Esempio n. 1
static status
verifyResizeGesture(ResizeGesture g, EventObj ev)
{ int frac = valInt(getClassVariableValueObject(g, NAME_marginFraction));
  int mx   = valInt(getClassVariableValueObject(g, NAME_marginWidth));
  Int X, Y;
  int x, y, w, h;
  Graphical gr = ev->receiver;

  if ( !instanceOfObject(gr, ClassGraphical) || isNil(gr->device) )

  get_xy_event(ev, ev->receiver, ON, &X, &Y);
  x = valInt(X), y = valInt(Y);
  w = valInt(gr->area->w);
  h = valInt(gr->area->h);

  if ( x < w/frac && x < mx )		/* determine horizontal-mode */
    assign(g, h_mode, NAME_left);
  else if ( x > ((frac-1) * w)/frac && x > w - mx )
    assign(g, h_mode, NAME_right);
    assign(g, h_mode, NAME_keep);

  if ( y < h/frac && y < mx )		/* determine vertical-mode */
    assign(g, v_mode, NAME_top);
  else if ( y > ((frac-1) * h)/frac && y > h - mx )
    assign(g, v_mode, NAME_bottom);
    assign(g, v_mode, NAME_keep);

  if ( g->h_mode == NAME_keep && g->v_mode == NAME_keep )

Esempio n. 2
static status
initialiseTileAdjuster(TileAdjuster p, TileObj t)
{ Image img = getClassVariableValueObject(p, NAME_image);
  Size size;
  CursorObj crs;
  BitmapObj bm;

  if ( isNil(t->super) )
    return errorPce(p, NAME_noSubTile, t);

  if ( t->super->orientation == NAME_horizontal )
  { img = getClassVariableValueObject(p, NAME_himage);
    crs = getClassVariableValueObject(p, NAME_horizontalResizeCursor);
  } else
  { img = getClassVariableValueObject(p, NAME_vimage);
    crs = getClassVariableValueObject(p, NAME_verticalResizeCursor);

  size = getCopySize(img->size);
  initialiseWindow((PceWindow) p, NAME_adjuster, size, DEFAULT);
  assign(p, pen, ZERO);
  assign(p, cursor, crs);
  assign(p, orientation, t->super->orientation);

  send(p, NAME_display, bm=newObject(ClassBitmap, img, EAV), EAV);
/*send(bm, NAME_cursor, crs, EAV);*/

  assign(t, adjuster, p);
  assign(p, client, t);

Esempio n. 3
static status
initialiseTextMargin(TextMargin m, Editor e, Int w, Int h)
{ initialiseGraphical(m, ZERO, ZERO, w, h);
  assign(m, editor, e);
  assign(m, background, getClassVariableValueObject(m, NAME_background));
  assign(m, gap, newObject(ClassSize, EAV));
  copySize(m->gap, getClassVariableValueObject(m, NAME_gap));

Esempio n. 4
static int
draw_button_popup_indicator(Button b, int x, int y, int w, int h, int up)
{ int rm;				/* required right margin */

  if ( notNil(b->popup_image) )
  { int iw = valInt(b->popup_image->size->w);
    int ih = valInt(b->popup_image->size->h);

    rm = iw+8;
    r_image(b->popup_image, 0, 0, x+w-rm, y + (h-ih)/2, iw, ih, ON);
  } else
  { Elevation z = getClassVariableValueObject(b, NAME_elevation);

    if ( b->look == NAME_motif || b->look == NAME_gtk )
    { int bw = 12;
      int bh = 8;

      rm = bw+8;
      r_3d_box(x+w-bw-8, y+(h-bh)/2, bw, bh, 0, z, TRUE);
    } else
    { int th = 8;
      int tw = 9;
      int tx, ty;

      rm = tw+8;
      tx = x+w-rm;
      ty = y + (h-th)/2;

      r_3d_triangle(tx+tw/2, ty+th, tx, ty, tx+tw, ty, z, up, 0x3);
      rm = tw;

  return rm;
Esempio n. 5
static status
RedrawAreaTextMargin(TextMargin m, Area a)
{ int x, y, w, h;
  Elevation z = getClassVariableValueObject(m, NAME_elevation);
  Any obg;

  initialiseDeviceGraphical(m, &x, &y, &w, &h);

  margin_x = x;
  margin_y = y;

  obg = r_background(m->background);
  r_clear(x, y, w, h);
  if ( z && notNil(z) )
    r_3d_box(x, y, w, h, 0, z, FALSE);
  { r_thickness(valInt(m->pen));
    r_box(x, y, w, h, 0, NIL);

  scan_fragment_icons(m, paint_fragment, NAME_forSome, NIL);
  RedrawAreaGraphical(m, a);

