    const double current_time,
    const double new_time,
    const int cycle_num)
    AdvDiffHierarchyIntegrator::integrateHierarchy(current_time, new_time, cycle_num);
    const double dt = new_time - current_time;
    const double half_time = current_time+0.5*dt;
    const int coarsest_ln = 0;
    const int finest_ln = d_hierarchy->getFinestLevelNumber();
    const bool initial_time = MathUtilities<double>::equalEps(d_integrator_time, d_start_time);
    VariableDatabase<NDIM>* var_db = VariableDatabase<NDIM>::getDatabase();

    // Check to make sure that the number of cycles is what we expect it to be.
    const int expected_num_cycles = getNumberOfCycles();
    if (d_current_num_cycles != expected_num_cycles)
                pout << "AdvDiffPredictorCorrectorHierarchyIntegrator::integrateHierarchy():\n"
                     << "  WARNING: num_cycles = " << d_current_num_cycles << " but expected num_cycles = " << expected_num_cycles << ".\n";
Esempio n. 2
int main(int argc, char **argv){
   __u32 *pSrc;
   __u32 rawData;
   __u16 *pTgt, *pTgtoutput, *pRawData, *pErrFileDataoutput,*pErrFileData;
   __u32 *pRBData;
   //for the files that are opened
   int block, major, minor;
   FILE *frames;
   FILE *logfile;
   FILE *errfile;
   FILE *rbrawfile;
   FILE *rawfile;
   char pathandfilename[96]="";
   char errpathandfilename[96];
   char line[255];
   char putline[255];
   char foldername[96]="";
   int data[212];
   int frameaddress[3];
   int *pframeaddress;
   __u16 rawdata[212];
   int errfiledata[212];
   int cycles, result,n, linecounter, cyclestoreach, i,erroroccured, cycleserrors, linenumber, linenumbercount, overallerrors;
   //for the time
   struct tm *l_time;
   time_t now;
   char mytime[20];
   //for the Hardwareerrorregisters
   unsigned short hwnoferrorsreg;
   unsigned short hwnoflastframewitherr;
   unsigned short hwnoflastframe;
   unsigned short hwnofcycles;
   unsigned short hwstatusreg;
   unsigned short hwerrreg;
   char ReadbackRawFrameFilename[64];
   char RawFrameFilename[64];
   char ErrorFrameFilename[64];
   pframeaddress = &frameaddress[0];
   block = -1;
   major = -1;
   minor = -1;
   cycles = 0;
   cyclestoreach = 0;
   n = 0;
   i = 0;
   linecounter = 0;
   hwnoferrorsreg = 0;
   hwnoflastframewitherr = 0;
   hwnoflastframe = 0;
   hwnofcycles = 0;
   hwerrreg = 0;
   hwstatusreg = 0;
   erroroccured = 0;
   cycleserrors = 0;
   linenumber = 0;
   linenumbercount = 0;
   overallerrors = 0;
   //enable writing to the RCU

   //initialization of the registers
   result = init();
   if(result < 0){
	printf("Initialization failed: %d\n", result);
   //create a logfile and write a header to it

   // test for the number of parameters
   if((argc != 2) && (argc != 3)) {
        perror("usage: framever <frames> [Cycles]\n");
        return EXIT_FAILURE;
   // if no number of cycles is given use a default
   if(argv[2] == NULL){
	cyclestoreach = 2;
	printf("No Parameter for Cycles given, using Cycles = 2\n");
	cyclestoreach = atoi(argv[2]);
	printf("Using given parameter %d for Cycles.\n", cyclestoreach);
   printf("CyclestoReach: %d\n", cyclestoreach);

   // count the number of frames to be handled
   linenumbercount = linenumber = getLinesnumberFromFile(argv[1]);

   //open frames.txt for reading
   if((frames=fopen(argv[1],"r")) < 0){
        printf("Could not open %s for reading!\n",argv[1]);
        return EXIT_FAILURE;

   //open logfile for writing	
   if((logfile=fopen("log.txt","a+b")) < 0){
       	printf("Could not open %s for reading!\n",argv[1]);
       	return EXIT_FAILURE;
	printf("writing to logfile log.txt.\n");
   sprintf(putline,"framever working on %d cycles.\n", cyclestoreach);
   fwrite(putline, strlen(putline), 1, logfile);

