Esempio n. 1
static void
writeDone (CCSBackend *backend, CCSContext * context)
    /* export the data to ensure the changes are on disk */
    char        *fileName;
    const char        *currentProfileCCS;
    char	*currentProfile;
    IniPrivData *data;

    data = (IniPrivData *) ccsObjectGetPrivate (backend);
    if (!data)

    currentProfileCCS = ccsGetProfile (context);

    if (!currentProfileCCS || !strlen (currentProfileCCS))
	currentProfile = strdup (DEFAULTPROF);
	currentProfile = strdup (currentProfileCCS);

    fileName = getIniFileName (currentProfile);

    free (currentProfile);

    ccsIniSave (data->iniFile, fileName);

    ccsEnableFileWatch (data->iniWatchId);

    free (fileName);
Esempio n. 2
static void
writeDone (CCSContext * context)
    /* export the data to ensure the changes are on disk */
    char        *fileName;
    char        *currentProfile;
    IniPrivData *data;

    data = findPrivFromContext (context);
    if (!data)

    currentProfile = ccsGetProfile (context);

    if (!currentProfile || !strlen (currentProfile))
        currentProfile = strdup (DEFAULTPROF);
        currentProfile = strdup (currentProfile);

    fileName = getIniFileName (currentProfile);

    free (currentProfile);

    ccsIniSave (data->iniFile, fileName);

    ccsEnableFileWatch (data->iniWatchId);

    free (fileName);
Esempio n. 3
INT_PTR onMoveDialogFinished (HWND hDlg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
	TCHAR iniFileName [FM_MAX_PATH];
	getIniFileName (iniFileName, sizeof (iniFileName));
	saveDlgItemProperties (hDlg, IDD_COPY_PROGRESS, iniFileName);
	DestroyWindow (hDlg);
	removeOperationThread (hDlg);
	Task* copyTask = (Task*) lParam;
	delete copyTask;
	return 0;
Esempio n. 4
static void
setProfile (IniPrivData *data,
	    char        *profile)
    char        *fileName;
    struct stat fileStat;

    if (data->iniFile)
	ccsIniClose (data->iniFile);

    if (data->iniWatchId)
	ccsRemoveFileWatch (data->iniWatchId);

    data->iniFile = NULL;

    data->iniWatchId = 0;

    /* first we need to find the file name */
    fileName = getIniFileName (profile);

    if (!fileName)

    /* if the file does not exist, we have to create it */
    if (stat (fileName, &fileStat) == -1)
	if (errno == ENOENT)
	    FILE *file;
	    file = fopen (fileName, "w");

	    if (!file)
		free (fileName);
	    fclose (file);
	    free (fileName);

    data->iniWatchId = ccsAddFileWatch (fileName, TRUE,
					processFileEvent, data);

    /* load the data from the file */
    data->iniFile = ccsIniOpen (fileName);

    free (fileName);
Esempio n. 5
static Bool
deleteProfile (CCSBackend *backend, CCSContext * context, char * profile)
    char *fileName;

    fileName = getIniFileName (profile);

    if (!fileName)
	return FALSE;

    remove (fileName);
    free (fileName);

    return TRUE;
Esempio n. 6
static void
processFileEvent (unsigned int watchId,
		  void         *closure)
    IniPrivData *data = (IniPrivData *) closure;
    char        *fileName;

    /* our ini file has been modified, reload it */

    if (data->iniFile)
	ccsIniClose (data->iniFile);

    fileName = getIniFileName (data->lastProfile);

    if (!fileName)

    data->iniFile = ccsIniOpen (fileName);

    ccsReadSettings (data->context);

    free (fileName);
Esempio n. 7
BOOL moveSelected (HWND hDlg, UINT fullPathIdSrc, UINT panelIdSrc, UINT fullPathIdDst, UINT panelIdDst)
	TCHAR fileName [MAX_PATH];
	LVITEM lvi;
	lvi.mask = LVIF_PARAM;
	lvi.iSubItem = 0;
	// Создать задание для копирования
	Task* copyTask = new Task ();
	Progress* progress = copyTask->getProgress();

	// Создать список имён файлов из выделенных 
	lvi.iItem = (int) SendDlgItemMessage (hDlg, panelIdSrc, LVM_GETNEXTITEM, (WPARAM)0, (LPARAM)LVNI_SELECTED);
	if (lvi.iItem == 0) return FALSE;
	while (lvi.iItem != -1)
		SendDlgItemMessage (hDlg, panelIdSrc, LVM_GETITEM, 0, (LPARAM)&lvi);
		copyTask->addFileName (((WIN32_FIND_DATA*)lvi.lParam)->cFileName);
		lvi.iItem = (int) SendDlgItemMessage (hDlg, panelIdSrc, LVM_GETNEXTITEM, (WPARAM)lvi.iItem, (LPARAM)LVNI_SELECTED);
		fileName[0] = L'\0';
	// Папка источник
	SendDlgItemMessage (hDlg, fullPathIdSrc, WM_GETTEXT, sizeof(fileName), (LPARAM)fileName);
	copyTask->setSrcFolder (fileName);
	// Папка назначение
	SendDlgItemMessage (hDlg, fullPathIdDst, WM_GETTEXT, sizeof(fileName), (LPARAM)fileName);
	copyTask->setDstFolder (fileName);

	// Cоздать поток копирования в спящем состоянии
	HANDLE hCopyThread = CreateThread (NULL, NULL, moveFileWorker, copyTask, CREATE_SUSPENDED, NULL);
	if (hCopyThread == NULL) return FALSE;
	SetThreadPriority (hCopyThread, THREAD_PRIORITY_IDLE);

	// Создать диалог копирования
	LONG hInst = GetWindowLong (hDlg, GWL_HINSTANCE);
	progress->hDlg = CreateDialogParam ((HINSTANCE)hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_COPY_PROGRESS), hDlg, moveDlgProc, 0);
	if (progress->hDlg == NULL) return FALSE;

	SendMessage (progress->hDlg, WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM) L"Перемещение");
	SendDlgItemMessage (progress->hDlg, IDC_COPY_DEST, WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)copyTask->getDstFolder());
	getIniFileName (fileName, sizeof (fileName));
	loadDlgItemProperties (progress->hDlg, IDD_COPY_PROGRESS, fileName);
	// Сохранить дескрипторы диалога копирования и потока копирования
	setOperationThread (progress->hDlg, hCopyThread, TRUE);

	// Установить флаг активности операции перемещения
	SetProp (progress->hDlg, L"running", (HANDLE) TRUE);
	// Запустить поток копирования
	resumeOperationThread (progress->hDlg);

	return 0;