Esempio n. 6
RedrawAreaButton(Button b, Area a)
{ int x, y, w, h;
  int defb;
  int rm = 0;				/* right-margin */
  PceWindow sw;
  int kbf;				/* Button has keyboard focus */
  int obhf;				/* Other button has focus */
  int focus;
  int swapbg = FALSE;
  int up;
  int flags = 0;
  Elevation z;

  if ( b->look == NAME_winMenuBar ||
       b->look == NAME_gtkMenuBar )
    return RedrawMenuBarButton(b, a);

  if ( b->active == OFF )
    flags |= LABEL_INACTIVE;

  up = (b->status == NAME_active || b->status == NAME_inactive);
  defb = (b->default_button == ON);
  initialiseDeviceGraphical(b, &x, &y, &w, &h);
  NormaliseArea(x, y, w, h);

  if ( (sw = getWindowGraphical((Graphical)b)) )
  { kbf   = (sw->keyboard_focus == (Graphical) b);
    obhf  = (!kbf && instanceOfObject(sw->keyboard_focus, ClassButton));
    focus = (sw->input_focus == ON);
  } else
    kbf = obhf = focus = FALSE;		/* should not happen */

  if ( !ws_draw_button_face((DialogItem)b,
			    x, y, w, h,
			    up, defb, kbf && focus) )
    draw_generic_button_face(b, x, y, w, h, up, defb, kbf && focus);

  if ( b->look == NAME_openLook && b->status == NAME_preview &&
       !((z = getClassVariableValueObject(b, NAME_elevation)) && notNil(z)) )
  { swapbg = TRUE;

  if ( notNil(b->popup) && !instanceOfObject(b->label, ClassImage) )
    rm = draw_button_popup_indicator(b, x, y, w, h, up);

  RedrawLabelDialogItem(b, accelerator_code(b->accelerator),
			x, y, w-rm, h,
			NAME_center, NAME_center, flags);

  if ( swapbg )

  return RedrawAreaGraphical(b, a);
Esempio n. 7
initialiseResizeGesture(ResizeGesture g, Name button, Modifier modifier)
{ Size ms = getClassVariableValueObject(g, NAME_minSize);

  initialiseGesture((Gesture) g, button, modifier);

  assign(g, h_mode, NAME_keep);
  assign(g, v_mode, NAME_keep);
  assign(g, min_size, ms != FAIL ? ms : newObject(ClassSize, EAV));

Esempio n. 8
static status
initialiseLBox(LBox lb, Int w)
{ if ( isDefault(w) )
    w = getClassVariableValueObject(lb, NAME_width);


  assign(lb->area, w, w);

Esempio n. 9
static status
RedrawMenuBarButton(Button b, Area a)
{ int x, y, w, h;
  Any ofg = NIL;
  int flags = 0;

  initialiseDeviceGraphical(b, &x, &y, &w, &h);
  NormaliseArea(x, y, w, h);

  if ( b->status == NAME_preview )
  { Elevation e;

    if ( b->look == NAME_gtkMenuBar &&
	 (e = getClassVariableValueObject(b, NAME_previewElevation)) &&
	 notNil(e) )
    { r_3d_box(x, y, w, h, 0, e, TRUE);
    } else /* if ( b->look == NAME_winMenuBar ) */
    { Any fg = getClassVariableValueObject(b, NAME_selectedForeground);
      Any bg = getClassVariableValueObject(b, NAME_selectedBackground);

      if ( !fg ) fg = WHITE_COLOUR;
      if ( !bg ) bg = BLACK_COLOUR;
      r_fill(x, y, w, h, bg);
      ofg = r_colour(fg);

  if ( b->active == OFF )
    flags |= LABEL_INACTIVE;

  RedrawLabelDialogItem(b, accelerator_code(b->accelerator),
			x, y, w, h,
			NAME_center, NAME_center, flags);

  if ( notNil(ofg) )

