void CharacterModel::deactivateShader(void) { for(UInt32 i = 0; i < getMaterials().size(); ++i) { ChunkMaterialPtr m = getMaterials(i); beginEditCP(m); m->subChunk(getShader()); endEditCP(m); } }
void ModelRenderProcessor::deleteModelFromGpu(string modelPath) { auto model = loader->getModelBy(modelPath); auto materials = model->getMaterials(); for(auto& i : materials) { auto program = loader->getProgramBy(i.getProgramName()); auto programName = program->getName(); if(!hasMaterialWithProgram(programName)) deleteProgramFromGpu(programName); } vector<Mesh3d>& meshes = model->getMeshes(); unordered_map<uint32_t, string> texturesToRemove; for(auto& s : meshes) { string mName = model->getUniqueMeshName(s); deleteGeometryFromGpu(mName); Texture2d& texture = model->getTextureBy(s); texturesToRemove.emplace(s.getMaterialId(), texture.getPath()); } for(auto& s : texturesToRemove) { deleteTextureFromGpu(s.second); } }
bool ModelRenderProcessor::hasMaterialWithProgram(std::string name) { for(auto& i : idToObject) { View& object = i.second; auto model = loader->getModelBy(object.getPath()); auto materials = model->getMaterials(); for(auto& j : materials) { if(j.getProgramName() == name) return true; } } return false; }
void FBXModel::loadMeshes(KFbxNode* node, const GraphicsDevice& device, KFbxGeometryConverter& converter) { const char* name = node->GetName(); if (node->GetNodeAttribute()) { KFbxNodeAttribute::EAttributeType attributeType = node->GetNodeAttribute()->GetAttributeType(); if (attributeType == KFbxNodeAttribute::eMESH) { KFbxMesh* kfbxMesh = converter.TriangulateMesh((KFbxMesh*)node->GetNodeAttribute()); VertexCollection vertices = getVertices(kfbxMesh); MaterialCollection materials = getMaterials(device, node); unsigned long numFaces = kfbxMesh->GetPolygonCount(); unsigned long numVertices = kfbxMesh->GetControlPointsCount(); Mesh mesh = Mesh::create(device, numFaces, numVertices, FBXVertex::vertexElements, D3DXMESH_MANAGED | D3DXMESH_32BIT); mesh.getVertexBuffer().setData(vertices); mesh.getIndexBuffer().setData(kfbxMesh->GetPolygonVertices(), kfbxMesh->GetPolygonVertexCount()); KFbxLayerElementArrayTemplate<int>* materialIndices; kfbxMesh->GetMaterialIndices(&materialIndices); unsigned long* buffer = mesh.lockAttributeBuffer(); for(int i = 0; i < kfbxMesh->GetPolygonCount(); ++i) buffer[i] = materialIndices->GetAt(i); mesh.unlockAttributeBuffer(); Mesh::Adjacency adjacency = mesh.generateAdjacency(); mesh.clean(D3DXCLEAN_SIMPLIFICATION, adjacency); mesh.optimizeInplace(D3DXMESHOPT_COMPACT | D3DXMESHOPT_ATTRSORT | D3DXMESHOPT_VERTEXCACHE, adjacency); mesh.computeNormals(adjacency); meshes[name] = FBXMesh(mesh, materials, name); } } for (int i = 0; i < node->GetChildCount(); i++) loadMeshes(node->GetChild(i), device, converter); }
float PhysActor_PhysX::GetRestitution() { float result = 0.0f; bool result_set = false; auto nbShapes = impl->physActor->getNbShapes(); if (nbShapes <= 0) return result; physx::PxShape** shapes = new physx::PxShape*[nbShapes]; impl->physActor->getShapes(shapes, nbShapes); for (size_t i = 0; i < nbShapes && !result_set; ++i) { auto shape = shapes[i]; if (!shape) continue; auto nbMaterials = shape->getNbMaterials(); if (nbMaterials <= 0) continue; physx::PxMaterial** materials = new physx::PxMaterial*[nbMaterials]; shape->getMaterials(materials, nbMaterials); if (materials[0]) { physx::PxMaterial* material = materials[0]; result = material->getRestitution(); result_set = true; } delete[] materials; } delete[] shapes; return result; }
void ModelRenderProcessor::loadModelToGpu(string modelPath) { auto model = loader->getModelBy(modelPath); auto materials = model->getMaterials(); for(auto& i : materials) { auto program = loader->getProgramBy(i.getProgramName()); auto programName = program->getName(); if(!hasMaterialWithProgram(programName)) loadProgramToGpu(programName, program); } vector<Mesh3d>& meshes = model->getMeshes(); for(auto& s : meshes) { string meshName = model->getUniqueMeshName(s); loadGeometryToGpu(meshName, s.getRawVertices(), s.getIndices()); Texture2d& texture = model->getTextureBy(s); loadTextureToGpu(texture); auto& buffer = meshToBuffer.at(meshName); buffer.texture = textureToId.at(texture.getPath()); } }
