int main() { unsigned int indexOrder[MAX_INDEXES]; unsigned int used; getOrderFromFile(indexOrder, &used); unsigned int chunksize = indexOrder[used-1]; used--; unsigned char *unziped = "compressed_file_with_mc_gzip"; unsigned char *hostFileBuffer; unsigned long long int filesize = getFilesize(unziped); hostFileBuffer = (unsigned char *) malloc(filesize+1); getFileContent(unziped, hostFileBuffer); FILE *file; file = fopen((const char *)"decompressed_file", "w"); assert(file != NULL); for(int i = 0; i < used; i++) { unsigned int jumbledPos = getPosof(indexOrder, used, i); unsigned int lastChunkPos = getPosof(indexOrder, used, used-1); unsigned int bytesToWrite = min(chunksize, filesize - i * chunksize); unsigned int offset = 0; if(lastChunkPos < jumbledPos) { offset = chunksize - min(chunksize, filesize - (used-1) * chunksize); } unsigned int written = fwrite(hostFileBuffer + jumbledPos * chunksize - offset, 1, bytesToWrite, file); assert(written == bytesToWrite); assert(ferror(file) == 0); } fclose(file); return 0; }
bool BinaryDataMMAP::createMMAP(string filename) { size_ = getFilesize(filename); if( size_==FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST ) return false; fileDescriptor_ = open(filename.c_str(), O_RDONLY); if(fileDescriptor_ == -1) { cout << "***ERROR: file to be mmap'd exists, but could not be read" << endl; return false; } ptr_ = (uint8_t*)mmap(NULL, size_, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, fileDescriptor_, 0); if(ptr_ == MAP_FAILED) { close(fileDescriptor_); cout << "***ERROR: mmap'ing file failed, despite exist w/ read access." << endl; return false; } // Usually we will be scanning the whole file, sequentially, after mmapping setAdvice(MADV_SEQUENTIAL); return true; }
void * md5sumThreadFunc(void * arg) { ThreadArg * ptarg = (ThreadArg *)arg; const char * pathname = ptarg->buf; //Database db = *(ptarg->pdb); Database db(DBFILENAME); printf("************md5sumThreadFunc: %s\n", pathname); string md5str = md5sum(pathname); string sizestr = getFilesize(string(pathname)); cout << "md5sumThreadFunc # filepath: " << pathname << "md5str: " << md5str << "sizestr: " << sizestr << endl; if (!md5str.empty() && !sizestr.empty()) { std::map<string, string> insertParamMap = { {"MD5SUM", md5str}, {"MD5RAND", "NULL"}, {"ABSPATH", pathname}, {"SIZE", sizestr} }; if (db.insert("file", insertParamMap)) { Error::msg("Success: insert new file MD5SUM"); } else { Error::msg("\033[31mDatabase insert error\033[0m"); } } delete ptarg; return(NULL); }
void getOrderFromFile(unsigned int *hScores, unsigned int *used) { FILE *file; size_t nread; char *fn = (char *) filename; file = fopen((const char *)fn, "r"); assert(file != NULL); unsigned long long int filesize = getFilesize(fn); char *buffer = (char *) malloc(filesize+1); assert(buffer != NULL); nread = fread(buffer, 1, filesize, file); assert(nread == filesize); assert(ferror(file) == 0); int startIdx = 0, k = 0; for(int i=0; i<nread; i++) { if(buffer[i] == ' ') { buffer[i] = '\0'; hScores[k++] = atoi(buffer+startIdx); startIdx = i + 1; } assert(k<MAX_INDEXES); } hScores[k++] = atoi(buffer+startIdx); *used = k; fclose(file); }
static int openAviFile(char * filename) { int i; curFile = fopen(filename, "r"); if (curFile) { new_message_window("opened"); filesize = getFilesize(curFile); new_message_window(filesize); for (i = 0; i < VIDEO_FILEBUFFER_COUNT; i++) { fileBuffers[i].buffer = malloc(VIDEO_FILEBUFFER_SIZE); fileBuffers[i].filesize = filesize; fileBuffers[i].file = curFile; if (fileBuffers[i].buffer == NULL) { for (i = i-1; i >= 0; i--) { free(fileBuffers[i].buffer); } exit(1); } } return 0; } return -1; }
