static HBITMAP captureDC(HDC dc, int x, int y, const CSize &size) { HDC memDC = NULL; HBITMAP bitmap = NULL; try { if((memDC = CreateCompatibleDC(dc)) == NULL) { throwException(_T("CreateCompatibleDC(%08x) failed:%s"), dc, getLastErrorText().cstr()); } if((bitmap = CreateCompatibleBitmap(dc,, == NULL) { throwException(_T("CreateCompatibleBitmap(%08x) failed:%s"), dc, getLastErrorText().cstr()); } if(!SelectObject(memDC, bitmap)) { throwException(_T("SelecetObject failed:%s"), getLastErrorText().cstr()); } if(!BitBlt(memDC, 0, 0,,, dc, x,y, SRCCOPY)) { throwException(_T("BitBlt failed:%s"), getLastErrorText().cstr()); } DeleteDC(memDC); return bitmap; } catch(...) { if(bitmap != NULL) { DeleteObject(bitmap); } if(memDC != NULL) { DeleteDC(memDC); } throw; } }
/** * @brief This function initializes the serial port for both directions (reading/writing) with fixed parameters: * \n baud=38400, parity=N, data=8, stop=1 * @param *serialPort is a pointer to the name of the serial port * @return TRUE if success, FALSE in case of error. */ BOOL initSerial(CHAR *serialPort) { COMMTIMEOUTS timeouts; int rc; DCB dcbStruct; CHAR msgTextBuf[256]; // open the comm port. comPort = CreateFile(serialPort, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, 0, 0, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL); if (comPort == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { printf("Unable to open %s. \n", serialPort); return FALSE; } // get the current DCB, and adjust a few bits to our liking. memset(&dcbStruct, 0, sizeof(dcbStruct)); dcbStruct.DCBlength = sizeof(dcbStruct); // printf("dcbStruct.DCBlength(): %ld \n", dcbStruct.DCBlength); rc = GetCommState(comPort, &dcbStruct); if (rc == 0) { printf("\nGetCommState(): "); printf(getLastErrorText(msgTextBuf, sizeof(msgTextBuf))); return FALSE; } // BuildCommDCB("baud=38400 parity=N data=8 stop=1", &dcbStruct); rc = SetCommState(comPort, &dcbStruct); // If the function fails, the return value is zero. if (rc == 0) { printf("\nSetCommState(): "); printf(getLastErrorText(msgTextBuf, sizeof(msgTextBuf))); return FALSE; } // Retrieve the timeout parameters for all read and write operations on the port. GetCommTimeouts (comPort, &timeouts); timeouts.ReadIntervalTimeout = 250; timeouts.ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier = 1; timeouts.ReadTotalTimeoutConstant = 500; timeouts.WriteTotalTimeoutMultiplier = 1; timeouts.WriteTotalTimeoutConstant = 2500; rc = SetCommTimeouts(comPort, &timeouts); // If the function fails, the return value is zero. if (rc == 0) { printf("\nSetCommTimeouts(): "); printf(getLastErrorText(msgTextBuf, sizeof(msgTextBuf))); return FALSE; } return TRUE; }
void TService::remove(const std::string &name) { #ifdef _WIN32 std::string displayName = name; SC_HANDLE schService; SC_HANDLE schSCManager; schSCManager = OpenSCManager( NULL, // machine (NULL == local) NULL, // database (NULL == default) SC_MANAGER_ALL_ACCESS); // access required if (schSCManager) { schService = OpenService(schSCManager, name.c_str(), SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS); if (schService) { SERVICE_STATUS ssStatus; // current status of the service // try to stop the service if (ControlService(schService, SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP, &ssStatus)) { _tprintf(TEXT("Stopping %s."), displayName.c_str()); Sleep(1000); while (QueryServiceStatus(schService, &ssStatus)) { if (ssStatus.dwCurrentState == SERVICE_STOP_PENDING) { _tprintf(TEXT(".")); Sleep(1000); } else break; } if (ssStatus.dwCurrentState == SERVICE_STOPPED) _tprintf(TEXT("\n%s stopped.