void ScanToPointCloud::onInit() {
  NODELET_INFO("ScanToPointCloud::onInit: Initializing...");

  ros::NodeHandle &nh = getMTNodeHandle();
  ros::NodeHandle &pnh = getMTPrivateNodeHandle();
  ros::NodeHandle &nh = getNodeHandle();
  ros::NodeHandle &pnh = getPrivateNodeHandle();

  // Process parameters.
  pnh.param("target_frame", targetFrame, targetFrame);
  NODELET_INFO("ScanToPointCloud::onInit: Using target frame: %s.", targetFrame.data());
  pnh.param("wait_for_transform", waitForTransform, waitForTransform);
  NODELET_INFO("ScanToPointCloud::onInit: Maximum time to wait for transform: %.2f s.", waitForTransform);
  pnh.param("channel_options", channelOptions, channelOptions);
  NODELET_INFO("ScanToPointCloud::onInit: Channel options: %#x.", channelOptions);
  pnh.param("scan_queue", scanQueue, scanQueue);
  NODELET_INFO("ScanToPointCloud::onInit: Scan queue size: %i.", scanQueue);
  pnh.param("point_cloud_queue", pointCloudQueue, pointCloudQueue);
  NODELET_INFO("ScanToPointCloud::onInit: Point cloud queue size: %i.", pointCloudQueue);

  // Subscribe scan topic.
  std::string scanTopic = nh.resolveName("scan", true);
  NODELET_INFO("ScanToPointCloud::onInit: Subscribing scan %s.", scanTopic.data());
  scanSubscriber = nh.subscribe<sensor_msgs::LaserScan>(scanTopic, scanQueue, &ScanToPointCloud::scanCallback, this);

  // Advertise scan point cloud.
  std::string cloudTopic = nh.resolveName("cloud", true);
  NODELET_INFO("ScanToPointCloud::onInit: Advertising point cloud %s.", cloudTopic.data());
  pointCloudPublisher = nh.advertise<sensor_msgs::PointCloud2>(cloudTopic, pointCloudQueue, false);
void HiwrCameraControllerNodelet::configureSpinning(ros::NodeHandle& nh){
    NODELET_INFO("[UVCCam Nodelet] START config_uring spinning state");
    ros::NodeHandle& ph = getMTPrivateNodeHandle();
    service_spinning_state_setter_ = ph.advertiseService("setSpinningState", &HiwrCameraControllerNodelet::serviceSetSpinningState, this);
    service_spinning_state_getter_ = ph.advertiseService("getSpinningState", &HiwrCameraControllerNodelet::serviceGetSpinningState, this);

    NODELET_INFO("[UVCCam Nodelet] DONE");
  * \brief Serves as a psuedo constructor for nodelets.
  * This function needs to do the MINIMUM amount of work to get the nodelet running.  Nodelets should not call blocking functions here.
  void onInit()
    // Get nodeHandles
    ros::NodeHandle &nh = getMTNodeHandle();
    ros::NodeHandle &pnh = getMTPrivateNodeHandle();

    // Get a serial number through ros
    int serial;
    pnh.param<int>("serial", serial, 0);

    // Get the location of our camera config yaml
    std::string camera_info_url;
    pnh.param<std::string>("camera_info_url", camera_info_url, "");
    // Get the desired frame_id, set to 'camera' if not found
    pnh.param<std::string>("frame_id", frame_id_, "camera");

    // Do not call the connectCb function until after we are done initializing.
    boost::mutex::scoped_lock scopedLock(connect_mutex_);

    // Start up the dynamic_reconfigure service, note that this needs to stick around after this function ends
    srv_ = boost::make_shared <dynamic_reconfigure::Server<pointgrey_camera_driver::PointGreyConfig> > (pnh);
    dynamic_reconfigure::Server<pointgrey_camera_driver::PointGreyConfig>::CallbackType f =  boost::bind(&pointgrey_camera_driver::PointGreyCameraNodelet::paramCallback, this, _1, _2);

    // Start the camera info manager and attempt to load any configurations
    std::stringstream cinfo_name;
    cinfo_name << serial;
    cinfo_.reset(new camera_info_manager::CameraInfoManager(nh, cinfo_name.str(), camera_info_url));

    // Publish topics using ImageTransport through camera_info_manager (gives cool things like compression)
    it_.reset(new image_transport::ImageTransport(nh));
    image_transport::SubscriberStatusCallback cb = boost::bind(&PointGreyCameraNodelet::connectCb, this);
    it_pub_ = it_->advertiseCamera("image_raw", 5, cb, cb);

    // Set up diagnostics
    updater_.setHardwareID("pointgrey_camera " + cinfo_name.str());

