/// Get the tiles colour static inline void getColour(PIELIGHT *colour, int x, int y, bool center) { MAPTILE *psTile; if (center) { PIELIGHT a,b,c,d; getColour(&a, x , y , false); getColour(&b, x+1, y , false); getColour(&c, x , y+1, false); getColour(&d, x+1, y+1, false); averageColour(colour, a, b, c, d); return; } *colour = WZCOL_BLACK; if (x < 0 || y < 0 || x > mapWidth - 1 || y > mapHeight - 1) { return; } psTile = mapTile(x, y); *colour = psTile->colour; if (psTile->tileInfoBits & BITS_GATEWAY && showGateways) { colour->byte.g = 255; } }
void AppearanceSettings::applyToCodeEditor (CodeEditorComponent& editor) const { CodeEditorComponent::ColourScheme cs (editor.getColourScheme()); for (int i = cs.types.size(); --i >= 0;) { CodeEditorComponent::ColourScheme::TokenType& t = cs.types.getReference(i); getColour (t.name, t.colour); } editor.setColourScheme (cs); editor.setFont (getCodeFont()); for (int i = 0; i < AppearanceColours::numColours; ++i) { if (AppearanceColours::colours[i].applyToEditorOnly) { Colour col; if (getColour (AppearanceColours::colours[i].name, col)) editor.setColour (AppearanceColours::colours[i].colourID, col); } } editor.setColour (ScrollBar::thumbColourId, IntrojucerLookAndFeel::getScrollbarColourForBackground (editor.findColour (CodeEditorComponent::backgroundColourId))); }
void Circle::Draw() const { glColor3f(getColour().r, getColour().g, getColour().b); glBegin(GL_POLYGON); for (int i = 1; i < 360; i+=7.2) { int xCoord = centre.x + radius * cos(i*M_PI/180); int yCoord = centre.y + radius * sin(i*M_PI/180); glVertex2f(xCoord, yCoord); } glEnd(); }
int drawDisintegrationSpell() { int colour1, colour2, colour3; colour1 = getColour(231, 231, 231); colour2 = getColour(57, 57, 224); colour3 = getColour(41, 41, 160); drawDisintegrationLine(self->startX, self->startY, self->endX, self->endY, colour1, colour2, colour3); return TRUE; }
int drawSoulStealSpell() { int colour1, colour2, colour3; colour1 = getColour(38, 152, 38); colour2 = getColour(50, 200, 50); colour3 = getColour(56, 225, 56); drawDisintegrationLine(self->startX, self->startY, self->endX, self->endY, colour1, colour2, colour3); return TRUE; }
GC setup(Display * dpy, int argc, char ** argv, int *width_r, int *height_r, XFontSet *font_r){ int width, height; unsigned long background, border; Window win; GC pen; XGCValues values; XFontSet font; XrmDatabase db; XrmInitialize(); db = XrmGetDatabase(dpy); XrmParseCommand(&db, xrmTable, sizeof(xrmTable)/sizeof(xrmTable[0]), "xtut7", &argc, argv); font = getFont(dpy, db, "xtut7.font", "xtut7.Font", "fixed"); background = getColour(dpy, db, "xtut7.background", "xtut7.BackGround", "DarkGreen"); border = getColour(dpy, db, "xtut7.border", "xtut7.Border", "LightGreen"); values.foreground = getColour(dpy, db, "xtut7.foreground", "xtut7.ForeGround", "Red"); width = 400; height = 400; win = XCreateSimpleWindow(dpy, DefaultRootWindow(dpy), /* display, parent */ 0,0, /* x, y: the window manager will place the window elsewhere */ width, height, /* width, height */ 2, border, /* border width & colour, unless you have a window manager */ background); /* background colour */ Xutf8SetWMProperties(dpy, win, "XTut7", "xtut7", argv, argc, NULL, NULL, NULL); /* create the pen to draw lines with */ values.line_width = 1; values.line_style = LineSolid; /*values.font = font->fid; */ pen = XCreateGC(dpy, win, GCForeground|GCLineWidth|GCLineStyle,&values); /* tell the display server what kind of events we would like to see */ XSelectInput(dpy, win, ButtonPressMask|ButtonReleaseMask|StructureNotifyMask|ExposureMask); /* okay, put the window on the screen, please */ XMapWindow(dpy, win); *width_r = width; *height_r = height; *font_r = font; return pen; }
