bool UniscribeHelper::shape(const UChar* input,
                            int itemLength,
                            int numGlyphs,
                            SCRIPT_ITEM& run,
                            Shaping& shaping)
    HFONT hfont = m_hfont;
    SCRIPT_CACHE* scriptCache = m_scriptCache;
    SCRIPT_FONTPROPERTIES* fontProperties = m_fontProperties;
    int ascent = m_ascent;
    HDC tempDC = 0;
    HGDIOBJ oldFont = 0;
    HRESULT hr;
    // When used to fill up glyph pages for simple scripts in non-BMP,
    // we don't want any font fallback in this class. The simple script
    // font path can take care of font fallback.
    bool lastFallbackTried = m_disableFontFallback;
    bool result;

    int generatedGlyphs = 0;

    // In case HFONT passed in ctor cannot render this run, we have to scan
    // other fonts from the beginning of the font list.

    // Compute shapes.
    while (true) {

#ifdef PURIFY
        // Purify isn't able to track the assignments that ScriptShape makes to
        // shaping.m_glyphs. Consequently, any bytes with value 0xCD that it
        // writes, will be considered un-initialized data.
        // This hack avoid the false-positive UMRs by marking the buffer as
        // initialized.
        // FIXME: A better solution would be to use Purify's API and mark only
        // the populated range as initialized:
        //     PurifyMarkAsInitialized(
        //         &shaping.m_glyphs[0],
        //         sizeof(shaping.m_glyphs[0] * generatedGlyphs);

                   sizeof(shaping.m_glyphs[0]) * shaping.m_glyphs.size());

        // Firefox sets SCRIPT_ANALYSIS.SCRIPT_STATE.fDisplayZWG to true
        // here. Is that what we want? It will display control characters.
        hr = ScriptShape(tempDC, scriptCache, input, itemLength,
                         numGlyphs, &run.a,
                         &shaping.m_glyphs[0], &shaping.m_logs[0],
                         &shaping.m_visualAttributes[0], &generatedGlyphs);
        if (hr == E_PENDING) {
            // Allocate the DC.
            tempDC = GetDC(0);
            oldFont = SelectObject(tempDC, hfont);
        } else if (hr == E_OUTOFMEMORY) {
            numGlyphs *= 2;
        } else if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && (lastFallbackTried || !containsMissingGlyphs(&shaping.m_glyphs[0], generatedGlyphs, fontProperties)))

        // The current font can't render this run. clear DC and try
        // next font.
        if (tempDC) {
            SelectObject(tempDC, oldFont);
            ReleaseDC(0, tempDC);
            tempDC = 0;

        if (!m_disableFontFallback &&
            nextWinFontData(&hfont, &scriptCache, &fontProperties, &ascent)) {
            // The primary font does not support this run. Try next font.
            // In case of web page rendering, they come from fonts specified in
            // CSS stylesheets.
        } else if (!lastFallbackTried) {
            lastFallbackTried = true;

            // Generate a last fallback font based on the script of
            // a character to draw while inheriting size and styles
            // from the primary font
            if (!m_logfont.lfFaceName[0])
                setLogFontAndStyle(m_hfont, &m_logfont, &m_style);

            // TODO(jungshik): generic type should come from webkit for
            // UniscribeHelperTextRun (a derived class used in webkit).
            const UChar *family = getFallbackFamily(input, itemLength,
                FontDescription::StandardFamily, 0, 0);
            bool fontOk = getDerivedFontData(family, m_style, &m_logfont,
                                              &ascent, &hfont, &scriptCache);

            if (!fontOk) {
                // If this GetDerivedFontData is called from the renderer it
                // might fail because the sandbox is preventing it from opening
                // the font files.  If we are running in the renderer,
                // TryToPreloadFont is overridden to ask the browser to preload
                // the font for us so we can access it.

                // Try again.
                fontOk = getDerivedFontData(family, m_style, &m_logfont,
                                             &ascent, &hfont, &scriptCache);

            // TODO(jungshik) : Currently GetDerivedHFont always returns a
            // a valid HFONT, but in the future, I may change it to return 0.