    // Set up a diagnosed publisher
    double desired_freq;
    pnh.param<double>("desired_freq", desired_freq, 7.0);
    pnh.param<double>("min_freq", min_freq_, desired_freq);
    pnh.param<double>("max_freq", max_freq_, desired_freq);
    double freq_tolerance; // Tolerance before stating error on publish frequency, fractional percent of desired frequencies.
    pnh.param<double>("freq_tolerance", freq_tolerance, 0.1);
    int window_size; // Number of samples to consider in frequency
    pnh.param<int>("window_size", window_size, 100);
    double min_acceptable; // The minimum publishing delay (in seconds) before warning.  Negative values mean future dated messages.
    pnh.param<double>("min_acceptable_delay", min_acceptable, 0.0);
    double max_acceptable; // The maximum publishing delay (in seconds) before warning.
    pnh.param<double>("max_acceptable_delay", max_acceptable, 0.2);
    ros::SubscriberStatusCallback cb2 = boost::bind(&PointGreyCameraNodelet::connectCb, this);
    pub_.reset(new diagnostic_updater::DiagnosedPublisher<wfov_camera_msgs::WFOVImage>(nh.advertise<wfov_camera_msgs::WFOVImage>("image", 5, cb2, cb2),
               diagnostic_updater::FrequencyStatusParam(&min_freq_, &max_freq_, freq_tolerance, window_size),
               diagnostic_updater::TimeStampStatusParam(min_acceptable, max_acceptable)));
Esempio n. 4
    void spin ()
      trackerClient_ = boost::shared_ptr<visp_tracker::TrackerClient>
	(new visp_tracker::TrackerClient
	 (getMTNodeHandle (),
	  getMTPrivateNodeHandle (),
	  exiting_, 5u));
      if (ros::ok () && !exiting_)
	trackerClient_->spin ();
void asctec::AutoPilotNodelet::onInit ()
  NODELET_INFO("Initializing Autopilot Nodelet");

  // TODO: Do we want the single threaded or multithreaded NH?
  ros::NodeHandle nh         = getMTNodeHandle();
  ros::NodeHandle nh_private = getMTPrivateNodeHandle();

  autopilot = new asctec::AutoPilot(nh, nh_private);  
Esempio n. 6
    void spin ()
      trackerViewer_ = boost::shared_ptr<visp_tracker::TrackerViewer>
	(new visp_tracker::TrackerViewer
	 (getMTNodeHandle (),
	  getMTPrivateNodeHandle (),
	  exiting_, 5u));
      while (ros::ok () && !exiting_)
	trackerViewer_->spin ();
void RGBDImageProcNodelet::onInit()
  NODELET_INFO("Initializing RGBD Image Proc Nodelet");

  // TODO: Do we want the single threaded or multithreaded NH?
  ros::NodeHandle nh         = getMTNodeHandle();
  ros::NodeHandle nh_private = getMTPrivateNodeHandle();

  rgbd_image_proc_ = new RGBDImageProc(nh, nh_private);  
void PhidgetsImuNodelet::onInit()
    NODELET_INFO("Initializing Phidgets IMU Nodelet");

    // TODO: Do we want the single threaded or multithreaded NH?
    ros::NodeHandle nh         = getMTNodeHandle();
    ros::NodeHandle nh_private = getMTPrivateNodeHandle();

    imu_ = new ImuRosI(nh, nh_private);
void LaserOrthoProjectorNodelet::onInit ()
  NODELET_INFO("Initializing LaserOrthoProjector Nodelet");
  // TODO: Do we want the single threaded or multithreaded NH?
  ros::NodeHandle nh         = getMTNodeHandle();
  ros::NodeHandle nh_private = getMTPrivateNodeHandle();

  laser_ortho_projector_ = new scan_tools::LaserOrthoProjector(nh, nh_private);
void LaserScanSplitterNodelet::onInit ()
  NODELET_INFO("Initializing LaserScanSplitter Nodelet");
  // TODO: Do we want the single threaded or multithreaded NH?
  ros::NodeHandle nh         = getMTNodeHandle();
  ros::NodeHandle nh_private = getMTPrivateNodeHandle();

  laser_scan_splitter_ = new LaserScanSplitter(nh, nh_private);  
Esempio n. 11
void QuadJoyTeleopNodelet::onInit ()
  NODELET_INFO("Initializing QuadJoyTeleop Nodelet");
  // TODO: Do we want the single threaded or multithreaded NH?
  ros::NodeHandle nh         = getMTNodeHandle();
  ros::NodeHandle nh_private = getMTPrivateNodeHandle();

  quad_joy_teleop_ = new QuadJoyTeleop(nh, nh_private);  
  void onInit()
    nh = getMTNodeHandle();
    nh_priv = getMTPrivateNodeHandle();

    // Parameters
    nh_priv.param("use_backup_estimator_alt", use_backup_estimator_alt, use_backup_estimator_alt);
    nh_priv.param("imu_to_kinect_offset", imu_to_kinect_offset, imu_to_kinect_offset);
    nh_priv.param("max_est_kinect_delta_alt", max_est_kinect_delta_alt, max_est_kinect_delta_alt);
    nh_priv.param("obstacle_height_threshold", obstacle_height_threshold, obstacle_height_threshold);
    nh_priv.param("debug_throttle_rate", debug_throttle_rate, debug_throttle_rate);
    nh_priv.param("z_vel_filt_a", z_vel_filt_a, z_vel_filt_a);
    nh_priv.param("z_vel_filt_b", z_vel_filt_b, z_vel_filt_b);
    // Publishers
    odom_pub = nh_priv.advertise<nav_msgs::Odometry> ("output", 10);
    obstacle_pub = nh_priv.advertise<starmac_kinect::Obstacle> ("obstacle", 10);
    debug_pub = nh_priv.advertise<starmac_kinect::Debug> ("debug", 10);
    marker_pub = nh_priv.advertise<visualization_msgs::Marker> ("marker", 10);
    mask_indices_pub = nh.advertise<pcl::PointIndices> ("mask_indices", 10);
    findplane_indices_pub = nh.advertise<pcl::PointIndices> ("findplane_indices", 10, true);
    // Subscribers
    sub_input_filter.subscribe(nh_priv, "input", max_queue_size);
    sub_indices_filter.subscribe(nh_priv, "indices", max_queue_size);
    sub_model_filter.subscribe(nh_priv, "model", max_queue_size);
        = make_shared<Synchronizer<ExactTime<PointCloud2, PointIndices, ModelCoefficients> > > (max_queue_size);
    sync_input_indices_e->connectInput(sub_input_filter, sub_indices_filter, sub_model_filter);
    sync_input_indices_e->registerCallback(bind(&KinectEstimator::cloudIndicesModelCallback, this, _1, _2, _3));

