Esempio n. 1
mapvector::subsetOfVectorForLoc(size_t id){

    std::vector<int> subset(bigVector.begin()+(id*getChunkSize(id-1)),
    return subset;
Esempio n. 2
qint64 QHttpNetworkReplyPrivate::readReplyBodyChunked(QIODevice *in, QByteDataBuffer *out)
    qint64 bytes = 0;
    while (in->bytesAvailable()) { // while we can read from input
        // if we are done with the current chunk, get the size of the new chunk
        if (currentChunkRead >= currentChunkSize) {
            currentChunkSize = 0;
            currentChunkRead = 0;
            if (bytes) {
                char crlf[2];
                bytes += in->read(crlf, 2); // read the "\r\n" after the chunk
            bytes += getChunkSize(in, &currentChunkSize);
            if (currentChunkSize == -1)
        // if the chunk size is 0, end of the stream
        if (currentChunkSize == 0) {
            state = AllDoneState;

        // otherwise, try to read what is missing for this chunk
        qint64 haveRead = readReplyBodyRaw (in, out, currentChunkSize - currentChunkRead);
        currentChunkRead += haveRead;
        bytes += haveRead;

        // ### error checking here

    return bytes;

    printf("Get Chunk Size Test(s)\n");
    const int num_tests = 5;
    enum NUMERALS test_cases[5][5];
    stringToEnum("MCM", test_cases[0]);
    stringToEnum("IX", test_cases[1]);
    stringToEnum("IV", test_cases[2]);
    stringToEnum("MC", test_cases[3]);
    stringToEnum("CL", test_cases[4]);

    const size_t lens[5] = {
    const int isValidCase[] = {
    int i;
    for(i=0; i<num_tests; i++){
        ck_assert_int_eq(getChunkSize(test_cases[i], lens[i]), isValidCase[i]);
Esempio n. 4
    Status SettingsType::validate() const {
        if (!_key.is_initialized() || _key->empty()) {
            return Status(ErrorCodes::NoSuchKey,
                          str::stream() << "missing " << << " field");

        if (_key == ChunkSizeDocKey) {
            if (!(getChunkSize() > 0)) {
                return Status(ErrorCodes::BadValue,
                              str::stream() << "chunksize specified in " <<
                                            << " field must be greater than zero");
        else if (_key == BalancerDocKey) {
            if (_secondaryThrottle.is_initialized() &&
                _migrationWriteConcern.is_initialized()) {
                return Status(ErrorCodes::BadValue,
                              str::stream() << "cannot have both secondary throttle and "
                                            << "migration write concern set at the same time");
        else {
            return Status(ErrorCodes::UnsupportedFormat,
                          str::stream() << "unsupported key in " << << " field");

        return Status::OK();
Esempio n. 5
	ChunkAllocator(size_t chunkSize) :
			m_ChunkSize(chunkSize), m_AvailableSlots(ChunkAllocatorBlocks), m_pData((char*) malloc(getAllocationSize(chunkSize))) {
		assert(PAGE_SIZE == (size_t) getPageSize());
		memset(m_UsedSlot, false, ChunkAllocatorBlocks);
		char* pBlockStart = reinterpret_cast<char*>(upperPage(reinterpret_cast<size_t>(m_pData)));
		const size_t realChunkSize = getChunkSize(chunkSize);
		for (int i = 0; i < ChunkAllocatorBlocks; ++i) {
			m_SlotData[i] = pBlockStart;
			Sentinel *pSentinel = getSentinelFromBlockStart(pBlockStart);
			pSentinel->pAllocator = this;
			pSentinel->magic = 0xDEADC0DE;
			pBlockStart += realChunkSize;
Esempio n. 6
    BSONObj SettingsType::toBSON() const {
        BSONObjBuilder builder;

        if (_key) builder.append(key(), getKey());
        if (_chunkSize) builder.append(chunkSize(), getChunkSize());
        if (_balancerStopped) builder.append(balancerStopped(), getBalancerStopped());
        if (_secondaryThrottle) {
            builder.append(deprecated_secondaryThrottle(), getSecondaryThrottle());
        if (_migrationWriteConcern) {
            builder.append(migrationWriteConcern(), getMigrationWriteConcern().toBSON());
        if (_waitForDelete) builder.append(waitForDelete(), getWaitForDelete());

