bool GLWindow::_createFBO( util::FrameBufferObject*& fbo, const int samplesSize) { const PixelViewport& pvp = getPixelViewport(); const GLuint colorFormat = getColorFormat(); int depthSize = getIAttribute( WindowSettings::IATTR_PLANES_DEPTH ); if( depthSize == AUTO ) depthSize = 24; int stencilSize = getIAttribute( WindowSettings::IATTR_PLANES_STENCIL ); if( stencilSize == AUTO ) stencilSize = 1; fbo = new util::FrameBufferObject( _impl->glewContext, samplesSize ? GL_TEXTURE_2D_MULTISAMPLE : GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_ARB ); Error error = fbo->init( pvp.w, pvp.h, colorFormat, depthSize, stencilSize, samplesSize ); if( !error ) return true; if( getIAttribute( WindowSettings::IATTR_PLANES_STENCIL ) == AUTO ) error = fbo->init( pvp.w, pvp.h, colorFormat, depthSize, 0, samplesSize ); if( !error ) return true; sendError( error.getCode( )); delete fbo; fbo = 0; return false; }
bool Texture::init(int width, int height, ColorFormat format) noexcept { if (m_data != nullptr) { m_data = nullptr; } m_width = width; m_height = height; m_format = format; size_t size = CalculateDataBlockSize(getWidth(), getHeight()); if (size > 0) { m_data.reset(new uint8_t[size], std::default_delete<uint8_t[]>()); // filling texture with black color size_t count = m_width*m_height; uint32_t pixel = GetEmptyPixel(getColorFormat()); pixel = get32u_le(&pixel); uint32_t *ofs = (uint32_t*)m_data.get(); for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++, ofs++) { *ofs = pixel; } return true; } return false; }
/* * Check whether the camera has the supported color format * @param params CameraParameters to retrieve the information * @return OK if no error. */ status_t CameraSource::isCameraColorFormatSupported( const CameraParameters& params) { mColorFormat = getColorFormat(params.get( CameraParameters::KEY_VIDEO_FRAME_FORMAT)); if (mColorFormat == -1) { return BAD_VALUE; } return OK; }
/* * Check whether the camera has the supported color format * @param params CameraParameters to retrieve the information * @return OK if no error. */ status_t CameraSource::isCameraColorFormatSupported( const CameraParameters& params) { const char* fmt = params.get(CameraParameters::KEY_VIDEO_FRAME_FORMAT); if (!fmt) { LOGE("Missing parameter %s!", CameraParameters::KEY_VIDEO_FRAME_FORMAT); return BAD_VALUE; } mColorFormat = getColorFormat(fmt); if (mColorFormat == -1) { return BAD_VALUE; } return OK; }
bool Texture::resizeTexture(int newWidth, int newHeight) noexcept { if (newWidth > 0 && newHeight > 0) { if (newWidth == getWidth() && newHeight == getHeight()) { return true; } size_t newSize = CalculateDataBlockSize(newWidth, newHeight); if (newSize > 0) { BytePtr ptrNewData(new uint8_t[newSize], std::default_delete<uint8_t[]>()); // filling new texture with Dxt-encoded "black" size_t numPixels = newWidth*newHeight; uint32_t pixel = GetEmptyPixel(getColorFormat()); pixel = get32u_le(&pixel); uint32_t *ofs = (uint32_t*)ptrNewData.get(); for (size_t i = 0; i < numPixels; i++, ofs++) { *ofs = pixel; } // copying old data into new texture int srcStride = getWidth() * 4; int oldHeight = getHeight(); int dstStride = newWidth * 4; int minStride = std::min(srcStride, dstStride); int minHeight = std::min(oldHeight, newHeight); uint8_t *srcOfs = m_data.get(); uint8_t *dstOfs = ptrNewData.get(); for (int y = 0; y < minHeight; y++) { std::memcpy(dstOfs, srcOfs, minStride); srcOfs += srcStride; dstOfs += dstStride; } m_width = newWidth; m_height = newHeight; m_data = ptrNewData; return true; } } return false; }