int entrypoint() { struct DIS_fixed disasm_data; uint32_t ep = getEntryPoint(); uint32_t remaining_size = getFilesize() - ep; uint32_t current_offset = DisassembleAt(&disasm_data, ep, remaining_size); return 0; }
void StatusResMsg:: create_payload_file_data(char* homeDir, uint32_t file_index) { char metaDataFileName[256]; memset(metaDataFileName , 0, 256); create_metaDataFilename(metaDataFileName, homeDir, file_index); uint32_t recordLen = getFilesize(metaDataFileName); header.dataLen += 4; header.dataLen += recordLen; recordLengths.push_back(recordLen); fileIndexes.push_back(file_index); }
void getFileContent(unsigned char * filename, unsigned char * buffer) { FILE *file; size_t nread; file = fopen((const char *)filename, "r"); assert(file != NULL); unsigned long long int filesize = getFilesize(filename); nread = fread(buffer, 1, filesize, file); assert(nread == filesize); assert(ferror(file) == 0); fclose(file); }
/* * 读取sstable文件的Footer */ int readFooter(sequentialFile* psFile,Footer* pfooter) { unsigned char footerSpace[48]; long filesize; Slice r; initSlice(&r,20); int i; filesize = getFilesize(psFile); readSFile(48,filesize-48,psFile,footerSpace); setSlice(&r,footerSpace,48); decodeFooter(pfooter,&r); for(i = 0;i < 48;i++){ printXchar(r.data_[i]); } freeSlice(&r); printf("file size = %ld,footersize = %zd\n",filesize,r.size_); return 0; }
bool TruncFileMsgEx::processIncoming(struct sockaddr_in* fromAddr, Socket* sock, char* respBuf, size_t bufLen, HighResolutionStats* stats) { #ifdef BEEGFS_DEBUG const char* logContext = "TruncFileMsgEx incoming"; std::string peer = fromAddr ? Socket::ipaddrToStr(&fromAddr->sin_addr) : sock->getPeername(); LOG_DEBUG(logContext, Log_DEBUG, std::string("Received a TruncFileMsg from: ") + peer); #endif // BEEGFS_DEBUG int64_t fileSize = getFilesize(); EntryInfo* entryInfo = getEntryInfo(); bool useQuota = isMsgHeaderFeatureFlagSet(TRUNCFILEMSG_FLAG_USE_QUOTA); FhgfsOpsErr truncRes = MsgHelperTrunc::truncFile( entryInfo, fileSize, useQuota, getMsgHeaderUserID() ); // send response if(unlikely(truncRes == FhgfsOpsErr_COMMUNICATION) ) { // forward comm error as indirect communication error to client GenericResponseMsg respMsg(GenericRespMsgCode_INDIRECTCOMMERR, "Communication with storage target failed"); respMsg.serialize(respBuf, bufLen); sock->sendto(respBuf, respMsg.getMsgLength(), 0, (struct sockaddr*)fromAddr, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in) ); } else { // normal response TruncFileRespMsg respMsg(truncRes); respMsg.serialize(respBuf, bufLen); sock->sendto(respBuf, respMsg.getMsgLength(), 0, (struct sockaddr*)fromAddr, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in) ); } // update operation counters Program::getApp()->getNodeOpStats()->updateNodeOp(sock->getPeerIP(), MetaOpCounter_TRUNCATE, getMsgHeaderUserID() ); return true; }
void convertLineEndings(std::string outfilename){ std::ifstream readback; uint64_t filesize=0; getFilesize(outfilename, filesize); unsigned char* rbuff=new unsigned char [filesize];, std::ios::in | std::ios::binary);<char*>(rbuff), filesize); readback.close(); std::vector<unsigned char> midBuff; for (uint64_t k=0; k<filesize; k++){ if ((int)rbuff[k]!=13) midBuff.push_back(rbuff[k]); } for (uint64_t i=0; i<midBuff.size(); i++){ rbuff[i]=midBuff[i]; } std::ofstream writeback;, std::ios::out | std::ios::binary); writeback.write(reinterpret_cast<char*>(rbuff), midBuff.size()); writeback.close(); delete [] rbuff; }