\n"), displayName.c_str()); else _tprintf(TEXT("\n%s failed to stop.\n"), displayName.c_str()); } // now remove the service if (DeleteService(schService)) _tprintf(TEXT("%s removed.\n"), displayName.c_str()); else _tprintf(TEXT("DeleteService failed - %s\n"), getLastErrorText().c_str()); CloseServiceHandle(schService); } else _tprintf(TEXT("OpenService failed - %s\n"), getLastErrorText().c_str()); CloseServiceHandle(schSCManager); } else _tprintf(TEXT("OpenSCManager failed - %s\n"), getLastErrorText().c_str()); #endif }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { bool resetClipboard = false; char *cp; for(argv++; *argv && *(cp = *argv) == '-'; argv++) { for(cp++; *cp; cp++) { switch(*cp) { case 'r': resetClipboard = true; continue; default: usage(); } break; } } if(OpenClipboard(NULL) == 0) { _ftprintf(stderr,_T("%s\n"), getLastErrorText().cstr()); return -1; } if(resetClipboard) { if(EmptyClipboard() == 0) { _ftprintf(stderr,_T("%s\n"), getLastErrorText().cstr()); return -1; } } else { for(int cf = EnumClipboardFormats(0); cf; cf = EnumClipboardFormats(cf)) { TCHAR name[256]; GetClipboardFormatName(cf,name,ARRAYSIZE(name)); TCHAR *cfName = findFormatName(cf); if(cfName != NULL) { _tprintf(_T("format:%-20s:"), cfName); } else { _tprintf(_T("format:%-20s:"), name); } HANDLE t = GetClipboardData(cf); if(t == NULL) { _tprintf(_T("GetClipboardData failed:%s\n"), getLastErrorText().cstr()); } else { TCHAR *str = (TCHAR*)t; if(cf == CF_TEXT) { _tprintf(_T("<%s>\n"), str); } try { hexdump(str,40,stdout); } catch(...) { } } } } CloseClipboard(); return 0; }
/* * Class: org_tanukisoftware_wrapper_WrapperManager * Method: nativeRequestThreadGroup * Signature: ()V */ JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_org_tanukisoftware_wrapper_WrapperManager_nativeRequestThreadDump(JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz) { if (wrapperJNIDebugging) { printf("Sending SIGQUIT event to process group %d.\n", (int)wrapperProcessId); fflush(NULL); } if (kill(wrapperProcessId, SIGQUIT) < 0) { printf("Unable to send SIGQUIT to JVM process: %s\n", getLastErrorText()); fflush(NULL); } }
void TService::install(const std::string &name, const std::string &displayName, const TFilePath &appPath) { #ifdef _WIN32 SC_HANDLE schService; SC_HANDLE schSCManager; schSCManager = OpenSCManager( NULL, // machine (NULL == local) NULL, // database (NULL == default) SC_MANAGER_ALL_ACCESS); // access required if (schSCManager) { schService = CreateService( schSCManager, // SCManager database name.c_str(), // name of service displayName.c_str(), // name to display SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS, // desired access SERVICE_WIN32_OWN_PROCESS, // service type SERVICE_DEMAND_START, // start type SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL, // error control type ::to_string(appPath.getWideString()).c_str(), // service's binary NULL, // no load ordering group NULL, // no tag identifier TEXT(SZDEPENDENCIES), // dependencies NULL, // LocalSystem account NULL); // no password if (schService) { _tprintf(TEXT("%s installed.\n"), displayName.c_str()); CloseServiceHandle(schService); } else { _tprintf(TEXT("CreateService failed - %s\n"), getLastErrorText().c_str()); } CloseServiceHandle(schSCManager); } else _tprintf(TEXT("OpenSCManager failed - %s\n"), getLastErrorText().c_str()); #endif }