void PhysActor_PhysX::SetRestitution(float restitution) { auto nbShapes = impl->physActor->getNbShapes(); if (nbShapes <= 0) return; physx::PxShape** shapes = new physx::PxShape*[nbShapes]; impl->physActor->getShapes(shapes, nbShapes); for (size_t i = 0; i < nbShapes; ++i) { auto shape = shapes[i]; if (!shape) continue; auto nbMaterials = shape->getNbMaterials(); if (nbMaterials <= 0) continue; physx::PxMaterial** materials = new physx::PxMaterial*[nbMaterials]; shape->getMaterials(materials, nbMaterials); if (materials[0]) { physx::PxMaterial* material = materials[0]; material->setRestitution(restitution); } delete[] materials; } delete[] shapes; }
/************************************************************************************* ** Description: This is a virtual function that calculates the cost of a regular ** customer project. **************************************************************************************/ double RegularProject::billAmount() { return (80.0 * getHours()) + getMaterials() + getTransportation(); //return the total cost of the project }
void CharacterModel::convertMaterials(std::string configfile) { getMaterials().clear(); UInt32 mcnt = 0; PathHandler ph; ph.setBaseFile(configfile.c_str()); for(int mid = 0; mid < _coreModel->getCoreMaterialCount(); mid++) { CalCoreMaterial *coremat = _coreModel->getCoreMaterial(mid); SimpleMaterialPtr mat = SimpleMaterial::create(); beginEditCP(mat); CalCoreMaterial::Color &calamb = coremat->getAmbientColor(); CalCoreMaterial::Color &caldif = coremat->getDiffuseColor(); CalCoreMaterial::Color &calspec = coremat->getSpecularColor(); mat->setAmbient(Color3f(calamb.red / 255.0f, calamb.green / 255.0f, calamb.blue / 255.0f)); mat->setDiffuse(Color3f(caldif.red / 255.0f, caldif.green / 255.0f, caldif.blue / 255.0f)); mat->setSpecular(Color3f(calspec.red / 255.0f, calspec.green / 255.0f, calspec.blue / 255.0f)); mat->setShininess(coremat->getShininess() * 100.f); mat->setLit(true); mat->setColorMaterial(GL_NONE); for(int mapId = 0; mapId < coremat->getMapCount(); mapId++) { std::string file = coremat->getMapFilename(mapId); std::string pfile = ph.findFile(file.c_str()); SINFO << "Loading texture '" << pfile << "'..." << endLog; ImagePtr img = Image::create(); if(!img->read(pfile.c_str())) { SWARNING << "CharacterModel::convertMaterials: error " << "loading image " << file << endLog; } else { // amz with my test scene paladin.cfg all textures were // upside down so I disabled the vertical flipping perhaps // they fixed the bug in Cal3D? #if 0 beginEditCP(img); { // For some reason Cal3D expects textures upside down ??? UInt32 bpl = img->getBpp() * img->getWidth(); UChar8 *t = img->getData(), *b = t + (img->getHeight() - 1) * bpl, dum; for(UInt32 y = img->getHeight() / 2; y > 0; --y) { for(UInt32 x = bpl; x > 0; --x, ++t, ++b) { dum = *t; *t = *b; *b = dum; } b -= bpl * 2; } } endEditCP(img); #endif TextureChunkPtr tex = TextureChunk::create(); beginEditCP(tex); tex->setImage(img); tex->setEnvMode(GL_MODULATE); endEditCP(tex); mat->addChunk(tex); } } endEditCP(mat); coremat->setUserData((Cal::UserData)mcnt); getMaterials().push_back(mat); mcnt ++; } }
void MeshResourceMarker::onNewMessage(const MarkerConstPtr& old_message, const MarkerConstPtr& new_message) { ROS_ASSERT(new_message->type == visualization_msgs::Marker::MESH_RESOURCE); bool need_color = false; scene_node_->setVisible(false); if( !entity_ || old_message->mesh_resource != new_message->mesh_resource || old_message->mesh_use_embedded_materials != new_message->mesh_use_embedded_materials ) { reset(); if (new_message->mesh_resource.empty()) { return; } if (loadMeshFromResource(new_message->mesh_resource).isNull()) { std::stringstream ss; ss << "Mesh resource marker [" << getStringID() << "] could not load [" << new_message->mesh_resource << "]"; if ( owner_ ) { owner_->setMarkerStatus(getID(), StatusProperty::Error, ss.str()); } ROS_DEBUG("%s", ss.str().c_str()); return; } static uint32_t count = 0; std::stringstream ss; ss << "mesh_resource_marker_" << count++; std::string id = ss.str(); entity_ = context_->getSceneManager()->createEntity(id, new_message->mesh_resource); scene_node_->attachObject(entity_); need_color = true; // create a default material for any sub-entities which don't have their own. ss << "Material"; Ogre::MaterialPtr default_material = Ogre::MaterialManager::getSingleton().create( ss.str(), ROS_PACKAGE_NAME ); default_material->setReceiveShadows(false); default_material->getTechnique(0)->setLightingEnabled(true); default_material->getTechnique(0)->setAmbient( 0.5, 0.5, 0.5 ); materials_.insert( default_material ); if ( new_message->mesh_use_embedded_materials ) { // make clones of all embedded materials so selection works correctly S_MaterialPtr materials = getMaterials(); S_MaterialPtr::iterator it; for ( it = materials.begin(); it!=materials.end(); it++ ) { if( (*it)->getName() != "BaseWhiteNoLighting" ) { Ogre::MaterialPtr new_material = (*it)->clone( id + (*it)->getName() ); materials_.insert( new_material ); } } // make sub-entities use cloned materials for (uint32_t i = 0; i < entity_->getNumSubEntities(); ++i) { std::string mat_name = entity_->getSubEntity(i)->getMaterialName(); if( mat_name != "BaseWhiteNoLighting" ) { entity_->getSubEntity(i)->setMaterialName( id + mat_name ); } else { // BaseWhiteNoLighting is the default material Ogre uses // when it sees a mesh with no material. Here we replace // that with our default_material which gets colored with // new_message->color. entity_->getSubEntity(i)->setMaterial( default_material ); } } } else { entity_->setMaterial( default_material ); } context_->getSelectionManager()->removeObject(coll_); coll_ = context_->getSelectionManager()->createCollisionForEntity(entity_, SelectionHandlerPtr(new MarkerSelectionHandler(this, MarkerID(new_message->ns, new_message->id))), coll_); } if( need_color || old_message->color.r != new_message->color.r || old_message->color.g != new_message->color.g || old_message->color.b != new_message->color.b || old_message->color.a != new_message->color.a ) { float r = new_message->color.r; float g = new_message->color.g; float b = new_message->color.b; float a = new_message->color.a; // Old way was to ignore the color and alpha when using embedded // materials, which meant you could leave them unset, which means // 0. Since we now USE the color and alpha values, leaving them // all 0 will mean the object will be invisible. Therefore detect // the situation where RGBA are all 0 and treat that the same as // all 1 (full white). if( new_message->mesh_use_embedded_materials && r == 0 && g == 0 && b == 0 && a == 0 ) { r = 1; g = 1; b = 1; a = 1; } Ogre::SceneBlendType blending; bool depth_write; if ( a < 0.9998 ) { blending = Ogre::SBT_TRANSPARENT_ALPHA; depth_write = false; } else { blending = Ogre::SBT_REPLACE; depth_write = true; } S_MaterialPtr::iterator it; for( it = materials_.begin(); it != materials_.end(); it++ ) { Ogre::Technique* technique = (*it)->getTechnique( 0 ); technique->setAmbient( r*0.5, g*0.5, b*0.5 ); technique->setDiffuse( r, g, b, a ); technique->setSceneBlending( blending ); technique->setDepthWriteEnabled( depth_write ); } } Ogre::Vector3 pos, scale; Ogre::Quaternion orient; transform(new_message, pos, orient, scale); scene_node_->setVisible(true); setPosition(pos); setOrientation(orient); // In Ogre, mesh surface normals are not normalized if object is not // scaled. This forces the surface normals to be renormalized by // invisibly tweaking the scale. if( scale.x == 1.0 && scale.y == 1.0 && scale.z == 1.0 ) { scale.z = 1.0001; } scene_node_->setScale(scale); }