Esempio n. 10
static status
initialiseMoveOutlineGesture(MoveOutlineGesture g,
			     Name button, Modifier modifier)
{ initialiseMoveGesture((MoveGesture) g, button, modifier);
  assign(g, outline, newObject(ClassBox, EAV));
  send(g->outline, NAME_texture,
       getClassVariableValueObject(g, NAME_texture), EAV);
  send(g->outline, NAME_recogniser,
       newObject(ClassMoveGesture, g->button, g->modifier, EAV), EAV);

Esempio n. 11
ws_create_font(FontObj f, DisplayObj d)
{ XpceFontInfo xref;
  DisplayWsXref r = d->ws_ref;
  XftFont *xft = NULL;

  if ( !instanceOfObject(f->x_name, ClassCharArray) ||
       !isstrA(&f->x_name->data) )			/* HACK */
  { XftPattern *p = XftPatternCreate();
    XftPattern *match;
    FcResult fcrc;
    int i;
    char *fam;
    int mono = FALSE;
    Real  scale  = getClassVariableValueObject(f, NAME_scale);
    double fscale = (scale ? valReal(scale) : 1.0);

    if ( f->family == NAME_screen )
    { fam = "monospace";
      mono = TRUE;
    } else
      fam = strName(f->family);

    XftPatternAddString(p, XFT_FAMILY, fam);
    XftPatternAddDouble(p, XFT_PIXEL_SIZE, (double)valInt(f->points)*fscale);
    if ( f->style == NAME_italic )
      XftPatternAddInteger(p, XFT_SLANT, XFT_SLANT_ITALIC);
    else if ( f->style == NAME_roman )
      XftPatternAddInteger(p, XFT_SLANT, XFT_SLANT_ROMAN);
    else if ( f->style == NAME_bold )
      XftPatternAddInteger(p, XFT_WEIGHT, XFT_WEIGHT_BOLD);

    if ( mono )
    { DEBUG(NAME_font, Cprintf("Asking for fixed\n"));
      XftPatternAddInteger(p, XFT_SPACING, XFT_MONO);

    if ( !(match = XftFontMatch(r->display_xref, r->screen, p, &fcrc)) )
    { DEBUG(NAME_font, Cprintf("XftFontMatch() failed. Calling replaceFont()\n"));
      return replaceFont(f, d);

	  { char buf[1024];
	    XftNameUnparse(match, buf, sizeof(buf));
	    Cprintf("Match = '%s'\n", buf);
Esempio n. 12
static UndoBuffer
getUndoBufferTextBuffer(TextBuffer tb)
{   if ( tb->undo_buffer != NULL )
        return tb->undo_buffer;

    if ( isDefault(tb->undo_buffer_size) )
        assign(tb, undo_buffer_size,
               getClassVariableValueObject(tb, NAME_undoBufferSize));

    if ( tb->undo_buffer_size != ZERO )
    {   tb->undo_buffer = createUndoBuffer(valInt(tb->undo_buffer_size));
        tb->undo_buffer->client = tb;

    return tb->undo_buffer;
Esempio n. 13
static status
computeButton(Button b)
{ if ( notNil(b->request_compute) )
  { int w, h, isimage;


    dia_label_size(b, &w, &h, &isimage);

    if ( b->look == NAME_winMenuBar ||
         b->look == NAME_gtkMenuBar )
    { if ( !isimage )
      { w += valInt(getExFont(b->label_font)) * 2;

	if ( b->look == NAME_gtkMenuBar )
	  h += 4;
      } else
      { w += 4;
	h += 4;
    } else
    { if ( isimage )
      { w += 4;
	h += 4;
      } else
      { Size size = getClassVariableValueObject(b, NAME_size);

	h += 6; w += 10 + valInt(b->radius);
	if ( notNil(b->popup) )
	{ if ( notNil(b->popup->popup_image) )
	    w += valInt(b->popup->popup_image->size->w) + 5;
	  else if ( b->look == NAME_motif || b->look == NAME_gtk )
	    w += 12 + 5;
	    w += 9 + 5;
	w = max(valInt(size->w), w);
	h = max(valInt(size->h), h);

	 assign(b->area, w, toInt(w));
	 assign(b->area, h, toInt(h)));