void MMCapture::captureInit(UINT framesPerSecond, UINT audioBufferSize) { DWORD style = WS_CHILD; m_captureWindow = capCreateCaptureWindow(_T("my capture window"), style,0,0,640,480,m_receiver.getWindow(),1); if(m_captureWindow == NULL) { throwException(_T("%s:Cannot create CaptureWindow:%s"),__TFUNCTION__,getLastErrorText().cstr()); } try { CHECKRESULT(capSetUserData( m_captureWindow, this)); if(captureVideo()) { CHECKRESULT(capDriverConnect(m_captureWindow, 0 )); m_webCamConnected = true; } CAPTUREPARMS param; CHECKRESULT(capCaptureGetSetup(m_captureWindow,¶m,sizeof(param))); param.dwRequestMicroSecPerFrame = 1000000 / framesPerSecond; param.fYield = TRUE; param.AVStreamMaster = AVSTREAMMASTER_AUDIO; // AVSTREAMMASTER_NONE; param.dwAudioBufferSize = audioBufferSize; CHECKRESULT(capCaptureSetSetup(m_captureWindow,¶m,sizeof(param))); if(captureAudio()) { int audioFormatSize = capGetAudioFormat(m_captureWindow,&m_audioFormat, sizeof(m_audioFormat)); CHECKRESULT(capSetCallbackOnWaveStream( m_captureWindow, captureWaveStreamCallback)); } if(captureVideo()) { int videoFormatSize = capGetVideoFormat(m_captureWindow,&m_videoFormat, sizeof(m_videoFormat)); CHECKRESULT(capSetCallbackOnVideoStream(m_captureWindow, captureVideoStreamCallback)); CHECKRESULT(capSetCallbackOnFrame( m_captureWindow, captureFrameCallback)); } CHECKRESULT(capSetCallbackOnStatus( m_captureWindow, captureStatusCallback)); CHECKRESULT(capSetCallbackOnCapControl( m_captureWindow, captureControlCallback)); CHECKRESULT(capSetCallbackOnError( m_captureWindow, captureErrorCallback)); if(captureAudio() && m_playAudio) { m_audioThread = new AudioPlayerThread(*this); TRACE_NEW(m_audioThread); m_audioThread->start(); } } catch(...) { captureCleanup(); throw; } }
// TODO: use a real EventIdentifier with a Message Text file ? // void vsyslog(int level, const char* format, va_list arglist) { CONST CHAR *arr[1]; char tmp[1024]; vsprintf(tmp, format, arglist); arr[0] = tmp; BOOL err = ReportEvent(loghdl, (unsigned short) level, (unsigned short)level, level, NULL, 1, 0, arr, NULL); if (err == 0) { CHAR errText[1024]; puts(getLastErrorText(errText, 1024)); } }
void IniStream::edit(std::wstring const& section, std::wstring const& key, std::wstring const& str) { clearErr(); if (false == WritePrivateProfileString(section.c_str(), key.c_str(), str.c_str(), this->filefullpath.c_str())) { throw std::runtime_error("IniStream::edit : " + getLastErrorText()); } }
void printLastError() { char buf[1024]; getLastErrorText(buf, 1024); printLog(buf); }
void invalidMultiByteSequence(const TCHAR *context, int id) { _tprintf(TEXT("WrapperJNI Error: Invalid multibyte Sequence found in (%s%02d). %s"), context, id, getLastErrorText());fflush(NULL); }
void outOfMemory(const TCHAR *context, int id) { _tprintf(TEXT("WrapperJNI Error: Out of memory (%s%02d). %s\n"), context, id, getLastErrorText());fflush(NULL); }
