void menuDeleteFlight(char* passMsg) { Flight flight = { NULL, NULL, 0, 0 }; programHeader(); printf("Usuwanie lotu:\n\n"); if (_inputFlight(&flight)) { if (flight.from == NULL) { sprintf(passMsg, "Nie mozna usunac lotu. Lotnisko wylotu nie istnieje w bazie.\n"); } if (flight.to == NULL) { sprintf(passMsg, "Nie mozna usunac lotu. Lotnisko przylotu nie istnieje w bazie.\n"); } else { Flight* ref = findFlightByAllData(DB_HANDLE, flight.from, flight.to, flight.departure, flight.duration); if (ref == NULL) { sprintf(passMsg, "Nie mozna usunac lotu. Lot z (%s, %s) do (%s, %s) o %hu:%02hu nie istnieje.\n", flight.from->name, flight.from->country, flight.to->name, flight.to->country, getHour(&flight.departure), getMinutes(&flight.departure)); } else { removeFlight(DB_HANDLE, ref); sprintf(passMsg, "Lot z (%s, %s) do (%s, %s) o %hu:%02hu zostal usuniety.\n", flight.from->name, flight.from->country, flight.to->name, flight.to->country, getHour(&flight.departure), getMinutes(&flight.departure)); } } } else { sprintf(passMsg, "Nie mozna usunac lotu. Niepoprawne/niepelne dane.\n"); } menuPrintAllFlights(passMsg); }
//Arma una URL para Google Maps con la ubicación actual leída por el GPS (CREDITO POR DESCIFRAR EL URL DE DANIEL ROJAS :D) void GPS_5Hz::printURL() { Serial.print("https://www.google.com/maps/preview#!q="); Serial.print(getDegrees(LATITUDE)); Serial.print("%C2%B0+"); Serial.print(getMinutes(LATITUDE), 4); Serial.print("'%2C+-"); Serial.print(getDegrees(LONGITUDE)); Serial.print("%C2%B0+"); Serial.print(getMinutes(LONGITUDE), 4); Serial.println("'"); }
void vrpProblem::load(const char* filename) { easer(); ifstream file(filename); cout << ">> Loading [" << filename << "]" << endl; double buffer; if (file) { file >> _num_stops; //read the number of stops file >> _capacity_veh; //read the capacity of vehicle file >> _speed; //speed of vehicle file >> _max_total_dist; //get maximum total dist of a vehicle _list_stops = new vrpStop[_num_stops]; //read all property of stops for (unsigned int i = 0; i < _num_stops; i++) { file >> buffer; _list_stops[i].ID = (unsigned int)buffer; file >> buffer; _list_stops[i].X = buffer; file >> buffer; _list_stops[i].Y = buffer; file >> buffer; _list_stops[i].EarlyTime = getMinutes(buffer); file >> buffer; _list_stops[i].LateTime = getMinutes(buffer); file >> buffer; _list_stops[i].ServiceTime = buffer/60; file >> buffer; _list_stops[i].Load = buffer; file >> buffer; _list_stops[i].Type = (unsigned int)buffer; } //get information about conflict stops unsigned int count_group; file >> count_group; //number of the group customer for(unsigned int i = 0 ; i < _num_stops ; i++) { if(_list_stops[i].Type != REGULAR_STOP) _list_stops[i].Group = NON_GROUP; else _list_stops[i].Group = _list_stops[i].ID % count_group; } _conflict_group = new vrpGroupConflict(count_group); unsigned int group_A, group_B; while(file >> group_A >> group_B ) _conflict_group->pushConflictGroup(group_A, group_B); file.close(); computeDistances(); } else {