            // We don't need a font_properties for the last resort fallback font
            // because we don't have anything more to try and are forced to
            // accept empty glyph boxes. If we tried a series of fonts as
            // 'last-resort fallback', we'd need it, but currently, we don't.
        } else if (hr == USP_E_SCRIPT_NOT_IN_FONT) {
            run.a.eScript = SCRIPT_UNDEFINED;
        } else if (FAILED(hr)) {
            // Error shaping.
            generatedGlyphs = 0;
            result = false;
            goto cleanup;

    // Sets Windows font data for this run to those corresponding to
    // a font supporting this run. we don't need to store font_properties
    // because it's not used elsewhere.
    shaping.m_hfont = hfont;
    shaping.m_scriptCache = scriptCache;

    // The ascent of a font for this run can be different from
    // that of the primary font so that we need to keep track of
    // the difference per run and take that into account when calling
    // ScriptTextOut in |draw|. Otherwise, different runs rendered by
    // different fonts would not be aligned vertically.
    shaping.m_ascentOffset = m_ascent ? ascent - m_ascent : 0;
    result = true;

    if (tempDC) {
        SelectObject(tempDC, oldFont);
        ReleaseDC(0, tempDC);
    // On failure, our logs don't mean anything, so zero those out.
    if (!result)

    return result;
// Given the desired base font, this will create a SimpleFontData for a specific
// font that can be used to render the given range of characters.
const SimpleFontData* FontCache::getFontDataForCharacters(const Font& font, const UChar* characters, int length)
    // FIXME: Consider passing fontDescription.dominantScript()
    // to GetFallbackFamily here.
    FontDescription fontDescription = font.fontDescription();
    UChar32 c;
    UScriptCode script;
    const wchar_t* family = getFallbackFamily(characters, length,
        fontDescription.genericFamily(), &c, &script);
    FontPlatformData* data = 0;
    if (family)
        data = getCachedFontPlatformData(font.fontDescription(),  AtomicString(family, wcslen(family)), false); 

    // Last resort font list : PanUnicode. CJK fonts have a pretty
    // large repertoire. Eventually, we need to scan all the fonts
    // on the system to have a Firefox-like coverage.
    // Make sure that all of them are lowercased.
    const static wchar_t* const cjkFonts[] = {
        L"arial unicode ms",
        L"ms pgothic",
        L"wenquanyi zen hei", // partial CJK Ext. A coverage but more
                              // widely known to Chinese users.
        L"ar pl shanheisun uni",
        L"ar pl zenkai uni",
        L"han nom a",  // Complete CJK Ext. A coverage
        L"code2000",   // Complete CJK Ext. A coverage
        // CJK Ext. B fonts are not listed here because it's of no use
        // with our current non-BMP character handling because we use
        // Uniscribe for it and that code path does not go through here.

    const static wchar_t* const commonFonts[] = {
        L"arial unicode ms",
        L"lucida sans unicode",
        L"microsoft sans serif",
        L"palatino linotype",
        // Six fonts below (and code2000 at the end) are not from MS, but
        // once installed, cover a very wide range of characters.
        L"dejavu serif",
        L"dejavu sasns",
        L"ms pgothic",

    const wchar_t* const* panUniFonts = 0;
    int numFonts = 0;
    if (script == USCRIPT_HAN) {
        panUniFonts = cjkFonts;
        numFonts = WTF_ARRAY_LENGTH(cjkFonts);
    } else {
        panUniFonts = commonFonts;
        numFonts = WTF_ARRAY_LENGTH(commonFonts);
    // Font returned from GetFallbackFamily may not cover |characters|
    // because it's based on script to font mapping. This problem is
    // critical enough for non-Latin scripts (especially Han) to
    // warrant an additional (real coverage) check with fontCotainsCharacter.
    int i;
    for (i = 0; (!data || !fontContainsCharacter(data, family, c)) && i < numFonts; ++i) {
        family = panUniFonts[i]; 
        data = getCachedFontPlatformData(font.fontDescription(), AtomicString(family, wcslen(family)));
    // When i-th font (0-base) in |panUniFonts| contains a character and
    // we get out of the loop, |i| will be |i + 1|. That is, if only the
    // last font in the array covers the character, |i| will be numFonts.
    // So, we have to use '<=" rather than '<' to see if we found a font
    // covering the character.
    if (i <= numFonts)
        return getCachedFontData(data, DoNotRetain);

    return 0;