    // Fill out most of the output Odometry message (we'll only be filling in the z pose value)
    odom_msg_output.child_frame_id = "imu";
    odom_msg_output.header.frame_id = "ned";
    odom_msg_output.pose.pose.orientation.x = 0;
    odom_msg_output.pose.pose.orientation.y = 0;
    odom_msg_output.pose.pose.orientation.z = 0;
    odom_msg_output.pose.pose.orientation.w = 1;
    odom_msg_output.pose.pose.position.x = 0;
    odom_msg_output.pose.pose.position.y = 0;

    if (use_backup_estimator_alt)
      est_odom_sub = nh.subscribe("estimator/output", 1, &KinectEstimator::estOdomCallback, this,

    updateMask(); // force once to start things

Esempio n. 13
pcl_ros::PCDWriter::onInit ()
  ros::NodeHandle pnh = getMTPrivateNodeHandle ();
  sub_input_ = pnh.subscribe ("input", 1,  &PCDWriter::input_callback, this);
  // ---[ Optional parameters
  pnh.getParam ("filename", file_name_);
  pnh.getParam ("binary_mode", binary_mode_);

  NODELET_DEBUG ("[%s::onInit] Nodelet successfully created with the following parameters:\n"
                 " - filename     : %s\n"
                 " - binary_mode  : %s", 
                 getName ().c_str (),
                 file_name_.c_str (), (binary_mode_) ? "true" : "false");

Esempio n. 14
pcl_ros::BAGReader::onInit ()
  boost::shared_ptr<ros::NodeHandle> pnh_;
  pnh_.reset (new ros::NodeHandle (getMTPrivateNodeHandle ()));
  // ---[ Mandatory parameters
  if (!pnh_->getParam ("file_name", file_name_))
    NODELET_ERROR ("[onInit] Need a 'file_name' parameter to be set before continuing!");
   if (!pnh_->getParam ("topic_name", topic_name_))
    NODELET_ERROR ("[onInit] Need a 'topic_name' parameter to be set before continuing!"); 
  // ---[ Optional parameters
  int max_queue_size = 1;
  pnh_->getParam ("publish_rate", publish_rate_);
  pnh_->getParam ("max_queue_size", max_queue_size);

  ros::Publisher pub_output = pnh_->advertise<sensor_msgs::PointCloud2> ("output", max_queue_size);

  NODELET_DEBUG ("[onInit] Nodelet successfully created with the following parameters:\n"
                 " - file_name    : %s\n"
                 " - topic_name   : %s",
                 file_name_.c_str (), topic_name_.c_str ());

  if (!open (file_name_, topic_name_))
  PointCloud output;
  output_ = boost::make_shared<PointCloud> (output);
  output_->header.stamp    = ros::Time::now ();

  // Continous publishing enabled?
  while (pnh_->ok ())
    PointCloudConstPtr cloud = getNextCloud ();
    NODELET_DEBUG ("Publishing data (%d points) on topic %s in frame %s.", output_->width * output_->height, pnh_->resolveName ("output").c_str (), output_->header.frame_id.c_str ());
    output_->header.stamp = ros::Time::now ();

    pub_output.publish (output_);

    ros::Duration (publish_rate_).sleep ();
    ros::spinOnce ();
Esempio n. 15
    * @brief OnInit method from node handle.
    * OnInit method from node handle. Sets up the parameters
    * and topics.
    virtual void onInit()
        ROS_ERROR("envir: hello from onInit()");
        ros::NodeHandle& nh = getMTNodeHandle();
        ros::NodeHandle& private_nh = getMTPrivateNodeHandle();

        private_nh.getParam("min_y", min_y_);
        private_nh.getParam("max_y", max_y_);
        private_nh.getParam("min_x", min_x_);
        private_nh.getParam("max_x", max_x_);
        private_nh.getParam("max_z", max_z_);
        private_nh.getParam("goal_z", goal_z_);
        private_nh.getParam("z_scale", z_scale_);
        private_nh.getParam("x_scale", x_scale_);
        private_nh.getParam("enabled", enabled_);
        receivedRectCoord = false;
        ul_x = ul_y = lr_x = lr_y = 0;
        focal_length_ = 575.8157348632812;
        goaldepthFlag = odomFlag = false;
        DIST_TO_GOAL_ = 0.5;
        APPROX_ORDER_ = 4;
        TERMINAL_STATE_.isTerminal = true;
        MAX_STEP_CNT_ = 50; // Max number of steps the agent can take to find goal
        // Constants for discretizing state space
        ANGLE_DIVIDER_ = 12;
        DIST_DIVIDER_ = 1;
        /** Agent's GPS location */
        getmodelstate_ = nh.serviceClient<gazebo_msgs::GetModelState>("/gazebo/get_model_state");

