Esempio n. 1
float PIDController::update(float measuredValue, float dt, bool resetAccumulator) {
    const float error = getMeasuredValueSetpoint() - measuredValue;   // Sign is the direction we want measuredValue to go. Positive means go higher.

    const float p = getKP() * error; // term is Proportional to error

    const float accumulatedError = glm::clamp(error * dt + (resetAccumulator ? 0 : _lastAccumulation),  // integrate error
        getAccumulatedValueLowLimit(),   // but clamp by anti-windup limits
    const float i = getKI() * accumulatedError; // term is Integral of error

    const float changeInError = (error - _lastError) / dt;  // positive value denotes increasing deficit
    const float d = getKD() * changeInError; // term is Derivative of Error

    const float computedValue = glm::clamp(p + i + d,

    if (getIsLogging()) {  // if logging/reporting
        updateHistory(measuredValue, dt, error, accumulatedError, changeInError, p, i, d, computedValue);
    // update state for next time
    _lastError = error;
    _lastAccumulation = accumulatedError;
    return computedValue;
Esempio n. 2
 * This slot is called, if a new task has been selected.
void IgcLogger::slotNewTaskSelected()
  if( ! _logfile.isOpen() )
      // Logger does not run, ignore this call.

  QMessageBox mb( QMessageBox::Warning,
                  tr( "Restart Logging?" ),
                  tr("<html>A new flight task was selected.<br>Restart logging?</html>"),
                  QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No,
                  MainWindow::mainWindow() );

  mb.setDefaultButton( QMessageBox::No );

#ifdef ANDROID;
  QPoint pos = MainWindow::mainWindow()->mapToGlobal( QPoint( MainWindow::mainWindow()->width()/2 - mb.width()/2,
                                                              MainWindow::mainWindow()->height()/2 - mb.height()/2 ) );
  mb.move( pos );


  if( mb.exec() == QMessageBox::Yes )
      // qDebug("Restarting logging...");
      _logMode = on;
      emit logging(getIsLogging());
Esempio n. 3
 * Switches on the standby mode. If we are currently logging, the logfile will
 * be closed.
void IgcLogger::Standby()
  if( _logMode == on )

  _logMode = standby;

  // Reset time classes to initial state
  delete lastLoggedBRecord;
  delete lastLoggedFRecord;
  delete lastLoggedKRecord;
  lastLoggedBRecord = new QTime();
  lastLoggedFRecord = new QTime();
  lastLoggedKRecord = new QTime();
  emit logging( getIsLogging() );
Esempio n. 4
/** This slot is called to start or end a log. */
void IgcLogger::slotToggleLogging()
  // qDebug("toggle logging!");
  if ( _logMode == on )
      QMessageBox mb( QMessageBox::Question,
                      tr( "Stop Logging?" ),
                      tr("<html>Are you sure you want<br>stop logging?</html>"),
                      QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No,
                      MainWindow::mainWindow() );

      mb.setDefaultButton( QMessageBox::No );

#ifdef ANDROID;
      QPoint pos = MainWindow::mainWindow()->mapToGlobal( QPoint( MainWindow::mainWindow()->width()/2 - mb.width()/2,
                                                                  MainWindow::mainWindow()->height()/2 - mb.height()/2 ) );
      mb.move( pos );


      if( mb.exec() == QMessageBox::Yes )
          // qDebug("Stopping logging...");
      // Logger is in mode standby or off
      int answer = QMessageBox::Yes;

      if( ! calculator->glider() )
          QMessageBox mb( QMessageBox::Warning,
                          tr( "Start Logging?" ),
                          tr("<html>You should select a glider<br>before start logging.<br>Continue start logging?</html>"),
                          QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No,
                          MainWindow::mainWindow() );

          mb.setDefaultButton( QMessageBox::No );

    #ifdef ANDROID

          QPoint pos = MainWindow::mainWindow()->mapToGlobal( QPoint( MainWindow::mainWindow()->width()/2 - mb.width()/2,
                                                                      MainWindow::mainWindow()->height()/2 - mb.height()/2 ) );
          mb.move( pos );


          answer = mb.exec();

      if( answer == QMessageBox::Yes )
          _logMode = on;

  // emit the logging state in all cases to allow update of actions in MainWindow
  emit logging(getIsLogging());