void RadioButton::updateBounds()

    Vector2 size;
    if (_selected)
        const Rectangle& selectedRegion = getImageRegion("selected", NORMAL);
        size.set(selectedRegion.width, selectedRegion.height);
        const Rectangle& unselectedRegion = getImageRegion("unselected", NORMAL);
        size.set(unselectedRegion.width, unselectedRegion.height);

    if (_autoSize & AUTO_SIZE_HEIGHT)
        // Text-only width was already measured in Label::update - append image
        const Theme::Border& border = getBorder(NORMAL);
        const Theme::Border& padding = getPadding();
        setHeightInternal(std::max(_bounds.height, size.y + border.top + border.bottom + padding.top + padding.bottom));

    if (_autoSize & AUTO_SIZE_WIDTH)
        // Text-only width was already measured in Label::update - append image
        setWidthInternal(_bounds.height + 5 + _bounds.width);
Esempio n. 2
void CheckBox::update(const Control* container, const Vector2& offset)
    Label::update(container, offset);

    Control::State state = getState();

    Vector2 size;
    if (_imageSize.isZero())
        if (_checked)
            const Rectangle& selectedRegion = getImageRegion("checked", state);
            size.set(selectedRegion.width, selectedRegion.height);
            const Rectangle& unselectedRegion = getImageRegion("unchecked", state);
            size.set(unselectedRegion.width, unselectedRegion.height);

    if (_autoWidth == Control::AUTO_SIZE_FIT)
        // Text-only width was already measured in Label::update - append image
        setWidth(size.x + _bounds.width + 5);

    if (_autoHeight == Control::AUTO_SIZE_FIT)
        // Text-only width was already measured in Label::update - append image
        setHeight(std::max(getHeight(), size.y));

    _textBounds.x += size.x + 5;

    if (_checked)
        _image = getImage("checked", state);
        _image = getImage("unchecked", state);
Esempio n. 3
void CheckBox::update(const Control* container, const Vector2& offset)
    Label::update(container, offset);

    Vector2 size;
    if (_imageSize.isZero())
        if (_checked)
            const Rectangle& selectedRegion = getImageRegion("checked", _state);
            size.set(selectedRegion.width, selectedRegion.height);
            const Rectangle& unselectedRegion = getImageRegion("unchecked", _state);
            size.set(unselectedRegion.width, unselectedRegion.height);
    float iconWidth = size.x;

    _textBounds.x += iconWidth + 5;
    _textBounds.width -= iconWidth + 5;

    if (_checked)
        _image = getImage("checked", _state);
        _image = getImage("unchecked", _state);
Esempio n. 4
void Container::updateScroll()
    // Update Time.
    static long lastFrameTime = Game::getGameTime();
    long frameTime = Game::getGameTime();
    long elapsedTime = (frameTime - lastFrameTime);
    lastFrameTime = frameTime;

    const Theme::Border& containerBorder = getBorder(_state);
    const Theme::Padding& containerPadding = getPadding();

    // Calculate total width and height.
    float totalWidth = 0;
    float totalHeight = 0;
    std::vector<Control*> controls = getControls();
    unsigned int controlsCount = controls.size();
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < controlsCount; i++)
        Control* control = controls.at(i);

        const Rectangle& bounds = control->getBounds();
        const Theme::Margin& margin = control->getMargin();

        float newWidth = bounds.x + bounds.width;
        if (newWidth > totalWidth)
            totalWidth = newWidth;

        float newHeight = bounds.y + bounds.height;
        if (newHeight > totalHeight)
            totalHeight = newHeight;

    float vWidth = getImageRegion("verticalScrollBar", _state).width;
    float hHeight = getImageRegion("horizontalScrollBar", _state).height;
    float clipWidth = _bounds.width - containerBorder.left - containerBorder.right - containerPadding.left - containerPadding.right - vWidth;
    float clipHeight = _bounds.height - containerBorder.top - containerBorder.bottom - containerPadding.top - containerPadding.bottom - hHeight;

    // Apply and dampen inertia.
    if (!_scrolling && !_scrollingVelocity.isZero())
        // Calculate the time passed since last update.
        float elapsedSecs = (float)elapsedTime * 0.001f;

        _scrollPosition.x += _scrollingVelocity.x * elapsedSecs;
        _scrollPosition.y += _scrollingVelocity.y * elapsedSecs;

        float dampening = 1.0f - _scrollingFriction * SCROLL_FRICTION_FACTOR * elapsedSecs;
        _scrollingVelocity.x *= dampening;
        _scrollingVelocity.y *= dampening;

        if (fabs(_scrollingVelocity.x) < 100.0f)
            _scrollingVelocity.x = 0.0f;
        if (fabs(_scrollingVelocity.y) < 100.0f)
            _scrollingVelocity.y = 0.0f;

    // Stop scrolling when the far edge is reached.
    if (-_scrollPosition.x > totalWidth - clipWidth)
        _scrollPosition.x = -(totalWidth - clipWidth);
        _scrollingVelocity.x = 0;
    if (-_scrollPosition.y > totalHeight - clipHeight)
        _scrollPosition.y = -(totalHeight - clipHeight);
        _scrollingVelocity.y = 0;

    if (_scrollPosition.x > 0)
        _scrollPosition.x = 0;
        _scrollingVelocity.x = 0;

    if (_scrollPosition.y > 0)
        _scrollPosition.y = 0;
        _scrollingVelocity.y = 0;

    float scrollWidth = 0;
    if (clipWidth < totalWidth)
        scrollWidth = (clipWidth / totalWidth) * clipWidth;

    float scrollHeight = 0;
    if (clipHeight < totalHeight)
        scrollHeight = (clipHeight / totalHeight) * clipHeight;

    _scrollBarBounds.set(((-_scrollPosition.x) / totalWidth) * clipWidth,
                         ((-_scrollPosition.y) / totalHeight) * clipHeight,
                         scrollWidth, scrollHeight);

    // If scroll velocity is 0 and scrollbars are not always visible, trigger fade-out animation.
    if (!_scrolling && _scrollingVelocity.isZero() && _scrollBarsAutoHide && _scrollBarOpacity == 1.0f)
        float to = 0;
        _scrollBarOpacity = 0.99f;
        Animation* animation = createAnimationFromTo("scrollbar-fade-out", ANIMATE_OPACITY, &_scrollBarOpacity, &to, Curve::QUADRATIC_IN_OUT, 500L);
        _scrollBarOpacityClip = animation->getClip();

    // Position controls within scroll area.
    _layout->update(this, _scrollPosition);