Esempio n. 1
	void FalagardCheckButton::drawCheck()
        ColourRect colours(d_selectImage.getColours());
Esempio n. 2
	void FrameWindow::populateRenderCache()
		Rect unclipped_rect = getUnclippedPixelRect();
		Rect rect(Point(0.0f, 0.0f), Size(unclipped_rect.getWidth(), unclipped_rect.getHeight()));
		ColourRect colours(Colour(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, getEffectiveAlpha()));

		if (d_section_images[TopLeft])
			d_renderCache.cacheImage(*d_section_images[TopLeft], Rect(Point(0.0f, 0.0f), Size(d_width_left, d_height_top)), colours);
		if (d_section_images[TopMiddle])
			d_renderCache.cacheImage(*d_section_images[TopMiddle], Rect(Point(d_width_left, 0.0f), Size(d_width_middle, d_height_top)), colours);
		if (d_section_images[TopRight])
			d_renderCache.cacheImage(*d_section_images[TopRight], Rect(Point(d_width_left + d_width_middle, 0.0f), Size(d_width_right, d_height_top)), colours);
		if (d_section_images[MiddleLeft])
			d_renderCache.cacheImage(*d_section_images[MiddleLeft], Rect(Point(0.0f, d_height_top), Size(d_width_left, d_height_middle)), colours);
		if (d_section_images[MiddleMiddle])
			d_renderCache.cacheImage(*d_section_images[MiddleMiddle], Rect(Point(d_width_left, d_height_top), Size(d_width_middle, d_height_middle)), colours);
		if (d_section_images[MiddleRight])
			d_renderCache.cacheImage(*d_section_images[MiddleRight], Rect(Point(d_width_left + d_width_middle, d_height_top), Size(d_width_right, d_height_middle)), colours);
		if (d_section_images[BottomLeft])
			d_renderCache.cacheImage(*d_section_images[BottomLeft], Rect(Point(0.0f, d_height_top + d_height_middle), Size(d_width_left, d_height_bottom)), colours);
		if (d_section_images[BottomMiddle])
			d_renderCache.cacheImage(*d_section_images[BottomMiddle], Rect(Point(d_width_left, d_height_top + d_height_middle), Size(d_width_middle, d_height_bottom)), colours);
		if (d_section_images[BottomRight])
			d_renderCache.cacheImage(*d_section_images[BottomRight], Rect(Point(d_width_left + d_width_middle, d_height_top + d_height_middle), Size(d_width_right, d_height_bottom)), colours);
Esempio n. 3
	Perform the actual rendering for this Window.
void Static::populateRenderCache()
    Rect backgroundRect(Point(0,0), getAbsoluteSize());

    // draw frame
    if (d_frameEnabled)

        // adjust destination area for backfrop image.
        backgroundRect.d_left		+= d_left_width;
        backgroundRect.d_right		-= d_right_width;
        backgroundRect.d_top		+= d_top_height;
        backgroundRect.d_bottom	-= d_bottom_height;

    // draw backdrop
    if (d_backgroundEnabled && (d_background != NULL))
        // factor window alpha into colours to use when rendering background
        ColourRect colours(d_backgroundCols);
        // cache image for drawing
        d_renderCache.cacheImage(*d_background, backgroundRect, 0, colours);

Esempio n. 4
	void FalagardAnimate::drawNormal(float z)
		if( m_bPlay )
			ColourRect colours(d_normalImage.getColours());
			colours.setAlpha(getEffectiveAlpha() * m_fAlpha );
Esempio n. 5
	Perform the actual rendering for this Window.
void Listbox::populateRenderCache()
    // get the derived class to render general stuff before we handle the items

    // Render list items
    Vector3	itemPos;
    Size	itemSize;
    Rect	itemClipper, itemRect;
    float	widest = getWidestItemWidth();

    // calculate position of area we have to render into
    Rect itemsArea(getListRenderArea());

    // set up some initial positional details for items
    itemPos.d_x = itemsArea.d_left - d_horzScrollbar->getScrollPosition();
    itemPos.d_y = itemsArea.d_top - d_vertScrollbar->getScrollPosition();
    itemPos.d_z = System::getSingleton().getRenderer()->getZLayer(3) - System::getSingleton().getRenderer()->getCurrentZ();

    float alpha = getEffectiveAlpha();

    // loop through the items
    size_t itemCount = getItemCount();

    for (size_t i = 0; i < itemCount; ++i)
        itemSize.d_height = d_listItems[i]->getPixelSize().d_height;

        // allow item to have full width of box if this is wider than items
        itemSize.d_width = ceguimax(itemsArea.getWidth(), widest);

        // calculate destination area for this item.
        itemRect.d_left	= itemPos.d_x;
        itemRect.d_top	= itemPos.d_y;
        itemClipper = itemRect.getIntersection(itemsArea);

        // skip this item if totally clipped
        if (itemClipper.getWidth() == 0)
            itemPos.d_y += itemSize.d_height;

        // draw this item
        d_listItems[i]->draw(d_renderCache, itemRect, itemPos.d_z, alpha, &itemClipper);