Period *Period::normalizedStandard(const PeriodType *type) { type = DateTimeUtils::getPeriodType(type); int64_t millis = getMillis(); // no overflow can happen, even with Integer.MAX_VALUEs millis += (((int64_t) getSeconds()) * ((int64_t) DateTimeConstants::MILLIS_PER_SECOND)); millis += (((int64_t) getMinutes()) * ((int64_t) DateTimeConstants::MILLIS_PER_MINUTE)); millis += (((int64_t) getHours()) * ((int64_t) DateTimeConstants::MILLIS_PER_HOUR)); millis += (((int64_t) getDays()) * ((int64_t) DateTimeConstants::MILLIS_PER_DAY)); millis += (((int64_t) getWeeks()) * ((int64_t) DateTimeConstants::MILLIS_PER_WEEK)); Period *result = new Period(millis, type, ISOChronology::getInstanceUTC()); int years = getYears(); int months = getMonths(); if (years != 0 || months != 0) { int64_t totalMonths = years * 12L + months; if (type->isSupported(DurationFieldType::YEARS_TYPE)) { int normalizedYears = FieldUtils::safeToInt(totalMonths / 12); result = result->withYears(normalizedYears); totalMonths = totalMonths - (normalizedYears * 12); } if (type->isSupported(DurationFieldType::MONTHS_TYPE)) { int normalizedMonths = FieldUtils::safeToInt(totalMonths); result = result->withMonths(normalizedMonths); totalMonths = totalMonths - normalizedMonths; } if (totalMonths != 0) { string err("Unable to normalize as PeriodType is missing either years or months but period has a month/year amount: "); err.append(toString()); throw UnsupportedOperationException(err); } } return result; }
std::string as_string()const { const int MAX_TIMESTING_LEN = 256; char repr[MAX_TIMESTING_LEN]; sprintf(repr, "%3s:%02d:%02d", getDayString().c_str(), getHours(), getMinutes()); return std::string(repr); }
std::string CCopasiTimeVariable::isoFormat() const { std::stringstream Iso; bool first = true; if (mTime < LLONG_CONST(0)) { CCopasiTimeVariable Tmp(-mTime); Iso << "-"; Iso << Tmp.isoFormat(); return Iso.str(); } if (mTime >= LLONG_CONST(86400000000)) { Iso << LL2String(getDays()) << ":"; first = false; } if (mTime >= LLONG_CONST(3600000000)) Iso << LL2String(getHours(true), first ? 0 : 2) << ":"; if (mTime >= LLONG_CONST(60000000)) Iso << LL2String(getMinutes(true), first ? 0 : 2) << ":"; if (mTime >= LLONG_CONST(1000000)) Iso << LL2String(getSeconds(true), first ? 0 : 2) << "."; else Iso << "0."; Iso << LL2String(getMilliSeconds(true), 3) << LL2String(getMicroSeconds(true), 3); return Iso.str(); }
int Date::test() { unsigned long long gg = getDays(2008,12,31); getDateFromDays(gg); gg = getHours(2008,12,31,12); getDateFromHours(gg); gg = getMinutes(2008,12,31,12,56); getDateFromMinutes(gg); gg = getSeconds(2008,12,31,12,56,56); getDateFromSeconds(gg); Date d; //logger << d.toString() << endl; Date d1 = addYearsGet(1); //logger << d1.toString() << endl; Date d2 = addMonthsGet(23); //logger << d2.toString() << endl; Date d3 = addDaysGet(17); //logger << d3.toString() << endl; Date d4 = addHoursGet(25); //logger << d4.toString() << endl; Date d5 = addMinutesGet(61); //logger << d5.toString() << endl; Date d6 = addSecondsGet(61); //logger << d6.toString() << endl; return 0; }
//longitud en el formato especificado por notationType(boolean) float GPS_5Hz::getLongitude() { float longitud = 0.0; if(notation == MINUTES) longitud = longitude; else if(notation == DECIMALS) longitud = float(getDegrees(LONGITUDE))*100 + getMinutes(LONGITUDE)*100/60; return longitud; }
