Esempio n. 1
void Vehicle::print(bool full) {
    if (full) {
        std::cout << "--- vehicle ---" << std::endl;
        std::cout << "carType:" << getTyp() << std::endl;
        std::cout << "size: " << getWidth() << " x " << getLength() << std::endl;
        std::cout << "maxAcc: " << getMaxAcc() << std::endl;
        std::cout << "maxSpeed: " << getMaxSpeed() << std::endl;
        std::cout << "LaneChangeTime: " << getLaneChangeTime() << std::endl;
        std::cout << "Adress to lane: " << mpLane << std::endl;
    std::cout << "pos: " << getPos() << " vel: " << getVel() << std::endl;
   // Limit max acceleration around a curve based on 
   // centripetal acceleration.
   double getMaxVel( void )
      // Calculate a velocity limit based on centripetal accel
      if( velCentrip <= 0 )
         double A = getMaxAcc();
         double D = getMaxDec();
         if( D < A ) A = D;

         velCentrip = sqrt( A * radius );

      double max = PathElement::getMaxVel();
      if( velCentrip < max )
         return velCentrip;
      return max;
    * Add this segment to the end of the 
    * passed path.
   void Add( PathElement *pe )
      // Add this segment after the passed one.
      if( pe ) pe->next = this;
      this->prev = pe;

      // Find the peak velocity that could be 
      // reached at the end of this segment if
      // I didn't have to worry about stopping in 
      // the future.
      // This is the previous segment's peak velocity
      // plus the increase I could provide based on 
      // this segment's acceleration & length.
      double Vstart = 0;
      if( pe ) Vstart = pe->velPeak;
      velPeak = getMaxVelInc( Vstart, getMaxAcc() );
   // Do the main part of my calculations.  This function fills in the array
   // of times in each of the 7 possible sub-segments.
   void CalcTimes( void )
      double Ve = velEnd;
      double Vs = getVelStart();
      double P = length;
      double A = getMaxAcc();
      double D = getMaxDec();
      double V = getMaxVel();
      double J = getMaxJrk();

      // We start out assuming that we will hit the max velocity.
      // If this calculation is successful, then we're done
      if( CalcForVel( V ) )

      // Make a quick check here for a zero length segment.  
      if( P <= 0.0 )
         for( int i=0; i<7; i++ ) SegT[i] = 0;

      // OK, we aren't going to hit the velocity limit in this move.  
      // I'll try running at the accel & decel limits only
      double ta = ( sqrt( 8*A*D*J*J*P*(A+D) + 
                          4*J*J*(Vs*Vs*D*D + (Vs*Vs+Ve*Ve)*A*D + Ve*Ve*A*A) -
                          4*A*D*J*(Ve*D*D + (Vs+Ve)*A*D + Vs*A*A) + 
                          A*A*D*D*( D*D + 2*A*D + A*A )
                    -2*J*Vs*(A+D) -A*D*D -3*A*A*D - 2*A*A*A
                  / ( 2*A*J*(A+D) );

      double tj = A/J;
      double tk = D/J;
      double td = (Vs - Ve + J*tj*ta + J*tj*tj - J*tk*tk)/(J*tk);

      // If both of these times came out positive, we're done
      if( (ta >= 0.0) && (td >= 0.0) )
         SegT[0] = tj;
         SegT[1] = ta;
         SegT[2] = tj;
         SegT[3] = 0;
         SegT[4] = tk;
         SegT[5] = td;
         SegT[6] = tk;

      // We can't reach both the accel & decel limits.
      // There isn't a simple formulat for calculating out the optimal times
      // in this case, so I'll itterate with various maximum velocities until
      // I find one that will work.
      double Vup, Vdn;

      // I'll find the max velocity that I'd use without jerk limiting as an
      // initial upper limit
      Vup = SegV[1];

      // For my lower limit, I'll pick the higher of the starting or ending velocity
      Vdn = (Vs>Ve) ? Vs : Ve;

      // First calculation uses the lower velocity limit.  
      // This should never fail.
      CalcForVel( Vdn, true );

