Esempio n. 1
 * Verifies that a cue text start tag with an invalid name will be ignored.
 * From As given by the algorithm defined and any connecting parts. (11/27/2012)
 *	Relevant cue text specification rules:
 *		1. Characters that come after the "<" and before a white space are considered to be apart of the tag name.
 *		2. Tag names that are not valid are ignored.
 *		3. Characters that come after the beginning "<" brace and after a white space character are considered to be apart of the annotation.
 * In this example the parser reads "iare</i" inside of the beginning "<" and ending ">" as the tag name.
    loadVtt( "payload/tag-format/start-tag-no-end-brace.vtt" );
    const InternalNode *head = getHeadOfCue( 0 );

    ASSERT_TRUE( head->childCount() == 2 );
    ASSERT_EQ( Node::Text, head->child( 0 )->kind() );
    ASSERT_EQ( Node::Text, head->child( 1 )->kind() );
Esempio n. 2
TEST_F(PayloadLangTag, InternalWithinTag)
    loadVtt( "payload/lang-tag/internal-within-lang.vtt" );
    const Node head = getHeadOfCue( 0 );

    EXPECT_EQ( 1, head[ 0 ][ 0 ].childCount() );
    EXPECT_EQ( Node::Bold, head[ 0 ][ 0 ].kind() );
    EXPECT_STREQ( "en", head[ 0 ][ 0 ].lang().utf8() );
Esempio n. 3
TEST_F(PayloadLangTag, LangWithoutAnnotation)
    loadVtt( "payload/lang-tag/lang-without-annotation.vtt" );
    const Node head = getHeadOfCue( 0 );

    EXPECT_EQ( 1, head[ 0 ].childCount() );
    EXPECT_EQ( Node::Lang, head[ 0 ].kind() );
    EXPECT_STREQ( "", head[ 0 ].lang().utf8() );
Esempio n. 4
 * Verifies that a voice cue text tag that does not have an end tag is parsed correctly.
 * From (11/27/2012)
 *	Voice tags consist of:
 *		1. A cue span start tag "v" that requires an annotation.
 *		2. Cue internal text representing the voice text.
 *		3. A cue span end tag that can be ommitted for brevity if the voice span is the only tag in this webvtt cue text sequence.
	loadVtt( "payload/v-tag/v-tag.vtt" );

	const InternalNode *head = getHeadOfCue( 0 );

	ASSERT_TRUE( head->childCount() == 1 );
	ASSERT_EQ( Node::Voice, head->child( 0 )->kind() );
Esempio n. 5
TEST_F(PayloadLangTag, BasicLangTag)
    loadVtt( "payload/lang-tag/basic-lang.vtt" );
    const Node head = getHeadOfCue( 0 );

    EXPECT_EQ( 1, head.childCount() );
    EXPECT_EQ( Node::Lang, head[ 0 ].kind() );
    EXPECT_STREQ( "en", head[ 0 ].lang().utf8() );
Esempio n. 6
TEST_F(PayloadLangTag, TwoLangTags)
    loadVtt( "payload/lang-tag/two-lang-tags.vtt" );
    const Node head = getHeadOfCue( 0 );

    EXPECT_EQ( 2, head.childCount() );
    EXPECT_EQ( Node::Lang, head[ 0 ].kind() );
    EXPECT_STREQ( "en", head[ 0 ].lang().utf8() );

    EXPECT_EQ( Node::Lang, head[ 1 ].kind() );
    EXPECT_STREQ( "fe", head[ 1 ].lang().utf8() );
Esempio n. 7
 * Verifies that a voice cue text tag that has an annotation is parsed correctly and contains the annotation.
 * From (11/27/2012)
 *	Voice tags consist of:
 *		1. A cue span start tag "v" that requires an annotation.
 *		2. Cue internal text representing the voice text.
 *		3. A cue span end tag that can be ommitted for brevity if the voice span is the only tag in this webvtt cue text sequence.
	loadVtt( "payload/v-tag/v-tag-annotation.vtt" );

	const InternalNode *head = getHeadOfCue( 0 );

	ASSERT_TRUE( head->childCount() == 3 );
	ASSERT_EQ( Node::Voice, head->child( 1 )->kind() );

	String expectedString = String( (const byte *)"Annotation", 10 ); 
	ASSERT_EQ( expectedString.text(), head->child( 1 )->toInternalNode()->annotation().text() );
Esempio n. 8
 * Verifies that cue text end tags that are malformed will be ignored.
 * From step "If token is an end tag" (11/27/2012)
 *	Relevant cue text specification rule(s):
 *		1. End tags that do not close the current open tag are ignored.
 *		2. End tags that are not formatted properly will be ignored.
 *	Implications:
 *		1. Tags that are not closed properly are valid until the end of the current cue text.
    loadVtt( "payload/tag-format/end-tag-no-end-brace.vtt.vtt" );
    const InternalNode *head = getHeadOfCue( 0 );