        return builder.obj();
Esempio n. 7
qint64 QHttpNetworkReplyPrivate::readReplyBodyChunked(QAbstractSocket *socket, QByteDataBuffer *out)
    qint64 bytes = 0;
    while (socket->bytesAvailable()) {
        if (currentChunkRead >= currentChunkSize) {
            // For the first chunk and when we're done with a chunk
            currentChunkSize = 0;
            currentChunkRead = 0;
            if (bytes) {
                // After a chunk
                char crlf[2];
                // read the "\r\n" after the chunk
                qint64 haveRead = socket->read(crlf, 2);
                // FIXME: This code is slightly broken and not optimal. What if the 2 bytes are not available yet?!
                // For nice reasons (the toLong in getChunkSize accepting \n at the beginning
                // it right now still works, but we should definitely fix this.

                if (haveRead != 2)
                    return bytes; // FIXME
                bytes += haveRead;
            // Note that chunk size gets stored in currentChunkSize, what is returned is the bytes read
            bytes += getChunkSize(socket, &currentChunkSize);
            if (currentChunkSize == -1)
        // if the chunk size is 0, end of the stream
        if (currentChunkSize == 0) {
            state = AllDoneState;

        // otherwise, try to begin reading this chunk / to read what is missing for this chunk
        qint64 haveRead = readReplyBodyRaw (socket, out, currentChunkSize - currentChunkRead);
        currentChunkRead += haveRead;
        bytes += haveRead;

        // ### error checking here

    return bytes;
Esempio n. 8
qint64 QHttpNetworkReplyPrivate::readReplyBodyChunked(QAbstractSocket *socket, QByteDataBuffer *out)
    qint64 bytes = 0;
    while (socket->bytesAvailable()) {

        if (readBufferMaxSize && (bytes > readBufferMaxSize))

        if (!lastChunkRead && currentChunkRead >= currentChunkSize) {
            // For the first chunk and when we're done with a chunk
            currentChunkSize = 0;
            currentChunkRead = 0;
            if (bytes) {
                // After a chunk
                char crlf[2];
                // read the "\r\n" after the chunk
                qint64 haveRead = socket->read(crlf, 2);
                // FIXME: This code is slightly broken and not optimal. What if the 2 bytes are not available yet?!
                // For nice reasons (the toLong in getChunkSize accepting \n at the beginning
                // it right now still works, but we should definitely fix this.

                if (haveRead != 2)
                    return bytes; // FIXME
                bytes += haveRead;
            // Note that chunk size gets stored in currentChunkSize, what is returned is the bytes read
            bytes += getChunkSize(socket, &currentChunkSize);
            if (currentChunkSize == -1)
        // if the chunk size is 0, end of the stream
        if (currentChunkSize == 0 || lastChunkRead) {
            lastChunkRead = true;
            // try to read the "\r\n" after the chunk
            char crlf[2];
            qint64 haveRead = socket->read(crlf, 2);
            if (haveRead > 0)
                bytes += haveRead;

            if ((haveRead == 2 && crlf[0] == '\r' && crlf[1] == '\n') || (haveRead == 1 && crlf[0] == '\n'))
                state = AllDoneState;
            else if (haveRead == 1 && crlf[0] == '\r')
                break; // Still waiting for the last \n
            else if (haveRead > 0) {
                // If we read something else then CRLF, we need to close the channel.
                forceConnectionCloseEnabled = true;
                state = AllDoneState;

        // otherwise, try to begin reading this chunk / to read what is missing for this chunk
        qint64 haveRead = readReplyBodyRaw (socket, out, currentChunkSize - currentChunkRead);
        currentChunkRead += haveRead;
        bytes += haveRead;

        // ### error checking here

    return bytes;
Esempio n. 9
inline static size_t getAllocationSize(size_t chunkSize) {
	const size_t allAlignedChunkSize = getChunkSize(chunkSize) * ChunkAllocatorBlocks;
	// adding one PAGE_SIZE to ensure we can offset and give aligned data
	return allAlignedChunkSize + PAGE_SIZE;
uint32_t TankFile::FileEntry::getChunkIndex(const uint32_t offs) const
	assert(getChunkSize() != 0);
	return offs / getChunkSize();
Esempio n. 11
 * constructor
SellCSigma_Matrix::SellCSigma_Matrix( MMreader mmMatrix, int C, int const sigma )
:C_(C), sigma_(sigma)
,M_(mmMatrix.getRows()), N_(mmMatrix.getCols())
,nz_(mmMatrix.getNonZeros()), numberOfChunks_((M_-1)/C+1)
,chunkPtr_(new int[numberOfChunks_]), chunkLength_(new int[numberOfChunks_])
,permute_(new int[M_]), antiPermute_(new int[M_])