LRESULT CGridDlg::OnMsgWindowToTop(WPARAM wp, LPARAM lp) { if(!::BringWindowToTop(*this)) { showWarning(getLastErrorText()); }; return 0; }
ByteArray &ByteArray::loadFromResource(int resId, const TCHAR *typeName) { DEFINEMETHODNAME; HRSRC hSource = FindResource(NULL, MAKEINTRESOURCE(resId), typeName); if(hSource == NULL) { throwException(_T("%s(%d,%s) failed:%s"), method, resId, typeNameToString(typeName).cstr(), getLastErrorText().cstr()); } HGLOBAL hGlobal = LoadResource(NULL, hSource); if(hGlobal == NULL) { throwException(_T("%s(%d,%s) failed:%s"), method, resId, typeNameToString(typeName).cstr(), getLastErrorText().cstr()); } try { void *r = LockResource(hGlobal); if(r == NULL) { throwException(_T("%s(%d,%s):LockResource failed"), method, resId, typeNameToString(typeName).cstr()); } const int size = (UINT)SizeofResource(NULL, hSource); clear(size); append((BYTE*)r, size); UnlockResource(hGlobal); // 16Bit Windows Needs This FreeResource(hGlobal); // 16Bit Windows Needs This (32Bit - Automatic Release) hGlobal = NULL; return *this; } catch(...) { UnlockResource(hGlobal); // 16Bit Windows Needs This FreeResource(hGlobal); // 16Bit Windows Needs This (32Bit - Automatic Release) throw; } }
CmdLine::CmdLine(int aCnt, char **aVal, bool aUseDefaultsIfNoArguments) { // To support debugging these values are set if no arguments on the command line if(aUseDefaultsIfNoArguments && aCnt < 2 && getenv("CFP_DEBUG")) { #ifdef _MSC_VER mPoscarFile = "C:/mv/cfp/NewCrystalFpLib/gaas-8at_new.log"; mEnergyFile = "C:/mv/cfp/NewCrystalFpLib/"; mCheckpointDir = "C:/mv/cfp/NewCrystalFpLib/test"; #else mPoscarFile = "/users/mvalle/cfp/NewCrystalFpLib/gaas-8at_new.log"; mEnergyFile = "/users/mvalle/cfp/NewCrystalFpLib/"; mCheckpointDir = "/users/mvalle/cfp/NewCrystalFpLib/test"; #endif mVerboseLevel = 2; mStartStep = 3; mEndStep = 20; mEnergyIsPerAtom = false; mEnergyThreshold = 0; mHasEnergyThreshold = false; mHasReverseEnergyThreshold = false; mCutoffDistance = 0; mIsNanocluster = false; mDiffrBinSize = 0.05F; mDiffrPeakSize = 0.02F; mForcedFpLen = 0; mOverwriteChkptDir = true; mListFingerprintingMethods = false; mFingerprintingMethod = 0; mListDistanceMethods = false; mDistanceMethod = 0; mListGroupingMethods = false; mGroupingMethod = 0; mK = 2; mMaxDistanceForGrouping = 0.01F; mSummaryFile = 0; mFldOutFp = 0; mFldOutDist = 0; mSortedDistFile = 0; mMapFile = 0; mRemoveDuplicates = false; mListAnalysisMethods = false; mAnalysisMethod = CmdLine::NO_METHOD_SELECTED; mAnalysisMethod2 = CmdLine::NO_METHOD_SELECTED; mAnalysisFile = 0; mCreateScatterplot = false; mScatterplotFile = 0; mDiagnosticFile = 0; mSerializeFile = 0; return; } // Initialize options values mVerboseLevel = 0; mPoscarFile = 0; mEnergyFile = 0; mStartStep = 1; mEndStep = 0; mEnergyIsPerAtom = true; mEnergyThreshold = 0.0F; mHasEnergyThreshold = false; mHasReverseEnergyThreshold = false; mCutoffDistance = 0; mIsNanocluster = false; mDiffrBinSize = 0.05F; mDiffrPeakSize = 0.02F; mForcedFpLen = 0; mCheckpointDir = 0; mOverwriteChkptDir = false; mListFingerprintingMethods = false; mFingerprintingMethod = CmdLine::NO_METHOD_SELECTED; mListDistanceMethods = false; mDistanceMethod = CmdLine::NO_METHOD_SELECTED; mListGroupingMethods = false; mGroupingMethod = CmdLine::NO_METHOD_SELECTED; mK = 0; mMaxDistanceForGrouping = 0.01F; mSummaryFile = 0; mFldOutFp = 