Esempio n. 1
// Internal, used by toCvCopy and cvtColor
CvImagePtr toCvCopyImpl(const cv::Mat& source,
                        const std_msgs::Header& src_header,
                        const std::string& src_encoding,
                        const std::string& dst_encoding)
  /// @todo Handle endianness - e.g. 16-bit dc1394 camera images are big-endian
  // Copy metadata
  CvImagePtr ptr = boost::make_shared<CvImage>();
  ptr->header = src_header;
  // Copy to new buffer if same encoding requested
  if (dst_encoding.empty() || dst_encoding == src_encoding)
    ptr->encoding = src_encoding;
    // Convert the source data to the desired encoding
    const std::vector<int> conversion_codes = getConversionCode(src_encoding, dst_encoding);
    cv::Mat image1 = source;
    cv::Mat image2;
    for(size_t i=0; i<conversion_codes.size(); ++i) {
      int conversion_code = conversion_codes[i];
      if (conversion_code == SAME_FORMAT)
        // Same number of channels, but different bit depth
        double alpha = 1.0;
        int src_depth = enc::bitDepth(src_encoding);
        int dst_depth = enc::bitDepth(dst_encoding);
        // Do scaling between CV_8U [0,255] and CV_16U [0,65535] images.
        if (src_depth == 8 && dst_depth == 16)
          image1.convertTo(image2, getCvType(dst_encoding), 65535. / 255.);
        else if (src_depth == 16 && dst_depth == 8)
          image1.convertTo(image2, getCvType(dst_encoding), 255. / 65535.);
          image1.convertTo(image2, getCvType(dst_encoding));
        // Perform color conversion
        cv::cvtColor(image1, image2, conversion_code);
      image1 = image2;
    ptr->image = image2;
    ptr->encoding = dst_encoding;

  return ptr;
Esempio n. 2
CvImagePtr toCvCopy(const sensor_msgs::Image& source,
                    const std::string& encoding)
  // Construct matrix pointing to source data
  int source_type = getCvType(source.encoding);
  const cv::Mat tmp((int)source.height, (int)source.width, source_type,
                    const_cast<uint8_t*>(&[0]), (size_t)source.step);

  return toCvCopyImpl(tmp, source.header, source.encoding, encoding);
Esempio n. 3
// Converts a ROS Image to a cv::Mat by sharing the data or chaning its endianness if needed
cv::Mat matFromImage(const sensor_msgs::Image& source)
  int source_type = getCvType(source.encoding);
  int byte_depth = enc::bitDepth(source.encoding) / 8;
  int num_channels = enc::numChannels(source.encoding);

  if (source.step < source.width * byte_depth * num_channels)
    std::stringstream ss;
    ss << "Image is wrongly formed: step < width * byte_depth * num_channels  or  " << source.step << " != " <<
        source.width << " * " << byte_depth << " * " << num_channels;
    throw Exception(ss.str());

  if (source.height * source.step !=
    std::stringstream ss;
    ss << "Image is wrongly formed: height * step != size  or  " << source.height << " * " <<
              source.step << " != " <<;
    throw Exception(ss.str());

  // If the endianness is the same as locally, share the data
  cv::Mat mat(source.height, source.width, source_type, const_cast<uchar*>(&[0]), source.step);
  if ((boost::endian::order::native == boost::endian::order::big && source.is_bigendian) ||
      (boost::endian::order::native == boost::endian::order::little && !source.is_bigendian) ||
      byte_depth == 1)
    return mat;

  // Otherwise, reinterpret the data as bytes and switch the channels accordingly
  mat = cv::Mat(source.height, source.width, CV_MAKETYPE(CV_8U, num_channels*byte_depth),
                const_cast<uchar*>(&[0]), source.step);
  cv::Mat mat_swap(source.height, source.width, mat.type());

  std::vector<int> fromTo;
  for(int i = 0; i < num_channels; ++i)
    for(int j = 0; j < byte_depth; ++j)
      fromTo.push_back(byte_depth*i + j);
      fromTo.push_back(byte_depth*i + byte_depth - 1 - j);
  cv::mixChannels(std::vector<cv::Mat>(1, mat), std::vector<cv::Mat>(1, mat_swap), fromTo);

  // Interpret mat_swap back as the proper type
  mat_swap = cv::Mat(source.height, source.width, source_type,, mat_swap.step);

  return mat_swap;
Esempio n. 4
CvImageConstPtr toCvShare(const sensor_msgs::Image& source,
                          const boost::shared_ptr<void const>& tracked_object,
                          const std::string& encoding)
  if (!encoding.empty() && source.encoding != encoding)
    return toCvCopy(source, encoding);

  CvImagePtr ptr = boost::make_shared<CvImage>();
  ptr->header = source.header;
  ptr->encoding = source.encoding;
  ptr->tracked_object_ = tracked_object;
  int type = getCvType(source.encoding);
  ptr->image = cv::Mat(source.height, source.width, type,
                       const_cast<uchar*>(&[0]), source.step);
  return ptr;