    ASSERT_TRUE( head->childCount() == 2 );

    const InternalNode *italicNode = head->child( 1 )->toInternalNode();
    ASSERT_EQ( Node::Italic, italicNode->kind() );

    ASSERT_TRUE( italicNode->childCount() == 1 );
    ASSERT_EQ( Node::Text, italicNode->child( 0 )->kind() );
Esempio n. 9
 * Verifies that cue text end tags that are out of order will be ignored.
 * From step "If token is an end tag" (11/27/2012)
 *	Relevant cue text specification rule(s):
 *		1. End tags that do not close the current open tag are ignored.
 *		2. End tags that are not formatted properly will be ignored.
 *	Implications:
 *		1. Tags that are not closed properly are valid until the end of the current cue text.
    loadVtt( "payload/tag-format/bad-tag-nesting.vtt" );
    const InternalNode *head = getHeadOfCue( 0 );

    ASSERT_TRUE( head->childCount() == 2 );

    const InternalNode *italicNode = head->child( 1 )->toInternalNode();
    ASSERT_EQ( Node::Italic, italicNode->kind() );

    ASSERT_EQ( Node::Bold, italicNode->kind() );
    ASSERT_EQ( Node::Text, italicNode->child( 0 )->kind() );
Esempio n. 10
 * Verifies that a single subclass can be attached to a cue text voice start tag.
 * From (11/27/2012)
 *	Cue span start tags consist of the following:
 *		1. A "<" character representing the beginning of the start tag.
 *		2. The tag name.
 *		3. Zero or more the following sequence representing a subclasses of the start tag
 *			3.1. A full stop "." character.
 *			3.2. A sequence of non-whitespace characters.
 *		4. If the start tag requires an annotation then a space or tab character followed by a sequence of 
 *		   non-whitespace characters representing the annotation.
 *		5. A ">" character repsenting the end of the start tag.
	loadVtt( "payload/v-tag/v-tag-single-subclass.vtt" );

	const InternalNode *head = getHeadOfCue( 0 );

	ASSERT_TRUE( head->childCount() == 3 );
	ASSERT_EQ( Node::Voice, head->child( 1 )->kind() );

	StringList cssClasses = head->child( 1 )->toInternalNode()->cssClasses();
	String expectedString = String( (const byte *)"class", 5 );

	ASSERT_TRUE( cssClasses.length() == 1 );
	ASSERT_EQ(  expectedString.text(), cssClasses.stringAtIndex( 0 ).text() );
Esempio n. 11
 * Verifies that cue text end tags that are malformed will be ignored.
 * From step "If token is an end tag" (11/27/2012)
 *	Relevant cue text specification rule(s):
 *		1. End tags that do not close the current open tag are ignored.
 *		2. End tags that are not formatted properly will be ignored.
 *	Implications:
 *		1. Tags that are not closed properly are valid until the end of the current cue text.
    loadVtt( "payload/tag-format/multi-tag-no-end-tag.vtt" );
    const InternalNode *head = getHeadOfCue( 0 );

    ASSERT_TRUE( head->childCount() == 2 );
    ASSERT_EQ( Node::Text, head->child( 0 )->kind() );

    const InternalNode *italicNode0 = head->child( 1 )->toInternalNode();

    ASSERT_TRUE( italicNode0->childCount() == 2 );
    ASSERT_EQ( Node::Italic, italicNode0->kind() );
    ASSERT_EQ( Node::Text, italicNode0->child( 0 )->kind() );

    const InternalNode *italicNode1 = italicNode0->child( 1 )->toInternalNode();

    ASSERT_EQ( Node::Italic, italicNode1->kind() );
    ASSERT_EQ( Node::Text, italicNode1->child( 0 )->kind() );
Esempio n. 12
 * Verifies that multiple cue component are parsed correctly.
 * From (11/27/2012)
 *  Cue text text consists of one or more cue text components optionally
 *  separated by a single line terminator which can be:
 *    1. CR (U+000D)
 *    2. LF (U+000A)
 *    3. CRLF pair
TEST_F(PayloadFormat, MultilineMultipleCueTextTag)
  loadVtt( "payload/format/multiline-multiple-cue-text-tag.vtt", 1 );
  const Node head = getHeadOfCue( 0 );
  ASSERT_LE( 1, head.childCount() );

  const Node underlineTag = head[0];
  EXPECT_EQ( Node::Underline, underlineTag.kind() );