void RDirNode::drawFiles(Frustum &frustum, float dt) { if(frustum.boundsInFrustum(quadItemBounds)) { vec4f col = getColour(); glPushMatrix(); glTranslatef(pos.x, pos.y, 0.0); //draw files for(std::list<RFile*>::iterator it = files.begin(); it!=files.end(); it++) { RFile* f = *it; if(f->isHidden()) continue; f->draw(dt); } glPopMatrix(); } glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); for(std::list<RDirNode*>::iterator it = children.begin(); it != children.end(); it++) { RDirNode* node = (*it); node->drawFiles(frustum,dt); } }
unsigned char* JuliaThread::DrawJuliaRow() { int i, iter=0; double x, y, xtemp; unsigned char* rgbdata = new unsigned char[width*3]; for (i=0; i<width; i++) //columns: x { y = ymax - r*dy; x = xmin + i*dx; iter = 0; while (x*x+y*y < 4 && iter<maxiter) { xtemp = x*x - y*y + cx; y = x*y + x*y + cy; x = xtemp; iter++; } if(iter==maxiter) { rgbdata[i*3] = (unsigned char)0; rgbdata[i*3+1] = (unsigned char)0; rgbdata[i*3+2] = (unsigned char)0; } else { unsigned char* temp = getColour((4*(iter - (log(log(x*x+y*y)))/log(2.0)))); rgbdata[i*3] = temp[0]; rgbdata[i*3+1] = temp[1]; rgbdata[i*3+2] = temp[2]; delete[] temp; } } return rgbdata; }
void Pawn::draw(float dt) { if(hidden) return; float halfsize = size * 0.5f; vec2 offsetpos = pos - vec2(halfsize, halfsize*graphic_ratio); float alpha = getAlpha(); vec3 col = getColour(); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, graphic->textureid); glPushMatrix(); glTranslatef(offsetpos.x, offsetpos.y, 0.0f); glColor4f(col.x, col.y, col.z, alpha); glBegin(GL_QUADS); glTexCoord2f(0.0f,0.0f); glVertex2f(0.0f, 0.0f); glTexCoord2f(1.0f,0.0f); glVertex2f(size, 0.0f); glTexCoord2f(1.0f,1.0f); glVertex2f(size, size*graphic_ratio); glTexCoord2f(0.0f,1.0f); glVertex2f(0.0f, size*graphic_ratio); glEnd(); glPopMatrix(); }
void Pawn::drawSimple(float dt) { if(isHidden()) return; glLoadName(tagid); float ratio = icon->h / (float) icon->w; float halfsize = size * 0.5f; vec2f offsetpos = pos - vec2f(halfsize, halfsize); float alpha = getAlpha(); vec3f col = getColour(); glColor4f(col.x, col.y, col.z, alpha); glPushMatrix(); glTranslatef(offsetpos.x, offsetpos.y, 0.0f); glBegin(GL_QUADS); glTexCoord2f(0.0f,0.0f); glVertex2f(0.0f, 0.0f); glTexCoord2f(1.0f,0.0f); glVertex2f(size, 0.0f); glTexCoord2f(1.0f,1.0f); glVertex2f(size, size*ratio); glTexCoord2f(0.0f,1.0f); glVertex2f(0.0f, size*ratio); glEnd(); glPopMatrix(); }
void LightCategory::bind( castor::PxBufferBase & p_texture, uint32_t index )const { uint32_t offset = 0u; doCopyComponent( getColour(), index, offset, p_texture ); doCopyComponent( getIntensity(), getFarPlane(), index, offset, p_texture ); doBind( p_texture, index, offset ); }
void RDirNode::drawFiles(float dt) const{ if(in_frustum) { vec4f col = getColour(); glPushMatrix(); glTranslatef(pos.x, pos.y, 0.0); //draw files for(std::list<RFile*>::const_iterator it = files.begin(); it!=files.end(); it++) { RFile* f = *it; if(f->isHidden()) continue; f->draw(dt); } glPopMatrix(); } for(std::list<RDirNode*>::const_iterator it = children.begin(); it != children.end(); it++) { RDirNode* node = (*it); node->drawFiles(dt); } }