        reinforcement_srv_ = nh.advertiseService("agent_environment", &LileeEnvironment::agentenvironmentcb, this);
        respawnerpub_ = private_nh.advertise<gazebo_msgs::ModelState>("/gazebo/set_model_state", 1);
        cmdpub_ = private_nh.advertise<geometry_msgs::Twist>("/cmd_vel_mux/input/navi", 1); //("/cmd_vel", 1);
        rectanglesub_ = nh.subscribe<std_msgs::String>("/location_data", 1, &LileeEnvironment::rectanglecb, this);
        goaldepthsub_ = nh.subscribe("/camera/depth/image_raw", 1, &LileeEnvironment::goaldepthcb, this);
        bumpersub_ = nh.subscribe("/mobile_base/events/bumper", 1, &LileeEnvironment::bumpercb, this);
Esempio n. 16
void XtionGrabber::onInit()
	ros::NodeHandle& nh = getMTPrivateNodeHandle();

	std::string depthDevice;
	std::string colorDevice;

	if(!nh.getParam("depth_device", depthDevice)
		|| !nh.getParam("color_device", colorDevice))
		ROS_FATAL("depth_device and color_device parameters are mandatory!");
		throw std::runtime_error("depth_device and color_device parameters are mandatory!");

	nh.param("depth_width", m_depthWidth, 640);
	nh.param("depth_height", m_depthHeight, 480);
	nh.param("color_width", m_colorWidth, 1280);
	nh.param("color_height", m_colorHeight, 1024);

	m_deviceName = getPrivateNodeHandle().getNamespace();

		throw std::runtime_error("Could not setup color channel");

		throw std::runtime_error("Could not setup depth channel");

	m_colorFocalLength = 525.0f * m_colorWidth / 640;

	// The depth sensor actually has a different focal length, but since
	// we are using hw registration, the rgb focal length applies.
	m_depthFocalLength = 525.0f * m_depthWidth / 640;

	m_cloudGenerator.init(m_depthWidth, m_depthHeight, m_depthFocalLength);
	m_filledCloudGenerator.init(1280, 960, 525.0f * 1280 / 640);


	m_pub_cloud = nh.advertise<sensor_msgs::PointCloud2>("cloud", 1);
	m_pub_filledCloud = nh.advertise<sensor_msgs::PointCloud2>("cloud_filled", 1);

	NODELET_INFO("Starting streaming...");
	m_thread = boost::thread(boost::bind(&XtionGrabber::read_thread, this));
 void ConnectionBasedNodelet::onInit()
   connection_status_ = NOT_SUBSCRIBED;
   nh_.reset (new ros::NodeHandle (getMTNodeHandle ()));
   pnh_.reset (new ros::NodeHandle (getMTPrivateNodeHandle ()));
   pnh_->param("always_subscribe", always_subscribe_, false);
   pnh_->param("verbose_connection", verbose_connection_, false);
   if (!verbose_connection_) {
     nh_->param("verbose_connection", verbose_connection_, false);
   // timer to warn when no connection in a few seconds
   ever_subscribed_ = false;
   timer_ = nh_->createWallTimer(
Esempio n. 18
pcl_ros::PCDWriter::input_callback (const PointCloud2ConstPtr &cloud)
  if (!isValid (cloud))
  getMTPrivateNodeHandle ().getParam ("filename", file_name_);

  NODELET_DEBUG ("[%s::input_callback] PointCloud with %d data points and frame %s on topic %s received.", getName ().c_str (), cloud->width * cloud->height, cloud->header.frame_id.c_str (), getMTPrivateNodeHandle ().resolveName ("input").c_str ());
  std::string fname;
  if (file_name_.empty ())
    fname = boost::lexical_cast<std::string> (cloud->header.stamp.toSec ()) + ".pcd";
    fname = file_name_;
  impl_.write (fname, cloud, Eigen::Vector4f::Zero (), Eigen::Quaternionf::Identity (), binary_mode_);

  NODELET_DEBUG ("[%s::input_callback] Data saved to %s", getName ().c_str (), fname.c_str ());
Esempio n. 19
pcl_ros::ConvexHull2D::onInit ()
  ros::NodeHandle pnh = getMTPrivateNodeHandle ();
  pub_output_ = pnh.advertise<PointCloud> ("output", max_queue_size_);
  pub_plane_  = pnh.advertise<geometry_msgs::PolygonStamped>("output_polygon", max_queue_size_);

  // ---[ Optional parameters
  pnh.getParam ("use_indices", use_indices_);