  ASSERT_LE( 2, underlineTag.childCount() );
  EXPECT_EQ( Node::Text, underlineTag[0].kind() );

  const Node italicTag = underlineTag[1];
  EXPECT_EQ( Node::Italic, italicTag.kind() );

  ASSERT_LE( 2, italicTag.childCount() );
  EXPECT_EQ( Node::Text, italicTag[0].kind() );
  const Node boldTag = italicTag[1];
  EXPECT_EQ( Node::Bold, boldTag.kind() );
Esempio n. 13
 * Verifies that a cue text span with no tags will parse correctly.
 * From (11/27/2012)
TEST_F(PayloadFormat, BasicCueText)
  loadVtt( "payload/format/basic-cue-text.vtt", 1 );
  ASSERT_EQ( Node::Text, getHeadOfCue( 0 )[ 0 ].kind() );
Esempio n. 14
 * Verifies that multiple cue components can be put in one line, one after
 * the other.
TEST_F(PayloadFormat, MultipleCueTextTagTogether)
  loadVtt( "payload/format/multiple-cue-tag-together.vtt", 1 );
  ASSERT_EQ( 4, getHeadOfCue( 0 ).childCount() );
Esempio n. 15
/* Verifies that cue text with a malformed line terminator is still parsed correctly.
 * From (12/02/2012)
 * The WebVTT parser algorithm is as follows:
 * [...] 50. Bad cue: Discard cue.
TEST_F(PayloadFormat, MultilineBasicCueTextExtraLine)
  loadVtt( "payload/format/multiline-extra-line-terminator.vtt", 1);
  ASSERT_EQ( Node::Text, getHeadOfCue( 0 )[ 0 ].kind() );
Esempio n. 16
 * Verifies that cue text separated by a CRLF line terminator is parsed correctly.
 * From (12/02/2012)
 *  Cue text consists of one or more cue text components optionally separated by a single line terminator which can be:
 *    1. CR (U+000D)
 *    2. LF (U+000A)
 *    3. CRLF pair
TEST_F(PayloadFormat, MultilineBasicCueTextCRLF)
  loadVtt( "payload/format/multiline-basic-cue-text-crlf.vtt", 1 );
  ASSERT_EQ( Node::Text, getHeadOfCue( 0 )[ 0 ].kind() );
Esempio n. 17
 * Verifies that cue text with single CRLF pair characters will be parsed.
 * From (11/27/2012)
 *  Cue text text consists of one or more cue text components optionally separated by a single line terminator which can be:
 *    1. CR (U+000D)
 *    2. LF (U+000A)
 *    3. CRLF pair
TEST_F(PayloadFormat, MultilineCueTextCRLF)
  loadVtt( "payload/format/multiline-cue-text-crlf.vtt", 1 );
  ASSERT_EQ( 5, getHeadOfCue( 0 ).childCount() );
Esempio n. 18
Verifies that an incorrect class name cannot be used as a cue component.
 * From step "If token is an end tag" (11/27/2012)
 *	Relevant cue text specification rule(s):
 *		1. End tags that do not close the current open tag are ignored.
 *		2. End tags that are not formatted properly will be ignored.
 *		3. Tags that do not have a valid tag name are ignored.
 *	Implications:
 *		1. Tags that are not closed properly are valid until the end of the current cue text.
    loadVtt( "payload/tag-format/incorrect-tag-name.vtt" );
    ASSERT_TRUE( getHeadOfCue( 0 )->childCount() == 3 );
Esempio n. 19
 * Verifies that a file with payload text containing a line feed in between the text
 * will finish the parsing attempt gracefully.
 * From (12/10/2012):
 * ...
 * 50. Bad cue: Discard cue.
 * 51. Bad cue loop: If position is past the end of input, then jump to the step labeled end.
TEST_F(PayloadFormat, MultilineCueTextExtraNewline)
  loadVtt( "payload/format/multiline-cue-text-extra-newline.vtt", 1 );
  ASSERT_EQ( 2, getHeadOfCue( 0 ).childCount() );
Esempio n. 20
 * This test is to verify that multiple cue text tags can be nested within eachother.
 * Based on the WebVTT cue components specification as of October 3, 2012.
    loadVtt( "payload/tag-format/multiple-cue-text-tag.vtt" );
    ASSERT_EQ( Node::Italic, getHeadOfCue( 0 )->child( 0 )->kind() );
    ASSERT_EQ( Node::Bold, getHeadOfCue( 0 )->child( 0 )->toInternalNode()->child( 0 )->kind() );