bool BVHParser::parse( const char * path ) { release(); fileName = getFilenameFromPath(path); Buffer buf; CM_TEST( buf.fromFile(path) ); std::string str; buf.getToken(str); // parse hierarchy if( str!="HIERARCHY" ) { return false; } buf.getToken(str); // root node _root = parseNode(buf,0); if( _root == 0 ) return false; TEST_TRUE( parseMotion( buf ) ); return true; }
int get_file( IOBuf * aws_buf, char *name ) { char * filename; filename = getFilenameFromPath(name); int rv = s3_get(aws_buf, filename); if(rv == 0 && aws_buf->code == 200 && aws_buf->len != 0) { FILE * fp; char writebuf[BUF_SIZE]; // Write out the downloaded file // Check if file exists if( (fp = fopen(name, "rb")) != NULL) { fprintf(stdout, "WARNING: The specified file already exist. \n" "Refuse to overwrite. \n"); fclose(fp); return -1; } // File doesn't exist yet. Okay to write :) else { if( (fp = fopen(name, "w+")) == NULL) { fprintf(stdout, "ERROR: Unable to create the specified file. \n"); return -1; } int n, sz; while( ( sz = aws_iobuf_getdata ( aws_buf, writebuf, sizeof(writebuf))) != 0 ) { n = fwrite(writebuf, sizeof(unsigned char), sz, fp); if(n != sz) { fprintf(stdout, "ERROR: Error writing to file. \n"); return -1; } } fclose(fp); } } return rv; }
int put_file( IOBuf * aws_buf, char *name ) { FILE * fp; char readbuf[BUF_SIZE]; char * filename; // Read in file to upload if( (fp = fopen(name, "rb")) == NULL) { fprintf(stdout, "ERROR: The specified file doesn't exist. \n"); return -1; } else { int n; while( !feof(fp) ) { n = fread(readbuf, sizeof(unsigned char), BUF_SIZE, fp); if(n != BUF_SIZE) { if(feof(fp)) { ; // Do Nothing } else { fprintf(stdout, "ERROR: Error reading from file. \n"); return -1; } } aws_iobuf_append ( aws_buf, readbuf, n); } fclose(fp); } // Strip the full path from the name and replace spaces with %20 filename = getFilenameFromPath(name); int rv = s3_put(aws_buf, filename); free(filename); return rv; }
/* FileOpen: Handles a request to open a file. (Either by menu or generated by the app.) Parameters: HWND sheet: Handle to the property sheet. bool ask: Should AOKTS ask the user which file? int recent: Optionally open from one of the recent file entries. (-1 to disable.) */ void FileOpen(HWND sheet, bool ask, int recent) { OPENFILENAME ofn; struct RecentFile *file = NULL; //the file info will be stored here one way or another char titleBuffer[100]; const char *filename; Game version =; HWND page = PropSheet_GetCurrentPageHwnd(sheet); //save the scenario if changes have been made (NOT FUNCTIONAL) if (scen.needsave()) { int sel = MessageBox(sheet, askSaveChanges, "Save", MB_YESNOCANCEL); if (sel == IDYES) FileSave(sheet, false, true); else if (sel == IDCANCEL) return; //stop closing } // Hint about whether to open as AOC or SGWB if (setts.recent_first) { = (Game)setts.recent_first->game; } /* Using a recent file... */ if (recent >= 0) { ofn.Flags = 0; //make sure no random flags set file = setts.recent_first; /* Parse the linked list to find the one we want */ while (recent--) { if (file) file = file->next; else { MessageBox(sheet, "Warning: Recent File open failed.", "Open Warning", MB_ICONWARNING); } } strcpy(setts.ScenPath, file->path); version = (Game)file->game; } /* Prompt the user for a filename. */ else if (ask) { struct RecentFile *r_parse; char dir[_MAX_PATH]; strcpy(dir, setts.BasePath); strcat(dir, "Scenario"); ofn.lStructSize = sizeof(OPENFILENAME); ofn.hwndOwner = sheet; //ofn.hInstance unused ofn.lpstrFilter = extOpen; ofn.lpstrCustomFilter = NULL; //user should not set custom filters ofn.lpstrFile = setts.ScenPath; ofn.nMaxFile = _MAX_PATH; ofn.lpstrFileTitle = NULL; ofn.lpstrInitialDir = dir; ofn.lpstrTitle = NULL; ofn.Flags = OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST | OFN_NONETWORKBUTTON | OFN_NOCHANGEDIR; if (scen.header.header_type == HT_AOE2SCENARIO) { ofn.nFilterIndex = 1; ofn.lpstrDefExt = "aoe2scenario"; } else { switch ( { case AOK: case AOC: case AOHD: case AOF: case AOHD4: case AOF4: case AOHD6: case AOF6: ofn.nFilterIndex = 1; ofn.lpstrDefExt = "scx"; break; case SWGB: case SWGBCC: ofn.nFilterIndex = 2; ofn.lpstrDefExt = "scx"; break; } } if (!GetOpenFileName(&ofn)) return; switch (ofn.nFilterIndex) { case 1: version = AOC; printf_log("Selected %d, AOE 2.\n", ofn.nFilterIndex); break; case 2: version = SWGB; printf_log("Selected %d, Star Wars.