      // Itterate as many as 10 times to try to get a faster move.
      // I'll quit when my constant velocity segment is less then
      // 1 millisecond long.
      for( int i=0; (i<10) && (SegT[3] > MIN_PVT_TIME); i++ )
         V = (Vup+Vdn)/2;
         if( CalcForVel( V ) )
            Vdn = V;
            Vup = V;

   bool CalcForVel( double V, bool force=false )
      double Ve = velEnd;
      double Vs = getVelStart();
      double P = length;
      double A = getMaxAcc();
      double D = getMaxDec();
      double J = getMaxJrk();

      // We start out assuming that we will hit the max velocity.
      // Find the times required in jerk and accel segments
      // Also, find the distance moved getting up to velocity.
      double tj, ta, Pup;

      if( J * (V-Vs) < A*A )
         ta = 0;
         tj = sqrt( (V-Vs)/J );
         Pup = J*tj*tj*tj + 2*Vs*tj;
         tj = A/J;
         ta = (V-Vs)/A - tj;
         Pup = Vs*(2*tj+ta) + J*tj*tj*tj + 3*J/2*ta*tj*tj + J/2*ta*ta*tj;

      // If I'm already past my position limit, then quit now
      if( Pup > P )
         if( force ) Pup = P;
         else return false;

      // Same thing for the deceleration portion of the segment
      double tk, td, Pdn;

      if( J * (V-Ve) < D*D )
         td = 0;
         tk = sqrt( (V-Ve)/J );
         Pdn = J*tk*tk*tk + 2*Ve*tk;
         tk = D/J;
         td = (V-Ve)/D - tk;
         Pdn = Ve*(2*tk+td) + J*tk*tk*tk + 3*J/2*td*tk*tk + J/2*td*td*tk;

      // If the sum of these two distances exceeds my total length, 
      // then I can't hit this velocity during my move.
      if( Pup+Pdn > P )
         if( force ) Pdn = P - Pup;
         else return false;

      // Record the move times
      SegT[0] = tj;
      SegT[1] = ta;
      SegT[2] = tj;
      SegT[3] = (P-Pup-Pdn)/V;
      SegT[4] = tk;
      SegT[5] = td;
      SegT[6] = tk;

      if( SegT[3] < 0 ) SegT[3] = 0;
      return true;
   // Calculate run times with no jerk limits.  This is quicker & simpler
   // then the full blown calculations that include jerk limits.
   virtual void CalcNoJrk( void )
      double ve = velEnd;
      double vs = getVelStart();
      double P = length;
      double A = getMaxAcc();
      double D = getMaxDec();
      double V = getMaxVel();

      // Assume for the moment that we will hit our accel & decel limits.
      double ta = (V-vs) / A;
      double td = (V-ve) / D;
      double tv;
      double remain = P - (vs*ta + ta*ta*A/2) - (ve*td + td*td*D/2);

      if( remain >= 0 )
         tv = remain / V;

         ta = sqrt( (A+D)*(D*vs*vs + A*ve*ve + 2*A*D*P) ) / (A*(A+D)) - vs/A;
         td = (A*ta+vs-ve)/D;
         tv = 0.0;

      // Set the times for each sub-segment
      SegT[0] = 0.0;
      SegT[1] = ta;
      SegT[2] = 0.0;
      SegT[3] = tv;
      SegT[4] = 0.0;
      SegT[5] = td;
      SegT[6] = 0.0;

      // Set the acceleration at the end of each sub-segment
      SegA[0] = A;
      SegA[1] = 0;
      SegA[2] = 0;
      SegA[3] = 0;
      SegA[4] = -D;
      SegA[5] = 0;
      SegA[6] = 0;

      // Fill in the position, and velocity for 
      // the end of each of the sub-segments.
      double p = 0;
      double v = getVelStart();

      SegP[0] = 0;
      SegV[0] = v;
      for( int i=1; i<7; i+=2 )
         double t = SegT[i];
         double a = SegA[i-1];

         p += v*t + a*t*t/2;
         v += a*t;

         SegP[i] = SegP[i+1] = p;
         SegV[i] = SegV[i+1] = v;