void TableConversionWorker::process(){ Gif* res = NULL; ConversionStatistics* stat = new ConversionStatistics; bool lct = false; for (int i = 0; i < m_gif->getSizeOfFrames(); ++i) { if(m_gif->getFrame(i)->getLctFlag() == 1){ lct = true; break; } } m_mode = lct?Mode::Local_to_Global:Mode::Global_to_Local; std::stringstream oss, lss; oss << "original" << time(NULL) << ".gif"; std::string orgFileName = oss.str(); lss << "./generated/converted" << time(NULL) << ".gif"; std::string lzwFileName = lss.str(); IO orgIOFile(orgFileName); IO lzwIOFile(lzwFileName); #if defined(_WIN32) _mkdir("generated"); #else mkdir("generated", 0777); #endif stat->mode = m_mode; emit modeOut(&m_mode); switch (m_mode) { case Global_to_Local:{ clock_t cBegin = clock(); res = TableConverter::globalToLocal(m_gif); clock_t cEnd = clock(); double cElapsedSecs = double(cEnd - cBegin)*1000 / CLOCKS_PER_SEC; stat->conversionTime = cElapsedSecs; emit conversionDone(res); clock_t lBegin = clock(); lzwIOFile.saveGif(*res); clock_t lEnd = clock(); double lElapsedSecs = double(lEnd - lBegin)*1000 / CLOCKS_PER_SEC; stat->newLZWTime = lElapsedSecs; clock_t oBegin = clock(); orgIOFile.saveGif(*m_gif); clock_t oEnd = clock(); double oElapsedSecs = double(oEnd - oBegin)*1000 / CLOCKS_PER_SEC; stat->orgLZWTime = oElapsedSecs; stat->newSize = getFilesize(lzwFileName); stat->orgSize = getFilesize(orgFileName); remove(orgFileName.c_str()); } break; case Local_to_Global:{ clock_t cBegin = clock(); res = TableConverter::localToGlobal(m_gif); clock_t cEnd = clock(); double cElapsedSecs = double(cEnd - cBegin)*1000 / CLOCKS_PER_SEC; stat->conversionTime = cElapsedSecs; emit conversionDone(res); clock_t lBegin = clock(); lzwIOFile.saveGif(*res); clock_t lEnd = clock(); double lElapsedSecs = double(lEnd - lBegin)*1000 / CLOCKS_PER_SEC; stat->newLZWTime = lElapsedSecs; clock_t oBegin = clock(); orgIOFile.saveGif(*m_gif); clock_t oEnd = clock(); double oElapsedSecs = double(oEnd - oBegin)*1000 / CLOCKS_PER_SEC; stat->orgLZWTime = oElapsedSecs; stat->newSize = getFilesize(lzwFileName); stat->orgSize = getFilesize(orgFileName); remove(orgFileName.c_str()); } break; default: emit error(QString("Invalid mode. (") + m_mode + ")"); break; } if(res == NULL) emit error("Conversion failed."); emit statisticsOut(stat); emit finished(); }
void config_parse(char *filename) { int fd , nameStart , nameStop , valueStart , valueStop , lineR // Counting \r's , lineN // Counting \n's , lineT // Highest of \r's and \n's , lineC // Character in line , pos; // Byte position in file char *name , *value , *config; state state; letter l; size_t filesize; filesize = getFilesize(filename); /* Open file */ fd = open(filename, O_RDONLY, 0); if (fd == -1) { /* Do not throw an error on EACCES, to allow blindly reading * the 'global' followed by the 'root only' configurations to * simplify overall code. */ if (errno != EACCES) { parser_error("readable file", "unreadable file", -1, -1); } return; } /* Execute mmap */ config = mmap(NULL, filesize, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_POPULATE, fd, 0); if (config == MAP_FAILED) { parser_error("mmapable file", "error mmapping file", -1, -1); goto abort_mmap; } name = value = NULL; nameStart = nameStop = valueStart = valueStop = pos = 0; lineR = lineN = lineC = lineT = 1; state = STATE_START_OF_LINE; do { switch(config[pos]) { case '\r': lineR++; lineT = max(lineR, lineN); lineC = 1; l = LETTER_END_OF_LINE; break; case '\n': lineN++; lineT = max(lineR, lineN); lineC = 1; l = LETTER_END_OF_LINE; break; case ' ': case '\t': l = LETTER_WHITESPACE; break; case '=': l = LETTER_EQUAL; break; case '#': l = LETTER_COMMENT; break; default: if ((config[pos] < ' ') || (config[pos] > '~')) { l = LETTER_INVALID; parser_error("valid character", "invalid