void MainMenuWindow::fillModules() { MenuBase* modulesMenu = getMenu("MainMenu/Modules/Menu"); ModuleMap modules = CoreSubsystem::getSingleton().getAllModules(); mActiveModule = CoreSubsystem::getSingleton().getActiveAdventureModule(); for(ModuleMap::iterator modIt = modules.begin(); modIt != modules.end(); modIt++) { ContentModule* mod = (*modIt).second; if (!mod->isCommon()) { if (mActiveModule == NULL) mActiveModule = mod; MenuItem* it = static_cast<MenuItem*>( CEGUI::WindowManager::getSingleton().createWindow("RastullahLook/MenuItem", getNamePrefix()+"MainMenu/Modules/" + mod->getId())); if (mod == mActiveModule) it->setText(mod->getName() + " *"); else it->setText(mod->getName()); modulesMenu->addItem(it); it->subscribeEvent( MenuItem::EventClicked, boost::bind(&MainMenuWindow::handleChooseModule, this, it, mod)); } } }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { ros::init(argc, argv, "batteryInfo"); nodeHandle = ros::NodeHandlePtr(new ros::NodeHandle("~")); getNamePrefix(); ROS_INFO("Subscribing to /diagnostics ..."); ros::Subscriber diagnosticsSub = nodeHandle->subscribe("/diagnostics", 1, diagnosticsCallback); ros::spin(); return 0; }
uint64_t NamePrefixTableEntry::removeRoutingTableEntry(std::shared_ptr<RoutingTablePoolEntry> entryPtr) { auto iterator = std::find(m_rteList.begin(), m_rteList.end(), entryPtr); if (iterator != m_rteList.end()) { (*iterator)->decrementUseCount(); // Remove this NamePrefixEntry from the RoutingTablePoolEntry (*iterator)->namePrefixTableEntries.erase(getNamePrefix()); m_rteList.erase(iterator); } else { NLSR_LOG_ERROR("Routing entry for: " << entryPtr->getDestination() << " not found in NPT entry: " << getNamePrefix()); } return entryPtr->getUseCount(); }
void InGameMenuWindow::createMenu(MenuBase* menu) { CEGUI::WindowManager* windowMan = CEGUI::WindowManager::getSingletonPtr(); const ActionVector actions = ActionManager::getSingleton().getInGameGlobalActions(); map<CeGuiString, PopupMenu*> menuGroups; for (ActionVector::const_iterator actIter = actions.begin(); actIter != actions.end(); actIter++) { Action* action = *actIter; ActionGroup* group = action->getGroup(); if (group != NULL) { PopupMenu* menuGrp; map<CeGuiString, PopupMenu*>::iterator grpIter = menuGroups.find(group->getName()); if (grpIter != menuGroups.end()) { menuGrp = (*grpIter).second; } else { MenuItem* grpItem = static_cast<MenuItem*>(windowMan->createWindow("RastullahLook/MenuItem", getNamePrefix()+"IngameMenu/"+group->getName())); grpItem->setText(group->getName()); menu->addChildWindow(grpItem); menuGrp = static_cast<PopupMenu*>(windowMan->createWindow("RastullahLook/PopupMenu", getNamePrefix()+"IngameMenu/Menu"+group->getName())); grpItem->addChildWindow(menuGrp); menuGroups[group->getName()] = menuGrp; } MenuItem* item = static_cast<MenuItem*>(windowMan->createWindow("RastullahLook/MenuItem", getNamePrefix()+"IngameMenu/"+group->getName()+"/"+action->getName())); item->setText(action->getDescription()); menuGrp->addChildWindow(item); setAction(item, action); } } }
int64_t ThriftServer::getLoad(const std::string& counter, bool check_custom) { if (check_custom && getLoad_) { return getLoad_(counter); } int reqload = 0; int connload = 0; int queueload = 0; if (maxRequests_ > 0) { reqload = (100*(activeRequests_ + getPendingCount())) / ((float)maxRequests_); } auto ioGroup = getIOGroupSafe(); auto workerFactory = ioGroup != nullptr ? std::dynamic_pointer_cast<wangle::NamedThreadFactory>( ioGroup->getThreadFactory()) : nullptr; if (maxConnections_ > 0) { int32_t connections = 0; forEachWorker([&](wangle::Acceptor* acceptor) mutable { auto worker = dynamic_cast<Cpp2Worker*>(acceptor); connections += worker->getPendingCount(); }); connload = (100*connections) / (float)maxConnections_; } auto tm = getThreadManager(); if (tm) { auto codel = tm->getCodel(); if (codel) { queueload = codel->getLoad(); } } if (VLOG_IS_ON(1) && workerFactory) { FB_LOG_EVERY_MS(INFO, 1000 * 10) << workerFactory->getNamePrefix() << " load is: " << reqload << "% requests, " << connload << "% connections, " << queueload << "% queue time, " << activeRequests_ << " active reqs, " << getPendingCount() << " pending reqs"; } int load = std::max({reqload, connload, queueload}); return load; }
uint64_t NamePrefixTableEntry::removeRoutingTableEntry(shared_ptr<RoutingTablePoolEntry> rtpePtr) { auto rtpeItr = std::find(m_rteList.begin(), m_rteList.end(), rtpePtr); if (rtpeItr != m_rteList.end()) { (*rtpeItr)->decrementUseCount(); m_rteList.erase(rtpeItr); } else { _LOG_ERROR("Routing entry for: " << rtpePtr->getDestination() << " not found in NPT entry: " << getNamePrefix()); } return (*rtpeItr)->getUseCount(); }
std::string ThriftServer::getLoadInfo(int64_t load) const { auto ioGroup = getIOGroupSafe(); auto workerFactory = ioGroup != nullptr ? std::dynamic_pointer_cast<folly::NamedThreadFactory>( ioGroup->getThreadFactory()) : nullptr; if (!workerFactory) { return ""; } std::stringstream stream; stream << workerFactory->getNamePrefix() << " load is: " << load << "% requests, " << getActiveRequests() << " active reqs"; return stream.str(); }
std::string ThriftServer::getLoadInfo(int64_t reqload, int64_t connload, int64_t queueload) { auto ioGroup = getIOGroupSafe(); auto workerFactory = ioGroup != nullptr ? std::dynamic_pointer_cast<wangle::NamedThreadFactory>( ioGroup->getThreadFactory()) : nullptr; if (!workerFactory) { return ""; } std::stringstream stream; stream << workerFactory->getNamePrefix() << " load is: " << reqload << "% requests, " << connload << "% connections, " << queueload << "% queue time, " << activeRequests_ << " active reqs, " << getPendingCount() << " pending reqs"; return stream.str(); }