    assign(b, request_compute, NIL);
Esempio n. 14
static status
rangeIntItem(IntItem ii, Int low, Int high)
{ char buf[48];
  Type t = NULL;
  char s1[24], s2[24];
  int b = valInt(getClassVariableValueObject(ii, NAME_border));


  if ( isDefault(low) )
  { if ( isDefault(high) )
    { t = TypeInt;
      sprintf(s1, INTPTR_FORMAT, PCE_MIN_INT);
      sprintf(s2, INTPTR_FORMAT, PCE_MAX_INT);
    } else
    { sprintf(s1, INTPTR_FORMAT, PCE_MIN_INT);
      sprintf(s2, INTPTR_FORMAT, valInt(high));
      sprintf(buf, ".." INTPTR_FORMAT, valInt(high));
  } else
  { if ( isDefault(high) )
    { sprintf(s1, INTPTR_FORMAT, valInt(low));
      sprintf(s2, INTPTR_FORMAT, PCE_MAX_INT);
      sprintf(buf, INTPTR_FORMAT "..", valInt(low));
    } else
    { sprintf(s1, INTPTR_FORMAT, valInt(low));
      sprintf(s2, INTPTR_FORMAT, valInt(high));
      sprintf(buf, INTPTR_FORMAT ".." INTPTR_FORMAT,
	      valInt(low), valInt(high));

  if ( !t )
    t = checkType(CtoName(buf), TypeType, NIL);

  assign(ii, type, t);
  assign(ii, hor_stretch, ZERO);
		     toInt(max(width_text(ii->value_font, s1),
			       width_text(ii->value_font, s2))
			   + 2*b + 5 +
			   + text_item_combo_width((TextItem)ii)));

Esempio n. 15
static status
initialiseArc(Arc a, Int radius, Real start_angle, Real size_angle)
{ initialiseJoint((Joint) a, ZERO, ZERO, ZERO, ZERO, DEFAULT);

  if ( isDefault(radius) )
    radius = getClassVariableValueObject(a, NAME_radius);
  if ( isDefault(start_angle) )
    start_angle = CtoReal(0.0);
  if ( isDefault(size_angle) )
    size_angle = CtoReal(90.0);

  assign(a, size,	  newObject(ClassSize, radius, radius, EAV));
  assign(a, position,	  newObject(ClassPoint, EAV));
  assign(a, start_angle,  start_angle);
  assign(a, size_angle,	  size_angle);
  assign(a, close,	  NAME_none);

  return requestComputeGraphical(a, DEFAULT);
Esempio n. 16
static status
initialiseView(View v, Name name, Size size, DisplayObj display, Editor editor)
{ Editor e;

  if ( isDefault(editor) )
  { Size s2;

    if ( isDefault(size) && (s2 = getClassVariableValueObject(v, NAME_size)) )
      size = newObject(ClassSize, s2->w, s2->h, EAV);

    TRY(e = get(v, NAME_createEditor, size, EAV));
  } else
    e = editor;

  initialiseWindow((PceWindow) v, name,
		   getSizeGraphical((Graphical) e), display);

  return send(v, NAME_editor, e, EAV);
Esempio n. 17
static Editor
getCreateEditorView(View v, Size size)
{ Editor e;
  Int w, h;

  if ( notDefault(size) )
  { w = size->w;
    h = size->h;
  } else
    w = h = DEFAULT;

  if ( (e = newObject(ClassEditor, DEFAULT, w, h, EAV)) )
  { FontObj f;

    if ( (f = getClassVariableValueObject(v, NAME_font)) )
      send(e, NAME_font, f, EAV);


Esempio n. 18
static status
RedrawAreaSlider(Slider s, Area a)
{ int x, y, w, h;
  int ny, vx, vy, lx, ly, sx, sy, hx, hy;
  int vv;
  int bw = (s->look == NAME_x ? BAR_WIDTH : OL_BOX_WIDTH);
  float lv = convert_value(s->low);
  float hv = convert_value(s->high);
  float dv = convert_value(s->displayed_value);
  int lflags = (s->active == ON ? 0 : LABEL_INACTIVE);

  if ( dv < lv )
    dv = lv;
  else if ( dv > hv )
    dv = hv;

  if ( hv > lv )
    vv = rfloat(((float) (valInt(s->width) - bw) * (dv - lv)) / (hv - lv));
    vv = 0;