bool VCClock::saveXML(QDomDocument* doc, QDomElement* vc_root) { QDomElement root; Q_ASSERT(doc != NULL); Q_ASSERT(vc_root != NULL); /* VC Clock entry */ root = doc->createElement(KXMLQLCVCClock); vc_root->appendChild(root); /* Type */ ClockType type = clockType(); root.setAttribute(KXMLQLCVCClockType, typeToString(type)); if (type == Countdown) { root.setAttribute(KXMLQLCVCClockHours, getHours()); root.setAttribute(KXMLQLCVCClockMinutes, getMinutes()); root.setAttribute(KXMLQLCVCClockSeconds, getSeconds()); } saveXMLCommon(doc, &root); /* Window state */ saveXMLWindowState(doc, &root); /* Appearance */ saveXMLAppearance(doc, &root); foreach(VCClockSchedule sch, schedules()) sch.saveXML(doc, &root); return true; }
//latitud en el formato especificado por notationType(boolean) float GPS_5Hz::getLatitude() { float latitud = 0; if(notation == MINUTES) latitud = latitude; else if(notation == DECIMALS) latitud = float(getDegrees(LATITUDE))*100 + getMinutes(LATITUDE)*100/60; return latitud; }
unsigned long long Date::getSeconds(long y,long m,long d, long hh, long mi, long ss) const { long g = getMinutes(y,m,d,hh,mi); int sfm = ss/60; ss = ss%60; return (g+sfm)*60 + ss; }
ostream& Time::putDataInStream( ostream& os) const { //put (semi-formatted) time (H:M:S) into an output stream os << getHours() << ":"; os << getMinutes() << ":"; os << getSeconds(); return os; }
/** * Die Uhrzeit auslesen und in den Variablen ablegen */ void MyRTC::readTime() { byte returnStatus, count, result, retries = 0; do { // Reset the register pointer Wire.beginTransmission(_address); Wire.write((uint8_t) 0x00); result = Wire.endTransmission(false); // false, damit der Bus nicht freigegeben wird und eventuell andere dazwischen kommen (in Multi-MCU-Umgebungen) DEBUG_PRINT(F("Wire.endTransmission(false) = ")); DEBUG_PRINTLN(result); count = Wire.requestFrom(_address, 7); DEBUG_PRINT(F("Wire.requestFrom(_address, 7) = ")); DEBUG_PRINTLN(count); DEBUG_FLUSH(); if (count == 7) { // Success // A few of these need masks because certain bits are control bits _seconds = bcdToDec(Wire.read() & 0x7f); _minutes = bcdToDec(Wire.read()); _hours = bcdToDec(Wire.read() & 0x3f); // Need to change this if 12 hour am/pm _dayOfWeek = bcdToDec(Wire.read()); _date = bcdToDec(Wire.read()); _month = bcdToDec(Wire.read()); _year = bcdToDec(Wire.read()); } else { // Fail // keine 7 Byte zurueck gekommen? Buffer verwerfen... for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { Wire.read(); } retries++; } result = Wire.endTransmission(true); // true, jetzt den Bus freigeben. DEBUG_PRINT(F("Wire.endTransmission(true) = ")); DEBUG_PRINTLN(result); } while ((count != 7) && (retries < 8)); if (retries == 8) { // Es konnte nichts gelesen werden _seconds = 11; _minutes = 11; _hours = 11; _dayOfWeek = 1; _date = 1; _month = 1; _year = 2014; } DEBUG_PRINT(F("Time: ")); DEBUG_PRINT(getHours()); DEBUG_PRINT(F(":")); DEBUG_PRINT(getMinutes()); DEBUG_PRINT(F(":")); DEBUG_PRINTLN(getSeconds()); DEBUG_FLUSH(); }
ostream& Time::putDataInStream( ostream& os) const { //put digital clock formatted time ("HH:MM:SS") into an output stream os << setfill('0'); os << setw(2) << getHours() << ":"; os << setw(2) << getMinutes() << ":"; os << setw(2) << getSeconds(); os << setfill(' '); return os; }
const string Time::toFormattedString() const { //return time formatted output ("HH:MM:SS") ostringstream os_time; os_time << setfill('0'); os_time << setw(2) << getHours() << ":"; os_time << setw(2) << getMinutes() << ":"; os_time << setw(2) << getSeconds(); return ( os_time.str()); }
void printPrettyTime() { tcputs(itoa(getHours()),COLOR_WHITE); tcputs(":",COLOR_WHITE); tcputs(itoa(getMinutes()),COLOR_WHITE); tcputs(":",COLOR_WHITE); tcputs(itoa(getSeconds()),COLOR_WHITE); tputs("\n"); }