//! Reads the ui config into m_uiConfig void Button::readUIConfig(){ UIConfigManager &configMan = UIConfigManager::getInstance(); const std::string buttonPath = "$.button"; boost::optional<jsoncons::json> maybeSettings = configMan.getSetting(buttonPath); if(!maybeSettings) CAP_THROW(CapEngineException("Could not load button settings. jsonpath query: " + buttonPath)); jsoncons::json settings = (*maybeSettings)[0]; // get the font path jsoncons::json fontpath = jsoncons::jsonpath::json_query(settings, "$.font.path"); if(fontpath.empty()){ boost::optional<jsoncons::json> defaultFontPath = configMan.getSetting(kDefaultFontSettingsPath); if(!defaultFontPath) CAP_THROW(CapEngineException("Could not get default font.")) m_uiConfig.fontpath = (*defaultFontPath)[0].as<std::string>(); } // neutral settings if(!settings.has_key("neutral")) CAP_THROW(CapEngineException("Button settings missing \"neutral\" property.")); auto getColourSetting = [](const jsoncons::json colourParent) -> boost::optional<Colour> { if(!colourParent.has_key("colour")) return boost::none; else{ boost::optional<Colour> maybeColour = getColour(colourParent["colour"]); if(maybeColour) return *maybeColour; else return boost::none; } }; // neutral settings jsoncons::json neutralSettings = settings["neutral"]; boost::optional<Colour> maybeNeutralFontColour = getColourSetting(getProperty(neutralSettings, "font")); m_uiConfig.neutralFontColour = maybeNeutralFontColour ? *maybeNeutralFontColour : kDefaultNeutralFontColour; boost::optional<Colour> maybeNeutralBackgroundColour = getColourSetting(getProperty(neutralSettings,"fill")); m_uiConfig.neutralBackgroundColour = maybeNeutralBackgroundColour ? *maybeNeutralBackgroundColour : kDefaultNeutralBackgroundColour; // hover settings jsoncons::json hoverSettings = getProperty(settings, "hover"); boost::optional<Colour> maybeHoverFontColour = getColourSetting(getProperty(hoverSettings, "font")); m_uiConfig.hoverFontColour = maybeHoverFontColour ? *maybeHoverFontColour : kDefaultHoverFontColour; boost::optional<Colour> maybeHoverBackgroundColour = getColourSetting(getProperty(hoverSettings, "fill")); m_uiConfig.hoverBackgroundColour = maybeHoverBackgroundColour ? *maybeHoverBackgroundColour : kDefaultHoverBackgroundColour; // pressed settings jsoncons::json pressedSettings = getProperty(settings, "pressed"); boost::optional<Colour> maybePressedFontColour = getColourSetting(getProperty(pressedSettings, "font")); m_uiConfig.pressedFontColour = maybePressedFontColour ? *maybePressedFontColour : kDefaultPressedFontColour; boost::optional<Colour> maybePressedBackgroundColour = getColourSetting(getProperty(pressedSettings, "fill")); m_uiConfig.pressedBackgroundColour = maybePressedBackgroundColour ? *maybePressedBackgroundColour : kDefaultPressedBackgroundColour; }
void mouse(int btn, int state, int x, int y) { switch (btn) { case(GLUT_LEFT_BUTTON) : Vector2d clickedXY = Vector2d((float)x, (float)y); if ((clickedTimes == 0 || clickedTimes % 2 == 0) && state == (gDragMode ? GLUT_DOWN : GLUT_UP)) { // first click currentVertex.position = clickedXY; currentVertex.colour = getColour(gColour); clickedTimes++; } else if ((clickedTimes % 2 == 1) && state == GLUT_UP) { // second click currentVertex.direction = pointSlope(currentVertex.position.x, currentVertex.position.y, x, y); currentVertices.push_back(currentVertex); clickedTimes++; } if (((clickedTimes == 2 && mouseMode == Dot) || (clickedTimes == 4 && mouseMode == Line)) && state == GLUT_UP) { finishedShapes.push_back(currentVertices); switch (mouseMode){ case(Dot) : finishedShapes.back().type = GL_POINTS; break; case(Line) : finishedShapes.back().type = GL_LINES; break; case(Poly) : break; } clearCurrentVertex(); } break; } }
