Esempio n. 1
**   Document   ---   queryClose
bool Document::queryClose()
	if ( ! dirty ) return true;
	int i = doMessageBox( mainwindow,
		wxString::Format( wxT( "%s: %s ?" ), _( "Do you want to save the chart" ), getHName().c_str()),
		wxYES_NO | wxCANCEL | wxCENTRE );
	if ( i == wxID_CANCEL ) return false;
	else if ( i == wxID_YES )
		return save();
		dirty = false;
		return true;
Esempio n. 2
**   Document   ---   saveAs
bool Document::saveAs()
	wxString filename = dataSet->getName();
	if ( filename == wxT( "" ))
		filename = wxString::Format( wxT( "%s.mtx" ), (const wxChar*)getHName() );
	wxString filetypes = _( "Maitreya text (*.mtx)|*.mtx| All files (*.*)|*.*" );

	wxFileDialog saveFileDialog( mainwindow, _("Save file as" ), config->defSavePath, filename,
	                             filetypes, wxFD_SAVE, wxDefaultPosition );

	if ( saveFileDialog.ShowModal() == wxID_OK )
		// Bugfix 7.0.3 GetDirectory returns home directory on some Linux distros instead of selected dir
		//filename << saveFileDialog.GetDirectory() << wxFileName::GetPathSeparator()
		//<< saveFileDialog.GetFilename();
		filename = saveFileDialog.GetPath();

		if ( ! Horoscope::saveAs( (const wxChar*)filename ))
			doMessageBox( mainwindow, wxString::Format( wxT( "%s %s" ), _( "Cannot save file" ), (const wxChar*)filename ),
			              wxOK | wxICON_ERROR | wxCENTRE );
			return false;
		dirty = false;
		wxCommandEvent event( DOC_SAVED, mainwindow->GetId() );
		event.SetEventObject( this );
		wxPostEvent( mainwindow->GetParent(), event );
		config->defSavePath = saveFileDialog.GetDirectory();
		return false;
	return true;
Esempio n. 3
**   Document   ---   saveAs
bool Document::saveAs()
	wxString filename = dataSet->getName();
	if ( filename == wxT( "" ))
		filename = wxString::Format( wxT( "%s.mtx" ), getHName().c_str() );
	wxString filetypes = _( "Maitreya text (*.mtx)|*.mtx| All files (*.*)|*.*" );

	wxFileDialog saveFileDialog( mainwindow, _("Save file as" ), config->viewprefs->defSavePath, filename, filetypes, wxFD_SAVE, wxDefaultPosition );

	if ( saveFileDialog.ShowModal() == wxID_OK )
		// Bugfix 7.0.3 GetDirectory returns home directory instead of selected dir
		//filename << saveFileDialog.GetDirectory() << wxFileName::GetPathSeparator()
		//<< saveFileDialog.GetFilename();
		filename = saveFileDialog.GetPath();
		if ( ! Horoscope::saveAs( filename ))
			doMessageBox( mainwindow,
				wxString::Format( wxT( "%s %s" ), _( "Cannot save file" ), filename.c_str() ),
				wxOK | wxICON_ERROR | wxCENTRE );
			return false;
		dirty = false;

		DocumentManager::get()->documentSaved( this );
		config->viewprefs->defSavePath = saveFileDialog.GetDirectory();
		return false;
	return true;