Seconds *Period::toStandardSeconds() { checkYearsAndMonths("Seconds"); int64_t seconds = getMillis() / DateTimeConstants::MILLIS_PER_SECOND; seconds = FieldUtils::safeAdd(seconds, (int64_t) getSeconds()); seconds = FieldUtils::safeAdd(seconds, ((int64_t) getMinutes()) * ((int64_t) DateTimeConstants::SECONDS_PER_MINUTE)); seconds = FieldUtils::safeAdd(seconds, ((int64_t) getHours()) * ((int64_t) DateTimeConstants::SECONDS_PER_HOUR)); seconds = FieldUtils::safeAdd(seconds, ((int64_t) getDays()) * ((int64_t) DateTimeConstants::SECONDS_PER_DAY)); seconds = FieldUtils::safeAdd(seconds, ((int64_t) getWeeks()) * ((int64_t) DateTimeConstants::SECONDS_PER_WEEK)); return Seconds::seconds(FieldUtils::safeToInt(seconds)); }
Weeks *Period::toStandardWeeks() { checkYearsAndMonths("Weeks"); int64_t millis = getMillis(); // assign to a int64_t millis += ((int64_t) getSeconds()) * DateTimeConstants::MILLIS_PER_SECOND; millis += ((int64_t) getMinutes()) * DateTimeConstants::MILLIS_PER_MINUTE; millis += ((int64_t) getHours()) * DateTimeConstants::MILLIS_PER_HOUR; millis += ((int64_t) getDays()) * DateTimeConstants::MILLIS_PER_DAY; int64_t weeks = ((int64_t) getWeeks()) + millis / DateTimeConstants::MILLIS_PER_WEEK; return Weeks::weeks(FieldUtils::safeToInt(weeks)); }
void LedTimer::_setTime() { unsigned short minutes = getMinutes(); unsigned short seconds = getSeconds(); mLedDigits[0].setNumber( minutes / 10 ); mLedDigits[1].setNumber( minutes % 10 ); mLedDigits[2].setNumber( seconds / 10 ); mLedDigits[3].setNumber( seconds % 10 ); }
Duration *Period::toStandardDuration() { checkYearsAndMonths("Duration"); int64_t millis = getMillis(); // no overflow can happen, even with Integer.MAX_VALUEs millis += (((int64_t) getSeconds()) * ((int64_t) DateTimeConstants::MILLIS_PER_SECOND)); millis += (((int64_t) getMinutes()) * ((int64_t) DateTimeConstants::MILLIS_PER_MINUTE)); millis += (((int64_t) getHours()) * ((int64_t) DateTimeConstants::MILLIS_PER_HOUR)); millis += (((int64_t) getDays()) * ((int64_t) DateTimeConstants::MILLIS_PER_DAY)); millis += (((int64_t) getWeeks()) * ((int64_t) DateTimeConstants::MILLIS_PER_WEEK)); return new Duration(millis); }
char* DS1307::getTime(void) { uint8_t seconds = getSeconds(); uint8_t minutes = getMinutes(); hours_t hours = getHours(); snprintf(timeBuf, 10, "%02d:%02d:%02d", hours.hours, minutes, seconds); return timeBuf; }
Minutes *Period::toStandardMinutes() { checkYearsAndMonths("Minutes"); int64_t millis = getMillis(); // assign to a int64_t millis += ((int64_t) getSeconds()) * DateTimeConstants::MILLIS_PER_SECOND; int64_t minutes = millis / DateTimeConstants::MILLIS_PER_MINUTE; minutes = FieldUtils::safeAdd(minutes, (int64_t) getMinutes()); minutes = FieldUtils::safeAdd(minutes, ((int64_t) getHours()) * ((int64_t) DateTimeConstants::MINUTES_PER_HOUR)); minutes = FieldUtils::safeAdd(minutes, ((int64_t) getDays()) * ((int64_t) DateTimeConstants::MINUTES_PER_DAY)); minutes = FieldUtils::safeAdd(minutes, ((int64_t) getWeeks()) * ((int64_t) DateTimeConstants::MINUTES_PER_WEEK)); return Minutes::minutes(FieldUtils::safeToInt(minutes)); }
