Esempio n. 1
void LLViewerCamera::calcProjection(const F32 far_distance) const
	F32 fov_y, z_far, z_near, aspect, f;
	fov_y = getView();
	z_far = far_distance;
	z_near = getNear();
	aspect = getAspect();

	f = 1/tan(fov_y*0.5f);

	mProjectionMatrix.mMatrix[0][0] = f/aspect;
	mProjectionMatrix.mMatrix[1][1] = f;
	mProjectionMatrix.mMatrix[2][2] = (z_far + z_near)/(z_near - z_far);
	mProjectionMatrix.mMatrix[3][2] = (2*z_far*z_near)/(z_near - z_far);
	mProjectionMatrix.mMatrix[2][3] = -1;
Esempio n. 2
void LLViewerCamera::setPerspective(BOOL for_selection,
									S32 x, S32 y_from_bot, S32 width, S32 height,
									BOOL limit_select_distance,
									F32 z_near, F32 z_far)
	F32 fov_y, aspect;
	fov_y = RAD_TO_DEG * getView();
	BOOL z_default_near, z_default_far = FALSE;
	if (z_far <= 0)
		z_default_far = TRUE;
		z_far = getFar();
	if (z_near <= 0)
		z_default_near = TRUE;
		z_near = getNear();
	aspect = getAspect();

	// Load camera view matrix
	glMatrixMode( GL_PROJECTION );

	glh::matrix4f proj_mat;

	if (for_selection)
		// make a tiny little viewport
		// anything drawn into this viewport will be "selected"

		GLint viewport[4];
		viewport[0] = gViewerWindow->getWorldViewRectRaw().mLeft;
		viewport[1] = gViewerWindow->getWorldViewRectRaw().mBottom;
		viewport[2] = gViewerWindow->getWorldViewRectRaw().getWidth();
		viewport[3] = gViewerWindow->getWorldViewRectRaw().getHeight();
		proj_mat = gl_pick_matrix(x+width/2.f, y_from_bot+height/2.f, (GLfloat) width, (GLfloat) height, viewport);

		if (limit_select_distance)
			// distance from control
			z_far = gSavedSettings.getF32("MaxSelectDistance");
			z_far = gAgent.mDrawDistance;
		// Only override the far clip if it's not passed in explicitly.
		if (z_default_far)
			z_far = MAX_FAR_CLIP;
		glViewport(x, y_from_bot, width, height);
		gGLViewport[0] = x;
		gGLViewport[1] = y_from_bot;
		gGLViewport[2] = width;
		gGLViewport[3] = height;
	if (mZoomFactor > 1.f)
		float offset = mZoomFactor - 1.f;
		int pos_y = mZoomSubregion / llceil(mZoomFactor);
		int pos_x = mZoomSubregion - (pos_y*llceil(mZoomFactor));
		glh::matrix4f translate;
		translate.set_translate(glh::vec3f(offset - (F32)pos_x * 2.f, offset - (F32)pos_y * 2.f, 0.f));
		glh::matrix4f scale;
		scale.set_scale(glh::vec3f(mZoomFactor, mZoomFactor, 1.f));

		proj_mat = scale*proj_mat;
		proj_mat = translate*proj_mat;

	calcProjection(z_far); // Update the projection matrix cache

	proj_mat *= gl_perspective(fov_y,aspect,z_near,z_far);


	for (U32 i = 0; i < 16; i++)
		gGLProjection[i] = proj_mat.m[i];

	glMatrixMode( GL_MODELVIEW );

	glh::matrix4f modelview((GLfloat*) OGL_TO_CFR_ROTATION);