   //read and show the status registers
   hwnoferrorsreg = getErrorcounterReg();
   hwnoflastframewitherr = getLastErrorFramenumber();
   hwnoflastframe = getLastFramenumber();
   hwnofcycles = getNumberOfCycles();
   hwerrreg = readErrReg();
   hwstatusreg = readStatusReg();
   //printf("noferr: %d, lastframewitherr: %d, lastframe: %d, nofcycles: %d, ErrReg: %d, StatusReg: %d\n",hwnoferrorsreg, hwnoflastframewitherr, hwnoflastframe, hwnofcycles, hwerrreg, hwstatusreg);

   sprintf(putline,"Overview about the hardwareregisters before the actual work started:\n");
   printf("%s",  putline);
   fwrite(putline, strlen(putline), 1, logfile);
   sprintf(putline, "Read Error Counter Register (0xb104)	: %d\n", hwnoferrorsreg);
   printf("%s",  putline);
   fwrite(putline, strlen(putline), 1, logfile);
   sprintf(putline, "Last Frame with error (0xb105)	    	: %d\n", hwnoflastframewitherr);
   printf("%s",  putline);
   fwrite(putline, strlen(putline), 1, logfile);
   sprintf(putline, "Last read out frame(0xb106)	    	: %d\n",hwnoflastframe);
   printf("%s",  putline);
   fwrite(putline, strlen(putline), 1, logfile);
   sprintf(putline, "Error register (0xb101)		    	: %#x\n", hwerrreg);
   printf("%s",  putline);
   fwrite(putline, strlen(putline), 1, logfile);
   sprintf(putline, "Status register (0xb100)		    : %#x\n\n", hwstatusreg);
   printf("%s",  putline);
   fwrite(putline, strlen(putline), 1, logfile);
   sprintf(putline, "Number of Frames found in %s	 : %d\n\n", argv[1], linenumber);
   printf("%s",  putline);
   fwrite(putline, strlen(putline), 1, logfile);

   //as long as there are frames to be read
        //and as long as we havent reached the number of cycles to reach
	while(cycles < cyclestoreach){

	   //read out time for for the folder generation
   	   l_time = localtime(&now);
   	   strftime(mytime, sizeof mytime, "%T", l_time);
	   //generate the folder for this cycle
   	   sprintf(foldername,"cycle_%d_%s",cycles, mytime);
	   result = mkdir(foldername, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IXUSR | S_IRWXG | S_IROTH | S_IWOTH | S_IXOTH);
   	   if(result < 0){
		printf("failed creating folder %s - Error %d\n",foldername, result);

  	   sprintf(putline, "current cycle: %d\n=============================\n", cycles);
   	   //printf("%s",  putline);
	   fwrite(putline, strlen(putline), 1, logfile);
   	   strftime(mytime, sizeof mytime, "%D - %T%n", l_time);
   	   sprintf(putline,"%s", mytime);
   	   //printf("%s",  putline);
	   fwrite(putline, strlen(putline), 1, logfile);

	   linenumbercount = linenumber;
	    //if there is something to readout
	        //read line from framesfile
		pframeaddress = &frameaddress[0];
	        getFrameAddressFromLine(line, pframeaddress);
		pframeaddress = &frameaddress[0];
		block = frameaddress[0];
		major = frameaddress[1];
		minor = frameaddress[2];

	        if(block != -1){
		     //printf("processing %d, %d, %d\n",block, major, minor);
		     //prepare for reading out
		     result = step();
		     if(result < 0)
		         printf("rcuSingleWrite failed (0xb000, 0x0100), Error: %d\n",result);

		     //read the data
		     result = rcuMultipleRead(0xb41c, 212, data);
        	     //printf("read %d bytes from memory.\n",result);
		     //get rid of the unused 16bit
		     pSrc = (__u32*)&data[0];
        	     pTgtoutput = pTgt = (__u16*)malloc(212*sizeof(__u16));

		     // generate the filename the data will be written to

		     //write the readout data
                     if((rbrawfile=fopen(pathandfilename,"w+b")) < 0){
                        printf("Error opening %s for ascii writing!\n",pathandfilename);
                	return EXIT_FAILURE;
		     //printf("done writing raw data to %s.\n", pathandfilename);
		     //clear the filename

		     //write the data to the file
	             fwrite(pTgtoutput, sizeof(__u16), 212, rbrawfile);

		     //open the raw File for reading and comparison
                     if((rawfile=fopen(RawFrameFilename,"r")) < 0){
                        printf("Error opening %s for reading!\n",RawFrameFilename);
                	return EXIT_FAILURE;
		     fread(rawdata, sizeof(__u16), 212, rawfile);