  // If we're supposed to look for PointIndices (indices)
  if (use_indices_)
    // Subscribe to the input using a filter
    sub_input_filter_.subscribe (pnh, "input", 1);
    // If indices are enabled, subscribe to the indices
    sub_indices_filter_.subscribe (pnh, "indices", 1);

    if (approximate_sync_)
      sync_input_indices_a_ = boost::make_shared <message_filters::Synchronizer<sync_policies::ApproximateTime<PointCloud, PointIndices> > >(max_queue_size_);
      // surface not enabled, connect the input-indices duo and register
      sync_input_indices_a_->connectInput (sub_input_filter_, sub_indices_filter_);
      sync_input_indices_a_->registerCallback (bind (&ConvexHull2D::input_indices_callback, this, _1, _2));
      sync_input_indices_e_ = boost::make_shared <message_filters::Synchronizer<sync_policies::ExactTime<PointCloud, PointIndices> > >(max_queue_size_);
      // surface not enabled, connect the input-indices duo and register
      sync_input_indices_e_->connectInput (sub_input_filter_, sub_indices_filter_);
      sync_input_indices_e_->registerCallback (bind (&ConvexHull2D::input_indices_callback, this, _1, _2));
    // Subscribe in an old fashion to input only (no filters)
    sub_input_ = pnh.subscribe<PointCloud> ("input", 1,  bind (&ConvexHull2D::input_indices_callback, this, _1, PointIndicesConstPtr ()));

  NODELET_DEBUG ("[%s::onInit] Nodelet successfully created with the following parameters:\n"
                 " - use_indices    : %s",
                 getName ().c_str (), 
                 (use_indices_) ? "true" : "false");
void ControlMode::onInit()
  NODELET_INFO("ControlMode onInit() called");
  nh = getMTNodeHandle();
  nh_priv = getMTPrivateNodeHandle();

  // Diagnostics
  diag_updater.add(getName() + " status", this, &ControlMode::diagnostics);

  // Parameters
  nh_priv.param("status_report_rate", status_report_rate, status_report_rate);
  nh_priv.param("control_output_rate", control_output_rate, control_output_rate);
  CHECK_PARAMETER((status_report_rate > 0), "parameter value out of range");
  CHECK_PARAMETER((control_output_rate > 0), "parameter value out of range");

  // Publishers
  control_mode_status_pub = nh_priv.advertise<control_mode_status> ("status", 1, true);
void HiwrCameraControllerNodelet::onInit(){
    public_nh_ = getNodeHandle(); //Public namespace

    private_nh_ = getMTPrivateNodeHandle();

    //Retrieveing params from param/config__xx.yaml
    //Can be better with have_param() before getting ...
    private_nh_.getParam("absolute_exposure", config_.absolute_exposure);
    private_nh_.getParam("camera_info_url", config_.camera_info_url);
    private_nh_.getParam("camera_name", config_.camera_name);
    private_nh_.getParam("brightness", config_.brightness);
    private_nh_.getParam("contrast", config_.contrast);
    private_nh_.getParam("device_name", config_.device);
    private_nh_.getParam("exposure", config_.exposure);
    private_nh_.getParam("focus_absolute", config_.focus_absolute);
    private_nh_.getParam("focus_auto", config_.focus_auto);
    private_nh_.getParam("format_mode", config_.format_mode);
    private_nh_.getParam("frame_id", config_.frame_id);
    private_nh_.getParam("frame_rate", config_.frame_rate);
    private_nh_.getParam("gain", config_.gain);
    private_nh_.getParam("height", config_.height);
    private_nh_.getParam("power_line_frequency", config_.power_line_frequency);
    private_nh_.getParam("saturation", config_.saturation);
    private_nh_.getParam("sharpness", config_.sharpness);
    private_nh_.getParam("white_balance_temperature", config_.white_balance_temperature);
    private_nh_.getParam("width", config_.width);


    it_ = new image_transport::ImageTransport(private_nh_);
    image_pub_ = it_->advertise("output_video", 1);

    running_ = true;
    device_thread_ = boost::shared_ptr< boost::thread >
       (new boost::thread(boost::bind(&HiwrCameraControllerNodelet::spin, this)));

    NODELET_INFO("[UVC Cam Nodelet] Loading OK");
Esempio n. 22
pcl_ros::PieceExtraction::onInit ()
  // Call the super onInit ()
  pnh_.reset (new ros::NodeHandle (getMTPrivateNodeHandle ()));
  // Parameters that we care about only at startup
  pnh_->getParam ("max_queue_size", max_queue_size_);
  // ---[ Optional parameters
  pnh_->getParam ("use_indices", use_indices_);
  pnh_->getParam ("latched_indices", latched_indices_);
  pnh_->getParam ("approximate_sync", approximate_sync_);

  NODELET_DEBUG ("[%s::onInit] PCL Nodelet successfully created with the following parameters:\n"
            " - approximate_sync : %s\n"
            " - use_indices      : %s\n"
            " - latched_indices  : %s\n"
            " - max_queue_size   : %d",
            getName ().c_str (), 
            (approximate_sync_) ? "true" : "false",
            (use_indices_) ? "true" : "false", 
            (latched_indices_) ? "true" : "false", 