\n", ofn.nFilterIndex); break; } /* Now check if selected file is already on recent list. */ r_parse = setts.recent_first; while (r_parse) { if (!strcmp(r_parse->path, setts.ScenPath)) { file = r_parse; break; } r_parse = r_parse->next; } } /* Open it! */ SendMessage(page, AOKTS_Closing, 0, 0); // set hourglass, might take more than 1ms HCURSOR previous = SetCursor(LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_WAIT)); scen.reset(); try { version =, setts.TempPath, version); /* Handle recent file stuff */ if (!file) { file = setts.recent_getnext(); strcpy(file->path, setts.ScenPath); strcpy(file->display, PathFindFileName(setts.ScenPath)); file->game = (int)version; } setts.recent_push(file); UpdateRecentMenu(; SetCursor(previous); // for some reason this is always read only. on Wine at least //SetSaveState(sheet, ofn.Flags & OFN_READONLY ? MF_GRAYED : MF_ENABLED); SetSaveState(sheet, ofn.Flags & OFN_READONLY ? MF_ENABLED : MF_ENABLED); // set status bar text SetWindowTextW(propdata.statusbar, L"Scenario loaded successfully."); SendMessage(page, AOKTS_Loading, 0, 0); SendMessageW(propdata.mapview, MAP_Recreate, 0, 0); MapView_Reset(propdata.mapview, true); filename = getFilenameFromPath(setts.ScenPath); _snprintf(titleBuffer, sizeof(titleBuffer), "%s - %s", szTitle, filename); SetWindowText(sheet, titleBuffer); } catch (std::exception &ex) { // TODO: better atomic cursor handling? SetCursor(previous); // set status bar text SetWindowText(propdata.statusbar, ex.what()); // report error to user std::string desc = "Failed to open as "; desc.append(gameName(; desc.append(" scenario file.\n"); switch ( { case AOC: desc.append("Try opening as a SWGB scx file instead\nusing File->Open\n"); break; case SWGB: desc.append("Try opening as a Conquerors scx file instead\nusing File->Open\n"); break; } desc.append("\nThe problem: "); desc.append(ex.what()); desc.append("\n\nIf the game is able to open the scenario,\nplease report this error. Thanks."); printf_log("User message: %s\n", desc.c_str()); MessageBox(sheet, desc.c_str(), "Scenario Load Error", MB_ICONWARNING); // unless it's a debug build, clear the bad data #ifndef _DEBUG scen.reset(); SendMessage(page, AOKTS_Closing, 0, 0); #endif /* Updates*/ SendMessage(page, AOKTS_Loading, 0, 0); _snprintf(titleBuffer, sizeof(titleBuffer), "%s", szTitle); SetWindowText(sheet, titleBuffer); } //report errors to logfile fflush(stdout); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { struct gengetopt_args_info args_info; char outputDir[PATH_MAX] = ""; // the output directory where files are to be saved char filename[PATH_MAX] = ""; // the name of the files (without extension) char capitalFilename[PATH_MAX] = ""; // the name of the files (without extension) in capital letters char fullPath[PATH_MAX] = ""; // the full path of the file char fileType[4] = ""; // the extension of the file char mainTemplateName[PATH_MAX] = ""; // the path to the main template file (.c or .cu) char headerTemplateName[PATH_MAX] = ""; // the path to the header template file (.h) char makefileTemplateName[PATH_MAX] = ""; // the path to the makefile template file char fileVarMainTemplateName[PATH_MAX] = "";// the path to the main template variables file char fileVarHeaderTemplateName[PATH_MAX] = ""; // the path to the header template variables file char fileVarMakefileTemplateName[PATH_MAX] = ""; // the path to the makefile template variables file char handleErrorTemplateName[PATH_MAX] = ""; // the path to the HandleError.h HASHTABLE_T *systemVarsTable; // an hashtable containing program genereted variables HASHTABLE_T *fileVarsTable; LISTA_GENERICA_T *varsIgnoreList; // an hashtable containing file fetched variables char userName[PATH_MAX] = "your name"; // the name of the user char *fileVars = NULL; // a string with the vars fetched from a variables file char *template; // a string with the content of a template file unsigned int i = 0; // a utility index char *currentDate = NULL; // a string representing the current date struct passwd *passwd; passwd=getpwuid(getuid()); char * homedir = passwd->pw_dir; if(homedir[strlen(homedir) - 1] == '/'){ homedir[strlen(homedir) - 1] = 0; } // parse input parameters if (cmdline_parser(argc, argv, &args_info) != 0) exit(1); currentDate = getDateTime(); //creates an hashtable with system generated template variables systemVarsTable = tabela_criar(11, (LIBERTAR_FUNC) free); varsIgnoreList = lista_criar((LIBERTAR_FUNC) free); tabela_inserir(systemVarsTable, "$!C_DATE!