0; mFldOutDist = 0; mSortedDistFile = 0; mMapFile = 0; mRemoveDuplicates = false; mListAnalysisMethods = false; mAnalysisMethod = CmdLine::NO_METHOD_SELECTED; mAnalysisMethod2 = CmdLine::NO_METHOD_SELECTED; mAnalysisFile = 0; mCreateScatterplot = false; mScatterplotFile = 0; mDiagnosticFile = 0; mSerializeFile = 0; // Setup the command line parser enum { OPT_VERSION, OPT_VERBOSE, OPT_HELP, OPT_TYPES, OPT_MAX_STEP, OPT_MIN_STEP, OPT_ENERGY_PER_STR, OPT_THRESH, OPT_REV_THRESH, OPT_CUTOFF_DIST, OPT_NANO_CLUST, OPT_BIN_SIZE, OPT_PEAK_SIZE, OPT_FORCE_DIM, OPT_CHKPT_DIR, OPT_IGNORE_CHKPT, OPT_FP_METHOD, OPT_DIST_METHOD, OPT_GROUPING_METHOD, OPT_GROUPING_THRESH, OPT_K_VALUE, OPT_SUMMARY, OPT_FLD_FP, OPT_FLD_DIST, OPT_DIST_DISTRIB, OPT_REMOVE_DUPL, OPT_ANALYSIS, OPT_ANALYSIS_FILE, OPT_ANALYSIS_PARAM, OPT_SCATTER, OPT_SCATTER_FILE, OPT_SCATTER_PARAM, OPT_DIAGNOSTIC_FILE, OPT_SERIALIZE }; CSimpleOpt::SOption parser_options[] = { { OPT_VERSION, "--version", SO_NONE, "Library and driver version" }, { OPT_VERBOSE, "-v", SO_OPT, "Verbose level (if no argument, defaults to 1)" }, { OPT_VERBOSE, "--verbose", SO_OPT, "" }, { OPT_HELP, "-?", SO_NONE, "This help" }, { OPT_HELP, "-h", SO_NONE, "" }, { OPT_HELP, "--help", SO_NONE, "" }, { OPT_TYPES, "-t", SO_REQ_SEP, "List of chemical elements to be assigned to POSCAR atoms" }, { OPT_TYPES, "--elements", SO_REQ_SEP, "" }, { OPT_MAX_STEP, "-es", SO_REQ_SEP, "Last step to load (default: all)" }, { OPT_MAX_STEP, "--max-step", SO_REQ_SEP, ""}, { OPT_MAX_STEP, "--end-step", SO_REQ_SEP, ""}, { OPT_MIN_STEP, "-ss", SO_REQ_SEP, "First step to load (default: first)" }, { OPT_MIN_STEP, "--start-step", SO_REQ_SEP, ""}, { OPT_ENERGY_PER_STR, "-et", SO_NONE, "Energy from file is per structure, not per atom" }, { OPT_ENERGY_PER_STR, "--energy-per-structure", SO_NONE, "" }, { OPT_THRESH, "-e", SO_REQ_SEP, "Energy threshold" }, { OPT_THRESH, "--energy-threshold", SO_REQ_SEP, "" }, { OPT_REV_THRESH, "-r", SO_REQ_SEP, "Threshold from minimum energy" }, { OPT_REV_THRESH, "--threshold-from-min", SO_REQ_SEP, "" }, { OPT_CUTOFF_DIST, "-c", SO_REQ_SEP, "Fingerprint forced cutoff distance" }, { OPT_CUTOFF_DIST, "--cutoff-distance", SO_REQ_SEP, "" }, { OPT_NANO_CLUST, "-n", SO_NONE, "The structures are nanoclusters, not crystals" }, { OPT_NANO_CLUST, "--nano-clusters", SO_NONE, "" }, { OPT_NANO_CLUST, "--nanoclusters", SO_NONE, "" }, { OPT_BIN_SIZE, "-b", SO_REQ_SEP, "Bin size for the pseudo-diffraction methods" }, { OPT_BIN_SIZE, "--bin-size", SO_REQ_SEP, "" }, { OPT_PEAK_SIZE, "-p", SO_REQ_SEP, "Peak smearing size" }, { OPT_PEAK_SIZE, "--peak-size", SO_REQ_SEP, "" }, { OPT_FORCE_DIM, "-x", SO_REQ_SEP, "Force to this value the total length of the fingerprint (valid only on reloading from checkpoint)" }, { OPT_FORCE_DIM, "--force-dim", SO_REQ_SEP, "" }, { OPT_CHKPT_DIR, "-chk", SO_REQ_SEP, "Set fingerprint checkpoint directory" }, { OPT_CHKPT_DIR, "--checkpoint-dir", SO_REQ_SEP, "" }, { OPT_IGNORE_CHKPT, "-i", SO_NONE, "Ignore previous checkpoint" }, { OPT_IGNORE_CHKPT, "--ignore-checkpoint", SO_NONE, "" }, { OPT_FP_METHOD, "-f", SO_REQ_SEP, "Compute fingerprints using the given method ('help' to list all methods)" }, { OPT_FP_METHOD, "--fingerprint-method", SO_REQ_SEP, "" }, { OPT_DIST_METHOD, "-d", SO_REQ_SEP, "Compute distances using the given