        // update position ready for next item
        itemPos.d_y += itemSize.d_height;

Esempio n. 6
	update the internal RenderableFrame with currently set colours and
	alpha settings.
void Static::updateRenderableFrameColours(void)
    float alpha = getEffectiveAlpha();

        calculateModulatedAlphaColour(d_frameCols.d_top_left, alpha),
        calculateModulatedAlphaColour(d_frameCols.d_top_right, alpha),
        calculateModulatedAlphaColour(d_frameCols.d_bottom_left, alpha),
        calculateModulatedAlphaColour(d_frameCols.d_bottom_right, alpha)

Esempio n. 7
    Perform the actual rendering for this Window.
void Tree::populateGeometryBuffer()
    // get the derived class to render general stuff before we handle the items
    // Render list items
    Vector2f itemPos;
    float    widest = getWidestItemWidth();
    // calculate position of area we have to render into
    //Rect itemsArea(getTreeRenderArea());
    //Rect itemsArea(0,0,500,500);
    // set up some initial positional details for items
    itemPos.d_x = d_itemArea.left() - d_horzScrollbar->getScrollPosition();
    itemPos.d_y = - d_vertScrollbar->getScrollPosition();
    drawItemList(d_listItems, d_itemArea, widest, itemPos, *d_geometry,
Esempio n. 8
    void FalagardEditbox::populateRenderCache()
        const StateImagery* imagery;

        // draw container etc
        // get WidgetLookFeel for the assigned look.
        const WidgetLookFeel& wlf = WidgetLookManager::getSingleton().getWidgetLook(d_lookName);
        // try and get imagery for the approprite state.
        imagery = &wlf.getStateImagery(isDisabled() ? "Disabled" : (isReadOnly() ? "ReadOnly" : "Enabled"));

        // peform the rendering operation for the container.

        // get destination area for text
        const Rect textArea(wlf.getNamedArea("TextArea").getArea().getPixelRect(*this));

        // Required preliminary work for text rendering operations
        const Font* font = getFont();

        // no font == no more rendering
        if (!font)

        // This will point to the final string to be used for rendering.  Useful because it means we
        // do not have to have duplicate code or be copying d_text for handling masked/unmasked text.
        String* editText;

        // Create a 'masked' version of the string if needed.
        String maskedText;
        if (isTextMasked())
            maskedText.insert(0, d_text.length(), getMaskCodePoint());
            editText = &maskedText;
        // text not masked to editText will be the windows d_text String.
            editText = &d_text;

        // calculate best position to render text to ensure carat is always visible
        float textOffset;
        float extentToCarat = font->getTextExtent(editText->substr(0, getCaratIndex()));

        // get carat imagery
        const ImagerySection& caratImagery = wlf.getImagerySection("Carat");
        // store carat width
        float caratWidth = caratImagery.getBoundingRect(*this, textArea).getWidth();

        // if box is inactive
        if (!hasInputFocus())
            textOffset = d_lastTextOffset;
        // if carat is to the left of the box
        else if ((d_lastTextOffset + extentToCarat) < 0)
            textOffset = -extentToCarat;
        // if carat is off to the right.
        else if ((d_lastTextOffset + extentToCarat) >= (textArea.getWidth() - caratWidth))
            textOffset = textArea.getWidth() - extentToCarat - caratWidth;
        // else carat is already within the box
            textOffset = d_lastTextOffset;

        ColourRect colours;
        float alpha_comp = getEffectiveAlpha();

        // Draw label text
        // setup initial rect for text formatting
        Rect text_part_rect(textArea);
        // allow for scroll position
        text_part_rect.d_left += textOffset;
        // centre text vertically within the defined text area
        text_part_rect.d_top += (textArea.getHeight() - font->getLineSpacing()) * 0.5f;

        // draw pre-highlight text
        String sect = editText->substr(0, getSelectionStartIndex());
        d_renderCache.cacheText(sect, font, LeftAligned, text_part_rect, 0, colours, &textArea);

        // adjust rect for next section
        text_part_rect.d_left += font->getTextExtent(sect);

        // draw highlight text
        sect = editText->substr(getSelectionStartIndex(), getSelectionLength());
        d_renderCache.cacheText(sect, font, LeftAligned, text_part_rect, 0, colours, &textArea);

        // adjust rect for next section
        text_part_rect.d_left += font->getTextExtent(sect);

        // draw post-highlight text
        sect = editText->substr(getSelectionEndIndex());
        d_renderCache.cacheText(sect, font, LeftAligned, text_part_rect, 0, colours, &textArea);

        // remember this for next time.
        d_lastTextOffset = textOffset;

        // see if the editbox is active or inactive.
        bool active = (!isReadOnly()) && hasInputFocus();

        // Render selection imagery.
        if (getSelectionLength() != 0)
            // calculate required start and end offsets of selection imagery.
            float selStartOffset = font->getTextExtent(editText->substr(0, getSelectionStartIndex()));
            float selEndOffset   = font->getTextExtent(editText->substr(0, getSelectionEndIndex()));