void GLFramebuffer::attach(const string &attachment, GLenum txrFormat) { GLenum colorFormat, datatype; if((colorFormat = getColorFormat(txrFormat)) == GL_NONE || (datatype = getDatatype(txrFormat)) == GL_NONE) { cerr << "Invalid texture format specified." << endl; cerr << "Should be one of: GL_RGB32(F/UI), GL_RGBA32(F/UI), GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT32F." << endl; return; } // Get FBO attachment slot for the new texture GLenum slot = findAttachmentSlot(txrFormat); GLTexture *pTexture = new GLTexture(); GLTexture::bind(0, *pTexture); glTexParameterf(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); glTexParameterf(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE); glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, txrFormat, m_width, m_height, 0, colorFormat, datatype, nullptr); glFramebufferTexture2D(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, slot, GL_TEXTURE_2D, pTexture->getID(), 0); GLTexture::unbind(0); // Construct new FBO attachment GLFramebufferAttachment fboAttachment; = attachment; fboAttachment.pTexture = pTexture; fboAttachment.textureFormat = txrFormat; fboAttachment.colorFormat = colorFormat; fboAttachment.datatype = datatype; fboAttachment.attachmentSlot = slot; m_attachments.insert({attachment, fboAttachment}); // Increment color attachment count if neccessary if(txrFormat != GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT32F) m_colorAttachmentCount++; }
bool Texture::savePvrz(File &fout) const noexcept { if (getEncoding() == Encoding::UNKNOWN) { return false; } uint32_t v32; size_t pvrSize = 0x34 + CalculateDataBlockSize(getWidth(), getHeight(), getEncoding()); BytePtr ptrPvr(new uint8_t[pvrSize], std::default_delete<uint8_t[]>()); // initializing header v32 = 0x03525650; v32 = get32u_le(&v32); memcpy(ptrPvr.get() + 0, &v32, 4); // signature v32 = 0; memcpy(ptrPvr.get() + 4, &v32, 4); // flags switch (getEncoding()) { case Encoding::BC1: v32 = 7; break; case Encoding::BC2: v32 = 9; break; case Encoding::BC3: v32 = 11; break; default: return false; } v32 = get32u_le(&v32); memcpy(ptrPvr.get() + 8, &v32, 4); // pixel format v32 = 0; memcpy(ptrPvr.get() + 12, &v32, 4); // extended pixel format memcpy(ptrPvr.get() + 16, &v32, 4); // color space memcpy(ptrPvr.get() + 20, &v32, 4); // channel type v32 = getHeight(); v32 = get32u_le(&v32); memcpy(ptrPvr.get() + 24, &v32, 4); // height v32 = getWidth(); v32 = get32u_le(&v32); memcpy(ptrPvr.get() + 28, &v32, 4); // width v32 = 1; v32 = get32u_le(&v32); memcpy(ptrPvr.get() + 32, &v32, 4); // texture depth memcpy(ptrPvr.get() + 36, &v32, 4); // surfaces memcpy(ptrPvr.get() + 40, &v32, 4); // faces memcpy(ptrPvr.get() + 44, &v32, 4); // mipmap levels v32 = 0; memcpy(ptrPvr.get() + 48, &v32, 4); // meta data size // encoding pixel data ConverterPtr converter(new ConverterDxt(m_options, getEncoding())); converter->setEncoding(true); converter->setColorFormat(getColorFormat()); bool retVal = (0 != converter->convert(ptrPvr.get() + 0x34, getData().get(), getWidth(), getHeight())); // compressing PVR texture if (retVal) { size_t pvrzSize = pvrSize * 2; BytePtr ptrPvrz(new uint8_t[pvrzSize], std::default_delete<uint8_t[]>()); Compression compress; pvrzSize = compress.deflate(ptrPvr.get(), pvrSize, ptrPvrz.get() + 4, pvrzSize); if (pvrzSize > 0) { v32 = pvrzSize; v32 = get32u_le(&v32); memcpy(ptrPvrz.get() + 0, &v32, 4); retVal = (fout.write(ptrPvrz.get(), 1, pvrzSize+4) == pvrzSize+4); } else { retVal = false; } } return retVal; }