	GLfloat			ogl_matrix[16];


	modelview *= glh::matrix4f(ogl_matrix);
	if (for_selection && (width > 1 || height > 1))
		// NB: as of this writing, i believe the code below is broken (doesn't take into account the world view, assumes entire window)
		// however, it is also unused (the GL matricies are used for selection, (see LLCamera::sphereInFrustum())) and so i'm not
		// comfortable hacking on it.
		calculateFrustumPlanesFromWindow((F32)(x - width / 2) / (F32)gViewerWindow->getWindowWidthScaled() - 0.5f,
								(F32)(y_from_bot - height / 2) / (F32)gViewerWindow->getWindowHeightScaled() - 0.5f,
								(F32)(x + width / 2) / (F32)gViewerWindow->getWindowWidthScaled() - 0.5f,
								(F32)(y_from_bot + height / 2) / (F32)gViewerWindow->getWindowHeightScaled() - 0.5f);


	// if not picking and not doing a snapshot, cache various GL matrices
	if (!for_selection && mZoomFactor == 1.f)
		// Save GL matrices for access elsewhere in code, especially project_world_to_screen
		//glGetDoublev(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, gGLModelView);
		for (U32 i = 0; i < 16; i++)
			gGLModelView[i] = modelview.m[i];


	/*if (gSavedSettings.getBOOL("CameraOffset"))
Esempio n. 3
void LLViewerCamera::calcProjection(const F32 far_distance) const
	mProjectionMatrix = gGL.genPersp( getView()*RAD_TO_DEG, getAspect(), getNear(), far_distance );
Esempio n. 4
void LLViewerCamera::setPerspective(BOOL for_selection,
									S32 x, S32 y_from_bot, S32 width, S32 height,
									BOOL limit_select_distance,
									F32 z_near, F32 z_far)
	F32 fov_y, aspect;
	fov_y = RAD_TO_DEG * getView();
	BOOL z_default_far = FALSE;
	if (z_far <= 0)
		z_default_far = TRUE;
		z_far = getFar();
	if (z_near <= 0)
		z_near = getNear();
	aspect = getAspect();

	// Load camera view matrix
	gGL.matrixMode( LLRender::MM_PROJECTION );

	LLMatrix4a proj_mat;

	if (for_selection)
		// make a tiny little viewport
		// anything drawn into this viewport will be "selected"

		const LLRect& rect = gViewerWindow->getWorldViewRectRaw();
		const F32 scale_x = rect.getWidth() / F32(width);
		const F32 scale_y = rect.getHeight() / F32(height);
		const F32 trans_x = scale_x + (2.f * (rect.mLeft - x)) / F32(width) - 1.f;
		const F32 trans_y = scale_y + (2.f * (rect.mBottom - y_from_bot)) / F32(height) - 1.f;

		//Generate a pick matrix
		proj_mat.applyScale_affine(scale_x, scale_y, 1.f);
		proj_mat.setTranslate_affine(LLVector3(trans_x, trans_y, 0.f));

		if (limit_select_distance)
			// distance from control
//			z_far = gSavedSettings.getF32("MaxSelectDistance");
// [RLVa:KB] - Checked: 2010-04-11 (RLVa-1.2.0e) | Added: RLVa-1.2.0e
			z_far = (!gRlvHandler.hasBehaviour(RLV_BHVR_FARTOUCH)) ? gSavedSettings.getF32("MaxSelectDistance") : 1.5;
// [/RLVa:KB]
			z_far = gAgentCamera.mDrawDistance;
		// Only override the far clip if it's not passed in explicitly.
		if (z_default_far)
			z_far = MAX_FAR_CLIP;
		glViewport(x, y_from_bot, width, height);
		gGLViewport[0] = x;
		gGLViewport[1] = y_from_bot;
		gGLViewport[2] = width;
		gGLViewport[3] = height;
	if (mZoomFactor > 1.f)
		float offset = mZoomFactor - 1.f;
		int pos_y = mZoomSubregion / llceil(mZoomFactor);
		int pos_x = mZoomSubregion - (pos_y*llceil(mZoomFactor));

		proj_mat.applyTranslation_affine(offset - (F32)pos_x * 2.f, offset - (F32)pos_y * 2.f, 0.f);

	calcProjection(z_far); // Update the projection matrix cache

	gGLProjection = proj_mat;

	gGL.matrixMode(LLRender::MM_MODELVIEW );

	LLMatrix4a ogl_matrix;