  initialiseDeviceGraphical(s, &x, &y, &w, &h);
  NormaliseArea(x, y, w, h);

  compute_slider(s, &ny, &vx, &vy, &lx, &ly, &sx, &sy, &hx, &hy);
  r_clear(x, y, w, h);

  if ( s->show_label == ON )
  { int ex = valInt(getExFont(s->label_font));

			  x, y+ny, vx-ex, 0,
			  s->label_format, NAME_top,

  if ( s->look == NAME_motif )
  { int by = y+sy+(SLIDER_HEIGHT-OL_BAR_HEIGHT)/2;
    int ex  = x + sx + valInt(s->width);
    Elevation z = getClassVariableValueObject(s, NAME_elevation);

    r_3d_box(x+sx, by, vv, OL_BAR_HEIGHT, 0, z, FALSE);
    r_3d_box(x+sx+vv+bw, by, ex-(x+sx+vv+bw), OL_BAR_HEIGHT, 0, z, FALSE);
    r_3d_box(x+sx+vv, y+sy, bw, SLIDER_HEIGHT, 0, z, TRUE);
  } else if ( s->look == NAME_openLook )
  { int by = y+sy+(SLIDER_HEIGHT-OL_BAR_HEIGHT)/2;
    int ly2 = by+OL_BAR_HEIGHT-1;
    int ex  = x + sx + valInt(s->width);

    r_fill(x+sx, by+1, 1, OL_BAR_HEIGHT-2, BLACK_IMAGE);
    r_fill(x+sx+1, by, vv-2, OL_BAR_HEIGHT, BLACK_IMAGE);
    r_line(x+sx+1+vv+bw, by, ex-2, by);
    r_line(x+sx+1+vv+bw, ly2, ex-2, ly2);
    r_line(ex-1, by+1, ex-1, ly2-1);
    r_shadow_box(x+sx+vv, y+sy, bw, SLIDER_HEIGHT, 0, 1, NIL);
  } else
  { r_fill(x+sx, y+sy, vv, SLIDER_HEIGHT, GREY50_IMAGE);
    r_box(x+sx, y+sy, valInt(s->width), SLIDER_HEIGHT, 0, NIL);
    r_fill(x+sx+vv, y+sy, bw, SLIDER_HEIGHT, BLACK_IMAGE);

  if ( s->show_value == ON )
  { char buf[100];
    string str;

    buf[0] = '[';
    format_value(s, &buf[1], s->displayed_value);
    strcat(buf, "]");
    str_set_ascii(&str, buf);
    str_label(&str, 0, s->value_font,
	      x+vx, y+vy, 0, 0, NAME_left, NAME_top, lflags);
    format_value(s, buf, s->low);
    str_set_ascii(&str, buf);
    str_label(&str, 0, s->value_font,
	      x+lx, y+ly, 0, 0, NAME_left, NAME_top, lflags);
    format_value(s, buf, s->high);
    str_set_ascii(&str, buf);
    str_label(&str, 0, s->value_font,
	      x+hx, y+hy, 0, 0, NAME_left, NAME_top, lflags);

  return RedrawAreaGraphical(s, a);
Esempio n. 19
static status
RedrawAreaTextItem(TextItem ti, Area a)
{ int x, y, w, h;
  int al, av, am;
  int lw, lh;
  int fw = valInt(getExFont(ti->value_text->font));
  Elevation z = getClassVariableValueObject(ti, NAME_elevation);
  int tx, ty, tw, th;
  TextObj vt = ti->value_text;
  int flags = 0;

  initialiseDeviceGraphical(ti, &x, &y, &w, &h);

  al = valInt(getAscentFont(ti->label_font));
  av = valInt(getAscentFont(vt->font)) + valInt(vt->border);
  am = max(al, av);

  compute_label_text_item(ti, &lw, &lh);
  if ( ti->show_label == ON )
  { RedrawLabelDialogItem(ti,
			  x, y+am-al, lw-fw, h,
			  ti->label_format, NAME_top,
			  ti->active == ON ? 0 : LABEL_INACTIVE);

  tx = x+lw;
  ty = y+am-av;
  tw = valInt(vt->area->w);
  th = valInt(vt->area->h);

  if ( ti->editable == ON && ti->active == ON )
  flags |= combo_flags(ti);