            // calculate area for selection imagery.
            Rect hlarea(textArea);
            hlarea.d_left += textOffset + selStartOffset;
            hlarea.d_right = hlarea.d_left + (selEndOffset - selStartOffset);

            // render the selection imagery.
            wlf.getStateImagery(active ? "ActiveSelection" : "InactiveSelection").render(*this, hlarea, 0, &textArea);

        // Render carat
        if (active)
            Rect caratRect(textArea);
            caratRect.d_left += extentToCarat + textOffset;

            caratImagery.render(*this, caratRect, 0, 0, &textArea);
	Render text lines.	
void MultiLineEditbox::cacheTextLines(const Rect& dest_area)
    // text is already formatted, we just grab the lines and render them with the required alignment.
    Rect drawArea(dest_area);
    drawArea.offset(Point(-d_horzScrollbar->getScrollPosition(), -d_vertScrollbar->getScrollPosition()));

    Renderer* renderer = System::getSingleton().getRenderer();
    const Font* fnt = getFont();

    if (fnt)
        // get layers to use for rendering
        float textZ = renderer->getZLayer(4) - renderer->getCurrentZ();
        float selZ  = renderer->getZLayer(3) - renderer->getCurrentZ();

        // calculate final colours to use.
        ColourRect colours;
        float alpha = getEffectiveAlpha();
        colour normalTextCol = d_normalTextColour;
        normalTextCol.setAlpha(normalTextCol.getAlpha() * alpha);
        colour selectTextCol = d_selectTextColour;
        selectTextCol.setAlpha(selectTextCol.getAlpha() * alpha);
        colour selectBrushCol = hasInputFocus() ? d_selectBrushColour : d_inactiveSelectBrushColour;
        selectBrushCol.setAlpha(selectBrushCol.getAlpha() * alpha);

        // Cache font info
        const float fLineSpacing = fnt->getLineSpacing ();

        // for each formatted line.
        for (size_t i = 0; i < d_lines.size(); ++i)
            Rect lineRect(drawArea);
            // Check line is within the dest_area
            if ( lineRect.d_top < dest_area.d_bottom && lineRect.d_top + fLineSpacing > dest_area.d_top )
                const LineInfo& currLine = d_lines[i];
                String lineText(d_text.substr(currLine.d_startIdx, currLine.d_length));

                // if it is a simple 'no selection area' case
                if ((currLine.d_startIdx >= d_selectionEnd) ||
                    ((currLine.d_startIdx + currLine.d_length) <= d_selectionStart) ||
                    (d_selectionBrush == NULL))
                    // render the complete line.
                    d_renderCache.cacheText(lineText, fnt, LeftAligned, lineRect, textZ, colours, &dest_area);
                // we have at least some selection highlighting to do
                    // Start of actual rendering section.
                    String sect;
                    size_t sectIdx = 0, sectLen;
                    float selStartOffset = 0.0f, selAreaWidth = 0.0f;

                    // render any text prior to selected region of line.
                    if (currLine.d_startIdx < d_selectionStart)
                        // calculate length of text section
                        sectLen = d_selectionStart - currLine.d_startIdx;

                        // get text for this section
                        sect = lineText.substr(sectIdx, sectLen);
                        sectIdx += sectLen;

                        // get the pixel offset to the beginning of the selection area highlight.
                        selStartOffset = fnt->getTextExtent(sect);

                        // draw this portion of the text
                        d_renderCache.cacheText(sect, fnt, LeftAligned, lineRect, textZ, colours, &dest_area);

                        // set position ready for next portion of text
                        lineRect.d_left += selStartOffset;

                    // calculate the length of the selected section
                    sectLen = ceguimin(d_selectionEnd - currLine.d_startIdx, currLine.d_length) - sectIdx;

                    // get the text for this section
                    sect = lineText.substr(sectIdx, sectLen);
                    sectIdx += sectLen;

                    // get the extent to use as the width of the selection area highlight
                    selAreaWidth = fnt->getTextExtent(sect);

                    // draw the text for this section
                    d_renderCache.cacheText(sect, fnt, LeftAligned, lineRect, textZ, colours, &dest_area);

                    // render any text beyond selected region of line
                    if (sectIdx < currLine.d_length)
                        // update render position to the end of the selected area.
                        lineRect.d_left += selAreaWidth;

                        // calculate length of this section
                        sectLen = currLine.d_length - sectIdx;

                        // get the text for this section
                        sect = lineText.substr(sectIdx, sectLen);

                        // render the text for this section.
                        d_renderCache.cacheText(sect, fnt, LeftAligned, lineRect, textZ, colours, &dest_area);

                    // calculate area for the selection brush on this line
                    lineRect.d_left = drawArea.d_left + selStartOffset;
                    lineRect.d_right = lineRect.d_left + selAreaWidth;
                    lineRect.d_bottom = lineRect.d_top + fLineSpacing;

                    // render the selection area brush for this line
                    d_renderCache.cacheImage(*d_selectionBrush, lineRect, selZ, colours, &dest_area);

            // update master position for next line in paragraph.
            drawArea.d_top += fLineSpacing;