z;
	  // We retrieve the box coordinates of the current cell
	  getCellBox(coord, boxmin, boxmax);
	  // We check whether the triangle and the box ovewrlap:
	  Vec3r boxcenter((boxmin + boxmax) / 2.0);
	  Vec3r boxhalfsize(_cell_size / 2.0);
	  if (GeomUtils::overlapTriangleBox(boxcenter, boxhalfsize, triverts)) {
	    // We must then create the Cell and add it to the cells list
	    // if it does not exist yet.
	    // We must then add the occluder to the occluders list of this cell.
	    Cell* cell = getCell(coord);
	    if (!cell) {
	      cell = new Cell(boxmin);
	      fillCell(coord, *cell);
  else { // The polygon is not a triangle, we add all the cells overlapping the polygon bbox.
    for (z = imin[2]; z <= imax[2]; z++)
      for (y = imin[1]; y <= imax[1]; y++)
	for (x = imin[0]; x <= imax[0]; x++) {
	  coord[0] = x;
	  coord[1] = y;
	  coord[2] = z;
	  Cell* cell = getCell(coord);
	  if (!cell) {
	    Vec3r orig;
	    getCellOrigin(coord, orig);
	    cell = new Cell(orig);
	    fillCell(coord, *cell);