void ViewController::initialize( DisplayContext* context )
  context_ = context;

  std::stringstream ss;
  static int count = 0;
  ss << "ViewControllerCamera" << count++;
  camera_ = context_->getSceneManager()->createCamera( ss.str() );
  context_->getSceneManager()->getRootSceneNode()->attachObject( camera_ );

  setValue( formatClassId( getClassId() ));
  setReadOnly( true );

  // Do subclass initialization.

  cursor_ = getDefaultCursor();

  standard_cursors_[Default] = getDefaultCursor();
  standard_cursors_[Rotate2D] = makeIconCursor( "package://rviz/icons/rotate.svg" );
  standard_cursors_[Rotate3D] = makeIconCursor( "package://rviz/icons/rotate_cam.svg" );
  standard_cursors_[MoveXY] = makeIconCursor( "package://rviz/icons/move2d.svg" );
  standard_cursors_[MoveZ] = makeIconCursor( "package://rviz/icons/move_z.svg" );
  standard_cursors_[Zoom] = makeIconCursor( "package://rviz/icons/zoom.svg" );
  standard_cursors_[Crosshair] = makeIconCursor( "package://rviz/icons/crosshair.svg" );


  if (!RenderSystem::get()->isStereoSupported())
Esempio n. 2
// Loading and saving the flags
// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
// Tools with a fixed set of Property objects representing adjustable
// parameters are typically just created in the tool's constructor and
// added to the Property container (getPropertyContainer()).  In that
// case, the Tool subclass does not need to override load() and save()
// because the default behavior is to read all the Properties in the
// container from the Config object.
// Here however, we have a list of named flag positions of unknown
// length, so we need to implement save() and load() ourselves.
// We first save the class ID to the config object so the
// rviz::ToolManager will know what to instantiate when the config
// file is read back in.
void FlagTool3D::save( rviz::Config config ) const
    config.mapSetValue( "Class", getClassId() );

    // The top level of this tool's Config is a map, but our flags
    // should go in a list, since they may or may not have unique keys.
    // Therefore we make a child of the map (``flags_config``) to store
    // the list.
    rviz::Config flags_config = config.mapMakeChild( "Flags" );

    // To read the positions and names of the flags, we loop over the
    // the children of our Property container:
    rviz::Property* container = getPropertyContainer();
    int num_children = container->numChildren();
    for( int i = 0; i < num_children; i++ )
        rviz::Property* position_prop = container->childAt( i );
        // For each Property, we create a new Config object representing a
        // single flag and append it to the Config list.
        rviz::Config flag_config = flags_config.listAppendNew();
        // Into the flag's config we store its name:
        flag_config.mapSetValue( "Name", position_prop->getName() );
        // ... and its position.
        position_prop->save( flag_config );
Esempio n. 3
//Get a binary code associated to a class
cv::Mat annTrain::getClassCode(const std::set<std::string>& classes, const std::string& classname)
    cv::Mat code = cv::Mat::zeros(cv::Size((int)classes.size(), 1), CV_32F);
    int index = getClassId(classes, classname);
    code.at<float>(index) = 1;
    return code;
void ViewController::save( Config config ) const
  config.mapSetValue( "Class", getClassId() );
  config.mapSetValue( "Name", getName() );

  Property::save( config );
Esempio n. 5
// ######################################################################
void RecurBayes::learn(std::vector<double> &fv, const char *name, uint fix)
  //get the class id

  int cls = getClassId(name);
  if (cls == -1) //this is a new class, add it to the network
    cls = addClass(name);

  ASSERT(fv.size() == itsNumFeatures);

  //update the class freq
  ASSERT((uint)cls < itsNumClasses);

  //compute the stddev and mean of each feature
  //This algorithm is due to Knuth (The Art of Computer Programming, volume 2:
  //  Seminumerical Algorithms, 3rd edn., p. 232. Boston: Addison-Wesley.)
  for (uint i=0; i<fv.size(); i++){
    double val = fv[i];
    double delta = val - itsMean[cls][fix][i];
    itsMean[cls][fix][i] += delta/itsClassFreq[cls];
    if (itsClassFreq[cls] > 3)
      itsVar[cls][fix][i] = (itsVar[cls][fix][i]*(itsClassFreq[cls]-2))
        + delta*(val - itsMean[cls][fix][i]);
    if (itsClassFreq[cls] > 1) //watch for divide by 0
      itsVar[cls][fix][i] /= double(itsClassFreq[cls]-1);