// Given the desired base font, this will create a SimpleFontData for a specific
// font that can be used to render the given range of characters.
PassRefPtr<SimpleFontData> FontCache::fallbackFontForCharacter(
    const FontDescription& fontDescription, UChar32 character,
    const SimpleFontData* originalFontData)
    // First try the specified font with standard style & weight.
    if ( == FontStyleItalic
        || fontDescription.weight() >= FontWeightBold) {
        RefPtr<SimpleFontData> fontData = fallbackOnStandardFontStyle(
            fontDescription, character);
        if (fontData)
            return fontData;

    // FIXME: Consider passing fontDescription.dominantScript()
    // to GetFallbackFamily here.
    UScriptCode script;
    const wchar_t* family = getFallbackFamily(character,
    FontPlatformData* data = 0;
    if (family) {
        FontFaceCreationParams createByFamily(AtomicString(family, wcslen(family)));
        data = getFontPlatformData(fontDescription, createByFamily);

    // Last resort font list : PanUnicode. CJK fonts have a pretty
    // large repertoire. Eventually, we need to scan all the fonts
    // on the system to have a Firefox-like coverage.
    // Make sure that all of them are lowercased.
    const static wchar_t* const cjkFonts[] = {
        L"arial unicode ms",
        L"ms pgothic",
        L"wenquanyi zen hei", // Partial CJK Ext. A coverage but more widely known to Chinese users.
        L"ar pl shanheisun uni",
        L"ar pl zenkai uni",
        L"han nom a", // Complete CJK Ext. A coverage.
        L"code2000" // Complete CJK Ext. A coverage.
        // CJK Ext. B fonts are not listed here because it's of no use
        // with our current non-BMP character handling because we use
        // Uniscribe for it and that code path does not go through here.

    const static wchar_t* const commonFonts[] = {
        L"arial unicode ms",
        L"lucida sans unicode",
        L"microsoft sans serif",
        L"palatino linotype",
        // Six fonts below (and code2000 at the end) are not from MS, but
        // once installed, cover a very wide range of characters.
        L"dejavu serif",
        L"dejavu sasns",
        L"ms pgothic",

    const wchar_t* const* panUniFonts = 0;
    int numFonts = 0;
    if (script == USCRIPT_HAN) {
        panUniFonts = cjkFonts;
        numFonts = WTF_ARRAY_LENGTH(cjkFonts);
    } else {
        panUniFonts = commonFonts;
        numFonts = WTF_ARRAY_LENGTH(commonFonts);
    // Font returned from getFallbackFamily may not cover |character|
    // because it's based on script to font mapping. This problem is
    // critical enough for non-Latin scripts (especially Han) to
    // warrant an additional (real coverage) check with fontCotainsCharacter.
    int i;
    for (i = 0; (!data || !data->fontContainsCharacter(character)) && i < numFonts; ++i) {
        family = panUniFonts[i];
        FontFaceCreationParams createByFamily(AtomicString(family, wcslen(family)));
        data = getFontPlatformData(fontDescription, createByFamily);

    // For font fallback we want to match the subpixel behavior of the original
    // font. Mixing subpixel and non-subpixel in the same text run looks really
    // odd and causes problems with preferred width calculations.
    if (data && originalFontData) {
        const FontPlatformData& platformData = originalFontData->platformData();

    // When i-th font (0-base) in |panUniFonts| contains a character and
    // we get out of the loop, |i| will be |i + 1|. That is, if only the
    // last font in the array covers the character, |i| will be numFonts.
    // So, we have to use '<=" rather than '<' to see if we found a font
    // covering the character.
    if (i <= numFonts)
        return fontDataFromFontPlatformData(data, DoNotRetain);

    return nullptr;