Esempio n. 1
void KisImagePyramid::drawFromOriginalImage(QPainter& gc, KisPPUpdateInfoSP info)
    KisImagePatch patch = getNearestPatch(info);
    patch.drawMe(gc, info->viewportRect, info->renderHints);
void AI_Car_Experimental::updateSteer()

	const BEZIER *curr_patch_ptr = GetCurrentPatch(car);

	//if car has no contact with track, just let it roll
	if (!curr_patch_ptr || isRecovering)
		last_patch = getNearestPatch(last_patch);

		//if car is off track, steer the car towards the last patch it was on
		//this should get the car back on track
		curr_patch_ptr = last_patch;

		//recover to the road.

	last_patch = curr_patch_ptr; //store the last patch car was on

	BEZIER curr_patch = RevisePatch(curr_patch_ptr, use_racingline);


	//if there is no next patch (probably a non-closed track), let it roll
	if (!curr_patch.GetNextPatch()) return;

	BEZIER next_patch = RevisePatch(curr_patch.GetNextPatch(), use_racingline);

	//find the point to steer towards
	float track_width = GetPatchWidthVector(curr_patch).Magnitude();
	float lookahead = track_width * LOOKAHEAD_FACTOR1 +
			car->GetVelocity().Magnitude() * LOOKAHEAD_FACTOR2;
	lookahead = 1.0;
	float length = 0.0;
	MATHVECTOR <float, 3> dest_point = GetPatchFrontCenter(next_patch);

	while (length < lookahead)

		length += GetPatchDirection(next_patch).Magnitude();
		dest_point = GetPatchFrontCenter(next_patch);

		//if there is no next patch for whatever reason, stop lookahead
		if (!next_patch.GetNextPatch())
			length = lookahead;

		next_patch = RevisePatch(next_patch.GetNextPatch(), use_racingline);

		//if next patch is a very sharp corner, stop lookahead
		if (GetPatchRadius(next_patch) < LOOKAHEAD_MIN_RADIUS)
			length = lookahead;

	MATHVECTOR <float, 3> next_position = TransformToWorldspace(dest_point);
	MATHVECTOR <float, 3> car_position = car->GetCenterOfMassPosition();
	MATHVECTOR <float, 3> car_orientation = direction::Forward;

	MATHVECTOR <float, 3> desire_orientation = next_position - car_position;

	//car's direction on the horizontal plane
	car_orientation[2] = 0;
	//desired direction on the horizontal plane
	desire_orientation[2] = 0;

	car_orientation = car_orientation.Normalize();
	desire_orientation = desire_orientation.Normalize();

	//the angle between car's direction and unit y vector (forward direction)
	double alpha = Angle(car_orientation[0], car_orientation[1]);

	//the angle between desired direction and unit y vector (forward direction)
	double beta = Angle(desire_orientation[0], desire_orientation[1]);

	//calculate steering angle and direction
	double angle = beta - alpha;

	//angle += steerAwayFromOthers(c, dt, othercars, angle); //sum in traffic avoidance bias

	if (angle > -360.0 && angle <= -180.0)
		angle = -(360.0 + angle);
	else if (angle > -180.0 && angle <= 0.0)
		angle = - angle;
	else if (angle > 0.0 && angle <= 180.0)
		angle = - angle;
	else if (angle > 180.0 && angle <= 360.0)
		angle = 360.0 - angle;

	float optimum_range = car->GetOptimumSteeringAngle();
	angle = clamp(angle, -optimum_range, optimum_range);

	float steer_value = angle / car->GetMaxSteeringAngle();
	if (steer_value > 1.0) steer_value = 1.0;
	else if (steer_value < -1.0) steer_value = -1.0;

		// If we are driving backwards, we need to invert steer direction.
		steer_value = steer_value > 0.0 ? -1.0 : 1.0;
	inputs[CARINPUT::STEER_RIGHT] = steer_value;