character", lineT, lineC); state = STATE_COMMENT_OR_ERROR; break; } l = LETTER_LETTER; break; } switch(state) { case STATE_COMMENT_OR_ERROR: switch(l) { case LETTER_END_OF_LINE: state = STATE_START_OF_LINE; break; default: break; } break; case STATE_START_OF_LINE: switch(l) { case LETTER_END_OF_LINE: case LETTER_WHITESPACE: break; case LETTER_EQUAL: parser_error("option name", "=", lineT, lineC); state = STATE_COMMENT_OR_ERROR; break; case LETTER_COMMENT: state = STATE_COMMENT_OR_ERROR; break; case LETTER_LETTER: default: nameStart = pos; nameStop = pos; state = STATE_NAME; break; } break; case STATE_NAME: switch(l) { case LETTER_END_OF_LINE: parser_error("=", "end of line", lineT, lineC); state = STATE_COMMENT_OR_ERROR; break; case LETTER_WHITESPACE: state = STATE_PRE_EQUAL; break; case LETTER_EQUAL: state = STATE_POST_EQUAL; break; case LETTER_COMMENT: parser_error("=", "comment", lineT, lineC); state = STATE_COMMENT_OR_ERROR; break; case LETTER_LETTER: default: nameStop = pos; break; } break; case STATE_PRE_EQUAL: switch(l) { case LETTER_WHITESPACE: break; case LETTER_EQUAL: state = STATE_POST_EQUAL; break; default: parser_error("= or more whitespace", "gibberish", lineT, lineC); state = STATE_COMMENT_OR_ERROR; break; } break; case STATE_POST_EQUAL: switch(l) { case LETTER_END_OF_LINE: parser_error("option value or more whitespace", "end of line", lineT, lineC); state = STATE_COMMENT_OR_ERROR; break; case LETTER_WHITESPACE: break; case LETTER_EQUAL: case LETTER_COMMENT: case LETTER_LETTER: default: valueStart = pos; valueStop = pos; state = STATE_VALUE; break; } break; case STATE_VALUE: switch(l) { case LETTER_END_OF_LINE: name = strndup((char *)config + nameStart, nameStop - nameStart + 1); value = strndup((char *)config + valueStart, valueStop - valueStart + 1); option_set(name, value); free(name); free(value); state = STATE_START_OF_LINE; break; case LETTER_WHITESPACE: case LETTER_EQUAL: case LETTER_COMMENT: case LETTER_LETTER: default: valueStop = pos; break; } break; } pos++; lineC++; } while (pos < filesize); /* End-of-File handling. */ switch(state) { case STATE_NAME: case STATE_PRE_EQUAL: parser_error("=", "end of file", lineT, lineC); break; case STATE_POST_EQUAL: parser_error("option value", "end of file", lineT, lineC); break; case STATE_START_OF_LINE: case STATE_COMMENT_OR_ERROR: case STATE_VALUE: default: /* Valid end of file location, no issue. */ break; } /* Cleanup */ munmap(config, filesize); abort_mmap: close(fd); }
void Database::traverseFiles(string dirpath) { DIR * dir= opendir(dirpath.c_str()); if(!dir) { Error::ret("opendir"); return; } if (dirpath.back() != '/') { dirpath += "/"; } struct dirent* e; while( (e = readdir(dir)) ) { if(e->d_type == 4 && strcmp(e->d_name, ".") && strcmp(e->d_name, "..")) { traverseFiles(dirpath + e->d_name); } else if(e->d_type == 8) { string filepath = dirpath + e->d_name; string inode = getInode(filepath.c_str()); cout << "\n\nmd5sum: " << filepath << " ..." << endl; string md5str = md5sum(filepath.c_str()); string sizestr = getFilesize(filepath); cout << "filepath: " << filepath << "md5str: " << md5str << "sizestr: " << sizestr << endl; string ghostfilename; ghostfilename += getCurrentTime(); ghostfilename += "_" + md5str + "_"; ghostfilename += e->d_name; string ghostPath = GHOSTDIR + ghostfilename; if (!md5str.empty() && !sizestr.empty()) { std::map<string, string> selectParamMap = { {"MD5SUM", md5str} }; if (select("file", selectParamMap)) { vector< map<string ,string> > resultMapVector = getResult(); if (resultMapVector.empty()) { std::map<string, string> insertParamMap = { {"MD5SUM", md5str}, {"MD5RAND", "NULL"}, {"ABSPATH", ghostPath}, {"FILENAME", ghostfilename}, {"INODE", inode}, {"SIZE", sizestr} }; if (insert("file", insertParamMap)) { Error::msg("Success: insert new file MD5SUM"); if (link(filepath.c_str(), ghostPath.c_str()) < 0) { Error::ret("\033[31mlink\033[0m"); cerr << filepath << ":" << ghostPath << endl; } } else { Error::msg("\033[31mDatabase insert error\033[0m"); } } else { Error::msg("\033[31mMD5SUM already exist\033[0m"); printResult(); } } else { Error::msg("\033[31mDatabase select error\033[0m"); } } } } closedir(dir); }
void SrvDTP::insertNewFileMD5SUM(const char * pathname, Database *pdb) { string inode = getInode(pathname); cout << "md5sum computing... " << endl; string md5str = md5sum(pathname); string sizestr = getFilesize(string(pathname)); cout << "insertNewFileMD5SUM # filepath: " << pathname << "md5str: " << md5str << "sizestr: " << sizestr << endl; string ghostfilename; ghostfilename += getCurrentTime(); ghostfilename += "_" + md5str + "_"; ghostfilename += psrvPI->getFilename(); string ghostPath = GHOSTDIR + ghostfilename; if (!md5str.empty() && !sizestr.empty()) { std::map<string, string> selectParamMap = { {"MD5SUM", md5str} }; if (pdb->select("file", selectParamMap)) { vector< map<string ,string> > resultMapVector = pdb->getResult(); if (resultMapVector.empty()) { std::map<string, string> insertParamMap = { {"MD5SUM", md5str}, {"MD5RAND", "NULL"}, {"ABSPATH", ghostPath}, {"FILENAME", ghostfilename}, {"INODE", inode}, {"SIZE", sizestr} }; if (pdb->insert("file", insertParamMap)) { Error::msg("Success: insert new file MD5SUM"); if (link(pathname, ghostPath.c_str()) < 0) { Error::ret("\033[31mlink\033[0m"); cerr << pathname << ":" << ghostPath << endl; } } else { Error::msg("\033[31mDatabase insert error\033[0m"); } } else { Error::msg("\033[31mThis MD5SUM already exists\033[0m"); /*std::map<string, string> whereParamMap = { {"MD5SUM", md5sum(pathname)} }; std::map<string, string> updateParamMap = { {"VALID", "1"} }; if (pdb->update("file", whereParamMap, updateParamMap)) { vector< map<string ,string> > resultMapVector = pdb->getResult(); if (!resultMapVector.empty()) { printf("Success: update VALID=1\n"); } else { printf("update: not find record\n"); } } else { Error::msg("\033[31mDatabase update error\033[0m"); }*/ } } else { Error::msg("\033[31mDatabase select error\033[0m"); } } }
/** * @brief TEST_F SdkTestTransfers * * It performs different operations related to transfers in both directions: up and down. * * - Starts an upload transfer and cancel it * - Starts an upload transfer, pause it, resume it and complete it * - Get node by fingerprint * - Get size of a node * - Download a file */ TEST_F(SdkTest, SdkTestTransfers) { MegaNode *rootnode = megaApi->getRootNode(); string filename1 = UPFILE; createFile(filename1); // --- Cancel a transfer --- transfersCancelled = false; megaApi->startUpload(, rootnode); megaApi->cancelTransfers(MegaTransfer::TYPE_UPLOAD); waitForResponse(&transfersCancelled); EXPECT_EQ(MegaError::API_OK, lastError) << "Transfer cancellation failed (error: " << lastError << ")"; // --- Upload a file (part 1) --- uploadFinished = false; megaApi->startUpload(, rootnode); // do not wait yet for completion // --- Pause a transfer --- transfersPaused = false; megaApi->pauseTransfers(true, MegaTransfer::TYPE_UPLOAD); waitForResponse(&transfersPaused); EXPECT_EQ(MegaError::API_OK, lastError) << "Cannot pause transfer (error: " << lastError << ")"; EXPECT_TRUE(megaApi->areTransfersPaused(MegaTransfer::TYPE_UPLOAD)) << "Upload transfer not paused"; // --- Resume a transfer --- transfersPaused = false; megaApi->pauseTransfers(false, MegaTransfer::TYPE_UPLOAD); waitForResponse(&transfersPaused); EXPECT_EQ(MegaError::API_OK, lastError) << "Cannot resume transfer (error: " << lastError << ")"; EXPECT_FALSE(megaApi->areTransfersPaused(MegaTransfer::TYPE_UPLOAD)) << "Upload transfer not resumed"; // --- Upload a file (part 2) --- waitForResponse(&uploadFinished); ASSERT_EQ(MegaError::API_OK, lastError) << "Cannot upload file (error: " << lastError << ")"; MegaNode *n1 = megaApi->getNodeByHandle(h); bool null_pointer = (n1 == NULL); ASSERT_FALSE(null_pointer) << "Cannot upload file (error: " << lastError << ")"; ASSERT_STREQ(, n1->getName()) << "Uploaded file with wrong name (error: " << lastError << ")"; // --- Get node by fingerprint (needs to be a file, not a folder) --- char *fingerprint = megaApi->getFingerprint(n1); MegaNode *n2 = megaApi->getNodeByFingerprint(fingerprint); null_pointer = (n2 == NULL); EXPECT_FALSE(null_pointer) << "Node by fingerprint not found"; // ASSERT_EQ(n2->getHandle(), n4->getHandle()); This test may fail due to multiple nodes with the same name delete fingerprint; // --- Get the size of a file --- int filesize = getFilesize(filename1); int nodesize = megaApi->getSize(n2); EXPECT_EQ(filesize, nodesize) << "Wrong size of uploaded file"; // --- Download a file --- string filename2 = "./" + DOWNFILE; downloadFinished = false; megaApi->startDownload(n2, filename2.c_str()); waitForResponse(&downloadFinished); ASSERT_EQ(MegaError::API_OK, lastError) << "Cannot download the file (error: " << lastError << ")"; MegaNode *n3 = megaApi->getNodeByHandle(h); null_pointer = (n3 == NULL); ASSERT_FALSE(null_pointer) << "Cannot download node"; ASSERT_EQ(n2->getHandle(), n3->getHandle()) << "Cannot download node (error: " << lastError << ")"; delete rootnode; delete n1; delete n2; delete n3; }
void SrvDTP::sendFile(const char *pathname, uint32_t nslice, uint32_t sindex, uint16_t slicecap) { //cout << endl << endl << pathname << endl << endl; Packet & packet = *(this->ppacket); char buf[MAXLINE]; Database * pdb = psrvPI->getPDB(); string inode = getInode(pathname); std::map<string, string> selectParamMap = { {"INODE", inode} }; if (pdb->select("file", selectParamMap)) { vector< map<string ,string> > resultMapVector = pdb->getResult(); if (!resultMapVector.empty()) { string dbAccess = resultMapVector[0]["ACCESS"]; unsigned long long access = std::stoull(dbAccess) + 1; snprintf(buf, MAXLINE, "%llu", access); dbAccess = buf; std::map<string, string> updateParamMap = { {"ACCESS", dbAccess} }; if (pdb->update("file", resultMapVector[0]["ID"], updateParamMap)) { cout << "update ACCESS+1 ok" <<endl; } else { printf("\033[31mupdate ACCESS+1 error\033[0m\n"); } } else { printf("\033[31mINODE not exist\033[0m\n"); } } else { Error::msg("\033[31mDatabase select error\033[0m\n"); } int n; //uint32_t nslice =0, sindex = 0; // off64_t curpos = sindex * slicecap; // if ( lseek64(fileno(psrvPI->getFp()), curpos, SEEK_SET) < 0) // { // packet.sendSTAT_ERR(strerror_r(errno, buf, MAXLINE)); // return; // } else { // printf("Recv file [%s %u/%u] now\n", pathname, sindex, nslice); // // send STAT_OK // packet.sendSTAT_OK(); // } string sizestr = getFilesize(string(pathname)); if (sizestr.empty()) { packet.sendSTAT_ERR("getFilesize() failed"); return; } // confirm enough space to write on client host packet.sendSTAT(STAT_SIZE, sizestr); psrvPI->recvOnePacket(); if (packet.getTagid() == TAG_STAT && packet.getStatid() == STAT_ERR) { return; } else if (packet.getTagid() == TAG_STAT && packet.getStatid() == STAT_OK) { ; } else { Error::msg("unknown packet"); packet.print(); return; } //if ( (fp = fopen(pathname, "rb")) == NULL) if ( psrvPI->setFp(fopen(pathname, "rb")) == NULL) { // send STAT_ERR Response // GNU-specific strerror_r: char *strerror_r(int errnum, char *buf, size_t buflen); packet.sendSTAT_ERR(strerror_r(errno, buf, MAXLINE)); return; } else if ( (n = getFileNslice(pathname, &nslice)) <= 0) { if ( n == 0) { printf("EOF[%s]: 0 bytes\n", pathname); Fclose(&psrvPI->getFp()); packet.sendSTAT_OK(); packet.sendDATA_TEXT(getFileSizeString(pathname)); packet.sendDATA_FILE(0, 0, 0, NULL); packet.sendSTAT_EOF("EOF: 0 bytes"); return; } else if ( n == -2) { snprintf(buf, MAXLINE, "Too large file size"); packet.sendSTAT_ERR(buf); } else { snprintf(buf, MAXLINE, "File stat error"); packet.sendSTAT_ERR(buf); } return; } else { // send STAT_OK packet.sendSTAT_OK(); } packet.sendDATA_TEXT(getFileSizeString(pathname)); char body[PBODYCAP]; printf("Send [%s] now\n", pathname); while( (n = fread(body, sizeof(char), PBODYCAP, psrvPI->getFp())) >0 ) { packet.sendDATA_FILE(nslice, ++sindex, n, body); } // send EOF Fclose(&psrvPI->getFp()); printf("EOF [%s]\n", pathname); packet.sendSTAT_EOF(); }
// // Handle command line arguments // void parseIndexOptions(int argc, char** argv) { bool die = false; for (char c; (c = getopt_long(argc, argv, shortopts, longopts, NULL)) != -1;) { std::istringstream arg(optarg != NULL ? optarg : ""); switch (c) { case 'p': arg >> opt::prefix; break; case '?': die = true; break; case 'c': opt::validate = true; break; case 'd': opt::bDiskAlgo = true; arg >> opt::numReadsPerBatch; break; case 't': arg >> opt::numThreads; break; case 'g': arg >> opt::gapArrayStorage; break; case 'a': arg >> opt::algorithm; break; case 'v': opt::verbose++; break; case OPT_NO_REVERSE: opt::bBuildReverse = false; break; case OPT_NO_FWD: opt::bBuildForward = false; break; case OPT_NO_SAI: opt::bBuildSAI = false; break; case OPT_HELP: std::cout << INDEX_USAGE_MESSAGE; exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); case OPT_VERSION: std::cout << INDEX_VERSION_MESSAGE; exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } } // Transform algorithm parameter to lower case std::transform(opt::algorithm.begin(), opt::algorithm.end(), opt::algorithm.begin(), ::tolower); if (argc - optind < 1) { std::cerr << SUBPROGRAM ": missing arguments\n"; die = true; } else if (argc - optind > 1) { std::cerr << SUBPROGRAM ": too many arguments\n"; die = true; } if(opt::gapArrayStorage != 4 && opt::gapArrayStorage != 8 && opt::gapArrayStorage != 16 && opt::gapArrayStorage != 32) { std::cerr << SUBPROGRAM ": invalid argument, --gap-array,-g must be one of 4,8,16,32 (found: " << opt::gapArrayStorage << ")\n"; die = true; } if(opt::numThreads <= 0) { std::cerr << SUBPROGRAM ": invalid number of threads: " << opt::numThreads << "\n"; die = true; } if(opt::algorithm != "sais" && opt::algorithm != "bcr" && opt::algorithm != "ropebwt") { std::cerr << SUBPROGRAM ": unrecognized algorithm string " << opt::algorithm << ". --algorithm must be sais, bcr or ropebwt\n"; die = true; } if(opt::algorithm == "ropebwt" && opt::bDiskAlgo) { std::cerr << SUBPROGRAM ": the options -a ropebwt and -d are not compatible, please only use one.\n"; die = true; } if (die) { std::cout << "\n" << INDEX_USAGE_MESSAGE; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } // Parse the input filenames opt::readsFile = argv[optind++]; if(opt::prefix.empty()) opt::prefix = stripFilename(opt::readsFile); // Check if input file is empty size_t filesize = getFilesize(opt::readsFile); if(filesize == 0) { std::cerr << SUBPROGRAM ": input file is empty\n"; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } }
// // Handle command line arguments // void parseScanOptions(int argc, char** argv) { std::string bamlistfile = ""; std::string rev = ""; Headers hd; for (char c; (c = getopt_long(argc, argv, shortopts, longopts, NULL)) != -1;) { std::istringstream arg(optarg != NULL ? optarg : ""); switch (c) { case 'f': arg >> bamlistfile; break; case 'o': arg >> opt::outputfile; break; case 'H': opt::writerheader=false; break; case 'm': opt::mergerg = true; break; case 'u': opt::ignorerg = true; break; case 'w': opt::onebam = true; break; case 'h': for(size_t h=0; h<hd.headers.size();h++){ std::cout << hd.headers[h] << ScanParameters::FIELD_SEP; } std::cout << "\n"; exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); case 'k': arg >> opt::tel_k; break; case 'r': arg >> ScanParameters::READ_LENGTH; if(ScanParameters::READ_LENGTH <= 0 || ScanParameters::READ_LENGTH > 100000){ std::cerr << "please specify valid read length that is greater than 0 and length than 100kb" << "\n"; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } break; case 'p': break; case 'z': arg >> ScanParameters::PATTERN; ScanParameters::PATTERN_REVCOMP = reverseComplement(ScanParameters::PATTERN); std::cerr << "use user specified pattern " << ScanParameters::PATTERN << "\n"; std::cerr << "reverse complement " << ScanParameters::PATTERN_REVCOMP << "\n"; break; case 'e': arg >> opt::exomebedfile; opt::exomebed = readBedAsVector(opt::exomebedfile); std::cout << "loaded "<< opt::exomebed.size() << " exome regions \n"<< std::endl; // std::cout << opt::exomebed << "\n"; break; case OPT_HELP: std::cout << TELSEQ_USAGE_MESSAGE; exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); case OPT_VERSION: std::cout << TELSEQ_VERSION_MESSAGE; exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } } update_pattern(); // deal with cases of API usage: // telseq a.bam b.bam c.bam ... // | telseq // telseq -f if (argc - optind < 1) // no argument specified { // check if it is from pipe if(!isatty(fileno(stdin))){ std::string line; while (std::getline(std::cin, line)) { if(line.empty()){ continue; } opt::bamlist.push_back(line); } }else if(bamlistfile.empty() ){ // check if not from a pipe, -f must be spceified // std::cerr << SUBPROGRAM ": No BAM specified. Please specify BAM either directly, by using -f option or piping BAM file path.\n"; std::cout << TELSEQ_USAGE_MESSAGE; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } else if (argc - optind >= 1) // if arguments are specified { // -f has higher priority, when specified, ignore arguments. if(bamlistfile.empty()){ for(int i = optind; i < argc; ++i ){ opt::bamlist.push_back(argv[i]); } } } // read in bamlist if(!bamlistfile.empty()){ size_t filesize = getFilesize(bamlistfile); if(filesize == 0) { std::cerr << PROGRAM_BIN ": BAMLIST file specified by -f is empty\n"; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } std::istream* pReader = createReader(bamlistfile); std::string line; while(getline(*pReader, line)) { if(line.empty()){ continue; } opt::bamlist.push_back(line); } size_t bamsize = opt::bamlist.size(); if(bamsize == 0 ){ std::cerr << PROGRAM_BIN ": Could find any sample in BAMLIST file specified.\n"; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } delete pReader; } // check output // for(size_t i = 0; i < opt::bamlist.size(); ++i ){ // std::cerr << "opt::bamlist:" << opt::bamlist[i] << "\n"; // } // std::cerr << "opt::bamlistfile:" << bamlistfile << "\n"; // std::cerr << "opt::writerheader:" << opt::writerheader << "\n"; // std::cerr << "opt::tel_k:" << opt::tel_k << "\n"; // std::cerr << "opt::outputdir:" << opt::outputfile << "\n"; }