method ('help' to list all methods)"}, { OPT_DIST_METHOD, "--distance-method", SO_REQ_SEP, ""}, { OPT_GROUPING_METHOD, "-g", SO_REQ_SEP, "Grouping method ('help' to list all methods)" }, { OPT_GROUPING_METHOD, "--grouping-method", SO_REQ_SEP, "" }, { OPT_GROUPING_THRESH, "-gt", SO_REQ_SEP, "Grouping max distance threshold" }, { OPT_GROUPING_THRESH, "--grouping-threshold", SO_REQ_SEP, "" }, { OPT_K_VALUE, "-k", SO_REQ_SEP, "K value needed by some grouping algorithm" }, { OPT_K_VALUE, "--k", SO_REQ_SEP, "" }, { OPT_SUMMARY, "-s", SO_REQ_SEP, "Output a summary file to be used by another program" }, { OPT_SUMMARY, "--summary", SO_REQ_SEP, "" }, { OPT_FLD_FP, "-fo", SO_REQ_SEP, "Output fingerprints in FLD AVS format" }, { OPT_FLD_FP, "--fld-fingerprints", SO_REQ_SEP, "" }, { OPT_FLD_DIST, "-do", SO_REQ_SEP, "Output distance matrix in FLD AVS format" }, { OPT_FLD_DIST, "--fld-distances", SO_REQ_SEP, "" }, { OPT_DIST_DISTRIB, "-sd", SO_REQ_SEP, "Output distances in increasing order" }, { OPT_DIST_DISTRIB, "--sorted-distances", SO_REQ_SEP, "" }, { OPT_REMOVE_DUPL, "-rd", SO_OPT, "Remove duplicates substituting them with a representative structure and writing the map of indices to file" }, { OPT_REMOVE_DUPL, "--remove-dupl", SO_OPT, "" }, { OPT_ANALYSIS, "-a", SO_REQ_SEP, "Create a chart for the given analysis method (can be: ax,ay or ax)" }, { OPT_ANALYSIS, "--analysis", SO_REQ_SEP, "" }, { OPT_ANALYSIS_FILE, "-af", SO_REQ_SEP, "File output for analysis" }, { OPT_ANALYSIS_FILE, "--analysis-file", SO_REQ_SEP, "" }, { OPT_ANALYSIS_PARAM, "-ap", SO_MULTI, "Pass one parameter for the given analysis method as: code value (code: bins, part, idx)" }, { OPT_ANALYSIS_PARAM, "--analysis-param", SO_MULTI, "" }, { OPT_SCATTER, "-sc", SO_NONE, "Create a scatterplot" }, { OPT_SCATTER, "--scatterplot", SO_NONE, "" }, { OPT_SCATTER_FILE, "-sf", SO_REQ_SEP, "File output for scatterplot" }, { OPT_SCATTER_FILE, "--scatterplot-file", SO_REQ_SEP, "" }, { OPT_DIAGNOSTIC_FILE, "-df", SO_REQ_SEP, "File output for diagnostic chart assocated to the scatterplot" }, { OPT_DIAGNOSTIC_FILE, "--diagnostic-file", SO_REQ_SEP, "" }, { OPT_SCATTER_PARAM, "-sp", SO_MULTI, "Pass one parameter for the scatterplot as: code value (code: retry, energy, iterations, kind, diagnostic, timestep, mass, stiffness, damping, perturb, bins, wobble)" }, { OPT_SCATTER_PARAM, "--scatterplot-param", SO_MULTI, "" }, { OPT_SERIALIZE, "-sa", SO_REQ_SEP, "Save the current CrystalFp class to the given file" }, { OPT_SERIALIZE, "--save-file", SO_REQ_SEP, "" }, SO_END_OF_OPTIONS }; // Setup the usage string (to be concatenated with argv[0]) const char* usage_msg = " [options] POSCARfile [ENERGIESfile]"; // Declare our options parser, pass in the arguments from main as well as our array of valid options. CSimpleOpt args(aCnt, aVal, parser_options, SO_O_NOSLASH|SO_O_EXACT); // While there are arguments left to process while(args.Next()) { if(args.LastError() == SO_OPT_INVALID) { std::cerr << "Error: " << getLastErrorText(args) << ": " << args.OptionText() << std::endl; throw CmdLineFatal(); } if(args.LastError() != SO_SUCCESS) { std::cerr << "Error: " << getLastErrorText(args) << " for: " << args.OptionText() << std::endl; throw CmdLineFatal(); } int tmp; const char* list_methods_tmp; char **arg_param; switch(args.OptionId()) { case