Days *Period::toStandardDays() { checkYearsAndMonths("Days"); int64_t millis = getMillis(); // assign to a int64_t millis += ((int64_t) getSeconds()) * DateTimeConstants::MILLIS_PER_SECOND; millis += ((int64_t) getMinutes()) * DateTimeConstants::MILLIS_PER_MINUTE; millis += ((int64_t) getHours()) * DateTimeConstants::MILLIS_PER_HOUR; int64_t days = millis / DateTimeConstants::MILLIS_PER_DAY; days = FieldUtils::safeAdd(days, (int64_t) getDays()); days = FieldUtils::safeAdd(days, ((int64_t) getWeeks()) * ((int64_t) DateTimeConstants::DAYS_PER_WEEK)); return Days::days(FieldUtils::safeToInt(days)); }
void consoleService() { char ch ; ch = readKey(); if ( ch < 1 ) { ch = readServer(); if (ch < 1) return; } if ( controlMode(ch) ) { p(" -> %02d:%02d:%02d ", getHours(), getMinutes(), getSeconds() ); } }
/* get time in string format * default format is: * "hh:mm::ss'ddd", * where: * hh - hour, * mm - minures, * ss - seconds, * ddd - miliseconds. */ rfc::String rfc::Time::getTimeString() const { /* if (isInfinity) return QString("infinity"); */ return String::toString(getHours()) + QString(":") + String::toString(getMinutes()) + QString(":") + String::toString(getSeconds()) + QString("'") + String::toString(getMilliSec()); } /* end of 'Time::getTimeString' function */
zstring TimeZone::toString() const { zstring result; if ( *this ) { if ( !gmtoff_ ) result = 'Z'; else { result += *this < 0 ? '-' : '+'; result += zero_pad( std::abs( getHours() ), 2 ); result += ':'; result += zero_pad( std::abs( getMinutes() ), 2 ); } } return result; }
// returns str of length 6 (with zero symbol) const char* getTimeStrHoursMinutes(void) { static char timeStrBuff[6]; const uint08 hours = getHours(); timeStrBuff[0] = GET_PROGMEM_DIGIT(hours / 10); timeStrBuff[1] = GET_PROGMEM_DIGIT(hours % 10); timeStrBuff[2] = ':'; const uint08 minutes = getMinutes(); timeStrBuff[3] = GET_PROGMEM_DIGIT(minutes / 10); timeStrBuff[4] = GET_PROGMEM_DIGIT(minutes % 10); timeStrBuff[5] = '\0'; return timeStrBuff; }
string Time::toString() { stringstream h; h << getHours(); stringstream m; m << getMinutes(); stringstream s; s << getSeconds(); string output = ""; output += h.str(); output += ':'; output += m.str(); output += ':'; output += s.str(); return output; }
// Print the current time and A/B signal levels on the console void showTime() { unsigned int s = getSeconds(); //-- Newline + whole time every minute if ( s == 0 ) p("\r\n%02u%s:%02u:%02u ", getHours(), getDST() ? "D" : "", getMinutes(), s); else if ( (s % 10 ) == 0) p("%02u", s ); else p("-"); //-- Show the A/B/D/E pulse status, F level if (getA()) p("A"); if (getB()) p("B"); if (getD()) p("D"); if (getE()) p("E"); if (getF()) p("F"); }
uint32_t RTCDue::unixtime () { uint32_t _ticks; uint16_t _days; _hour = getHours (); _minute = getMinutes (); _second = getSeconds (); _day = getDay (); _month = getMonth (); _year = getYear (); //4 digits // Based on https://github.com/punkiller/workspace/blob/master/string2UnixTimeStamp.cpp // days of the years between start of unixtime and now _days = 365 * (_year - 1970); // add days from switch years in between except year from date for( int i = 1970; i < _year; i++ ){ if( switch_years (i) ) { _days++; } } // Based on https://github.com/adafruit/RTClib/blob/master/RTClib.cpp // add switch day from actuall year if necessary for ( int i = 1; i < _month; ++i ) _days += daysInMonth[i - 1]; if ( _month > 2 && switch_years (_year) ) ++_days; _days += _day - 1; _ticks = ((_days * 24 + _hour) * 60 + _minute) * 60 + _second; return _ticks; }