void MeshResourceMarker::onNewMessage(const MarkerConstPtr& old_message, const MarkerConstPtr& new_message) { ROS_ASSERT(new_message->type == visualization_msgs::Marker::MESH_RESOURCE); // flag indicating if the mesh material color needs to be updated bool update_color = false; scene_node_->setVisible(false); if (!entity_ || old_message->mesh_resource != new_message->mesh_resource || old_message->mesh_use_embedded_materials != new_message->mesh_use_embedded_materials) { reset(); if (new_message->mesh_resource.empty()) { return; } if (loadMeshFromResource(new_message->mesh_resource).isNull()) { std::stringstream ss; ss << "Mesh resource marker [" << getStringID() << "] could not load [" << new_message->mesh_resource << "]"; if (owner_) { owner_->setMarkerStatus(getID(), StatusProperty::Error, ss.str()); } ROS_DEBUG("%s", ss.str().c_str()); return; } static uint32_t count = 0; std::stringstream ss; ss << "mesh_resource_marker_" << count++; std::string id = ss.str(); entity_ = context_->getSceneManager()->createEntity(id, new_message->mesh_resource); scene_node_->attachObject(entity_); // create a default material for any sub-entities which don't have their own. ss << "Material"; Ogre::MaterialPtr default_material = Ogre::MaterialManager::getSingleton().create(ss.str(), ROS_PACKAGE_NAME); default_material->setReceiveShadows(false); default_material->getTechnique(0)->setLightingEnabled(true); default_material->getTechnique(0)->setAmbient(0.5, 0.5, 0.5); materials_.insert(default_material); if (new_message->mesh_use_embedded_materials) { // make clones of all embedded materials so selection works correctly S_MaterialPtr materials = getMaterials(); S_MaterialPtr::iterator it; for (it = materials.begin(); it != materials.end(); it++) { if ((*it)->getName() != "BaseWhiteNoLighting") { Ogre::MaterialPtr new_material = (*it)->clone(id + (*it)->getName()); materials_.insert(new_material); } } // make sub-entities use cloned materials for (uint32_t i = 0; i < entity_->getNumSubEntities(); ++i) { std::string mat_name = entity_->getSubEntity(i)->getMaterialName(); if (mat_name != "BaseWhiteNoLighting") { entity_->getSubEntity(i)->setMaterialName(id + mat_name); } else { // BaseWhiteNoLighting is the default material Ogre uses // when it sees a mesh with no material. Here we replace // that with our default_material which gets colored with // new_message->color. entity_->getSubEntity(i)->setMaterial(default_material); } } } else { entity_->setMaterial(default_material); } // add a pass to every material to perform the color tinting S_MaterialPtr::iterator material_it; for (material_it = materials_.begin(); material_it != materials_.end(); material_it++) { Ogre::Technique* technique = (*material_it)->getTechnique(0); color_tint_passes_.push_back(technique->createPass()); } // always update color on resource change update_color = true; handler_.reset(new MarkerSelectionHandler(this, MarkerID(new_message->ns, new_message->id), context_)); handler_->addTrackedObject(entity_); } else { // underlying mesh resource has not changed but if the color has // then we need to update the materials color if (!old_message || old_message->color.r != new_message->color.r || old_message->color.g != new_message->color.g || old_message->color.b != new_message->color.b || old_message->color.a != new_message->color.a) { update_color = true; } } // update material color // if the mesh_use_embedded_materials is true and color is non-zero // then the color will be used to tint the embedded materials if (update_color) { float r = new_message->color.r; float g = new_message->color.g; float b = new_message->color.b; float a = new_message->color.a; Ogre::SceneBlendType blending; bool depth_write; if (a < 0.9998) { blending = Ogre::SBT_TRANSPARENT_ALPHA; depth_write = false; } else { blending = Ogre::SBT_REPLACE; depth_write = true; } for (std::vector<Ogre::Pass*>::iterator it = color_tint_passes_.begin(); it != color_tint_passes_.end(); ++it) { (*it)->setAmbient(0.5 * r, 0.5 * g, 0.5 * b); (*it)->setDiffuse(r, g, b, a); (*it)->setSceneBlending(blending); (*it)->setDepthWriteEnabled(depth_write); (*it)->setLightingEnabled(true); } } Ogre::Vector3 pos, scale; Ogre::Quaternion orient; transform(new_message, pos, orient, scale); scene_node_->setVisible(true); setPosition(pos); setOrientation(orient); scene_node_->setScale(scale); }