OPT_VERSION: // Get the last commit date from Git using: git log -n 1 --pretty=format:"%ci" std::cerr << "CrystalFp library and driver: " << "2012-10-19 12:59:56 +0200" << std::endl; throw CmdLineSuccess(); case OPT_VERBOSE: if(args.OptionArg()) { tmp = atoi(args.OptionArg()); if(tmp < 0) std::cerr << "Invalid value for " << args.OptionText() << " using 0" << std::endl; mVerboseLevel = static_cast<unsigned int>(tmp); } else mVerboseLevel = 1; break; case OPT_HELP: std::cerr << "Usage:" << std::endl; std::cerr << " " << aVal[0] << usage_msg << std::endl << std::endl; showHelp(parser_options); throw CmdLineSuccess(); case OPT_TYPES: convertAtomSymbolsToZ(args.OptionArg(), mAtomZ); break; case OPT_MIN_STEP: tmp = atoi(args.OptionArg()); if(tmp < 1) {std::cerr << "Invalid value for " << args.OptionText() << " using 1" << std::endl; tmp = 1;} mStartStep = static_cast<unsigned int>(tmp); break; case OPT_MAX_STEP: tmp = atoi(args.OptionArg()); if(tmp < 1) {std::cerr << "Invalid value for " << args.OptionText() << " using 0 (all steps)" << std::endl; tmp = 0;} mEndStep = static_cast<unsigned int>(tmp); break; case OPT_ENERGY_PER_STR: mEnergyIsPerAtom = false; break; case OPT_THRESH: mEnergyThreshold = (float)atof(args.OptionArg()); mHasEnergyThreshold = true; break; case OPT_REV_THRESH: mEnergyThreshold = (float)atof(args.OptionArg()); mHasReverseEnergyThreshold = true; break; case OPT_CUTOFF_DIST: mCutoffDistance = (float)atof(args.OptionArg()); break; case OPT_NANO_CLUST: mIsNanocluster = true; break; case OPT_BIN_SIZE: mDiffrBinSize = (float)atof(args.OptionArg()); break; case OPT_PEAK_SIZE: mDiffrPeakSize = (float)atof(args.OptionArg()); break; case OPT_FORCE_DIM: tmp = atoi(args.OptionArg()); if(tmp < 0) {std::cerr << "Invalid value for " << args.OptionText() << " ignoring" << std::endl; tmp = 0;} mForcedFpLen = static_cast<unsigned int>(tmp); break; case OPT_CHKPT_DIR: mCheckpointDir = args.OptionArg(); break; case OPT_IGNORE_CHKPT: mOverwriteChkptDir = true; break; case OPT_FP_METHOD: list_methods_tmp = args.OptionArg(); if(!strcasecmp(list_methods_tmp, "help")) mListFingerprintingMethods = true; else mFingerprintingMethod = atoi(list_methods_tmp); break; case OPT_DIST_METHOD: list_methods_tmp = args.OptionArg(); if(!strcasecmp(list_methods_tmp, "help")) mListDistanceMethods = true; else mDistanceMethod = atoi(list_methods_tmp); break; case OPT_GROUPING_METHOD: list_methods_tmp = args.OptionArg(); if(!strcasecmp(list_methods_tmp, "help")) mListGroupingMethods = true; else mGroupingMethod = atoi(list_methods_tmp); break; case OPT_GROUPING_THRESH: mMaxDistanceForGrouping = (float)atof(args.OptionArg()); break; case OPT_K_VALUE: tmp = atoi(args.OptionArg()); if(tmp < 0) {std::cerr << "Invalid value for " << args.OptionText() << " ignoring" << std::endl; tmp = 0;} mK = static_cast<unsigned int>(tmp); break; case OPT_SUMMARY: mSummaryFile = args.OptionArg(); break; case OPT_FLD_FP: mFldOutFp = args.OptionArg(); break; case OPT_FLD_DIST: mFldOutDist = args.OptionArg(); break; case OPT_DIST_DISTRIB: mSortedDistFile = args.OptionArg(); break; case OPT_REMOVE_DUPL: if(args.OptionArg()) mMapFile = args.OptionArg(); mRemoveDuplicates = true; break; case OPT_ANALYSIS: list_methods_tmp = args.OptionArg(); if(!strcasecmp(list_methods_tmp, "help")) { mListAnalysisMethods = true; } else { mAnalysisMethod = atoi(list_methods_tmp); int i; for(i=0; isdigit(list_methods_tmp[i]); ++i) {} for(; list_methods_tmp[i] && !isdigit(list_methods_tmp[i]); ++i) {} mAnalysisMethod2 = (list_methods_tmp[i]) ? atoi(list_methods_tmp+i) : CmdLine::NO_METHOD_SELECTED; } break; case OPT_ANALYSIS_PARAM: arg_param = args.MultiArg(2); if(!arg_param || !strncasecmp(arg_param[0], "help", 1)) { std::cerr << "bin " << "Number of bins for histograms" << std::endl; std::cerr << "parts " << "Fingerprint part to be show" << std::endl; std::cerr << "idx " << "Structure index" << std::endl; throw CmdLineSuccess(); } mAnalysisParams.insert(std::pair<std::string,std::string>(arg_param[0], arg_param[1])); break; case OPT_ANALYSIS_FILE: mAnalysisFile = args.OptionArg(); break; case OPT_SCATTER: mCreateScatterplot = true; break; case OPT_SCATTER_FILE: mScatterplotFile = args.OptionArg(); break; case OPT_SCATTER_PARAM: arg_param = args.MultiArg(2); if(!arg_param || !strncasecmp(arg_param[0], "help", 1)) { std::cerr << "retry " << "Number of retries" << std::endl; std::cerr << "mass " << "Ball mass" << std::endl; std::cerr << "stiffness " << "Of the spring" << std::endl; std::cerr << "damping " << "Damping factor for the movement" << std::endl; std::cerr << "perturb " << "Perturb scale for the retries (it perturb the initial position of the masses)" << std::endl; std::cerr << "bins " << "Number of bins for the binned distances diagnostics" << std::endl; std::cerr << "wobble " << "Wobble scale for the position of the binned points" << std::endl; std::cerr << "energy " << "Max kinetic energy to end iterations" << std::endl; std::cerr << "iterations " << "Max number of iterations" << std::endl; std::cerr << "kind " << "Kind of data to be output" << std::endl; std::cerr << "diagnostic " << "Kind of diagnostic chart to produce" << std::endl; std::cerr << "timestep " << "Timestep for the iterations" << std::endl; throw CmdLineSuccess(); } mScatterplotParams.insert(std::pair<std::string,std::string>(arg_param[0], arg_param[1])); break; case OPT_DIAGNOSTIC_FILE: mDiagnosticFile = args.OptionArg(); break; case OPT_SERIALIZE: mSerializeFile = args.OptionArg(); break; } } // Parse the file arguments switch(args.FileCount()) { case 0: // If method list requested, ignore files if(mListFingerprintingMethods || mListDistanceMethods || mListGroupingMethods || mListAnalysisMethods) return; std::cerr << "Missing POSCAR file" << std::endl << std::endl; std::cerr << "Usage:" << std::endl; std::cerr << " " << aVal[0] << usage_msg << std::endl << std::endl; showHelp(parser_options); throw CmdLineFatal(); case 1: mPoscarFile = args.File(0); break; default: mPoscarFile = args.File(0); mEnergyFile = args.File(1); break; } // Few sanity checks on the parameters if(mEndStep > 0 && mEndStep < mStartStep) { throw CmdLineFatal("End step should be >= start step"); } if(mHasEnergyThreshold && mHasReverseEnergyThreshold) { throw CmdLineFatal("Specify only one of energy threshold and reverse energy threshold"); } if(mDiffrBinSize <= 0) { throw CmdLineFatal("Bin size cannot be <= 0"); } if(mDiffrPeakSize < 0) { throw CmdLineFatal("Peak size cannot be < 0"); } if(mMaxDistanceForGrouping < 0) { throw CmdLineFatal("Max distance for grouping cannot be < 0"); } }