  // ---[ Mandatory parameters
  double cluster_tolerance;
  if (!pnh_->getParam ("cluster_tolerance", cluster_tolerance))
    NODELET_ERROR ("[%s::onInit] Need a 'cluster_tolerance' parameter to be set before continuing!", getName ().c_str ()); 
  int spatial_locator;
  if (!pnh_->getParam ("spatial_locator", spatial_locator))
    NODELET_ERROR ("[%s::onInit] Need a 'spatial_locator' parameter to be set before continuing!", getName ().c_str ());

  // output
  pub_output_ = pnh_->advertise<chess_msgs::ChessBoard>("output", max_queue_size_); 
  //pub_output_ = pnh_->advertise<PointCloud>("output", max_queue_size_);

  // Enable the dynamic reconfigure service
  srv_ = boost::make_shared <dynamic_reconfigure::Server<PieceExtractionConfig> > (*pnh_);
  dynamic_reconfigure::Server<PieceExtractionConfig>::CallbackType f =  boost::bind (&PieceExtraction::config_callback, this, _1, _2);
  srv_->setCallback (f);

  // If we're supposed to look for PointIndices (indices)
  if (use_indices_)
    // Subscribe to the input using a filter
    sub_input_filter_.subscribe (*pnh_, "input", max_queue_size_);
    sub_indices_filter_.subscribe (*pnh_, "indices", max_queue_size_);

    if (approximate_sync_)
      sync_input_indices_a_ = boost::make_shared <message_filters::Synchronizer<message_filters::sync_policies::ApproximateTime<PointCloud, PointIndices> > > (max_queue_size_);
      sync_input_indices_a_->connectInput (sub_input_filter_, sub_indices_filter_);
      sync_input_indices_a_->registerCallback (bind (&PieceExtraction::input_indices_callback, this, _1, _2));
      sync_input_indices_e_ = boost::make_shared <message_filters::Synchronizer<message_filters::sync_policies::ExactTime<PointCloud, PointIndices> > > (max_queue_size_);
      sync_input_indices_e_->connectInput (sub_input_filter_, sub_indices_filter_);
      sync_input_indices_e_->registerCallback (bind (&PieceExtraction::input_indices_callback, this, _1, _2));
    // Subscribe in an old fashion to input only (no filters)
    sub_input_ = pnh_->subscribe<PointCloud> ("input", max_queue_size_, bind (&PieceExtraction::input_indices_callback, this, _1, PointIndicesConstPtr ()));

  NODELET_DEBUG ("[%s::onInit] Nodelet successfully created with the following parameters:\n"
                 " - max_queue_size    : %d\n"
                 " - use_indices       : %s\n"
                 " - cluster_tolerance : %f\n"
                 " - spatial_locator   : %d",
                 getName ().c_str (),
                 (use_indices_) ? "true" : "false", cluster_tolerance, spatial_locator);

  // Set given parameters here
  impl_.setSpatialLocator (spatial_locator);
  impl_.setClusterTolerance (cluster_tolerance);
Esempio n. 23
 void ARDroneVideoNodelet::onInit(){
     ros::NodeHandle nh(getMTPrivateNodeHandle());
     this->video = ar2mav::ARDroneVideo(nh);
     this->worker = boost::shared_ptr<boost::thread>(new boost::thread(boost::bind(&ar2mav::ARDroneVideo::fetch_video, this->video)));
Esempio n. 24
  pcl_ros::ConvexHull2D::input_indices_callback (const PointCloudConstPtr &cloud, 
                                                 const PointIndicesConstPtr &indices)
  // No subscribers, no work
  if (pub_output_.getNumSubscribers () <= 0 && pub_plane_.getNumSubscribers () <= 0)

  PointCloud output;

  // If cloud is given, check if it's valid
  if (!isValid (cloud))
    NODELET_ERROR ("[%s::input_indices_callback] Invalid input!", getName ().c_str ());
    // Publish an empty message
    output.header = cloud->header;
    pub_output_.publish (output.makeShared ());
  // If indices are given, check if they are valid
  if (indices && !isValid (indices, "indices"))
    NODELET_ERROR ("[%s::input_indices_callback] Invalid indices!", getName ().c_str ());
    // Publish an empty message
    output.header = cloud->header;
    pub_output_.publish (output.makeShared ());

  /// DEBUG
  if (indices)
    NODELET_DEBUG ("[%s::input_indices_model_callback]\n"
                   "                                 - PointCloud with %d data points (%s), stamp %f, and frame %s on topic %s received.\n"
                   "                                 - PointIndices with %zu values, stamp %f, and frame %s on topic %s received.",
                   getName ().c_str (),
                   cloud->width * cloud->height, pcl::getFieldsList (*cloud).c_str (), cloud->header.stamp.toSec (), cloud->header.frame_id.c_str (), getMTPrivateNodeHandle ().resolveName ("input").c_str (),
                   indices->indices.size (), indices->header.stamp.toSec (), indices->header.frame_id.c_str (), getMTPrivateNodeHandle ().resolveName ("indices").c_str ());
    NODELET_DEBUG ("[%s::input_indices_callback] PointCloud with %d data points, stamp %f, and frame %s on topic %s received.", getName ().c_str (), cloud->width * cloud->height, cloud->header.stamp.toSec (), cloud->header.frame_id.c_str (), getMTPrivateNodeHandle ().resolveName ("input").c_str ());