void makeVertex(void) { currentVertex.position = Vector2d(randFloat(0, gWidth), randFloat(0, gHeight)); currentVertex.direction = Vector2d(randFloat(-1, 1), randFloat(-1, 1)); currentVertex.colour = getColour(gColour); currentVertices.push_back(currentVertex); }
static void getCPUColour(byte cpuUsage, s_rgbVal* colour) { // Workout colour colour->red = getColour(cpuUsage, 128, 255, MIN_RGB_LEVEL, MAX_RGB_LEVEL); colour->blue = getColour(cpuUsage, 0, 127, MAX_RGB_LEVEL, MIN_RGB_LEVEL); if(cpuUsage < 128) colour->green = getColour(cpuUsage, 0, 127, MIN_RGB_LEVEL, MAX_RGB_LEVEL); else colour->green = getColour(cpuUsage, 128, 255, MAX_RGB_LEVEL, MIN_RGB_LEVEL); // Adjust colour (sine smooth, brightness) adjustColour(&colour->red); adjustColour(&colour->blue); adjustColour(&colour->green); }
void ColourPanel::setAlphaSupport(bool _value) { mAlphaSupport = _value; updateAlphaSupport(); setColour(getColour()); }
// Re-apply the changes in selection, colour and amount on a fresh palette void redraw() { pal_preview->setPalette(palette); pal_preview->getPalette().tint(getColour(), getAmount(), pal_preview->getSelectionStart(), pal_preview->getSelectionEnd()); pal_preview->draw(); }
void Box2DRenderer::DrawCircle (const b2Vec2& center, float32 radius, const b2Color& color) { graphics->setColour (getColour (color)); graphics->drawEllipse (center.x - radius, center.y - radius, radius * 2.0f, radius * 2.0f, getLineThickness()); }
// Re-apply the changes in selection and colour on a fresh palette void redraw() { pal_preview->setPalette(palette); pal_preview->getPalette().colourise(getColour(), pal_preview->getSelectionStart(), pal_preview->getSelectionEnd()); pal_preview->draw(); }
void Entry::render( wxDC& dc, bool draw_left, bool draw_right ) const { dc.SetBrush(*wxWHITE_BRUSH); // white filling dc.SetPen( wxPen( getColour(), Model::TWIPS ) ); // 1-pixel-thick outline wxPoint points[4]; unsigned int i = 0; if ( draw_right ) { points[i].x = _extent.x; /* top right */ points[i++].y = 0; } points[i].x = _extent.x - 3*__dx; /* Bottom right */ points[i++].y = _extent.y; points[i].x = 0; /* bottom left */ points[i++].y = _extent.y; if ( draw_left ) { points[i].x = 3*__dx; /* top left */ points[i++].y = 0; } dc.DrawLines( i, points, _origin.x, _origin.y ); wxString s( getName().c_str(), wxConvLibc ); wxFont font( Model::DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE, wxFONTFAMILY_DEFAULT, wxFONTSTYLE_NORMAL, wxFONTWEIGHT_NORMAL, false ); dc.SetFont(font); wxSize size = dc.GetTextExtent(s); dc.DrawText( s, _origin.x+(_extent.x-size.GetWidth())/2, _origin.y+(_extent.y-size.GetHeight())/2 ); for ( std::vector<ArcForEntry *>::const_iterator next_arc = _src_arcs.begin(); next_arc != _src_arcs.end(); ++next_arc ) { (*next_arc)->render( dc ); } }
void GroundFog::updateSkyFogging() { Ogre::GpuProgramParametersSharedPtr params = mDomeMaterial->getBestTechnique()->getPass(0)->getFragmentProgramParameters(); params->setNamedConstant("fogDensity", getDensity()); params->setNamedConstant("fogColour", getColour()); params->setNamedConstant("fogVerticalDecay", getVerticalDecay()); params->setNamedConstant("fogGroundLevel", getGroundLevel()); }