Esempio n. 6
// ######################################################################
int RecurBayes::addClass(const char *name)
  //Add a new class

  //check if the class exsists
  if (getClassId(name) == -1)

    itsMean.push_back(std::vector<std::vector<double> >
        (itsNumFix, std::vector<double>(itsNumFeatures,0)));

    itsVar.push_back(std::vector<std::vector<double> >
        (itsNumFix, std::vector<double>(itsNumFeatures,0.01))),


    return itsNumClasses++;

  return -1;

void OrthoViewControllerCustom::initialize( DisplayContext* context, rviz::RenderPanel* panel )
    bool initialized = false;
    if(context != NULL)
        context_ = context;
        initialized = true;

    panel_ = panel;

        camera_ = panel_->getCamera();

    setValue( formatClassId( getClassId() ));
    setReadOnly( true );

    // Do subclass initialization.

    /*cursor_ = getDefaultCursor();

    standard_cursors_[Default] = getDefaultCursor();
    standard_cursors_[Rotate2D] = makeIconCursor( "package://rviz/icons/rotate.svg" );
    standard_cursors_[Rotate3D] = makeIconCursor( "package://rviz/icons/rotate_cam.svg" );
    standard_cursors_[MoveXY] = makeIconCursor( "package://rviz/icons/move2d.svg" );
    standard_cursors_[MoveZ] = makeIconCursor( "package://rviz/icons/move_z.svg" );
    standard_cursors_[Zoom] = makeIconCursor( "package://rviz/icons/zoom.svg" );
    standard_cursors_[Crosshair] = makeIconCursor( "package://rviz/icons/crosshair.svg" );

Esempio n. 8
void annTrain::processClassAndDescForTest(const std::string& classname, const cv::Mat& descriptors)
    // Get histogram of visual words using bag of words technique
    cv::Mat bowFeatures = getBOWFeatures(descriptors, networkInputSize);
    cv::normalize(bowFeatures, bowFeatures, 0, bowFeatures.rows, cv::NORM_MINMAX, -1, cv::Mat());
    testOutputExpected.push_back(getClassId(classes, classname));
Esempio n. 9
void MaxEntTrainer::Add_Event(EventSet &events, const char *name, const char *data)
	const string delims(" ");

	MaxEntEvent	*event	= new MaxEntEvent;
	getIds(data, *event, delims);
Esempio n. 10
void MaxEntTrainer::readEvents(istream& istrm, EventSet& events)
  string line, cls;
  const string delims(" ");
  while ((istrm>>cls) && getline(istrm, line)) {
    MaxEntEvent* event = new MaxEntEvent;
    getIds(line, *event, delims);
Esempio n. 11
void annTrain::saveModels(const cv::Mat& vocabulary, const std::set<std::string>& classes)
    mlp->save(ofToDataPath("mlp.yaml", true));
    cv::FileStorage fs(ofToDataPath("vocabulary.yaml", true), cv::FileStorage::WRITE);
    fs << "vocabulary" << vocabulary;
    std::ofstream classesOutput(ofToDataPath("classes.txt", true));
    for (auto it = classes.begin(); it != classes.end(); ++it)
        classesOutput << getClassId(classes, *it) << "\t" << *it << std::endl;
Esempio n. 12
QString FailedDisplay::getDescription() const
  return "The class required for this display, '" + getClassId() + "', could not be loaded.<br><b>Error:</b><br>" + error_message_;
Esempio n. 13
void Tool::save( Config config ) const
  property_container_->save( config );
  config.mapSetValue( "Class", getClassId() );
Esempio n. 14
// ######################################################################
void Bayes::learn(const std::vector<double> &fv, const char *name)
  //get the class id

  int cls = getClassId(name);
  if (cls == -1) //this is a new class, add it to the network
    cls = addClass(name);

  if(fv.size() != itsNumFeatures)
    LINFO("NOTE: deleting the .net file may fix this if you are");
    LINFO("training with a different set of features.");
    LFATAL("fv.size() != itsNumFeatures: %d != %d",(int)fv.size(),