  // Reset the indices and surface pointers
  IndicesPtr indices_ptr;
  if (indices)
    indices_ptr.reset (new std::vector<int> (indices->indices));

  impl_.setInputCloud (cloud);
  impl_.setIndices (indices_ptr);

  // Estimate the feature
  impl_.reconstruct (output);

  // If more than 3 points are present, send a PolygonStamped hull too
  if (output.points.size () >= 3)
    geometry_msgs::PolygonStamped poly;
    poly.header = output.header;
    poly.polygon.points.resize (output.points.size ());
    // Get three consecutive points (without copying)
    pcl::Vector4fMap O = output.points[1].getVector4fMap ();
    pcl::Vector4fMap B = output.points[0].getVector4fMap ();
    pcl::Vector4fMap A = output.points[2].getVector4fMap ();
    // Check the direction of points -- polygon must have CCW direction
    Eigen::Vector4f OA = A - O;
    Eigen::Vector4f OB = B - O;
    Eigen::Vector4f N = OA.cross3 (OB);
    double theta = N.dot (O);
    bool reversed = false;
    if (theta < (M_PI / 2.0))
      reversed = true;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < output.points.size (); ++i)
      if (reversed)
        size_t j = output.points.size () - i - 1;
        poly.polygon.points[i].x = output.points[j].x;
        poly.polygon.points[i].y = output.points[j].y;
        poly.polygon.points[i].z = output.points[j].z;
        poly.polygon.points[i].x = output.points[i].x;
        poly.polygon.points[i].y = output.points[i].y;
        poly.polygon.points[i].z = output.points[i].z;
    pub_plane_.publish (boost::make_shared<const geometry_msgs::PolygonStamped> (poly));
  // Publish a Boost shared ptr const data
  output.header = cloud->header;
  pub_output_.publish (output.makeShared ());
void CameraTrackerNodelet::onInit()
  //tracker_.reset(new CameraTracker(getNodeHandle(), getPrivateNodeHandle()));
  tracker_.reset(new dvo_ros::CameraDenseTracker(getMTNodeHandle(), getMTPrivateNodeHandle()));
Esempio n. 26
 void ARDroneDriverNodelet::onInit(){
     ros::NodeHandle nh(getMTPrivateNodeHandle());
     this->driver = boost::shared_ptr<ar2mav::ARDroneDriver>(new ar2mav::ARDroneDriver(nh));
Esempio n. 27
  * \brief Connection callback to only do work when someone is listening.
  * This function will connect/disconnect from the camera depending on who is using the output.
  void connectCb()
    NODELET_DEBUG("Connect callback!");
    boost::mutex::scoped_lock scopedLock(connect_mutex_); // Grab the mutex.  Wait until we're done initializing before letting this function through.
    // Check if we should disconnect (there are 0 subscribers to our data)
    if(it_pub_.getNumSubscribers() == 0 && pub_->getPublisher().getNumSubscribers() == 0)
        NODELET_DEBUG("Stopping camera capture.");
        /*NODELET_DEBUG("Disconnecting from camera.");
      catch(std::runtime_error& e)
        NODELET_ERROR("%s", e.what());
    else if(!sub_)     // We need to connect
      // Try connecting to the camera
      volatile bool connected = false;
      while(!connected && ros::ok())
          NODELET_DEBUG("Connecting to camera.");
          pg_.connect(); // Probably already connected from the reconfigure thread.  This will will not throw if successfully connected.
          connected = true;
        catch(std::runtime_error& e)
          NODELET_ERROR("%s", e.what());
          ros::Duration(1.0).sleep(); // sleep for one second each time

      // Set the timeout for grabbing images.
      double timeout;
      getMTPrivateNodeHandle().param("timeout", timeout, 1.0);
        NODELET_DEBUG("Setting timeout to: %f.", timeout);
      catch(std::runtime_error& e)
        NODELET_ERROR("%s", e.what());

      // Subscribe to gain and white balance changes
      sub_ = getMTNodeHandle().subscribe("image_exposure_sequence", 10, &pointgrey_camera_driver::PointGreyCameraNodelet::gainWBCallback, this);

      volatile bool started = false;
      while(!started && ros::ok())
          NODELET_DEBUG("Starting camera capture.");
          started = true;
        catch(std::runtime_error& e)
          NODELET_ERROR("%s", e.what());
          ros::Duration(1.0).sleep(); // sleep for one second each time

      // Start the thread to loop through and publish messages
      pubThread_.reset(new boost::thread(boost::bind(&pointgrey_camera_driver::PointGreyCameraNodelet::devicePoll, this)));
      NODELET_DEBUG("Do nothing in callback.");
Esempio n. 28
pcl_ros::PCDReader::onInit ()
  ros::NodeHandle private_nh = getMTPrivateNodeHandle ();
  // Provide a latched topic
  ros::Publisher pub_output = private_nh.advertise<PointCloud2> ("output", max_queue_size_, true);

  private_nh.getParam ("publish_rate", publish_rate_);
  private_nh.getParam ("tf_frame", tf_frame_);

  NODELET_DEBUG ("[%s::onInit] Nodelet successfully created with the following parameters:\n"
                 " - publish_rate : %f\n"
                 " - tf_frame     : %s",
                 getName ().c_str (),
                 publish_rate_, tf_frame_.c_str ());