$", string_clone(currentDate)); tabela_inserir(systemVarsTable, "$!USER_NAME!$", string_clone(userName)); // --about if (args_info.about_given) { return 0; } // --student for(i = 0; i < args_info.student_given; i ++){ lista_inserir(varsIgnoreList, string_clone(args_info.student_arg[i])); } // --proto if (args_info.proto_given) { tabela_inserir(systemVarsTable, "$!KERNEL_PROTO!$", string_clone(args_info.proto_arg)); } else { tabela_inserir(systemVarsTable, "$!KERNEL_PROTO!$", string_clone("")); } // --kernel if (args_info.kernel_given) { tabela_inserir(systemVarsTable, "$!KERNEL_NAME!$", string_clone(args_info.kernel_arg)); } else { tabela_inserir(systemVarsTable, "$!KERNEL_NAME!$", string_clone("Kernel")); } // --blocks store_grid_geometry(systemVarsTable, &args_info); // --threads store_blocks_geometry(systemVarsTable, &args_info); // --dir // get filename from path (the name of the last directory) getFilenameFromPath(args_info.dir_arg, filename); // the filename in capital letters for (i = 0; i < strlen(filename); i++) { capitalFilename[i] = toupper(filename[i]); } capitalFilename[i] = 0; tabela_inserir(systemVarsTable, "$!FILENAME!$", string_clone(filename)); tabela_inserir(systemVarsTable, "$!CAPITAL_FILENAME!$", string_clone(capitalFilename)); // removes the / character if (args_info.dir_arg[strlen(args_info.dir_arg) - 1] == '/') { args_info.dir_arg[strlen(args_info.dir_arg) - 1] = 0; } //creates the output directory if (!createDirectory(args_info.dir_arg)) { if (args_info.Force_given) { // removes the existing directoy remove_directory(args_info.dir_arg); sprintf(outputDir, "%s", args_info.dir_arg); } else { // adds a date to the directory name sprintf(outputDir, "%s%s", args_info.dir_arg, currentDate); } createDirectory(outputDir); } else { sprintf(outputDir, "%s", args_info.dir_arg); } sprintf(outputDir, "%s/", outputDir); if (!args_info.measure_given) { char *var = malloc(strlen("MEASURE") + 1); strcpy(var, "MEASURE"); lista_inserir(varsIgnoreList, var); } /* defines which templates to use */ // cuda with prototype if (args_info.proto_given) { strcpy(mainTemplateName, homedir); strcat(mainTemplateName, CU_PROTO_TEMPLATE); strcpy(headerTemplateName, homedir); strcat(headerTemplateName, CU_HEADER_TEMPLATE); strcpy(makefileTemplateName, homedir); strcat(makefileTemplateName, CU_MAKEFILE_TEMPLATE); strcpy(fileVarMainTemplateName, homedir); strcat(fileVarMainTemplateName, CU_PROTO_TEMPLATE_VARS); strcpy(fileVarHeaderTemplateName, homedir); strcat(fileVarHeaderTemplateName, CU_HEADER_TEMPLATE_VARS); strcpy(fileVarMakefileTemplateName, homedir); strcat(fileVarMakefileTemplateName, CU_MAKEFILE_TEMPLATE_VARS); strcat(fileType, ".cu"); // regular c template } else if (args_info.regular_code_given) { strcpy(mainTemplateName, homedir); strcat(mainTemplateName, C_MAIN_TEMPLATE); strcpy(headerTemplateName, homedir); strcat(headerTemplateName, C_HEADER_TEMPLATE); strcpy(makefileTemplateName, homedir); strcat(makefileTemplateName, C_MAKEFILE_TEMPLATE); strcpy(fileVarMainTemplateName, homedir); strcat(fileVarMainTemplateName, C_MAIN_TEMPLATE_VARS); strcpy(fileVarHeaderTemplateName, homedir); strcat(fileVarHeaderTemplateName, C_HEADER_TEMPLATE_VARS); strcpy(fileVarMakefileTemplateName, homedir); strcat(fileVarMakefileTemplateName, C_MAKEFILE_TEMPLATE_VARS); strcat(fileType, ".c"); // cuda default } else { strcpy(mainTemplateName, homedir); strcat(mainTemplateName, CU_MAIN_TEMPLATE); strcpy(headerTemplateName, homedir); strcat(headerTemplateName, CU_HEADER_TEMPLATE); strcpy(makefileTemplateName, homedir); strcat(makefileTemplateName, CU_MAKEFILE_TEMPLATE); strcpy(fileVarMainTemplateName, homedir); strcat(fileVarMainTemplateName, CU_MAIN_TEMPLATE_VARS); strcpy(fileVarHeaderTemplateName, homedir); strcat(fileVarHeaderTemplateName, CU_HEADER_TEMPLATE_VARS); strcpy(fileVarMakefileTemplateName, homedir); strcat(fileVarMakefileTemplateName, CU_MAKEFILE_TEMPLATE_VARS); strcat(fileType, ".cu"); } // create HANDLE_ERROR_H file if (strcmp(fileType, ".cu") == 0) { // reads from source file strcpy(handleErrorTemplateName, homedir); strcat(handleErrorTemplateName, HANDLE_ERROR_H);