void Circle::draw (easygl* window) const { // Load up the data structure needed by easygl, and draw the triangle // using the easygl::draw_polygon call. window->gl_setcolor(getColour()); window->gl_fillarc(getXcen(), getYcen(), radius, 0, 360); }
void Box2DRenderer::DrawSolidPolygon (const b2Vec2* vertices, int32 vertexCount, const b2Color& color) { graphics->setColour (getColour (color)); Path p; createPath (p, vertices, vertexCount); graphics->fillPath (p); }
void Box2DRenderer::DrawPolygon (const b2Vec2* vertices, int32 vertexCount, const b2Color& color) { graphics->setColour (getColour (color)); Path p; createPath (p, vertices, vertexCount); graphics->strokePath (p, PathStrokeType (getLineThickness())); }
// Events void GfxTintDialog::onColourChanged(wxColourPickerEvent& e) { Misc::loadImageFromEntry(gfx_preview->getImage(), entry); wxColour col = cp_colour->GetColour(); gfx_preview->getImage()->tint(getColour(), getAmount(), palette); gfx_preview->updateImageTexture(); gfx_preview->Refresh(); }
void CtrlrMenuBarLookAndFeel::drawMenuBarItem (Graphics &g, int width, int height, int itemIndex, const String &itemText, bool isMouseOverItem, bool isMenuOpen, bool isMouseOverBar, MenuBarComponent &menuBar) { if (itemText.isEmpty()) return; Colour textColour = getColour (Ids::ctrlrMenuBarTextColour); Font textFont = getMenuBarFont (menuBar, itemIndex, itemText); if (!menuBar.isEnabled()) { textColour = textColour.withMultipliedAlpha (0.5f); } else if (isMouseOverItem && !isMenuOpen) { textColour = getColour (Ids::ctrlrMenuBarHighlightedTextColour); drawSelectionRectangle (g, width, height, getColour (Ids::ctrlrMenuBarHighlightColour).darker(0.3f)); } else if (isMouseOverItem && isMenuOpen) { textColour = getColour (Ids::ctrlrMenuBarHighlightedTextColour); drawSelectionRectangle (g, width, height, getColour (Ids::ctrlrMenuBarHighlightColour)); } else if (isMenuOpen) { textColour = getColour (Ids::ctrlrMenuBarHighlightedTextColour); drawSelectionRectangle (g, width, height, getColour (Ids::ctrlrMenuBarHighlightColour)); } g.setColour (textColour); g.setFont (textFont); g.drawFittedText (itemText, 0, 0, width, height, Justification::centred, 1); }
void GfxTintDialog::onAmountChanged(wxCommandEvent& e) { Misc::loadImageFromEntry(gfx_preview->getImage(), entry); wxColour col = cp_colour->GetColour(); gfx_preview->getImage()->tint(getColour(), getAmount(), palette); gfx_preview->updateImageTexture(); gfx_preview->Refresh(); label_amount->SetLabel(S_FMT("%d%% ", slider_amount->GetValue())); }
void GfxTintDialog::setValues(string col, int val) { wxColour colour(col); cp_colour->SetColour(colour); slider_amount->SetValue(val); label_amount->SetLabel(S_FMT("%d%% ", slider_amount->GetValue())); gfx_preview->getImage()->tint(getColour(), getAmount(), palette); gfx_preview->updateImageTexture(); gfx_preview->Refresh(); }
void mouseDown (const MouseEvent&) override { ColourSelector* colourSelector = new ColourSelector(); colourSelector->setName ("Colour"); colourSelector->setCurrentColour (getColour()); colourSelector->addChangeListener (this); colourSelector->setColour (ColourSelector::backgroundColourId, Colours::transparentBlack); colourSelector->setSize (300, 400); CallOutBox::launchAsynchronously (colourSelector, getScreenBounds(), nullptr); }