		     // do an XOR with the read out data and the correct framefiles
		     pRBData = (__u32*)&data[0];
		     pRawData = &rawdata[0];
		     pErrFileDataoutput = pErrFileData = (__u16*)&errfiledata[0];

		     for(i = 0; i < 212; i++){
			*pErrFileData = ((*pRawData++))^((*pRBData++));
			//analyze for errors and count them
			erroroccured += analyze16bit(*pErrFileData);
			//fprintf(stderr, "data=%#x rawdata=%#x errordata=%#x\n", data[i], rawdata[i], errfiledata[i]);
		     //if a bitflip was detected create an Errorfile wich contains the XOR data 
		     if(erroroccured > 0){
		     	//write the Errorfile	
			printf("found error in frame %d,%d,%d, writing errors to file %s\n", block, major, minor, errpathandfilename);

                     	if((errfile=fopen(errpathandfilename,"w+b")) < 0){
                            printf("Error opening %s for reading!\n",ErrorFrameFilename);
                	    return EXIT_FAILURE;

		      	fwrite(pErrFileDataoutput, sizeof(__u16), 212, errfile);

		     //read the status registers
		     hwnoferrorsreg = getErrorcounterReg();
		     hwnoflastframewitherr = getLastErrorFramenumber();
		     hwnoflastframe = getLastFramenumber();
		     hwnofcycles = getNumberOfCycles();
		     hwerrreg = readErrReg();
		     hwstatusreg = readStatusReg();
		if(hwerrreg != 0){
		    printf("Hardware Error Register shows %d! - aborting.",hwerrreg);
		    return EXIT_FAILURE;
  		     //print the Errorregisters to the logfile
  		     sprintf(putline, "current frame: %d, %d, %d - Framenumber: %d\n----------------------------\n", block, major, minor, linenumbercount-1);
		     fwrite(putline, strlen(putline), 1, logfile);
		     sprintf(putline, "Last read out frame(0xb106)	    : %d\n",hwnoflastframe);
		     fwrite(putline, strlen(putline), 1, logfile);
   		     sprintf(putline, "Read Error Counter Register (0xb104): %d\n", hwnoferrorsreg);
		     fwrite(putline, strlen(putline), 1, logfile);
		     sprintf(putline, "Last Frame with error (0xb105)	    : %d\n", hwnoflastframewitherr);
		     fwrite(putline, strlen(putline), 1, logfile);
		     //sprintf(putline, "Error register (0xb101)	 	    : %#x %s\n", hwerrreg, getMeaningOfErrReg(hwerrreg));
		     sprintf(putline, "Error register (0xb101)	 	    : %#x\n", hwerrreg);
		     fwrite(putline, strlen(putline), 1, logfile);
  		     sprintf(putline, "Status register (0xb100)            : %#x\n", hwstatusreg);
		     fwrite(putline, strlen(putline), 1, logfile);

  		     sprintf(putline, "Bitflips found in this frame	    : %d\n\n", erroroccured);
		     fwrite(putline, strlen(putline), 1, logfile);

		     //add up the errors for the whole cycle
		     erroroccured = 0;

	//	     printf("Cycle: %d, noferr: %d, lastframewitherr: %d, lastframe: %d, nofcycles: %d, ErrReg: %d, StatusReg: %d\n",cycles, hwnoferrorsreg, hwnoflastframewitherr, hwnoflastframe, hwnofcycles, hwerrreg, hwstatusreg);
		    //count the line Framenumbers like the hardware does



	//print detected bitflips to screen and logfile
  	sprintf(putline, "Bitflips found in cycle %d	    : %d\n", cycles, cycleserrors);
   	printf("%s",  putline);
	fwrite(putline, strlen(putline), 1, logfile);
	sprintf(putline, "Bitflips found so far               : %d\n",overallerrors);
   	printf("%s",  putline);
	//reset and start new cycle

   //print all detected erorrs and clean up
   sprintf(putline, "Bitflips found during %d cycles with %d frames  : %d\n\n", cyclestoreach, linenumber, overallerrors);
   printf("%s",  putline);
   fwrite(putline, strlen(putline), 1, logfile);
   printf("closed logfile\n");
   printf("freed memory\n");
   printf("closed framefile\n");
 //  printf("closed rawfile\n");