    // sort input Matrix by row ID
    if( !mmMatrix.isRowSorted() )

    std::vector< std::tuple<int,int,double> > & mmData = mmMatrix.getMatrx();
    std::vector< std::tuple<int, int> > rowLengths = getRowLengths(mmMatrix);

    // sort sigam chunks by row length
    auto begin = rowLengths.begin();
    auto end   = rowLengths.begin() + getSigma();
    for (; end <= rowLengths.end(); begin += getSigma(), end += getSigma() )
        std::sort(begin, end,
                  [](std::tuple<int,int> const & a, std::tuple<int,int> const & b)
                  {return std::get<1>(a) < std::get<1>(b);}
    begin -= getSigma();
    std::sort(begin, rowLengths.end(),
                [](std::tuple<int,int> const & a, std::tuple<int,int> const & b)
                {return std::get<1>(a) < std::get<1>(b);}

    // determine chunk length and size
    // and set backword permutation
    std::vector<int> valuesPerChunk( getNumberOfChunks() );
#ifdef _OPENMP
    #pragma omp parallel for schedule(runtime)
    for (int chunk=0; chunk < getNumberOfChunks(); ++chunk)
        int maxRowLenghth = 0;

        for (int i=0,            row=chunk*getChunkSize();
             i<getChunkSize() && row<getRows();
             ++i,                ++row
            if ( maxRowLenghth < std::get<1>(rowLengths[row]) )
                maxRowLenghth = std::get<1>(rowLengths[row]);

            // set backword permutation
            antiPermute_[ std::get<0>(rowLengths[row]) ] = row;

        chunkLength_[chunk] = maxRowLenghth;
        valuesPerChunk[chunk] = maxRowLenghth * getChunkSize();

    // calculate memory usage and allocate memmory for values and colum IDs
    capasety_ = std::accumulate(std::begin(valuesPerChunk),

    val_    = new double[capasety_];
    colInd_ = new int   [capasety_];

    // calulate memory overhead
    overhead_ = capasety_ - getNonZeros();

    // creat Sell-C-sigma data
    std::vector<int> chunkOffset = getOffsets(valuesPerChunk);
    std::vector<int> rowOffset   = getOffsets(getValsPerRow(mmMatrix));

#ifdef _OPENMP
    #pragma omp parallel for schedule(runtime)
    for (int chunk=0; chunk < getNumberOfChunks(); ++chunk)
        chunkPtr_[chunk] = chunkOffset[chunk];

        for (int j=0; j<chunkLength_[chunk]; ++j)
            for (int i=0,            row=chunk*getChunkSize();
                 ++i,                ++row
                int    col;
                double val;

                if (row<getRows())
                    // set permutation
                    permute_[row] = std::get<0>(rowLengths[row]);

                    // finde values and collumn index
                    if ( j < std::get<1>(rowLengths[row]) )
                    {   // fill with matrix values
                        int id = rowOffset[ permute_[row] ] + j;

                        val = std::get<2>( mmData[id] );
                        col = std::get<1>( mmData[id] );
                    {   // fill chunk with 0
                        val = 0.;
                        col = 0;
                { // add zero rows to end of matrix fill up last chunk
                    val = 0.;
                    col = 0;

                val_   [chunkPtr_[chunk] + i + j*getChunkSize()] = val;
                colInd_[chunkPtr_[chunk] + i + j*getChunkSize()] = antiPermute_[col];

    std::cout << "Sell-C-sigma constructed:"
              << "\nC: " << getChunkSize() << " sigma: " << getSigma()
              << "\n(" << getRows() << "," << getCols() << ") " << getNonZeros()
              << ":\n";
    for (int i=0; i<valueMemoryUsage; ++i)
        std::cout << getValues()[i] << " (" << getColInd()[i] << ")\n";
    std::cout << std::endl;
Esempio n. 12
 dp::rix::fx::SmartChunk BufferManagerIndexed::allocateChunk()
   return new Chunk( this, getAlignedBlockSize(), getChunkSize() );