  //ASSERT(fv.size() == itsNumFeatures);

  //update the class freq
  ASSERT((uint)cls < itsNumClasses);

  //compute the stddev and mean of each feature
  //This algorithm is due to Knuth (The Art of Computer Programming, volume 2:
  //  Seminumerical Algorithms, 3rd edn., p. 232. Boston: Addison-Wesley.)
  for (uint i=0; i<fv.size(); i++){
    const double val = fv[i];
    const double delta = val - itsMean[cls][i];
    itsMean[cls][i] += delta/itsClassFreq[cls];
    if (itsClassFreq[cls] > 3)
      itsStdevSq[cls][i] = (itsStdevSq[cls][i]*(itsClassFreq[cls]-2))
        + delta*(val - itsMean[cls][i]);
    if (itsClassFreq[cls] > 1) //watch for divide by 0
      itsStdevSq[cls][i] /= double(itsClassFreq[cls]-1);

  //watch for divide by 0
  if(itsClassFreq[cls] > 3)
    const double freq1 = 1.0F/(double)itsClassFreq[cls];
    const double freq2 = 1.0F/(double)(itsClassFreq[cls]-1);
    const uint64 freq  = itsClassFreq[cls];

    for (uint i=0; i<fv.size(); i++)
      const double val   = fv[i];
      const double delta = val - itsMean[cls][i];

      itsMean[cls][i]    += delta * freq1;
      itsStdevSq[cls][i] = (itsStdevSq[cls][i]*(freq-2))
        + delta*(val - itsMean[cls][i]);
      itsStdevSq[cls][i] *= freq2;
  else if(itsClassFreq[cls] > 1)
    const double freq1 = 1.0F/(double)itsClassFreq[cls];
    const double freq2 = 1.0F/(double)(itsClassFreq[cls]-1);

    for (uint i=0; i<fv.size(); i++)
      const double val   = fv[i];
      const double delta = val - itsMean[cls][i];

      itsMean[cls][i]    += delta * freq1;
      itsStdevSq[cls][i] *= freq2;
    const double freq1 = 1.0F/(double)itsClassFreq[cls];

    for (uint i=0; i<fv.size(); i++)
      const double val   = fv[i];
      const double delta = val - itsMean[cls][i];

      itsMean[cls][i]    += delta * freq1;

Esempio n. 15
void Tool::saveChildren( YAML::Emitter& emitter )
  emitter << YAML::Key << "Class" << YAML::Value << getClassId();

  property_container_->saveChildren( emitter );
Esempio n. 16
int Classifier::loadData(string testConf, string pathToSil)
     // Open file with testing configuration
    ifstream tcStream(testConf.c_str());
    if (!tcStream.is_open())
        fprintf (stderr, "Could not open %s\n", testConf.c_str());
        return 1;

    string classId;
    string folderName;
    set<string> testImgsNames;
    while (tcStream.good())
        // Skip comments and empty lines
        string line;
        getline(tcStream, line);
        if (!hasData(line)) 
            folderName = line;                  // Get folder name
            classId = getClassId(folderName);   // Get classId

            while (tcStream.good())             // Get names of test images
                getline(tcStream, line);
                if(!hasData(line)) break;

        // Get pictures from folder
	string dirPath = pathToSil + folderName;
	const vector<string>& filenames = getFilesFromFolder(dirPath);
#ifdef WIN32

        dirPath += "\\";
        dirPath += "/";


        for (int i = 0; i < (int) filenames.size(); i++) 
            // Store image to corresponding set (test or learning)
            string imgName = filenames[i];
            string imgPath = dirPath + imgName;

            Mat imgMat = imread(imgPath, 1);
            if (inSet(imgName, testImgsNames))

        if (testData[classId].size() != testImgsNames.size())
            fprintf(stderr, "Warning: Test set for %s is badly defined!\n", classId.c_str());

    // Everything went ok
    return 0;