  PointCloud2Ptr output_new;
  output_ = boost::make_shared<PointCloud2> ();
  output_new = boost::make_shared<PointCloud2> ();

  // Wait in a loop until someone connects
    ROS_DEBUG_ONCE ("[%s::onInit] Waiting for a client to connect...", getName ().c_str ());
    ros::spinOnce ();
    ros::Duration (0.01).sleep ();
  while (private_nh.ok () && pub_output.getNumSubscribers () == 0);

  std::string file_name;

  while (private_nh.ok ())
    // Get the current filename parameter. If no filename set, loop
    if (!private_nh.getParam ("filename", file_name_) && file_name_.empty ())
      ROS_ERROR_ONCE ("[%s::onInit] Need a 'filename' parameter to be set before continuing!", getName ().c_str ());
      ros::Duration (0.01).sleep ();
      ros::spinOnce ();

    // If the filename parameter holds a different value than the last one we read
    if (file_name_.compare (file_name) != 0 && !file_name_.empty ())
      NODELET_INFO ("[%s::onInit] New file given: %s", getName ().c_str (), file_name_.c_str ());
      file_name = file_name_;
      PointCloud2 cloud;
      if (impl_.read (file_name_, cloud) < 0)
        NODELET_ERROR ("[%s::onInit] Error reading %s !", getName ().c_str (), file_name_.c_str ());
      output_ = boost::make_shared<PointCloud2> (cloud);
      output_->header.stamp    = ros::Time::now ();
      output_->header.frame_id = tf_frame_;

    // We do not publish empty data
    if (output_->data.size () == 0)

    if (publish_rate_ == 0)
      if (output_ != output_new)
        NODELET_DEBUG ("Publishing data once (%d points) on topic %s in frame %s.", output_->width * output_->height, getMTPrivateNodeHandle ().resolveName ("output").c_str (), output_->header.frame_id.c_str ());
        pub_output.publish (output_);
        output_new = output_;
      ros::Duration (0.01).sleep ();
      NODELET_DEBUG ("Publishing data (%d points) on topic %s in frame %s.", output_->width * output_->height, getMTPrivateNodeHandle ().resolveName ("output").c_str (), output_->header.frame_id.c_str ());
      output_->header.stamp = ros::Time::now ();
      pub_output.publish (output_);

      ros::Duration (publish_rate_).sleep ();

    ros::spinOnce ();
    // Update parameters from server
    private_nh.getParam ("publish_rate", publish_rate_);
    private_nh.getParam ("tf_frame", tf_frame_);
pcl_ros::MovingLeastSquares::input_indices_callback (const PointCloudInConstPtr &cloud, 
                                                     const PointIndicesConstPtr &indices)
  // No subscribers, no work
  if (pub_output_.getNumSubscribers () <= 0 && pub_normals_.getNumSubscribers () <= 0)

  // Output points have the same type as the input, they are only smoothed
  PointCloudIn output;
  // Normals are also estimated and published on a separate topic
  NormalCloudOut::Ptr normals (new NormalCloudOut ());

  // If cloud is given, check if it's valid
  if (!isValid (cloud)) 
    NODELET_ERROR ("[%s::input_indices_callback] Invalid input!", getName ().c_str ());
    output.header = cloud->header;
    pub_output_.publish (output.makeShared ());
  // If indices are given, check if they are valid
  if (indices && !isValid (indices, "indices"))
    NODELET_ERROR ("[%s::input_indices_callback] Invalid indices!", getName ().c_str ());
    output.header = cloud->header;
    pub_output_.publish (output.makeShared ());

  /// DEBUG
  if (indices)
    NODELET_DEBUG ("[%s::input_indices_model_callback]\n"
                   "                                 - PointCloud with %d data points (%s), stamp %f, and frame %s on topic %s received.\n"
                   "                                 - PointIndices with %zu values, stamp %f, and frame %s on topic %s received.",
                   getName ().c_str (),
                   cloud->width * cloud->height, pcl::getFieldsList (*cloud).c_str (), fromPCL(cloud->header).stamp.toSec (), cloud->header.frame_id.c_str (), getMTPrivateNodeHandle ().resolveName ("input").c_str (),
                   indices->indices.size (), indices->header.stamp.toSec (), indices->header.frame_id.c_str (), getMTPrivateNodeHandle ().resolveName ("indices").c_str ());
    NODELET_DEBUG ("[%s::input_callback] PointCloud with %d data points, stamp %f, and frame %s on topic %s received.", getName ().c_str (), cloud->width * cloud->height, fromPCL(cloud->header).stamp.toSec (), cloud->header.frame_id.c_str (), getMTPrivateNodeHandle ().resolveName ("input").c_str ());

  // Reset the indices and surface pointers
  impl_.setInputCloud (cloud);

  IndicesPtr indices_ptr;
  if (indices)
    indices_ptr.reset (new std::vector<int> (indices->indices));

  impl_.setIndices (indices_ptr);

  // Initialize the spatial locator
  // Do the reconstructon
  //impl_.process (output);

  // Publish a Boost shared ptr const data
  // Enforce that the TF frame and the timestamp are copied
  output.header = cloud->header;
  pub_output_.publish (output.makeShared ());
  normals->header = cloud->header;
  pub_normals_.publish (normals);