CameraSource::CameraSource(const sp<Camera> &camera) : mCamera(camera), mFirstFrameTimeUs(0), mLastFrameTimestampUs(0), mNumFramesReceived(0), mNumFramesEncoded(0), mNumFramesDropped(0), mNumGlitches(0), mGlitchDurationThresholdUs(200000), mCollectStats(false), mStarted(false) { int64_t token = IPCThreadState::self()->clearCallingIdentity(); String8 s = mCamera->getParameters(); IPCThreadState::self()->restoreCallingIdentity(token); printf("params: \"%s\"\n", s.string()); int32_t width, height, stride, sliceHeight; CameraParameters params(s); params.getPreviewSize(&width, &height); // Calculate glitch duraton threshold based on frame rate int32_t frameRate = params.getPreviewFrameRate(); int64_t glitchDurationUs = (1000000LL / frameRate); if (glitchDurationUs > mGlitchDurationThresholdUs) { mGlitchDurationThresholdUs = glitchDurationUs; } int32_t colorFormat = OMX_COLOR_FormatYUV420SemiPlanar; const char *colorFormatStr = params.get(CameraParameters::KEY_VIDEO_FRAME_FORMAT); if (colorFormatStr == NULL) { #ifdef USE_YUV422I_DEFAULT_COLORFORMAT // on some devices (such as sholes), the camera doesn't properly report what // color format it needs, so we need to force it as a default colorFormatStr = CameraParameters::PIXEL_FORMAT_YUV422I; #else colorFormatStr = CameraParameters::PIXEL_FORMAT_YUV420SP; #endif } if (colorFormatStr != NULL) colorFormat = getColorFormat(colorFormatStr); // XXX: query camera for the stride and slice height // when the capability becomes available. stride = width; sliceHeight = height; mMeta = new MetaData; mMeta->setCString(kKeyMIMEType, MEDIA_MIMETYPE_VIDEO_RAW); mMeta->setInt32(kKeyColorFormat, colorFormat); mMeta->setInt32(kKeyWidth, width); mMeta->setInt32(kKeyHeight, height); mMeta->setInt32(kKeyStride, stride); mMeta->setInt32(kKeySliceHeight, sliceHeight); #if defined (OMAP_ENHANCEMENT) && defined (TARGET_OMAP4) int32_t paddedFrameWidth, paddedFrameHeight; if (mCamera != 0) { // Since we may not honor the preview size that app has requested // It is a good idea to get the actual preview size and use it for video recording. paddedFrameWidth = atoi(params.get("padded-width")); paddedFrameHeight = atoi(params.get("padded-height")); if (paddedFrameWidth < 0 || paddedFrameHeight < 0) { LOGE("Failed to get camera(%p) preview size", mCamera.get()); } LOGV("CameraSource() : padded WxH=%dx%d", paddedFrameWidth, paddedFrameHeight); } else { LOGE("mCamera is NULL"); paddedFrameWidth = width; paddedFrameHeight = height; } mMeta->setInt32(kKeyPaddedWidth, paddedFrameWidth); mMeta->setInt32(kKeyPaddedHeight, paddedFrameHeight); int32_t mS3DCamera = false; if (mCamera != 0) { if(params.get("s3d-supported")!= NULL && CameraParameters::TRUE != NULL) mS3DCamera = strcmp(params.get("s3d-supported"), CameraParameters::TRUE) == 0; if(mS3DCamera) { const char *seiEncodingTypeStr = params.get(TICameraParameters::KEY_SEI_ENCODING_TYPE); CHECK(seiEncodingTypeStr != NULL); int32_t seiEncodingType = getSEIEncodingType(seiEncodingTypeStr); mMeta->setInt32(kKeySEIEncodingType, seiEncodingType); const char *frameLayoutStr = params.get(TICameraParameters::KEY_S3D_FRAME_LAYOUT); CHECK(frameLayoutStr != NULL); mMeta->setCString(kKeyFrameLayout, frameLayoutStr); } } else { LOGE("mCamera is NULL"); mS3DCamera = false; } mMeta->setInt32(kKeyS3dSupported, mS3DCamera); #endif }