  if ( !ws_entry_field(tx, ty, tw+text_item_combo_width(ti), th, flags) )
  { if ( flags & TEXTFIELD_EDITABLE )
    { if ( z && notNil(z) )
      { int zh = abs(valInt(z->height));
	int ly = y+am+zh+valInt(getDescentFont(vt->font));

	r_3d_line(x+lw, ly, x+lw+tw, ly, z, TRUE);
      } else if ( ti->pen != ZERO )
      { int pen = valInt(ti->pen);
	int ly = y+am+1+pen/2;


	r_line(x+lw, ly, x+lw+tw, ly);
    { int trh = 8;
      int trw = 9;
      int trx, try;
      int up = (flags & TEXTFIELD_COMBO) ? TRUE : FALSE;

      trx = tx+tw+5;
      try = y + (h-trh)/2;

      r_3d_triangle(trx+trw/2, try+trh, trx, try, trx+trw, try, z, up, 0x3);
    if ( flags & TEXTFIELD_STEPPER )
    { int sw = STEPPER_BOX_W;
      int bx = x+w-sw;
      int bh = (h+1)/2;
      int iw, ih, ix, dy;
      Elevation e = getClassVariableValueClass(ClassButton, NAME_elevation);

      r_3d_box(bx, y,    sw, bh,   0, e, !(flags & TEXTFIELD_INCREMENT));
      r_3d_box(bx, y+bh, sw, h-bh, 0, e, !(flags & TEXTFIELD_DECREMENT));

      iw = valInt(INT_ITEM_IMAGE->size->w)/2;
      ih = valInt(INT_ITEM_IMAGE->size->h);
      ix = x + w - (sw+iw+1)/2;
      dy = (bh-ih+1)/2;

      r_image(INT_ITEM_IMAGE, 0,  0, ix, y+dy,      iw, ih, ON);
      r_image(INT_ITEM_IMAGE, iw, 0, ix, y+h-dy-ih, iw, ih, ON);
Esempio n. 20
ws_create_font(FontObj f, DisplayObj d)
{ WsFont wsf = alloc(sizeof(ws_font));
#ifdef __WINDOWS__
  int widths[FONTTABLESIZE];
  short widths[FONTTABLESIZE];
  HDC hdc;
  HFONT old;
  int n;
  int stock;

  if ( sscanf(strName(f->x_name), STOCKFMT, &stock) == 1 )
  { wsf->hfont      = GetStockObject(stock);
    wsf->from_stock = TRUE;
  } else
  { LOGFONT lfont;
    Real  scale  = getClassVariableValueObject(f, NAME_scale);
    float fscale = (scale ? valReal(scale) : 1.4);

    memset(&lfont, 0, sizeof(lfont));
    lfont.lfHeight          = (int)((float) valInt(f->points) * fscale);
    lfont.lfWeight          = (f->style == NAME_bold ? FW_BOLD : FW_NORMAL);
    lfont.lfItalic          = ((f->style == NAME_italic ||
				f->style == NAME_oblique) ? 1 : 0);
    lfont.lfPitchAndFamily  = (f->family == NAME_screen  ? FIXED_PITCH
							 : DEFAULT_PITCH);
    lfont.lfPitchAndFamily |= (f->family == NAME_helvetica ? FF_SWISS :
			       f->family == NAME_times     ? FF_ROMAN :
			       f->family == NAME_screen    ? FF_MODERN :

    if ( f->family == NAME_symbol )
      strcpy(lfont.lfFaceName, "symbol");

    if ( instanceOfObject(f->x_name, ClassCharArray) )
    { strcpy(lfont.lfFaceName, strName(f->family));

      parse_font(strName(f->x_name), &lfont);
    } else
    { lfont.lfOutPrecision  = OUT_TT_ONLY_PRECIS;
      lfont.lfQuality	    = PROOF_QUALITY;

    if ( !(wsf->hfont = CreateFontIndirect(&lfont)) )
    { Cprintf("Failed to create logical font; replacing with stock font\n");

      if ( f->family == NAME_screen )
      { if ( f->style == NAME_bold )
	  stock = ANSI_FIXED_FONT;
      } else
      { if ( f->style == NAME_bold )
	  stock = SYSTEM_FONT;
	  stock = ANSI_VAR_FONT;