	LLMatrix4a modelview;
	modelview.setMul(OGL_TO_CFR_ROTATION, ogl_matrix);
	if (for_selection && (width > 1 || height > 1))
		// NB: as of this writing, i believe the code below is broken (doesn't take into account the world view, assumes entire window)
		// however, it is also unused (the GL matricies are used for selection, (see LLCamera::sphereInFrustum())) and so i'm not
		// comfortable hacking on it.
		calculateFrustumPlanesFromWindow((F32)(x - width / 2) / (F32)gViewerWindow->getWindowWidthScaled() - 0.5f,
								(F32)(y_from_bot - height / 2) / (F32)gViewerWindow->getWindowHeightScaled() - 0.5f,
								(F32)(x + width / 2) / (F32)gViewerWindow->getWindowWidthScaled() - 0.5f,
								(F32)(y_from_bot + height / 2) / (F32)gViewerWindow->getWindowHeightScaled() - 0.5f);


	// if not picking and not doing a snapshot, cache various GL matrices
	if (!for_selection && mZoomFactor == 1.f)
		// Save GL matrices for access elsewhere in code, especially project_world_to_screen
		//glGetDoublev(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, gGLModelView);


	/*if (gSavedSettings.getBOOL("CameraOffset"))
Esempio n. 5
void Frustum::generateFrustumPlanes( Camera* camera, Plane* frustum ) {
	// Generate planes
	float nearHeight = 2 * tan( getFOV() / 2 ) * getNear();
	float nearWidth  = nearHeight * getAspect();
	//float farHeight  = 2 * tan( getFOV() / 2 ) * getFar();
	//float farWidth = farHeight * getAspect();
	Vector3 fc, nc, tmp;
	Vector3 ynh, xnw, X, Y, Z;
	Z = Vector3( camera->getCenterOfProjection() );
	Z.sub( Z, camera->getLookAtPoint() );
	X.cross( camera->getUp(), Z );
	Y.cross( Z, X );
	ynh = Vector3( Y );
	ynh.scale( nearHeight / 2 );
	xnw = Vector3( X );
	xnw.scale( nearWidth / 2 );
	tmp = Vector3( Z );
	tmp.scale( getNear() );
	nc = Vector3( camera->getCenterOfProjection() ); 
	nc.sub( nc, tmp );
	tmp = Vector3( Z );
	tmp.scale( getFar() );
	fc = Vector3( camera->getCenterOfProjection() );
	fc.sub( fc, tmp );
	Vector3 aux, normal;
	frustum[ NEAR ].setNormal( Z.getX(), Z.getY(), Z.getZ() );
	frustum[ NEAR ].setPoint( nc );
	frustum[ FAR  ].setNormal( -Z.getX(), -Z.getY(), -Z.getZ() );	
	frustum[ FAR  ].setPoint( fc );
	aux = Vector3( nc );
	aux.add( aux, ynh );
	frustum[ TOP  ].setPoint( aux );
	aux.sub( aux, camera->getCenterOfProjection() );
	normal.cross( aux, X );
	frustum[ TOP  ].setNormal( normal.getX(), normal.getY(), normal.getZ() );
	aux = Vector3( nc );
	aux.sub( aux, ynh );
	frustum[ BOTTOM ].setPoint( aux );
	aux.sub( aux, camera->getCenterOfProjection() );
	normal.cross( X, aux );
	frustum[ BOTTOM ].setNormal( normal.getX(), normal.getY(), normal.getZ() );
	aux = Vector3( nc );
	aux.sub( aux, xnw );
	frustum[ LEFT ].setPoint( aux );
	aux.sub( aux, camera->getCenterOfProjection() );
	normal.cross( aux, Y );
	frustum[ LEFT ].setNormal( normal.getX(), normal.getY(), normal.getZ() );
	aux = Vector3( nc );
	aux.add( aux, xnw );
	frustum[ RIGHT ].setPoint( aux );
	aux.sub( aux, camera->getCenterOfProjection() );
	normal.cross( Y, aux );
	frustum[ RIGHT ].setNormal( normal.getX(), normal.getY(), normal.getZ() );