void OverlayMenuDisplay::redraw()
     ScopedPixelBuffer buffer = overlay_->getBuffer();
     QColor bg_color(0, 0, 0, 255.0 / 2.0);
     QColor fg_color(25, 255, 240, 255.0);
     QImage Hud = buffer.getQImage(*overlay_, bg_color);
     QPainter painter( &Hud );
     painter.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing, true);
     painter.setPen(QPen(fg_color, 1, Qt::SolidLine));
     int line_height = fontMetrics().height();
     int w = drawAreaWidth(next_menu_);
     painter.drawText(menu_padding_x,  menu_padding_y,
                      w, line_height,
                      Qt::TextWordWrap | Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignTop,
     for (size_t i = 0; i < next_menu_->menus.size(); i++) {
       std::string menu = getMenuString(next_menu_, i);
       painter.drawText(menu_padding_x, line_height * ( 1 + i ) + menu_padding_y + menu_last_padding_y,
                        w, line_height,
                        Qt::TextWordWrap | Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignTop,
     if (next_menu_->current_index <= next_menu_->menus.size()) {
       // draw '>'
       painter.drawText(menu_padding_x - fontMetrics().width(">") * 2,
                        line_height * ( 1 + next_menu_->current_index ) + menu_padding_y + menu_last_padding_y,
                        w, line_height,
                        Qt::TextWordWrap | Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignTop,
     // draw line
     int texture_width = overlay_->getTextureWidth();
     int texture_height = overlay_->getTextureHeight();
     painter.drawLine(menu_padding_x / 2, menu_last_padding_y / 2 + line_height,
                      menu_padding_x / 2, texture_height - menu_last_padding_y / 2);
     painter.drawLine(texture_width - menu_padding_x / 2, menu_last_padding_y / 2 + line_height,
                      texture_width - menu_padding_x / 2, texture_height - menu_last_padding_y / 2);
     painter.drawLine(menu_padding_x / 2, menu_last_padding_y / 2 + line_height,
                      texture_width - menu_padding_x / 2, menu_last_padding_y / 2 + line_height);
     painter.drawLine(menu_padding_x / 2, texture_height - menu_last_padding_y / 2,
                      texture_width - menu_padding_x / 2, texture_height - menu_last_padding_y / 2);
     current_menu_ = next_menu_;
   overlay_->setDimensions(overlay_->getTextureWidth(), overlay_->getTextureHeight());
   int window_width = context_->getViewManager()->getRenderPanel()->width();
   int window_height = context_->getViewManager()->getRenderPanel()->height();
   double window_left = (window_width - (int)overlay_->getTextureWidth()) / 2.0;
   double window_top = (window_height - (int)overlay_->getTextureHeight()) / 2.0;
   overlay_->setPosition(window_left, window_top);
 int OverlayMenuDisplay::drawAreaWidth(
   const jsk_rviz_plugins::OverlayMenu::ConstPtr& msg)
   QFontMetrics fm = fontMetrics();
   int max_width = 0;
   for (size_t i = 0; i < msg->menus.size(); i++) {
     int w = fm.width(getMenuString(msg, i).c_str());
     if (max_width < w) {
       max_width = w;
   int w = fm.width(msg->title.c_str());
   if (max_width < w) {
     max_width = w;
   return max_width + menu_padding_x * 2;
Esempio n. 3
void LCDDisplay::refresh()
	char blockNumber1[1]={128};//first character of the display
	char playbackOutputString[1]={0};//initialise the playback output string as NULL
	char playIcon[1]={62}; //ASCII value of closest symbol to play icon
	char pauseIcon[1]={4}; //ASCII value of closest symbol to pause icon
	char rewindIcon[1]={127}; //ASCII value of closest symbol to rewind icon
	char fForwardIcon[1]={126}; //ASCII value of closest symbol to fast forward icon
	char *playbackString; //char pointer for the playback String
	char *trackInfoString; //char pointer for the track Info String
	char *menuString; //char pointer for the menu String
	char *errorString; //char pointer for the error String
	struct timeval currentTime; // contains the struct needed for gettimeofday to function

	gettimeofday(&currentTime,NULL);//saves the current time in seconds that refresh was called
	//if the last time the function ran is half a second more than the current time:
	if ((((blocks[0].lastTime.tv_sec*1000000)+blocks[0].lastTime.tv_usec)+500000) < 
	    ((currentTime.tv_sec*1000000)+currentTime.tv_usec)) {
		setPlaybackDirty(true); // set the playback dirty flag

	//if the playback region is dirty and the string does not contain a NULL:
	if (playbackIsDirty() && getPlaybackString(&playbackString) != NULL) {
		std::cout << "playback Button Pressed\n";
		int tokenSize = strlen(playbackString);
      		//Based on the letter passed by the playback String enter a following case:
		case 'p':
                        //copy the ASCII value into the playback output String
		case 'w':
			//copy the ASCII value into the playback output String
		case 'f':
			//copy the ASCII value into the playback output String
		case 'r':
			//copy the ASCII value into the playback output String
		write(displayDevice, &displayOptionMode, 1);//enter the option mode for the device
		write(displayDevice, &blockNumber1, 1);//set the device to begin writing to block 1
		//write the currrent contents of the playback string to the display
		write(displayDevice, playbackOutputString, 1);
		delete playbackString; //delete the contents of the playback String
		setPlaybackDirty(false); //set the playback region flag to clean
	//if the track info region is dirty:
	if (trackInfoIsDirty()==true){
		blocks[1].scrollPosition=0;//set the scroll position to the first character of the region
	//if the region is not dirty wait until half a second has passed and make the region dirty.
	else if ((((blocks[1].lastTime.tv_sec*1000000)+blocks[1].lastTime.tv_usec)+500000) < 
		 ((currentTime.tv_sec*1000000)+currentTime.tv_usec)) {
		setTrackInfoDirty(true);//Set the region flag to dirty
	// if the track info region is dirty and the track info string does not contain NULL :
	if (trackInfoIsDirty() && getTrackInfoString(&trackInfoString) != NULL) {
		//call the write block function passing the track info string and the block number 1
		delete trackInfoString; // delete the track info string
		setTrackInfoDirty(false);  // set the track info region flag to clean
	//if the menu region is dirty
	if (menuIsDirty()==true){
		blocks[2].scrollPosition=0;//set the scroll position to 0
	//if the region is not dirty wait until half a second has passed and make the region dirty
	else if ((((blocks[2].lastTime.tv_sec*1000000)+blocks[2].lastTime.tv_usec)+500000) < 
		 ((currentTime.tv_sec*1000000)+currentTime.tv_usec)) {
		setMenuDirty(true);//Set the region flag to dirty

	//if the menu region is dirt and the menuString doesnt contain NULL
	if (menuIsDirty() && getMenuString(&menuString) != NULL) {
		//call the write block function passing the menu string and the block number 2
		delete menuString;//delete the menu String
		setMenuDirty(false);  // set the menu region flag to clean

	// if the error String is not NULL :
	if (getErrorString(&errorString) != NULL) {
		//call the write block function passing the Error string and the block number 3
		delete errorString; // delete the error String
		setErrorString(NULL); // set the Error String to NULL