      wsf->hfont      = GetStockObject(stock);
      wsf->from_stock = TRUE;
    } else
      wsf->from_stock = FALSE;

  wsf->widths     = alloc(FONTTABLESIZE * sizeof(cwidth));
  assign(f, iswide, OFF);

  hdc = GetDC(NULL);
  old = SelectObject(hdc, wsf->hfont);
  GetCharWidth(hdc, 0, FONTTABLESIZE-1, widths);
  for(n=0; n<FONTTABLESIZE; n++)
    wsf->widths[n] = widths[n];
  GetTextMetrics(hdc, &tm);
  wsf->ascent  = tm.tmAscent + tm.tmExternalLeading;
  wsf->descent = tm.tmDescent;
/*if ( !(tm.tmPitchAndFamily & TMPF_TRUETYPE) && f->family != NAME_win )
    Cprintf("%s (%s/%s): not a TrueType font\n",
	    pp(f), pp(f->family), pp(f->style));
  if ( isDefault(f->x_name) )
  { char buf[256];

    if ( GetTextFace(hdc, sizeof(buf), buf) )
      assign(f, x_name, CtoName(buf));
  SelectObject(hdc, old);
  ReleaseDC(NULL, hdc);

  if ( wsf->widths['i'] == wsf->widths['w'] )
    assign(f, fixed_width, ON);
    assign(f, fixed_width, OFF);

  registerXrefObject(f, d, wsf);

Esempio n. 21
static void
draw_generic_button_face(Button b,
			 int x, int y, int w, int h,
			 int up, int defb, int focus)
{ Elevation z = getClassVariableValueObject(b, NAME_elevation);
  int r = valInt(b->radius);

  if ( z && notNil(z) )			/* 3-d style */
  { int up = (b->status == NAME_inactive || b->status == NAME_active);

    if ( b->look == NAME_motif ||
	 b->look == NAME_gtk ||
	 b->look == NAME_win )
    { int bx = x, by = y, bw = w, bh = h;

      if ( b->look == NAME_motif ||
	   b->look == NAME_gtk )
	if ( b->show_focus_border == ON )
	{ PceWindow sw = getWindowGraphical((Graphical)b);
	  Graphical kbfocus = (sw ? sw->keyboard_focus : NIL);

	  if ( focus ||
	       kbfocus == (Graphical) b ||	/* inactive focus */
	       (defb && !instanceOfObject(kbfocus, ClassButton)) )
	  { static Elevation e = NULL;

	    if ( !e )
	      e = newObject(ClassElevation, ONE, EAV);

	    bw += GTK_BUTTON_MARGIN * 2;
	    bh += GTK_BUTTON_MARGIN * 2;
	    r_3d_box(bx, by, bw, bh, r, e, FALSE);

	if ( focus )
	{ int pen = valInt(b->pen);

	  if ( pen > 0 )
	  { r_thickness(pen);
	    r_box(x-pen, y-pen, w+2*pen, h+2*pen, r, NIL);
      } else
      { if ( defb )
	{ int pen = valInt(b->pen);

	  bx -= pen; by -= pen; bw += 2*pen; bh += 2*pen;
	  r_box(bx, by, bw, bh, r, NIL);

    r_3d_box(x, y, w, h, r, z, up);
    if ( b->look == NAME_openLook && defb )
    { Any old;

      old = r_colour(r_elevation_shadow(z));
      r_box(x+2, y+2, w-4, h-4, r, NIL);
  } else				/* 2-d style */
  { int swapc  = 0;
    int pen    = valInt(b->pen);
    int radius = valInt(b->radius);
    int shadow = valInt(b->shadow);

    if ( defb && b->look != NAME_openLook )


    if ( up )
    { r_shadow_box(x, y, w, h, radius, shadow, NIL);
    } else if ( b->status == NAME_preview )
    { r_shadow_box(x, y, w, h, radius, shadow, BLACK_IMAGE);
      swapc = TRUE;
    } else if ( b->status == NAME_execute )
    { r_shadow_box(x, y, w, h, radius, shadow, GREY25_IMAGE);

    if ( swapc )

    if ( defb && b->look == NAME_openLook )
      r_box(x+pen, y+pen, w-2*pen-shadow, h-2*pen-shadow, radius, NIL);

    if ( swapc )